Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 84 Minting and Scattering Coins

The vault under the castle that had been empty for a while finally contained gold again. It was freed from the fate of being used to grow baskets of mushrooms. Frederick was so happy that he had a dream about counting money at night. He really counted money until he woke up naturally. .

It's just that money has to be used, and it will not produce value if it is placed in a vault.

Frederick thought for two days and finally figured out how to spend the money.

The first step is to open a bank.

"A banker." Katie began to think while eating breakfast. "I have a very good relationship with a lady from the Averardo family. I painted her wedding portrait. I'll write to her and ask her to recommend a suitable person. .”

"The Averardo family?" Frederick asked after putting down the milk glass, "How professional are they?"

As soon as he finished asking, he felt that he had asked the wrong question. Katie, Richard Nall and Psyche all looked at him as if he were a fool, as if he was asking Bill Gates if he knew how to use a computer. .

Frederick responded to them with a "I'm so sorry I'm a rube" look.

Katie explained: "The Averardo family's bank is the largest bank in the southern part of the Kingdom of Sardinia. In addition to the head of the family who is engaged in politics, the branches of the family are all engaged in banking, and through the branches they go to various places to set up banks, creating a Banking network around the Inland Sea.”

“Although their family is powerful, they have always put their employer’s interests first, even at the expense of making enemies of other relatives.

After hearing this, Frederick thought about it and found that he had no better choice. Choosing an agent was just like a restaurant. If there were many people on the street, he would enter whichever one he wanted. Finally, he said: "Then go to them." Bar."

Katie asked him: "What are you looking for someone who is good at?"

Frederick replied: "You must be good at lending money to make money."

Katie said she understood and would go to the papermaking workshop after writing a letter to her friend.

Next it's time to design the coin's pattern.

Among the currencies currently in circulation on the market, the florin has only one denomination, the Kreuz has two denominations of 1 and 10, and the copper plate has three denominations of 1, 5, 10, and 50.

Frederick decided to add some new denominations, and the florins continued to remain unchanged. The denominations of gold coins were too large to change. Kreuz could be set to four denominations: 1, 2, 5, and 10. Copper plates were used in 1 and 2. , 5, 10, 20, 50 six denominations.

Because the front of the Rhine League currency is the portrait of the king, the personalized patterns of each territory can only be on the back.

Frederick finally decided not to use those fancy patterns, so that people can see the face value of the coins at a glance, so he used mahjong tiles as a reference.

Florin's pattern uses a "yaoji", and he chose the white stork, which is very common in Weisenland and other places and is known as an auspicious bird among the people.

For Kreuz and copper plates with denominations of 1, 2, and 5, use the corresponding number of "" to display the number of bars. For denominations of 10, 20, and 50, use the number of "" in multiples of 10 to display the number of barrels.

There is no exact explanation of what kind of flower this "" is. With the current resolution of minting, it is impossible to print it very finely. Let everyone just say it.

At the same time, "Wesson" is marked above the pattern and the year of production is marked below.

There is no need to look for a place for production, just the blacksmith shop in the castle. It is the arsenal of the Wesson family, and the craftsmen there are all trustworthy.

But Frederick still wanted to do some new tricks.

Today's coins are made by weighing a metal piece of a certain weight first and then using a mold to make it. The edges are irregular, so some people will cut off the edges. In serious cases, they will cut off a small piece of the coin. This has caused many conflicts. .

Frederick came to Omet to discuss the minting machine with him.

"I plan to make a ring of fine teeth around the coin," said Frederick, pointing to the picture he had drawn. "It would be visible if someone shaved off the edge of the coin."

All Might understood what he meant and said seriously: "It's okay to do it, but first, don't cut it out like a gear."

Frederick smiled and said: "Of course not, it would be too time-consuming."

"I plan to use a stamping die, leaving fine teeth on the edge of the die."

Ogilvy thought for a moment and then said: "No problem, now our punch is powerful enough to press out these fine teeth, and the mold can use reinforced metal."

Frederick nodded and asked him to try modifying a few existing punch presses.

All Might put away the pattern on the back, and then showed a doggy smile on his face.

"Principal," he said, "now that you have money, it's time to buy more machines, right?"

Frederick laughed and joked: "Now that you are going to be a father, you should start saving money for your children, right?"

All Might said with a smile: "You will know what I think when the principal becomes a father."

Frederick smiled, then the expression on his face became serious, and said: "I have made a lot of windfall recently, but I will not keep this money, but plan to spread it out."

