Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 88 Coming to the Military Camp

“First, we must study and practice with heart, and learn the skills so that we can make meritorious deeds;

Military uniforms are your personal protective equipment and should be scrubbed clean frequently.

Second, you must fight with great courage, and your life will be reborn if you deserve it;

If you retreat and violate military orders, you will get a bad reputation.

Third, we must be kind to the people, and we must rely on them to farm food and wages;

As long as the soldiers and the people become one family, the common people will succeed in helping each other.

Don’t commit adultery with women. Which one is not born of your parents?

Your family also has a wife and daughters, how can you do it if you are humiliated? "

When Frederick arrived at the military camp early in the morning, the new recruits in the military camp were shouting his slightly adapted "Song of Encouragement" in front of the cafeteria, preparing to have breakfast.

The people's army was out of line for this era. Frederick felt that it would be enough for his army to be like Yue's army, which "froze to death without demolishing houses, and starved to death without looting."

To do this, we must first make people eat well, get money, and also give people a sense of honor.

Frederick came to visit unexpectedly today without saying hello in advance.

From a distance, he saw the recruits who had been trained for two and a half months standing in rows and columns, and nodded with satisfaction.

Today's soldiers have requirements for formations, and queue training is the basis. Frederick just optimized the passwords with old Franz, some mercenaries and other professionals, and requested strengthened training.

Ordinary armies train once every three days, mainly because they eat too little and cannot withstand training every day.

It's different here. After eating and drinking, I train three times a day. I only have a full day off on Sundays on October 10 and a half-day break on Sundays every ten days.

No wonder Frederick, who allowed the god of light here to waste time, took nine days to create the world and only rested on the tenth day.

If He were more diligent, everyone could have a few more days of rest.

When the new recruits lined up and entered the canteen, Frederick said to old Franz beside him: "Let's go in and see what we have for breakfast this morning."

Old Franz was originally going to retire this year to take charge of sports, but the army still needed veterans to take charge, so he continued to shine as a military affairs officer in addition to taking charge of sports.

His first achievement after taking office was to thwart the conspiracy of Omet and others, lowering the price of military equipment to the bone, allowing Frederick to have the money to approve the plan to change the equipment of the new army.

The people currently in charge of the training of the new army are Franz Jr. and Richard Nall. The former is the leader of the younger generation of Wesson and will be the leader in the future; the latter is currently obsessed with "Wesson Sword Technique" and completes the teaching every morning. After that, Frederick came to the military camp, and only showed his face to teach students at Weisenberg University every few days.

As the two approached the cafeteria, they asked about the smell of the food, and Frederick said, "Should we guess what we're having for breakfast today."

Old Franz immediately replied: "I had noodles and sausages and carrot soup this morning."

Frederick was surprised: "You can actually smell carrots in the soup?!"

Old Franz pointed to the menu list for this season on the outer wall of the canteen.

The corner of Frederick's mouth twitched. He was just looking at the training uniforms, hats, shoes and socks of the new recruits to see if they had cut corners, and didn't notice this.

He did not disturb everyone's meal in the canteen, but studied the content on the wall outside.

On the menu list, today's lunch is steamed bread and sauerkraut stewed pork, dinner is bread and pig blood sausage, and midnight snack is a hard-boiled egg for each person.

Tomorrow's breakfast is marked as steamed bread from the day before, as well as sausage and onion soup. Lunch is steamed bread and mushroom stewed chicken. In the evening, it is meat sauce noodles and a hard-boiled egg. The midnight snack is scallion pancakes.

There are various vegetable soups for three meals a day. In addition, everyone has a daily quota of tea and Wesson hard candies.

For ten days, I ate something different every day. The combination of a few meat dishes and various seasonal vegetables was enough to make dozens of meals.

Frederick was very satisfied, and then took two steps to the side. The types and quantities of clothing, shoes, hats, bedding, daily necessities and other items that each soldier received were announced here.

Next to it is the daily schedule. Get up at 6 a.m. and go out for exercise, tidy up at 7 a.m., have breakfast at 7:30, train at 8 p.m. and have lunch at 12 p.m., train at 14 p.m. and have dinner at 18 p.m., and start culture at 18:30. The class study period lasts until 21:00 for late night snacks and washing, and then goes to bed after 22:00 roll call.

This timetable was proposed by Frederick and then optimized by professionals. Everyone felt that all the time should be used to prevent those young people from causing trouble whenever they were free.

After reading, Frederick took old Franz to the back of the kitchen, where the cooks were preparing today's lunch and dinner.

The meat was delivered from a nearby slaughterhouse. Slaughtered pigs were hanging on the shelves. A cook was going to chop them and stew them in a pressure cooker together with the chopped sauerkraut. The pork bones and vegetables were cooked together in soup.

On the other side, the cook weighed the flour, water and dough and put them into the dough mixer. She closed the lid and turned on the switch. The mixing stick driven by the magic reciprocator will mix them into dough, and then take out the dough. Put it into a mold dipped in flour and press it into a long strip, then cut it into steamed bun embryos of the same size according to the markings on the table, and finally put them in a steamer for fermentation.

There were many cooks boiling water. There were dozens of wooden buckets like wine barrels placed in the open space outside. There were copper faucets underneath and they were placed on a rack with wheels. There were numbers on them, one bucket for every ten people.

Frederick looked at it for a while to make sure that there was no problem with hygiene. The current tradition is to hire cooks to cook in military camps. On the battlefield, either soldiers cook themselves or civilians cook. There are no professional cooks.

The technical content of the cooking trailer is not low, and it will take some effort to make it.

Not long after, little Franz came over after receiving a tip from the cook.

He wore a navy blue double-breasted officer's uniform, a large-brimmed hat on his head, a pair of riding boots on his feet, and a saber hanging on his waist.

The sudden visit from the chief made him a little nervous, and he almost hit the noodle machine on the roadside when he came in a hurry.

Old Franz gave his son a hard look and told him to pay attention.

Frederick curled up the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "You are already married, and you are still so reckless."

Little Franz smiled sheepishly.

After getting used to it, you still have to follow the rules.

There is no unified standard for military salutes at this time. Generally, you raise your weapon in greeting. When you are empty-handed, you pat your left chest with your right hand to mean the heart.

After saluting, little Franz asked Frederick: "Why didn't you tell me earlier when you came?"

Frederick smiled and said, "Come and take a look when you think of it."

"Don't disturb them anymore. Let's go in and have something to eat after they go to training. We haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Upon hearing this, little Franz immediately went to make arrangements, but was stopped by Frederick.

The people in the cafeteria left quickly, and Frederick went in and ordered a breakfast.

The officers' breakfast was similar to that of the soldiers, but there was an extra sausage and a piece of cheese.

In this era, no one will tell you that officers and soldiers are equal. Officers are nobles, and soldiers are civilians. There is a gap in between.

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