Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 75 Blackmailed

The sky was overcast, drizzle fell one after another, and the roar of spring thunder could be heard from time to time in the clouds.

The spring rain is as precious as oil, and the farmers in the fields have bright smiles on their faces.

On this day, Manuel and others agreed to come for dinner tonight and discuss something with Frederick. However, before dawn, Manuel took Monofro, Matthias and a dozen scholars and professors to rush there. coming.

The atmosphere in the living room was extremely solemn. The expressions of these scholars were very depressed, and they glanced at Frederick cautiously from time to time.

Frederick and Richard Nall looked serious, and even Psyche was extremely serious.

"This is simply kidnapping for ransom!" Katie yelled angrily, "It's so shameless for an emperor to do this!!"

Richard Nall said without hesitation: "There is also the title of Governor of Dacia."

Frederick leaned back on the sofa and sighed deeply.

Many things happen so suddenly that people are not prepared at all.

During the civil unrest in Constantbul last year, Manuai and the others ran out. People living in the university and library brought their families with them, but many people lived outside and their family members were not able to run out with them.

Like Monoflo and Matias, they lived outside. When the civil strife began, they arranged for their families to flee to the countryside, where they also took in many family members of their colleagues.

Now that everyone is settled here, they will send someone back to fetch their family members, but they didn't expect that bad news came last night.

Phocas, the final winner in the civil strife, became the emperor of the Dongpulan Empire. His "campaign" was successful, and the harvest season followed.

A warlord is not good at making money in business, but kidnapping and extortion are very easy.

However, Phocas also knows how to show off his face, and he will give you a part-time job to show off his face while blackmailing you.

Frederick never imagined that he would be blackmailed more than a thousand kilometers away.

He sighed and said solemnly: "The most important thing now is to ensure that Phocas will let him go after I give him the recipe for Wesson syrup, instead of adding various conditions one after another."

Everyone in the living room had mixed reactions. Monoflo and others were overjoyed, while Richard Nall, Katie, and Tarot, who were preparing to pour tea and water, were shocked.

Everyone in Wesson Territory understands what Wesson Syrup means to the territory. Without it, there would be no food unloaded from the dock every day. Without food, more than 60,000 people would go hungry.

Richard Nall said to Frederick with a stern face: "You have to think about it carefully."

There was a sneer on Frederick's face, and the weapon said calmly: "I have thought about it very clearly."

Then he said to the Juggernaut: "Master, I would like to ask you and Teacher Psyche to serve as my envoys to Constantbul to negotiate with Phocas."

"Now that Archbishop Victor is in the Holy City, you can find him first and ask the Church of Light to come forward as well."

"At the same time, the recipe for Wesson syrup is also given to Archbishop Victor."

Many people know that Wesson's syrup makes money from Wesson. Some people thought of selling the formula, but Frederick did not sell it in order to make money for food. So Phocas came up with the idea of ​​​​the formula and borrowed a lot of money from Wesson University. The person's family members kidnapped the person for blackmail when they were in their own territory.

Frederick decided that, in this case, he would muddy the waters, not only for Phocas but also for the Church of Light.

Now Archbishop Victor and Frederick are in the same group, and Frederick's father will be canonized as a saint in the posthumous ceremony soon. Under this dual effect, the losses caused by losing the exclusive monopoly of the maltose formula can be through the Church of Light. Make up for it.

Moreover, with the current productivity, no one can monopolize the entire vast market. Frederick himself can also add a little cost to further filter and purify the existing maltose. He can also use agar and pure natural food coloring to produce soft candies, and even form a brand. Effect, let others chase after you.

All things considered, using maltose to save people is a good deal.

As for the province of Dacia, it is the plain area of ​​the lower Danube River and the surrounding mountains. It is separated from the Rhine League by the Osmaga Empire. It is rich in water and grass and cattle and sheep are everywhere. Now Afu is buying sheep there to prepare for land reclamation. The village gnawed weeds off the ground.

It's just that the Dacia region has long been essentially independent with the support of the Osmaga Empire, and then the plain areas were dismembered into independent tribes, while the mountain and hilly areas were dominated by small nobles who were not strong.

Now it is under the actual control of the Osmaga Empire. The appointment of Frederick as the governor of Dacia by the East Puran Empire is purely a deception.

