Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 87 New farming methods

The negotiations on seed distribution in Lizi Village ended. The village chiefs dispersed, and soon someone came to report the results to Frederick.

Frederick shook his head helplessly and meowed. It was really conceivable that quotas were allocated based on football matches between villages.

But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that this was not bad, much better than cutting each other with a knife, so he approved it.

In this way, the first and longest-running cup in the history of world football, the "Maihua Cup", kicked off in the summer of 1025.

After an interlude, Frederick asked Matthias: "What do you think the maximum wheat yield can be?"

Mathias ate ice cream and said: "I heard that the Kingdom of Gaul once had a high yield of two thousand kilograms per hectare, but it only happened once."

"The climate, land and wheat varieties in the northern plains there are good, and the weight remains at around 1,100 kilograms all year round. Unfortunately, the wheat is not suitable for us."

"I have made an estimate. If there is enough fertilizer and we continue to optimize wheat seeds, we can reach 6,000 kilograms."

Frederick nodded slightly. He vaguely remembered that the highest wheat yield recorded in his hometown under the influence of chemical fertilizers was 9 tons per hectare.

"Let's do it step by step." He said, "First try to stabilize it at around 2,000 kilograms."

Mathias continued: "The Elizabethan potatoes are ready to be harvested. I estimate there are almost 6,000 kilograms per hectare."

"But it has a lot of water, and the dry weight is only 20%, but it's not bad."

"I have done post-strengthening on several trees, and the yield is higher, almost twice as high."

Frederick's eyes lit up when he heard this, which was a good thing, but he said with some worry: "I'm afraid the land is not fertile enough."

The chemical fertilizers haven’t been ordered yet, and soil fertilizers are not enough.

"It is indeed a problem." Mathias nodded and said, "But there is good news."

"I did an experiment and strengthened the nodule microorganisms on the roots of milkvetch and peas, so that their root nodules increased many times!"

"Really?!" Frederick was overjoyed. Although it was not as good as chemical fertilizer, it was still a good method.

Mathias said proudly: "I did a comparison experiment."

"I prepared ten large water tanks, and the soil in them was microorganism-killed using a pressure cooker and Manuai."

"The vetch and pea seeds that are sown are washed with soapy water before planting to make sure there are no microorganisms on it."

"The seeds are planted directly in the first water tank, the seeds in the second water tank are mixed with ordinary root nodule powder, and the seeds in the third to fifth water tanks are mixed with root nodule powder enhanced by magic of different strengths. Mix seeds.”

"In the end, the milkvetch and pea plants in the first water tank had no nodules on their roots and were very thin. The ones in the second water tank were the same as ordinary ones. In the next three water tanks, there were more roots farther back."

"However, some problems also occurred. The leaves of the peas with the most nodules grew too lush and did not bloom when they were supposed to bloom."

"The milkvetch is better and grows more luxuriantly, but the flowering period is delayed by half a month."

Frederick thought for a moment and realized that this was excessive nitrogen fertilizer provided by rhizobia.

He said: "This technology should mainly be used on milkvetch. At the same time, you can try to add fertilizer after the snow melts to promote flowering."

"Just use a slightly fortified one on the beans, they're still mostly growing beans."

"I think so too." Mathias nodded and said, "Principal, I suggest changing the current crop rotation method."

Frederick did not answer directly and asked: "Tell me what to do?"

Mathias put down the empty ice cream bowl, poured himself and the principal a cup of tea, and took the time to organize his thoughts and organize his words.

“This is what I planned,” he said. “The land is divided into main fields and auxiliary fields. The auxiliary fields are used to grow vegetables and can also be used to build greenhouses. The main fields are the fields where the main crops are grown.”

"In the first year of the main field, wheat was planted in the autumn, and sweet radish was planted after the harvest. In the second year, after the sweet radish was harvested, milkvetch was planted. In the third year, the milkvetch was harvested at the end of March, and the ground was plowed and fertilized before spring wheat was planted in April. At the end of July Plant oats after the wheat harvest. Plant soybeans after the oats in the fourth year. Plant milkvetch after the soybeans in September. Plant Elizabeth potatoes in the fifth year. Continue planting milkvetch after the harvest. Plant a season of soybeans in the spring of the sixth year. , sow wheat in the fall and then the first year.”

"In this six-year cycle, the staple food includes two seasons of wheat and one season of Elizabeth potatoes, the oil crops include two seasons of soybeans, and the livestock feed includes one season of oats, three seasons of vetch and one season of sweet radish. If the sweet radish can be used to make sugar, it will be one season. Sugar crops.”

Frederick listened and laid out the order of the crops on a plate with snacks.

After Mathias finished speaking, he said with a smile: "You actually dare to use oats as feed. Many people still rely on it to survive."

"The staple food with three seasons in six years is better than the staple food with three crops in three years. This is good."

“The soybean meal left after the soybeans are pressed for oil is a good livestock feed, and it’s even fine when mixed into bread.”

“With soybean meal and feed crops, we can raise more livestock and get more compost on the farmland, which is good.”

"Okay, you are responsible for arranging this."

Except for potatoes and spring wheat, the planting technology of other crops is already very mature. Adjusting the planting sequence is not a problem. The planting of those two crops only started a few years later, which is enough time for breeding and familiarity.

There is another problem with the promotion of new farming methods. The land of Wesenland tenant farmers is divided into blocks according to the three-field system. Each household's field is divided into three parts. This requires consideration of whether to cut it into six parts to ensure various types of farming. Crops are harvested every year, or all the land is concentrated to improve efficiency.

Frederick thought for a long time and decided to focus on stability. Dividing it into six parts and implementing it gradually can increase the fault tolerance rate and give farmers enough time to accept it.

Then he asked: "There is nothing particular about growing vegetables in the side field, right? I want to start growing flax, especially oil-bearing flax."

Wesenling didn't grow flax in the past and could buy it cheaply, but now that printing ink requires linseed oil, it's better to grow some.

Matthias nodded and replied: "That's no problem, it's not a difficult thing."

Frederick held his chin in thought and said, "Now that I have money here, I will discuss with Monofro about introducing high-yielding crops and livestock from various places."

Finally, he said with a smile: "There will be so much feed in the future, we can't let us eat it ourselves."

Matthias also laughed, his smile full of pride.

He studied magic with the intention of learning martial arts and being an emperor, but he accidentally studied a side subject. He thought that he would spend his whole life as a scholar, but he didn't expect that now there were twists and turns. If one path didn't work, he would take another one, and he got the result. Unprecedented success.

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