"Our industries in Wesenland need to develop."

"After the smelter was put into operation, our steel production increased significantly, but we can't make much money just selling raw materials."

"According to my initial plan, we want to develop metal manufacturing."

"Making steel into nails, wires, screws, nuts, locks, hinges, latches, springs, screwdrivers, pliers, hammers, saws, etc. makes more money than simply selling raw materials."

"I can't do that much by myself, and I can't even take care of you two."

"So I plan for the two of us to seize the raw materials and the machines to produce those things, and let other people make money from the trivial things."

Ogilvy immediately understood what he meant and confirmed to him: "Just like BASF, they only seize the raw materials and don't care what others buy them for?"

"Yes." Frederick nodded, "I plan to use the money to lend it to those who want to make money but don't have enough capital."

"You can focus on the machines that produce various commodities driven by steam engines and magic reciprocators, and then hold an exhibition and sales meeting."

"I provide special loans to people who want to purchase but don't have enough capital. This money can only be used to buy these machines. It is equivalent to money moving from the left pocket to the right pocket, and interest and taxes are also incurred."

"I also plan to build an industrial park outside the city, build some brick and wood factory buildings, and rent them to people who don't have money to build factories."

After hearing this, Ogilvy asked thoughtfully: "In other words, if a person wants to open a workshop by himself, he does not need to prepare too much capital. The factory can be rented and the machines can be bought with loans. As long as there is money to buy raw materials and rent, Just find workers.”

Frederick nodded.

All Might frowned and asked, "What if that person can't make money and can't repay the loan for the machine?"

Frederick replied: "That's simple, as long as the machinery purchased with a loan cannot be shipped out of Wesenland."

"When the time comes, we can paint the machines of customers who buy with loans and those who have full payment, with different colors of paint, or put two more nails in insignificant parts, so that the people at the customs and customs can recognize them at a glance."

Ogilvy thinks this is not bad, as long as the machine is still there, it can be taken back without paying the money.

"This is a good method," he said. "You don't even need to pay when necessary. You just need to open a note to deliver the goods, and you can just settle the bill at the end of the year."

Frederick also said: "I think so too."

"I'm going to open a bank now. When that time comes, everyone can open an account in the bank. There will be no custody fees for deposits. For large transactions, you can use professional bills to transfer funds directly to the account. There will be a small fee, so you don't have to carry the money. Ran away."

Omet said with a smile: "This is really convenient. It would be great if the workers were paid in the same way. If there are more people, the wages will have to be transported by truck."

Frederick pinched his chin and said, "It's not impossible."

"I can give you a voucher with the same denomination as currency. You can then give it to the workers. The workers can take it to the bank and exchange it for currency or deposit it into their own accounts."

All Might shook his head with a smile and said, "Forget it then. Someone has done this before, but too many vouchers were issued and they couldn't be exchanged for money. In the end, they all became useless parchment."

Frederick just smiled and said nothing more about it. Paper money was still too early for this era.

The two chatted for a while about taking out loans to buy machines, and All Might sighed again: "I thought the principal's estate was occupied by the university, and he would build a new mansion when he got money."

Everyone knows that living in a castle is uncomfortable. Rich nobles usually live in luxurious mansions, and only go back to the castle for major ceremonies and wars.

The Wesson family has two estates close to the castle. The one by the lake was given to Wesson University. The other one is now a seed breeding base and chicken and duck seedling wholesale center. It is too noisy.

Frederick's lips curved slightly and he said: "A new mansion is going to be built, but I want to build a mahogany-style mansion."

"Oh?" All Might was shocked, "Really!?"

Now everyone knows that Frederick brought back many crops from the distant Peach Blossom Stone in the East through a pagan merchant, and even wheat that can be grown in the spring. For a while, everyone was full of interest in this country that only existed on parchment before. Curious.

So it's not surprising that Omet is going to build a mahogany-style mansion now, and he's still looking forward to it.

When Frederick was studying in his previous life, he took an elective course in Chinese gardening and had some knowledge of garden architecture. Later, he worked and participated in a garden-style resort project. Although the climate and plants in the two places were different, he was able to create a similar replica based on local conditions. The quality is still good.

But this guy pinched his chin and said: "The peach blossom stone rich man's mansion won't be built for a while, it's too exquisite, but the residential buildings can be used in the industrial park to house workers."

Omet said with a little envy: "Those workers are lucky."

Many years later, a young navigator from the East chased a guy to hack in the brick-concrete Tongzilou community next to the industrial park.

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