Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 82 The showdown between the peaks

On the day the sixth boiler was blown to smithereens, Psyche, Richardnar, and Manuai arrived in Wesenland with a large fleet.

Frederick immediately rushed to the town of Trouchtlingen and came to the dock. It was as busy as ever. Today there were many more people in robes looking around curiously.

He found Psyche and Richard Nall in a boat.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone," he said with a smile as he got on the boat. "Did the journey go smoothly? Why don't you go back and rest?"

"Hey, sister Psyche, your new clothes are so beautiful."

Today Psyche is wearing a traditional Constantinian costume, a long-sleeved long skirt made of white cotton. Only the cuffs, the lower part of the collar and the lower edge of the skirt have exquisite embroidery of bright yellow silk thread; outside the skirt is a blue She wears a white robe with a circle of white embroidery around it; a leather belt inlaid with crystals is tied around her waist.

"It's beautiful." She said proudly, "I ordered it a long time ago and ran over before I had time to pick it up. I just happened to pick it up this time."

Frederick nodded and said, "Yeah, it's very beautiful."

"Quickly disembark, I've asked the kitchen to prepare a banquet."

Richard Nall next to him said depressedly: "Hey, why don't you compliment my clothes."

Frederick deliberately left him alone.

Today, the sword master is also wearing the traditional costume of Constantbul. The embroidery on the white silk robe is much better than the one on Psyche's skirt, both in terms of material and craftsmanship.

The most important thing is that he is also wearing a purple cloak full of gold embroidery, which is a big problem.

Although purple clothes are affordable for rich people, it is different in Constantbul. Purple is a symbol of imperial power. People other than members of the royal family who want to wear purple clothes will not only get rewards, but also rebel and become the emperor.

Frederick tilted his head and asked him: "Master, did you rob the emperor's wardrobe?"

Psyche burst out laughing, and the expression on Richardnar's face became very exciting, and finally said angrily: "I originally wanted to give you this cloak when you got married. I won’t give it away now!”

Frederick scratched his head and asked sheepishly: "Master, where did you get this cloak?"

"Robbing it." Richard Nall replied angrily.

Frederick looked extremely surprised, and then asked expectantly with eyes full of stars: "I think this cloak is a very important trophy or prize, right?"

At this moment, Richard Narr became proud, and said in a very humble tone: "It's nothing, but I just killed a... haha... God of Law, that country bumpkin emperor was so scared that he gave it to me."

There was a genuine look of surprise on Frederick's face, and then he stomped his feet in regret.

Frederick knew that Richard Nar was powerful, but he had never been able to see the Juggernaut take action with all his strength. After all, no one here except Psyche was his opponent. Those who were famous for challenging him fell before they could use all their strength. Don’t delay fishing.

This is a life-and-death battle between the two top powerhouses, the Sword Master and the God of Magic. It is so exciting and brilliant. It doesn't matter if the steam engine comes out later. If you miss this kind of battle once, you may not have a chance.

"Master..." Frederick said coquettishly, "Can you tell me what happened in that battle?"

Richard Nall continued to murmur: "Oh, there's nothing to say. He's just a Dharma God. He can solve it with his fingers."

Frederick continued to be cute and coquettish, pulling his sleeves and shaking them, and said cutely: "Master... tell me..."

"It's nothing." Richard Nar folded his hands on his chest and looked up at the blue sky. "We just arrived in Constantbul that day, and that Phocas gave me face and invited us to dinner in the palace."

"He was able to win this time because he recruited a young Dharma God there. He is less than forty years old. He is quite a genius. He has just entered this field in the past two years. He can reach this level at this age. One step, very little.”

"He is too arrogant, but that's okay. I was like this before, but his fault is that he wanted to use me as a stepping stone."

Frederick immediately asked excitedly: "Does he want you to challenge him?"

Richard Nall smiled, with a face full of sarcasm, and continued: "If he could have saved his life with a serious challenge, he actually provoked me at the banquet and wanted to argue with me whether magic is faster or faster within seven steps. The sword is fast."

At this time, Psyche answered from the side: "He is qualified to say so. His fast spell casting technology is indeed the best in the world. You can learn from it."

Frederick opened his mouth in surprise and asked nervously: "Master, are you not injured?"

The top combat power is fighting in milliseconds. Whoever can seize the momentary opportunity will survive to the end. A magic god who is proficient in rapid spell casting has a huge advantage.

Richard Nall said proudly: "Not even a hair on my head was hurt."

Frederick's eyes were filled with admiration for a moment, and he asked him anxiously: "Master, please tell me how you did it?"

Richard Nall stood there triumphantly and said nothing, pretending to be silent.

After Frederick's repeated requests, the Sword Master said: "That fool said something he shouldn't have said, so I shot him in the head out of anger."

After saying that, Richard Nall took out an extra-large revolver from his waist, gestured triumphantly and then put it close to his face in a pose. His expression and posture were very much like the "Wan Chai Gunslinger".

This revolver is much larger than what the army needs to equip, with a caliber of 15 mm, a larger and longer runner, and a silver gun body decorated with gold patterns.

"Diesel made it for me," he said very proudly. "The jet tank was specially strengthened. It is much more powerful. It is also very powerful after firing and is difficult to control."

Frederick was instantly petrified.

It took him a while to come back to his senses. He wanted to complain but didn't know where to start.

Richard Nall smiled and said: "Only us people can do this kind of thing. He felt something was wrong at the time and cast the magic shield. It was just that I enchanted the projectile, and it penetrated and was not fully formed. The magic shield."

Frederick took a deep breath to calm down.

"That Phocas didn't embarrass you, did he?" He asked a question that seemed silly after he asked it. He was wearing this purple cloak, so he definitely didn't embarrass you.

Richard Nall said seriously: "I regret not taking you with me. You should learn from Phocas' performance."

"You have to remember that anyone who can rise to power through force or conspiracy should not be looked down upon. They all have their own merits."

"Phocas knows how to win people's hearts. How could he make things difficult for me? He still wants me to work for him. He has given me lots of official positions, territories, and wealth."

"Twenty or thirty beauties were sent out a day," Psyche added for him. "They are all well-educated beauties, and he accepted them all."

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched.

But this is normal. To win people's hearts is nothing more than drinking, sex, and wealth.

As a man, it’s normal to accept it.

Richard Nall touched Frederick's head and said with a smile: "Those are the losers' families. If I don't accept them, they will either be sold as slaves or sent to the military camp for destruction. I I brought them all back to you.”

Frederick blinked and asked, "What's going on when you bring them all back to me?"

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