Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 68 Gunpowder Weapons

/*The one who made gunpowder in the previous chapter was blocked*/

The next afternoon, Frederick invited Omet, Diesel, and Julius to come to the manor to discuss how to use black powder.

Julius' eyes were bloodshot, obviously he hadn't slept well last night, and his eyes glowed a little when he saw the charcoal under the flame in the fireplace, even the charcoal in the small stove for hot tea.

Frederick also had a little bloodshot eyes. Seeing him like this, he immediately handed over a note. With the note, he could ask Manuel for funds to prevent him from entering brave mode and collecting charcoal around his home.

After the annual review of various industries, the dividends belonging to him were transported to the small treasury, and most of them went to Weissenburg University before they were warmed up.

"The principal is so generous..."

Julius had all the good things to say when he saw the amount on the list.

Then Frederick handed him two parchment volumes, and one could tell from the lines on them that they were newly bound.

The first booklet contains the raw material production method of a certain angina pectoris drug that was written overnight last night. It is the same method in the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Border Region.

As an alchemist, Julius was no stranger to the materials mentioned. They had all been made in the laboratory, and the output was very low. Except for soap and glycerin, they had never been produced on such a large scale.

The second booklet is about how to make fireworks bombs. It also mentions that different metals will make the flames show different colors. If there is no paper shell, slime glue can be used instead, and it is also waterproof.

Frederick said to Julius: "See if these methods are feasible. If possible, start these industries next spring, but pay attention to safety."

Julius flipped through the book hastily, and then asked seriously: "Principal, what method does the 'Webster's degree' in it use to divide the temperature?"

Frederick blinked, pointed at Omet and replied, "Ask him when you have time. His students are making a new thermometer."

Julius put the two books into his arms and asked again: "Principal, can I find some of my students to help?"

Frederick nodded and said, "Of course."

Julius looked relieved.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and the same is true in Weissenburg University. The relationship between teachers and students forms different groups, and there are small groups within large groups.

Frederick didn't care about this anymore, as long as they recognized themselves as the principal.

Next, getting back to business, he placed a piece of parchment on the table and said, "This is a weapon I came up with made of black powder."

Diesel saw it and said: "This is very similar to a gun, except that the tube is thicker and much shorter. It fires large projectiles filled with gunpowder."

Frederick nodded.

After thinking about it last night, he decided to give up guns using black powder as propellant. Quite simply, the rate of fire was a flaw.

The rate of fire of a muzzleloader gun of one or two rounds per minute is unbearable. The enemies on the battlefield these days have magic shields. Such a firepower density cannot defeat the enemy in a short time with the accuracy bonus that is comparable to Brownian motion. The magic shield was overloaded and failed, and the next moment it was hit in the face.

The breech-loading gun looks good, but the bullet casing is not acceptable at this stage, and the processing cost is too high.

Taken together, when it comes to guns, we still have to go the magic airsoft route.

So Frederick decided to use black powder as a cheap explosive. This time he took out a 50mm caliber grenade launcher. The structure is the same as a muzzleloader. The grenade is made of hard slime glue. There is black powder in the middle and a ring of bearing steel balls around it to kill the enemy.

Julius studied the grenade and said after a moment: "I just lit the gunpowder like this, I'm afraid it's not powerful enough."

Frederick replied: "The power of gunpowder is actually not that great. The farther away it is, the less the shock wave will be. Let it push the steel ball to cause greater damage."

"Its function on the battlefield is to attack dense enemies, destroy enemy formations, and disrupt the enemy's attack."

All Might knew the battle well and nodded in agreement: "The cavalry charges at a distance of fifty to a hundred meters. If it can hit such a long distance, even if it only causes damage to the horses, it can prevent a decisive charge. .”

Diesel put down the tea cup in his hand and said to him with a smile: "This way your puppet horse can be sold."

"I think more types of projectiles can be prepared, such as arson, ice, swamp, etc."

After hearing this, All Might was shocked and said, "Good fellow, you want a small magic crystal cannon for each of you!"

"You might as well make the jet tank bigger so that the projectiles can hit a distance of two kilometers, and the magic crystal cannon will be beaten obediently."

Diesel smiled and said: "Do you think I didn't think of it? I'm already designing, but you have to work harder on your materials."

"I designed a 75mm jet cannon. In order to withstand the air pressure, the tube needs to be very thick. Together with the frame, it weighs almost a ton."

Ogilvy said with some embarrassment: "If the cost of using elemental steel is still too high, if you want to produce better ordinary steel, I'm afraid you have to find that person."

Diesel nodded and said, "That's right."

Just when Frederick was about to ask which master they were talking about, Julius also echoed: "Indeed, he has been studying ordinary steel. I wonder if they are still alive."

"Excuse me..." Frederick asked, "Who are you talking about?"

Julius replied: "An acquaintance of ours, known as the 'Alchemist of Stainless Steel' Monnartz, traveled to the East with Fritz the Alchemist of Urine two years ago."

Frederick blinked, what a nickname.

Seeing that the topic turned to other directions, he took out another piece of parchment and brought it back.

"What is this?" asked Julius. "The roof of a church?"

Frederick curled his lips and said: "A kind of rocket powered by gunpowder, used for attacking cities."

The only military black powder rockets he knew about were the Congreve rocket like the large Sky Monkey and the subsequently improved Hal rocket. The accuracy of the former still relied on faith, while the latter used the blades at the tail to rotate the projectile, so it was better, and it could Say a few prayers less.

But he wanted to see if the Jinyi 40-2 dual-chamber soil rocket used by the Meteorological Bureau could be enlarged and used on the battlefield. This weather rocket looks a bit like a V2 rocket, with a height of 82.5cm, a diameter of 5cm, and a vertical flight height of Over 3km, payload 100g.

Frederick thought, after enlarging it, it would not lose as long as the range exceeds 1 kilometer. The HAL rocket has reached this level.

The three scholars studied it for a long time. They seemed to understand it, but they didn't seem to understand it.

Frederick had no choice but to wait until he was free before studying with them.

Then he took out the last weapon: the heartless cannon.

"This is good." Julius nodded and said, "The trebuchet can also be used."

Frederick said: "This has a very short range, only 200 meters. It has no accuracy and is generally used for defense."

Omet nodded and said, "That's right. It can be used to destroy siege equipment. It can also be used when encircling a camp."

"The only problem is that it is difficult to make such a large thin iron sheet."

Frederick was stunned and slapped himself on the forehead. In his previous life, when he was very poor, he found someone to smuggle thousands of tons of iron sheets.

"Forget it for now," he said. "Let's study the steel rolling mill next year. I remember there is a hand-operated lead sheet rolling machine. Let's use that to modify it."

Ogilvy nodded.

After talking about the three weapons, everyone chatted for a while, had dinner together and then dispersed.

It will be the Winter Spirit Festival soon, and we will discuss anything after the New Year.

Shortly after dinner, the butler Afu reported to Frederick on the preparations for the Winter Spirits Day gifts.

After hearing this, Frederick expressed satisfaction and then asked: "Afu, what is your son doing now?"

Afu replied with a calm expression: "Bruce now goes to Bryant's place on one day and Benz's carriage workshop on two days. There is no certainty."

Frederick nodded slightly and said: "I am going to build a workshop specializing in the production of weapons. I need a trustworthy person to manage it. I want to ask him if he is interested."

Ah Fu immediately bowed and replied: "Thank you for your trust, sir. He will definitely be interested."

Frederick said: "Well, let him come to me after the New Year."

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