Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 65 Making money with knowledge

"Principal, you can't favor one over another!"

"That's right, show me a way to make a fortune!"

Several students saw that Duval and the others could make money, and immediately felt unbalanced.

Frederick was a little helpless, and he was a little convinced by these nerds.

"Don't worry, everyone!" He could only say, "There are always ways to make money, and there are many more!"

"It's better for everyone to walk more, see more, think more, and think about what inconveniences in life and work can be improved and replaced with more advanced technology, and this replacement can be earned. Money."

"There are many such examples. The big ones include blowers for iron-making furnaces and water pumps for farmland. The smaller ones include machines for washing clothes and doing housework. It depends on whether everyone can discover them."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone else's reaction, he told All Might and Diesel to leave.

All Might's office in the blacksmith shop is like a study. As soon as you enter the door, you can smell the smell of parchment, ink, and women's perfume.

"She is my wife." Omet introduced to Frederick, "She is also my assistant."

After Frederick and Mrs. Allmet greeted each other, Mrs. Allmet poured tea for everyone and then went to prepare lunch for them.

Diesel smiled evilly and said to All Might: "Your introduction was wrong just now. It should be assistant first, then madam."

Frederick understood as soon as he heard this that this kind of thing was quite common among scholars.

He did not pursue the gossip. After taking a sip of tea, he asked All Might: "Now that we have a suitable power source, can we proceed with the improvement of machine tools?"

Ogilvy said proudly: "We have already made improvements. Two or three prototypes of the new lathes, drilling machines, boring machines, grinders and punch machines have been built. I think the improvements on the original machines are of little significance. Can make transitions.”

Then he said with some helplessness: "It's just that many people now have a problem. They all want to make a lot of money like BASF, but their minds are not on it."

The power of role models is so great, and it happens to familiar people around you, it is inevitable that people will be confused for a while.

Diesel also said with a hint of helplessness: "Yeah, let alone those students from Ogilvy and Mather who studied with BASF before, even the students here have the same idea. As soon as Duval heard that the principal was looking for him, he Coming soon."

Frederick had no idea about this situation and could only say: "I might as well give them a hint as to why they have the illusion that the projects I focus on cannot make money."

"Among other things, there are machines for mass-producing screws and nails, as well as machines for producing wires and plates. You can make money by making them, but you also need the machines to make them."

All he can do now is rely on his own brand to stabilize some people.

Omet said: "Principal, how about this? If you have any good ideas, we will organize the students in the school to study them."

Frederick thought for a while and felt that this was not bad.

There are many things that I can only recall in general. For example, it is impossible to recall all the more than 40 parts of the "Commune" universal simple rolling mill.

It is better to let them study the details, so as to cultivate a group of talents, and they can have the energy to carry out theoretical work.

After thinking for a while, Frederick said: "It is better to build an industry-university-research platform in the university as a link between knowledge and industry."

All Might and Diesel looked at each other, vaguely understanding the meaning, but not completely.

Diesel motioned to All Might to ask. He had the most contact with Frederick and could better understand the principal's thoughts.

Ogilvy asked: “How does this platform work?”

After sorting out his thoughts, Frederick said: "The platform we built is for the school and society. Workshops can put problems encountered in production into this platform and indicate the corresponding rewards for solving the problems."

"Simply put, this is a market where money is used to buy knowledge and knowledge is used to make money."

After hearing this, All Might thought for a moment and said, "This is a bit like a wanted order, but the wanted criminals have become a series of problems, and we are the bounty hunters."

Diesel nodded and said, "That's fine. Sometimes we all encounter things we don't understand and need help from others. If someone we don't know is not able to help, we have to ask around to know who to ask for help."

Then he said to All Might: "Let's discuss it tomorrow and try to come up with a plan before the Winter Spirit Festival."

All Might's brows suddenly frowned, and then he said: "We should keep some technologies secret. If the technology is leaked, there will be a lot of trouble."

Frederick was just about to say this, but he felt relieved when he saw that they also considered this.

He said to All Might: "Now let's mass-produce today's magical muscle machines, as well as the matching winches and plowshares. It's best to catch up with next year's spring plowing. Making money is important."

Ogilvy replied: "That's no problem. We can improve the cooling system while producing. We can produce one or two prototypes before the Winter Spirit Festival."

Frederick immediately said: "Well, if we can produce a set before the Winter Spirit Festival, I will give it to others for advertising."

All Might immediately agreed.

Diesel said to him quietly from the side: "Don't forget about my matters. Dark steel cans and bright tin are the most important. The pipes can be done later."

All Might replied: "I know, I know, I will arrange for someone to prepare it for you tomorrow."

Frederick thought for a while, asked Carbo to leave the study and close the door, and then said: "This matter is also very important. It involves new weapons for the territory. I will not talk about it until after the New Year."

"Is that so?" All Might frowned, "Principal, do you really want to use that kind of thing as a weapon?"

When they first met, Frederick proposed the idea of ​​a magic air gun at dinner, but no one cared about it at the time, because no one could tell how powerful this thing was, and thought it would be better than a slingshot. .

Diesel threw a magic cover that blocked the spread of sound and whispered: "We did an experiment a few days ago, using bearing steel balls as projectiles and a steel pipe as a conduit. The target was a pig 50 meters away.

"If the power of the jet tank is further enhanced, as long as it can hit the target, it will not be a problem to replace the crossbow."

"Compared with crossbows, it does not have the disadvantage of rain and moisture causing damage to the strings, and it only consumes very little physical strength."

All Might's research on golem puppets is to be used in battles. Even though they have recently made many civilian products such as bearings, in terms of military knowledge, no one at Weisenberg University can match it. When he heard it, he immediately discovered the problem: "As long as you can hit it? Does it mean it's hard to hit?"

Diesel said with some frustration: "Yes, the flight path of the projectile after leaving the duct is random and erratic."

Frederick held his chin and thought for a while, and decided to take this opportunity to tell the whole story about the equipment and let them study it.

According to his positioning, Ogilvy is more responsible for manufacturing and processing, while Diesel is responsible for the theoretical design of products.

Today they are all here, simply pouring out the equipment they imagined.

After Diesel sighed and finished talking about the accuracy problems discovered in his experiments, Frederick asked Omet for blank parchment, charcoal pens, and a ruler.

While he was thinking hard about his memories, he started writing and drawing on the parchment.

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