Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 77 Machinery in the Papermaking Workshop

"Hey, you're back?!"

Katie had a weird smile on her face after seeing Frederick in the restaurant.

“Why don’t you play with Maria for two more days?”

Frederick sighed and ate his breakfast in silence.

He also wanted to play for two more days, but he said that the current paper and printing were not the best and could be improved, so he was kicked back by the Archduke of Mainz overnight.

There was no other way. They promised to provide a large amount of low-interest loans to expand paper mills and printing plants as long as better products came out. The investors had to listen to their demands.

At the same time, Frederick also confirmed one thing. The Archduke of Mainz's mathematics level was also quite miserable. He could only calculate the interest rate by ten points. If he had not proposed to reduce it by two points, it would have taken him a long time to calculate it. I didn’t know how much the interest rate was and then I was laughed at by Maria. I guess I am still playing Monopoly with Maria now.

After breakfast, Katie got into the carriage and went to the papermaking workshop as usual, and found Frederick getting into the carriage with Tarot.

"Are you going to play at my place today?" Katie asked him with a smile, "I don't have a beautiful little girl."

Frederick replied with a smile: "As long as there is a beautiful girl."

Katie pinched his face and said, "Then you go to the kitchen."

Frederick was silent in depression, while Katie and Tarot chatted about the latest clothing trends this spring.

The carriage left the city and came to the river in the distance. The sound of "ding-ding-dong-dong" was heard in the distance. It was the craftsmen nailing the beams.

The red bricks used in the houses in the factory area are all imported from Lislin, the neighbor to the southwest. The red bricks made there are of good quality and cheap, and are popular in surrounding areas.

The relationship between the Earl of Rees and Frederick was very bad. He was responsible for causing trouble in the first place. Later, he followed the footsteps of King William and wanted to block the victims in Wesson. Naturally, he did not sell red bricks to Frederick to use for the victims. build house.

It's just that from the war the year before last, only one of the ten knights of Earl Rees came back with a missing left hand. Three sons died and two younger ones died. The eldest son was frightened and became a fool. He had no grandson yet. He drank all day long and was in trouble over the issue of heirs. It was very unpleasant and the castle was in disarray.

The master has no energy to take care of things, and the people below him are also active.

At the end of last year, Frederick's businessman Janis secretly got in touch with the housekeeper there, and started purchasing large quantities of red bricks at cost price on the condition that his son go to Weissenburg University to study.

This year, more officials from all walks of life were contacted by Janis using housekeepers as a transit point. The guild in Reeseland even secretly organized craftsmen to go north to work, alleviating the pressure on Weisenland from the lack of skilled workers.

After getting off the car, Katie went to the construction site to find the foreman to inquire about the situation. She had to study ink recently, so she had less to do here.

Fortunately, the master craftsmen here are already familiar with the work and can arrange it themselves.

Frederick walked around here and then came to the wooden shed over the experimental production line.

There were many people gathered here today, many of whom were Ogilvy students, and they were talking around Koehler next to the two machines.

"What are you promoting?" Frederick walked over with a smile. He had met everyone before and recognized the leader as a student named Schmidt.

"Hello principal!"

When these students saw Frederick coming, they immediately greeted him.

Frederick waved his hand as a greeting, walked towards one of the machines, patted it, and asked with a smile: "Are you here to promote a new machine?"

Schmidt immediately stood next to the principal and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, we know that the principal values ​​​​the papermaking workshop very much. After learning that there is still a lot of heavy and repetitive manual labor here, we specially designed and produced these machines. "

After hearing this, Frederick looked ecstatic and said: "Is it for us?"

Schmidt and the others almost cried.

Frederick smiled and studied the machine.

The main power of this machine is a magic reciprocator, which is a high-torque type judging by the shape and size of the magic muscles.

The main moving parts of the machine are three steel rollers, about 20cm in diameter, 1 meter long, hollow, assembled from several sections, with transverse grooves on the surface to increase friction.

One of the rollers is installed on the main frame and driven by the machine. The other two rollers are installed up and down on a movable frame. This frame can control the magic muscle to move forward and backward through buttons to adjust the distance between the two rollers. .

Under the driving roller is a long blade, made of high-strength elemental steel, which is very sharp.

Under the machine is a conveyor belt that can transport things out.

Schmidt asked Frederick with a proud smile on his face: "Principal, do you know what kind of machine this is?"

Frederick smiled and said: "Not bad, I can think of this."

He pointed to the middle of the three rollers and said: "Put wood in here. When the machine starts, it will rotate the wood and press it onto the blade, so that the wood can be cut into cloth-like thin slices."

Schmidt and others' faces were full of shock.

"Principal," Schmidt asked cautiously, "It seems that you haven't been to the blacksmith shop recently, right? Who told you?"

Frederick gave him a blank look and said matter-of-factly: "Isn't this very simple? You can see it at a glance."

Koehler also helped: "You don't even know who the principal is, how can you compare yourself with him?"

Schmidt and others immediately said: "The principal is wise!"

Then Schmidt said: "Principal, what do you think of such a machine?"

"It will be useful to sharpen round wooden sticks, arrow shafts, and even round wooden stakes in the future."

Frederick nodded and said: "It's a good machine. Let's use it here to gain experience. When you think it's ready to build a factory and produce it, you can come to me and I'll give you an investment."

"Thank you, principal, for your cultivation!" Schmidt immediately shouted excitedly, and his classmates were also smiling.

Who doesn't know that if you get the principal's fancy, you will definitely make money.

Frederick said earnestly there: "When you design machines, you must also consider the safety of the users. Workers are here to make money, not to die."

"For example, in this machine, you can add a conveyor belt to put the wood in. Firstly, people don't have to lift it so high to save energy. Secondly, people can stay away from dangerous places."

"You have to understand that the people using it are not smarter than you. You can't imagine how they will mess with this machine. I wouldn't be surprised if someone let a pig in."

Then the guys' expressions became weird.

Frederick was shocked and asked: "Who is so stupid?"

A voice answered: "Professor All Might."

Frederick blinked and pretended nothing happened. He turned to look at another machine and asked, "Is that a slicer?"

Something that looks like a guillotine must be this one.

Schmidt nodded and replied: "Yes, yes, the blade on it will press down as soon as it is turned on. You can change the blade heads, which is very convenient for cutting wood chips or paper."

Parchment books also need to be trimmed after being bound. Based on their experience, they developed an edge trimmer that can cut many things.

Frederick went over to take a look and said, "I'll give you two opinions."

"The first one is to install a conveyor belt on the wood chip cutting machine and connect it directly to the machine over there."

Then he gestured and said: "Second, if the machine requires manual cutting, it must use two widely spaced switches and press them at the same time to start. This way, no one who is cutting materials will accidentally touch the switch and be blocked. Cut off finger."

"Like I just said, stay safe!"

Schmidt immediately said he remembered.

Frederick said to them: "I am going to study a new machine recently. I need to concentrate my best efforts on learning first and then working."

Schmidt immediately asked: "Principal, what machine are you going to use this time?"

Frederick smiled and replied: "This time, we are going to make history!"

The people around him were instantly in an uproar.

Schmidt asked cautiously: "Principal, can you tell me what it is?"

Frederick curled his lips and said, "Boil the water."

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