From Frederick's point of view, internally, King William might label him as a "traitor to foreign countries" and find an excuse to deal with it. Externally, if the Osmaga Empire saw someone causing trouble in its back garden, it would intercept the traffic coming from Weiwei. The forest-landed cargo ship would be doomed.

So he ignored it and tried his best to survive until he developed.

When development is over, it’s time to make a list.

Richard Nall asked extremely seriously: "Did you really decide that?"

Frederick replied very solemnly: "I have decided that the formula of Wesson's syrup is not important compared with everyone's lives."

"Okay." Richard Nall said, "I'll run for you."

At this time Psyche calmly said to Frederick: "You want something else, let me see if I can get it for you."

She could be said to be the person who understood Frederick's thoughts best, and she was not surprised by this decision from the beginning.

Frederick thought for a while and replied: "You know me and Constantbulo, so let's just do it."

Previously, Psyche wandered to Constantbul and found that everyone who knew her had either left or had graves up to her ankles, so she made up an identity to fish in the university, and became familiar with the place.

Psyche thought about it and turned to Manuel and said, "Let's move the books in the library's underground library back. It's too dangerous to put them there."

Manuel, like everyone else, was still immersed in Frederick's righteous deed of sacrificing himself to save others. He unexpectedly heard Psyche's greeting and took a while to react.

"Those stored in the underground library of the Imperial Library are the crystallization of the thousand-year civilization of the Pulan Empire!" Manuai said extremely seriously, "What if I accidentally fall on the road?"

Psyche replied matter-of-factly: "Then take the water route. All the boxes are sealed with film, so you won't be afraid of them falling into the water."

Manuel thought so, but there was another problem: "The old man sealed the door of the library from the inside and vowed to live and die with the library. We can't open it."

"Haha..." Psyche sneered, "There is a secret passage inside that can lead to the outside. That guy might be enjoying himself in some bathhouse now. Don't forget that the library's treasury is also inside."

Manuel was stunned and asked uncertainly: "How did you know there was a secret passage there?"

He had heard of Psyche's name before, but when he saw the real person, he thought it was a person with the same name, and the age and appearance did not match. In addition, Psyche fished in school every day, so he did not distinguish the legend from the real person. match.

Now I understand, but I still find it unbelievable. I still have the idea in my mind that this Psyche is actually the descendant of the legendary Psyche.

Now that Psyche says there is a secret passage, Manuel is half-convinced.

Psyche curled her lips and said: "Who told me, a nerdy girl, to be bullied all the time? The teacher was assigned to clean the house. When I wiped the wall, I accidentally opened the secret passage, and I happened to see that guy with all his clothes on. The smell of alcohol and rose balm came back, making me think it was a thief.”

Manuel thought for a while, then suddenly remembered something and said, "The old man said that he went down the stairs drunk and broke his nose..."

Psyche sneered and said, "I did it."

Frederick asked curiously: "Who are you talking about?"

This time it was Manuel's turn to sneer and subconsciously rolled up his sleeves and replied: "It's my distant uncle, Celsus, the director of the Imperial Library. We must tie him back this time."

Now that Frederick was willing to provide the Wesson syrup recipe and the Sword Master came forward, everyone felt relaxed and started to talk and laugh.

Frederick's mouth twitched when he heard it. At first, everyone was discussing how to rescue the hostages, but now it has progressed to kidnapping them.

"This matter is settled," he said, "Let's make arrangements and set off."

It’s not easy to travel far these days and requires a lot of preparation.

Moreover, Richard Nall is also an important deterrent, and his travels must be kept secret for a short period of time.

When everyone thanked Frederick and left, Frederick called Monofro to the study and asked him: "I don't have much time recently. What did you say you wanted to tell me the day before yesterday?"

Monoflo said a little embarrassedly: "Actually... a few of us want to ask the principal for a position."

Frederick understood as soon as he heard that their family members had arrived. They were afraid that the salary at Weisenberg University was not enough to support the family, so they wanted to work another job.

"No problem," he said. "The Executive Yuan will announce a new institutional department plan soon, and you can serve in it."

"When the time comes there will be separate departments for the management of planting and animal husbandry, and you and Mathias can serve as top leaders there."

"There is also the industrial sector, which I plan to let Ogilvy manage."

"Many students have done a good job as village chiefs in the new villages. I encourage more students or professors to serve in various departments."

He thought it was something. The expansion and reform of various departments in the territory had already been arranged by the Executive Yuan. The drafts had been revised several times, and now the general direction was reluctantly set.

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