Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 74 Raising Chickens

In addition to being a test field for Matthias, this farm also set aside an area for Monoflo to study the raising of livestock and poultry.

Wesson imported a lot of livestock a while ago, and Monoflo took his students to help manage them. It was not until the fall that he had time to conduct his own related research.

Frederick gave him a subject: artificial hatching of chickens and ducks.

Weisenling is very convenient to raise chickens and ducks, with a high meat-to-feed ratio, the ability to lay eggs, and a short breeding cycle. Frederick also thinks about down jackets, so he puts them at the top of his development list.

Frederick came to the yard where the chickens were raised and saw several teenage brothers and sisters moving wooden pallets covered with thick cloth out of a room one after another. The cries of chickens could be heard under the cloth. Voice.

A chubby lynx was lying on the side, looking at the fluffy chickens and seemed to be drooling.

It obviously had a criminal record and was now wearing a halter and tied to a nearby tree with a short rope.

Frederick went over and rubbed the fat lynx's belly twice, and then walked into the room with the sign "Incubation Room".

The temperature in the incubation room was much higher than outside, the magic lights were on, and there were many chicks on the fire bed who were ready to move out, and they screamed loudly.

Monoflo stood by the door and told his men to quickly send the chicks to the warm chick room.

Frederick went over and asked, "It looks good. How long did it take? What's the success rate?"

If you want to raise chickens and ducks on a large scale, artificial incubation must be enabled. It is not enough to rely on hens to hatch chicks.

Frederick lit a fire pit and a thermometer in winter to create conditions for artificial incubation.

Monoflo replied: "It takes nineteen to twenty days to incubate, and the current success rate is close to 60%."

"I ignored a problem at the beginning. If it had been solved at that time, it would probably have exceeded 80%."

"Oh?" Frederick asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

Monofro made a flipping gesture and said, "Flipping eggs means turning the eggs every once in a while."

"I arranged for different people to take care of the eggs. One girl was particularly curious. She was fine for the first few days, but then she had to pick up each egg every half day, check it, and put it back again."

"The success rate of the eggs she takes care of is extremely high, close to 90%."

"I initially thought this might be because the eggs had been flipped and heated evenly, so the success rate was high."

"It seems to be true. I went to see the hens hatching eggs yesterday and found that the hens often turned over the eggs."

Frederick said sincerely: "Thank you for your hard work."

It was only on the road that he inquired with the young man who called him and found out that Monoflo had spent a lot of effort on artificial incubation. In order to determine the incubation temperature, he went into the chicken coop with a thermometer.

Monoflo said proudly with his hands on his hips: "Now I have a new goal in life, to make chicken available to everyone in the world."

Frederick smiled, and it was hard to tell whether he was being funny or sincere, so he said, "When your family arrives, I will give you a recipe for fried chicken nuggets. If you open a store, it will definitely be popular."

That’s how the New Weissenberg chicken nuggets appeared. Later, the fried chicken that could be eaten for 10 copper coins became synonymous with Frederick’s territory in some areas.

Frederick continued: "I think the fire kang alone is too inefficient. It is better to make a large cabinet with wooden brackets like drawers inside."

He used light elements to draw a "" pattern in the air, and continued: "You can make a wooden frame like this, put an egg in each grid, and then connect a magic muscle to make it slowly move sideways every once in a while. It will turn the eggs automatically.”

"I heard that the Ogilvy student who makes bimetal thermometers has developed a temperature switch. You can discuss it with him and see if it can be used to automatically control the temperature in a large cabinet."

"You can also ask BASF to get some transparent hard glue to install on the door, so that you can see inside without opening the door."

He had seen commercial incubators on TV in his previous life, but he didn't know what they were like. He could only "think about" something similar, and then slowly improve it.

Monofro was not familiar with machinery, but it sounded like it was something like that. He nodded and said, "I'll ask All Might later."

While they were talking, all the chicks in the incubator were moved out, and the two of them came to a breeding room.

The temperature outside is still very low for the chicks now. There is a stove burning outside the breeding room, and a ceramic smoke pipe is passed in to heat the air here, and a bucket of water is hung on the pipe to increase the humidity.

The floor of the breeding room is covered with sawdust. There is no need to clean it in the future, just shovel the compost.

The chick won't be able to eat until tomorrow and is still hungry.

Monofro led Frederick to the kitchen, where feed was being prepared. The wooden barrels contained dark brown liquid with broken barley soaked in it.

Monofro said proudly: "This is my unique formula. It is developed from Falcon's formula and has been tried on other chickens. Eating it every few days can reduce the chicken's illness."

Frederick nodded and said, "That's good. If the chickens get sick, a large number of them will die."

"I heard that many years ago, before I was born, all the chickens and ducks in several territories around us got plague and died."

Monofro thought for a while and said: "It happened about twelve years ago. At that time, a traveling nobleman died because a falcon ate sick chickens and ducks here."

The two of them walked out of the kitchen while talking and went to the chicken pen to have a look.

The chicken pen is an earthen wall half a person's height, with a shed on one side and fishing nets around it to prevent the chickens from flying away.

There are several houses nearby where insects are raised to feed the chickens.

Frederick looked at the chickens that were eating worms and asked, "Don't chickens only eat worms?"

Monofro smiled and shook his head and said: "No, in addition to the worms, we also feed grass, wheat and the residue left from making Wesson candy. The chickens that lay eggs are also fed bone meal."

"I will mix herbal medicine into the feed to make them eat more and grow faster."

Frederick smiled and said: "It's better to make them all as chubby as Heehee."

"I'm really convinced. The average lynx only weighs more than 20 kilograms. How did you raise it to almost 40 kilograms?"

Monofro smiled helplessly and did not answer the question, saying: "Now we gather the strongest chickens and the chickens that lay the most eggs as breeder chickens, hoping to get chickens that lay more eggs and more meat in the future."

Frederick nodded after hearing this, that's good.

"Principal," Monoflo suddenly asked a little uneasily, "are you free recently?"

Frederick replied strangely: "I'm going to Lore at the end of the month. What can I do?"

Monofro hesitated for a moment and said, "We have something we want to discuss with you. It's a very important matter."

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