Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 66 Weapons and Equipment

In his previous life, Frederick heard that the gift given to Qianlong by the British Macartney Mission in 1793 included British-made air rifles. Curious, he looked up the history of air rifles and found that the Austrian army was there During this period, a small number of air rifles were equipped.

This air gun called "Windbüchse" is 1.2m long, weighs 4.5kg, has a caliber of 11.7mm or 13mm, and a muzzle velocity of 152m/s. When the air tank is full, the effective range is a little more than 100 meters. The air tank pressure increases with the number of shots. changes due to decline.

It was just that the reliability of the gas tanks and accessories at that time was too poor, easy to damage, and manual pumping was troublesome, so not many were produced, and they were soon withdrawn from the regular army equipment.

What Frederick liked most was the rate of fire of this gun. It had a magazine parallel to the barrel, which could hold 20 round lead bullets. It was loaded by a horizontal bar above the trigger. After shooting, press It can load a lead bullet, and a skilled shooter can use up all the bullets in half a minute, and can shoot from a prone position.

He drew a schematic diagram of a magic air gun on the paper. This gun is a muzzle-loading gun. The air tank is inside the butt, the barrel is rifled, and it uses Mini bullet warheads.

This combination is still based on the current level of processing technology and economy. Mini bullets can solve the problem of large errors between the warhead and barrel caused by low processing accuracy of the inner diameter of the warhead and barrel. Moreover, lead is cheap, and he cannot afford copper. Warheads, now copper is currency.

"The rotation of the bullet can increase the stability." He pointed to the drawing and said, "The cork at the tail expands the tail of the bullet under the action of air pressure, making it in close contact with the barrel. On the one hand, it rotates with the rifling, and on the other hand, it avoids air leakage. Adds motivation.”

All Might understood clearly, pointed to the tail part of the bullet and said: "This structure is also used in blow darts, it is made of leather."

"It can be thought of as a special blow dart that uses magic to fire metal bullets, so it's easy to understand."

"Well, it's the trigger mechanism that activates the magic circle that needs to be studied carefully."

Frederick himself didn't know much about triggers, so he asked All Might to study them.

He then drew a schematic diagram of the ammunition supply system. The horizontal bar for loading is in the shape of a "", and the round hole in the middle is aligned with the barrel. As long as it is pushed laterally, the round hole is aligned with the magazine on the side of the barrel. The spring in the barrel will press a bullet in. After letting go, the spring leaf outside the gun will press the crossbar back, allowing the bullet in the round hole to align with the barrel.

"The ammunition that was loaded from the muzzle just now is sold to hunters and equipment to militiamen." Frederick said, "This is what the regular army uses, and it can load bullets quickly."

Diesel frowned and said, "There will be air leakage in this position."

"It's okay." All Might replied with a smile, "Use a little magic muscle here, let it deform a little when activating the jet tank, and the gap will be closed."

Diesel nodded, and Frederick opened his mouth. He actually had such an operation.

"There is another question." Diesel added, "The bullet is a little smaller than the barrel of the gun. When the muzzle is downwards and the vibration is added, will the bullet fall out?"

Frederick blinked. He really hadn't thought about this issue, but it seemed reasonable after thinking about it. Anything could happen on the battlefield. It would be a big joke if bullets fell out while running.

All Might thought thoughtfully and said, "Actually, we can make the bullet a little bigger so that it can be pushed against the end of the barrel at most. In this case, there is no need for an extra process to make the tail."

Diesel pondered for a moment and then pointed to the end of the barrel of the muzzleloader gun on the drawing and said: "I think we should improve it. Add a shell outside the jet tank and install it directly here. Add a handle outside, and the structure on the shell and around it. For the bayonet, turn the handle upward to avoid the bayonet and then pull it back to expose the mouth at the back of the barrel. The bullet is pressed in from the side with a spring. Push the handle forward and you can use the can to push the bullet into the barrel. "

Frederick felt a slight cold sweat break out on his forehead. Isn't this the big bolt? Good guy, we have progressed from the 18th century to the 19th century all of a sudden.

Unexpectedly, Ogilvy said: "Just add a spring behind the spray tank. Instead of fixing it, add a few tracks at most. When it sprays, it will move back by itself, and when it returns to its position, it will push the bullet into the barrel. .”

"If the time is controlled well, bullets can be fired continuously."

Frederick wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and meowed. Has this entered the 20th century? !

Now he believes that talents are everywhere. Omet and Diesel can become scholars in a place with a strong academic atmosphere like Constantbul. They are undoubtedly the first echelon of intelligence in the world. Once you are inspired, you can continue your research in this way.

Frederick said: "Both of your ideas are very reasonable, but it's better to go step by step. Let's start with the simplest one."

Only then did All Might and Diesel stop.

However, Omet said: "Loading bullets from the mouth of the tube is also a bit troublesome. It is better to make a structure like a door leaf, which can be opened to load bullets from the end of the tube."

Facing such a smart man, what else could Frederick say? The folding shotgun was out.

"Okay," he said, "let's talk about other things, let's talk about the helmet first."

As he spoke, Frederick drew a helmet on the parchment.

There is a brim in the front of this steel helmet, and there is a circle of steel plates sloping outward at the ears and the back of the neck. It has a strong German flavor.

Ogilvy nodded after looking at it, and added a few strokes on it with a charcoal pen, and said at the same time: "This is good, the ears and the back of the neck are protected. It can be stamped with a steel plate and then trimmed, but it requires a lot of magic. The muscles are just stressed enough, it’s not a problem.”

"But it still needs to be strengthened. A reinforced rib should be added from the back of the head to the top of the head, and a hole can be opened in the front for ventilation."

Frederick didn't say anything, just let him do his thing.

Diesel rolled his eyes and asked, "Principal, your cavalry will also be equipped with lances, right?"

Frederick nodded and replied: "Of course."

Diesel smiled and asked: "I have a lance here that is specially designed to deal with armored knights. Do you want it?"

"Oh?" Frederick was a little surprised, "What does it look like?"

It is not easy to deal with iron cans. Ordinary cavalry can only rely on the number of people to pile up until the opponent stops, and then they can pile up from the blind spot and pull the person off the horse, and then slowly clean up.

Diesel drew a picture on the parchment and introduced proudly: "This kind of spear is 3.5 meters long. Its biggest feature is the circle of iron cans around the spear head, which can explode forward."

Frederick blinked, should he still wear a gas mask?

"Try to make a few," he said.

"Where's the armor?" All Might asked, "At least a breastplate, plate armor or scale armor?"

Frederick replied: "Use scale armor. It saves money and is easy to repair."

"By the way, we also need a kind of engineering shovel..."

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