Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 86 Harvest

Unknowingly, the saying that fresh milk is a "smart medicine" spread among the Wesson community. In addition, there are also other sayings such as the younger you start drinking it, the more effective it is, and the longer you drink it continuously, the smarter you will be. .

When Frederick came to Lizi Village again, he also heard that if he had diarrhea after drinking fresh milk, it would expel the stupid element in his body. If he continued drinking it until he stopped having diarrhea, he would start to become smarter.

Under the influence of this trend, the price of fresh milk has increased slightly. 10 liters of fresh milk has been sold for 11 copper coins, and the price of heifers has also increased a bit.

Frederick remained silent on this. In fact, this statement is not wrong. Children drinking milk regularly can indeed promote brain development.

Compared with those so-called "smart soups" cooked with flowers and plants picked from nowhere, milk is more reliable.

But today Frederick did not come to Lizi Village Parallax for this matter. This is one of the new agricultural technology promotion bases in Weisenling. The wheat that Mathias strengthened last year is ready to be harvested, so he came to take a look at the situation.

The staff of the tax bureau estimating summer taxes have been working here for several days. They have circled ten plots of wheat fields for harvesting, and today they are estimating the yield in the vine pavilion next to the grain drying field.

Frederick was sitting next to him, and the village chief stood behind him. The pavilion was surrounded by village chiefs and farmers waiting for the results on three floors inside and outside the pavilion. Many of them were still wearing the clothes originally distributed to the victims.

The farmers don’t know what the new agricultural technology is, but they only know that there are more wheat ears in the fields of Lizi Village than the wheat grains in their own farmland, and they are also larger and fuller.

The clerk at the tax bureau was sweating profusely. He weighed the wheat on the drying field three times and counted it eight times, but he still couldn't believe the number.

After repeatedly confirming that his calculations were correct, the clerk swallowed his saliva, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and carefully reported to Frederick: "Sir, the wheat yield here... is estimated to be one hectare..."

He paused, and the people around him held their breath.

This season's wheat has been fertilized with new fertilizers, because the water pump driven by the magic reciprocator is fully watered, and the wheat seeds have been strengthened by magic. Everyone knows that the yield is high, but they don't know how high it will be.

"1490 kilograms!"

As the tax bureau clerk finished speaking, there was an uproar around him.

In the past, the wheat yield per hectare in Wesenling fluctuated around 700 kilograms, and the harvest in good fields along the Rhine was only about 1,100 kilograms in good weather. But this year, with the new fertilizer, water pump, and strengthening in Lizi Village, the yield can actually increase. Doubling the number, both locals and new residents find it incredible.

The villagers in Lizi Village were even more happy.

Based on the previous average of 700 kilograms of wheat per hectare, after paying 30% of the rent for 1 hectare of land, 490 kilograms can be left.

According to this year's new tax policy, some harvests are tax-free, and the remaining harvests have 542.5 kilograms of wheat left in one hectare of land after paying 30% of the rent, which is 10% more than in previous years.

Now the output is as high as 1,490 kilograms. Calculated according to the new tax rate, 1,154.75 kilograms can be left, which is almost 65% higher than the previous total output.

In addition to wheat, there are also oats and beans planted in the field this spring, which have also experienced three consecutive increases in production.

How wouldn't it be exciting if these could double the yield as well.

Frederick also quickly calculated in his mind that the farmer's income was more than twice what it was before, and he collected 60% more rent than in previous years.

It seems that he is losing money, but the consumption level of farmers will also increase after their income increases, thereby promoting the development of industry and commerce in the territory.

Next came a competition between villages. The village chief of a nearby village asked the village chief of Lizi Village to buy high-yielding seeds. According to the master's wishes, Lizi Village asked them to exchange wheat at a ratio of 1:1.2.

According to the current land system, the land in the Weisen Territory, except for the fiefdoms of the vassals, belongs to Frederick, and the farmers are all tenant farmers. From an agricultural perspective, the village chief is his agricultural manager. Excellent performance appraisals will have the opportunity to As an official in the city, the most important thing in performance appraisal is naturally grain production.

Everyone wants high-yield wheat, but wheat varieties are limited, and the scene soon became noisy and almost started to take action.

Frederick took advantage of the chaos and found Matthias in the conservation forest on the mountain outside the village.

Mathias had already anticipated this situation, so he went to the conservation forest to watch the excitement, and at the same time studied the herbs grown under the forest.

Frederick asked Tarot and other servants to spread a carpet on the flat ground at the top of the mountain, sprinkle insect repellent, and prepare for lunch.

Here you can see the situation of Lizi Village at the foot of the mountain, and you can also see the new village that is being developed further away. The trees in the farmland have been cut down for money. Now the sheep are eating the shrubs and weeds in the field, like a white carpet.

Frederick invited Matthias to come over for something to eat. Today, in addition to Wesson bags, there was also ice cream.

After Matthias washed his hands and sat down, Frederick handed him a Big Mac Wesson bag and said sincerely: "Thank you for everything you have done for the Wesson Territory."

Mathias took the Big Mac with a smile on his face and ate it happily.

While eating, he said: "Principal, our wheat production can be further improved."

"Oh?" Frederick asked in surprise, "What should we do?"

Mathias said: "I studied the wheat varieties in the territory and found that the biggest problem with low yields in the past was this."

"What?" Frederick was shocked. This was something he had never expected.

Matthias continued: "The wheat in Wesenling now should be a mixed wheat, that is, two kinds of wheat are grown together, and the yield is higher than growing alone."

"But if this kind of wheat is grown separately and no longer mixed, it will degrade over time."

Frederick had a black line on his face, he did not expect that this would be the case.

But it’s normal to think about it. Agricultural knowledge these days relies on accumulation and is rarely disseminated. It would be good if the landlord could figure out when to plant and harvest crops. Maybe he accidentally promoted hybrid crops in some year to achieve high yields. , and the result is degradation all the way.

Mathias said: "I sent students to inquire about surrounding places with similar climates. There are high-yielding wheat seeds in Mingxing City. They can be sown this autumn and promoted. After strengthening, water and fertilizer will be ensured. It is estimated that the yield can reach one hectare. One thousand seventeen or eight hundred kilograms."

Frederick immediately said: "It's up to you to arrange this matter. Give money and people to others. The entire Wesenland will cooperate with you."

Now Frederick was full of confidence in Matthias. If this output was maintained for a few years, maybe the Church of Light would first canonize him as a living person, or even some angel descending to earth.

What, you said there is no mention of angels in charge of farming in the Holy Scriptures? Come on, explain it to him immediately!

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