Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 83 The windfall found

Frederick walked to the side of the ship and looked around, and sure enough he found that there were three to four hundred women who were different from the people next to him.

Many people who came this time came to seek refuge with their family members. When they got off the boat, they were obviously relieved to have reached their destination. Many people hugged their families and cried after hearing the news.

The women, both old and young, stood there blankly after getting off the boat, with no sparkle in their eyes, like wooden statues.

"Send them to Weisenberg University first." Frederick pinched his brows helplessly, "There are many people in Constantbulo there, so it is easy for them to find someone with whom they can communicate."

So many people frightened him. It would be okay if there were only twenty or thirty people, but it would be a headache to arrange for hundreds of people.

At the same time, this also reflects Richard Nall's status in the world.

"Then what?" Richard Nall asked, "I promised them that I would give them a new life when I came here."

Frederick thought for a while, but he had no good solution for a while, so he could only say: "I don't know how to arrange them now. Let's arrange for them to learn the language and writing here first. When there are jobs in the future, they will be given priority. "

Richard Nall nodded, and that was all he could do.

Psyche continued: "This time, many people took the opportunity to follow us, many of them are craftsmen. The tax levied by Phocas in the city is very high, and those who can run are seizing the opportunity to run."

Frederick could only say: "I'll let the guild arrange them."

After saying that, he called Tarot down the boat and asked her to arrange for someone to go back to Weissenburg City to summon someone.

"Anything else to gain?" asked Frederick.

Richard Nall pointed to the cabin at his feet, and then everyone went in together.

"You robbed the palace?" Frederick asked the two people in front of him with a look of surprise.

At this time, in front of him was an open iron box, more than half a meter long, wide and high. There was only one thing in it - gold bars.

Because the royal family of the Rhine League occupies both sides of the Rhine River and a large area of ​​plains in the north, and has mineral resources, its annual income is about 30,000 florins.

The Grand Duke of Mainz has a lot of mountainous terrain, but his family owns a mine, and the family's annual income is more than 10,000 to 20,000 florins.

The Rhine League has fewer feudal aristocratic territories than other places. Generally, a count with a mature territory has a family income ranging from one thousand to several thousand florins a year, and a baron's income ranges from three to four hundred florins, depending on the territory. .

The gold bricks in the box now don't look like many. In fact, there are more than a ton, which is equivalent to the income of the royal family of the Rhine League for ten years.

Psyche said calmly: "Someone kept it in the underground library of the library for two or three hundred years. No one wanted it, so I picked it up."

Frederick blinked and asked cautiously: "Is there more?"

Psyche gave him a pair of eyes and said, "You think of it as wild flowers and weeds on the roadside."

Frederick nodded, thinking exactly what he wanted to say.

"The others are silver." Psyche said, pointing to several boxes nearby.

Frederick's eyes widened, and there was a lot of silver.

This windfall was of great significance to him, and he could build hundreds of steam engines.

"It's troublesome." He faced the trouble of happiness, "These gold and silver have to be broken into coins before they can be used. How many silver coins will it cost?"

Richard Nall said very normally: "Then you can mint your own coins, as long as it complies with the minting laws of the Rhine League."

Frederick was moved when he heard this.

The Rhine League was originally formed by the remnants of the defeated Second Pruan Empire. In order to win over people's hearts, the king at that time gave the nobles the right to mint coins, but also stipulated the precious metal content, weight and weight of florins, kreuz and copper plates. The pattern on one side.

Having the right to mint coins seems good, but not everyone has a mine. In the end, only the royal family and the nobles who own the mines will benefit.

To mint coins, you need to open a bank for currency issuance. Nowadays, banks mainly conduct currency exchange business, lending is secondary, and deposits require custody fees.

There are no banks in Weisenling, and currency exchange relies on professional merchants in the market.

Opening a bank is a more professional and technical job than opening a university and requires professionals. Currently, the most recognized in society are the bankers in the coastal areas of the Kingdom of Sardinia and their teams based on family blood.

They are mercenaries in the financial industry, professional and loyal. If anyone intentionally harms or betrays his employer, he will be killed by professionals hired by the guild to ensure the credibility and interests of the entire group.

