Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 67 If you don’t make gunpowder, others will.

Frederick did not put many functions into the engineer shovel. It was just an ordinary small shovel with a total length of 70cm. The pole was made of solid wood and there was a "T" shaped handle at the end. The shovel surface was about 20cm wide and about 20cm long. 30 cm, the top is a bit pointed, with serrations and a corkscrew-like hook on one side, plus two small holes for threading the rope, and the sides are just edged.

It doesn't have any functions like turning it into a hoe, and it's not for plowing the land, so there's no need to increase the cost.

Ogilvy said that this thing is simple, it is just a matter of making a new mold.

"Principal," Diesel asked suddenly, "do you want to try using fire powder as a weapon?"

Frederick blinked and asked, "What is that?"

Diesel replied: "It is an alchemical medicine invented by Eastern alchemists. It is said that it is made from 67 formulas and 81 processes. Different formulas can produce different colors of flames."

"If you know the pagan merchants, you can ask them to buy it for you. It's good for arson. It can also avoid magic checks."

All Might said with a smile: "This kind of fire powder will explode if put in a jar and ignited. Two years ago, Julius used this to compete with Diesel. But Diesel is still better, because the fire powder has to be bought in the East, which is very difficult. It’s expensive, but he only needs enough bread and wine.”

Frederick leaned on the back of the chair and frowned. He did not expect that gunpowder would appear when he was unprepared.

I don’t know what the real situation is in the east, but it sounds like the ones sold there have a lot of impurities, maybe to produce flames of different colors, maybe to make fireworks.

He didn't want to make gunpowder, mainly because it had little technical content and he was worried about being copied by others, so he planned to use magic to make it before he ordered three acids and two bases and learned from the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei border area base to make some kind of medicine to treat angina pectoris. explode.

If nothing else, anyone who is interested can figure out the rough formula of black powder by checking the raw material procurement.

Another point, as Diesel said, this thing can avoid magic detection. What if your enemy builds a roadside bomb in the future?

The problem is that this thing has already appeared, so he has no choice but to follow suit. After meeting these two smart people, Frederick felt that it was only a matter of time before others found the correct formula for gunpowder.

"It turns out that someone already knows how to make gunpowder." Frederick sighed.

All Might and Diesel looked at each other, thinking the same thing.

"Principal," All Might asked cautiously, "can you do this?"

Frederick nodded.

Diesel said seriously: "I wouldn't be surprised if the principal now said that he would have children."

Frederick held his chin and said: "I remember to sign the annual salary list for the university tomorrow..."

Diesel was stunned.

Frederick recalled the contents of the "Military Mine Demolition Textbook (Trial)" and then said: "The wandering scholar said that it is actually very simple to make gunpowder. Its three materials are easy to buy. One is to make gunpowder. One of the raw materials for glass is used to smoke bugs, and the other is charcoal.”

"Actually, the explosive power of powdered gunpowder is not very powerful. It is much more powerful after being made into granules."

Diesel thought thoughtfully and asked, "Can it be done now?"

"I remember that Julius went to Venice. If you showed him a copy of this gunpowder, he would definitely come here without even eating."

All Might asked him with a smile: "I remember you still owe him money?"

Diesel replied nonchalantly: "I introduced the principal to him, and the little money was not enough for the introduction fee."

Frederick asked them in confusion: "Who is Julius?"

Diesel replied: "Julius was an alchemist, from the Principality of Nassau, who like us went to Constantbul to study and stayed there."

"He spends a lot of money to conduct experiments. He got off the boat halfway and went to Venice to find the enemy... uh... investors."

The Principality of Nassau is located northwest of Wesson, not very far east of Cologne, the royal capital of the Rhine League.

Frederick thought for a while and finally made a decision: "Well, then I will try to see if I can prepare the gunpowder in winter, and then send someone to take him to him when the weather warms up."

"All Might, I need you to help me modify some tools."

The tools for making gunpowder must be made of wood, and even stones must be matched with wood, otherwise everyone will be ruined if a spark appears.

"No problem." All Might replied, "Let's have lunch first and then talk after we finish."

It was already noon, and the three of them were getting a little hungry after talking so much.

Everyone finished their lunch by eating steamed buns with sauerkraut and boiled sausages, and then went to do their own work in the afternoon.

The next day, Ogilvy sent someone to inform them that the raw materials and tools were ready.

Frederick came to the blacksmith's shop in a carriage and saw that not only Omet and Diesel were there, but Manuel was also waiting here with the university's annual salary slip and a middle-aged man with a thin face he had never seen before. he.

Diesel pointed to the middle-aged man wearing shabby clothes and new shoes and said: "Principal, he is Julius."

Frederick blinked, what's going on?

I was just talking about Julius the day before yesterday, and I was planning to go to Venice to find him. Why did he show up now? Could it be that his surname is Cao?

If a novel were written like this, it would definitely be a hit!

Julius came over to greet Frederick immediately after seeing him: "I have heard the name of the principal for a long time, like thunder ringing in my ears. Today I saw that he is indeed extraordinary..."

Frederick looked at Diesel and the others with a puzzled look on his face, and asked with his eyes what was going on with this talkative guy.

Diesel interrupted Julius' flattery and said, "Speak for yourself."

Julius immediately stood up straight and said proudly: "There is a shadow of the Doge of Venice behind the civil strife in Constantinople. I bombed his home. I originally wanted to run home, but on the way I heard that everyone was here and came to visit. , I didn’t expect to hear the legendary story of a genius..."

Frederick looked at this guy with a blank look and started talking incessantly.

But the thing is very clear. It doesn’t matter if the Doge of Venice’s house is blown up. This man probably ran all the way here in the cold weather. Most of the roads between the two places are mountainous. It seems that he has endured a lot of hardship.

One thing concerned Frederick a little. He called himself the rector and asked: "Are you willing to serve at Weisenberg University?"

Julius immediately replied: "Yes, I am definitely willing. Why wouldn't I want to study under the principal?"

Frederick thought there was something strange about it and glanced at the other people in the office.

It was Diesel who answered his questions: "Julius just mixed those three materials and tried to light them. It seemed to work well."

Frederick understood, but was a little worried, so he said: "I have some work that needs an alchemist to take charge, but this requires someone I can trust."

Julius replied without hesitation: "I can pledge my allegiance to His Excellency the Baron. I will write home later and ask my son Joachim to come and serve you!"

Frederick frowned slightly and asked, "Reason?"

Julius replied sincerely: "Knowledge."

Frederick understood that he came here because of the knowledge of the "wandering scholar", which was no problem, but he was a little unsure, and looked at the other three people.

Manuel said with a serious face: "Julius is a scholar who can give his heart to knowledge."

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