Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 76 Rough paper book

Continuous spring rain fell for five days, followed by clear sunny days.

The farmers were busy in the fields as fast as they could, just like bees flying among the flowers.

At this time, the evil landlord class was setting up an awning on the edge of the field, making hot tea, freezing fine wine, placing cream cakes, and enjoying the spring sunshine.

Frederick sat on the carpet, picked the milkvetch beside him and made a purple garland.

With the affairs of the territory settled, he had time to come and play with the little girl.

"Mary!" Frederick shouted, and Maria, wearing a hunting suit, ran over immediately.

Frederick stood up and put the wreath on the little girl's head.

Maria immediately laughed and ran to the flower field to ask her mother if she looked good.

Sophia set up a drawing board and drew the purple ocean in front of her.

Under the awning, Archduke Dahlberg of Mainz listened quietly to Frederick's story about the causes and consequences of his father becoming a saint and what happened in Constantbulo.

After listening, Dahlberg drank half a glass of beer, was silent for a moment, and finally said: "There are so many things I want to say, and I don't know where to start."

At first, he thought that Frederick came to him privately to borrow money because he was short of money, but he did not expect that it would be such a big event.

"Let's talk about the simple things first." Dahlberg put down his wine glass and picked up a piece of cream cake to eat. "Constanbul is doing pretty well. The Wesson family lacks accumulation and doesn't have many talents. We can use this method to win them over. .”

"What I am most satisfied with is that you let the church fight with that Phocas. How many people have lived for decades to understand this truth."

"Tell me about that cathedral, what do you think?"

After speaking, he looked at the church renderings aside and took another sip of beer.

Frederick came here mainly to play with Maria, and secondly to seek some consensus on certain issues with the Grand Duke of Mainz.

"The Germains are like weeds in the field now," he said slowly. "The Germains need someone to weave them into a rope."

Dahlberg's eyes suddenly became sharp and he looked at Frederick steadily.

After a while, he talked about a seemingly unrelated matter: "Last year, there was a serious conflict between the Piast Kingdom and the Osmaga Empire. What do you think the cause was?"

Frederick shook his head. The Piast Kingdom is located in the northeast of Wesen Territory, north of the Osmaga Empire, and to the west is the original territory of the Second Puran Empire, which is too far away.

Dahlberg took a sip of wine and spoke in a tone like a volcano about to erupt: "The Kingdom of Piast and the Empire of Osmaga compete for the area between the east bank of the Elbe River and the Odra River that originally belonged to the Second Prussian Empire. Control of the lands of the Lan Empire!”

"The people who lived there were all Germans, and now they have become pig knuckles that the Venedes and Goths eat apart!!"

"Haha, now let's see which one is more powerful, the hussars of the Piast Kingdom or the hussars of the Osmaga Empire, and which one can ride on the head of the Germans and dominate!!!"

After saying that, he drank the beer in the big glass in one gulp.

Frederick picked up the barrel and poured wine into the empty glass, understanding what he meant.

The Goths of the Osmaga Empire belong to a branch of the Germans. Their language is similar to that of the Rhine League, but their customs vary somewhat depending on the region.

If the Germans are pure tofu, the Goths are tofu with some kind of seasoning, and were expelled from the tofu by Dahlberg.

According to the Grand Duke of Mainz, the impending war was a fight between two robbers in his own house to decide who would take his property.

"I know what you mean," said Frederick, who had been in this situation once before.

Dahlberg took a sip of beer, picked up Frederick's portion of cream cake and ate it. After eating, he took another sip of beer to calm down.

Frederick was speechless, and he wanted to eat with Maria after she came back from playing.

Dahlberg put down his glass and asked him, "What are you going to do?"

Frederick took the basket covered with cloth behind him, took out a thick book from it and handed it over.

Dahlberg took over the world's 10th thread-bound paper engraving-printed "Holy Scripture" with questions all over his head.

This spring, Katie and Koehler began experimenting with making paper from pine wood, and achieved initial success.

Frederick took out the papal canon that Archbishop Victor had given him on Winter Spiritual Day last year. He first carved the wooden board, then cast the copper plate, and then used Katie's improved oil paints as ink, and made a test print not long ago.

After making several mistakes at the beginning, the "Sacred Scripture" whose quality would not be pursued by the Light Church was finally printed. However, the cost has not yet been calculated, and it is inevitable that it will be much cheaper than parchment.

Some of these books were collected, and some were quickly sent to Richard Naer and the others in the holy city. Frederick took one of them.

Dahlberg flipped through it and asked, "What's this made of?"

Frederick replied: "Things like wood are lighter and cheaper than parchment, and ordinary families can afford them."

"Not only can it print the Holy Scriptures, but it can also print other books."

"I have a lot of books shipped from Constantbul. I plan to set up a translation court and print all those books into Rhine language."

"I also plan to have German books, folktales and songs in my hands, edit them and print them."

"Others can come to me to print books. If the books are in foreign languages, let the translation court translate them into Rhine language."

"I also plan to build a library to collect all kinds of books that can be found through printing and translation, making it a palace of knowledge belonging to the German people."

"I want to ask you a favor."

Dahlberg immediately understood the meaning, and his face was flushed with excitement. When he heard that he wanted to help, he immediately asked: "What do you want me to do?!"

Frederick said: "I would like to ask His Excellency the Grand Duke to organize people to compile a Rhineland dictionary to unify the writing and standard language of the Germans everywhere."

Then he said in a very low voice: "Someone is preparing to translate the Holy Scriptures into Rhineland..."

"Okay!" Dahlberg yelled, "I will be responsible for this matter. I will go back immediately to make arrangements tomorrow!"

The faction in the Church of Light that wanted to translate the "Holy Scripture" was inextricably linked to his agent. Frederick learned about it from Archbishop Victor.

Dahlberg asked again, "Is there anything else I can do to help?"

Of course, Frederick would not miss the opportunity, and said a little embarrassedly: "Building a library is very expensive. Although you can make money by buying books in the future, you still need some start-up capital."

Dahlberg was silent, his big rough hands stroking the rough gray paper on the cover of the "Holy Scripture", as if hesitating about something.

Frederick felt a little uneasy, fearing that he would be angry.

After a moment, Dahlberg gritted his teeth and said: "No problem, I still have some private money here. I originally planned to leave it to my children after my death, but I have used it for you to build a library."

Frederick immediately said: "Thank you for your generosity, this library will be named in your name and will always open its door to your family."

"No need." Dahlberg shook his head slightly, looked at the mountains in the distance, and said in a somewhat ethereal tone: "Call it 'Edelweiss'. I hope those Goths don't forget something important."

Frederick was startled and immediately understood what he meant. No matter whether you add salt, sugar or chili to tofu, it is still tofu.

At this time Maria ran over with a wreath and asked Dahlberg: "Godfather, why are you shouting so loudly?"

Dahlberg reached out and touched the black hair on Maria's head, and asked softly: "Now that Philip is often away from home, can I ask Frederick to come and play with you often?"

Maria immediately nodded and said, "Okay!"

Then she looked at Frederick and asked, "Do you really come to play with me often?"

Frederick smiled slightly and replied: "Of course it is true."

"That's great!" Maria jumped up with joy, and then pulled up Frederick, "Let's go play with our wings and see who can fly far!"

Frederick nodded to Dahlberg, then stood up and played with Maria with wooden dragonflies.

Dahlberg sat there, constantly groping for the rough "Holy Scripture" in his hands, slowly opening the book, and reading word by word, sentence by sentence, his expression was so pious and serious.

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