Frederick thought for a moment and realized that he had no professionals under his command, so he had to trust the experts from the Kingdom of Sardinia.

I know Katie well in the Kingdom of Sardinia, so I have to ask her for help.

Frederick made a decision in his mind and asked the two bosses to keep the gold and silver until they could move them back to the castle at night.

Although it is inconvenient to walk at night, the advantage of fighting bosses in the dark is greater, and it will be more obvious if there are bad guys.

Squatting in the grass during the day can also be said to be a person's third emergency. Squatting in the grass in the middle of the night and being chopped down has no one to help you.

Frederick got off the ship to look at other places, but as soon as he got out of the cabin, Manuel asked him to go to the court to find someone.

The person to be fished out was a thin old man. When Manuel asked Frederick at first, he said that he took the notebook of the dock worker out of curiosity and took a look. However, the young man was a little stubborn and called the security guard. official.

After coming to the court, the old man was charged with a new crime: robbing the court.

"Have you made enough trouble?" Manuel roared, startling everyone in the court hall, and rolled up his sleeves to hit someone, and then the fight started.

People in the court are no longer surprised by this kind of thing. In the past, when local young people were caught doing petty theft, many of them would be beaten and scolded first after their families were called.

The judge here asked Frederick in a low voice: "Sir, do you want to place a bet?"

Frederick said coldly: "I hate gambling the most."

"Be careful, if one day someone gets you caught because of gambling and wants you to bend the law for personal gain, haha..."

The judge immediately broke out in a cold sweat and began to show his loyalty.

Frederick didn't look at him anymore, his attention was on Manuel and the little old man.

Manuel's punches were quite methodical, and he had obviously practiced them, but the little old man held the newly printed Wesenland Codex in his right hand and blocked the punches with his left hand.

Frederick held his chin and felt that Manuel and the little old man looked somewhat similar.

"Ouch! You violated the law!" The little old man rubbed his butt with a depressed look on his face.

Just now Manuel gave him a sudden kick.

Manuel ignored him, came over and said angrily to Frederick: "Principal, I won't bother you, let him eat in prison here."

Frederick smiled and said: "It's not a big deal, just a small fine."

Manuel immediately took out a purple silk money bag from his pocket and handed it to the judge on the side, and said: "It's all for you."

"My money!" The little old man rushed over at once.

Manuel pointed to Frederick beside him and said, "This is our principal."

After speaking, he gave the principal a secret look.

The little old man suddenly paused and turned to look at Frederick. In the next second, his temperament suddenly changed and he became an expert with an air of immortality.

"Not bad, not bad, very, very good." He looked at Frederick like an old diner looking at delicacies, "I, Celsus, am the wisest man on the coast, and I have trained countless emperors, I can train a king, a great scholar, even a fool like Manuel to become a sage.”

"I see that you are smart and enlightened. Are you interested in becoming my disciple?"

Frederick asked him obediently: "Do you know how to make metal from ore through electric current?"

Celsus was confused. Isn't it enough to use fire to smelt metal?

Seeing that he didn't reply, Frederick made a cute look and asked: "Do you know the calculation of axial force, shear force, bending moment and torque of building structures?"

Celsus continued to be confused and did not understand.

Frederick made a cute expression again and asked: "Then do you know how to artificially inseminate reptiles?"

Celsus can continue to be confused. What kind of new gameplay is this?

Frederick shrugged and said regretfully: "You don't understand anything, so forget it."

Celsus was so angry that his face turned red and white. He gave a loud "hum" and turned around to leave. Then he turned back and came back. He had no money and was unfamiliar with the place, so he couldn't leave.

Manuel said to Frederick: "This old guy is still useful, just give him a job."

Celsus immediately nodded and said: "Yes, yes, if you have anything to do here with less money and more money, just do it for me!"

Frederick smiled and said: "There is no rush now. Let's settle down first. Let Manuel arrange the work."

Manuel immediately replied: "Okay, I will take him to work now."

Then he turned his head and said fiercely to Celsus: "Go and take all those books down and transport them back to school!"

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