Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 93 The ticket is obtained

The game proposed by Frederick is not difficult. No matter how many coins the opponent takes away, as long as the number of silver coins left to the opponent is an integer multiple of 4 plus 1.

It would be simple if you understand the mathematical principles involved, but the second leader of the Scorpion Gang opposite does not know so much, so in that little time, Frederick won a total of 10 games, during which he lost 2 and 3 games in a row. once.

The second-in-command didn't care about the money. The key was that he lost to a child so many times, which made him lose face.

"Let's increase the bet!" The second master's face turned red, "Five silver coins at a time."

After someone translated, Frederick smiled and said, "Okay, no problem."

Then Frederick won six games in a row.

The onlookers cheered. People sympathized with the weak and naturally stood on the side of the children.

There were several members of other gangs in the city in the crowd, and their voices were particularly harsh in the ears of the second leader.

"10 silver coins a round!!!"

There were bloodshot eyes in the second master's eyes, and his head was buzzing.

He calmed himself down as much as possible. If it were someone else, he could punch him now, but this time the other person was a child, and there were many outsiders around. If he were to beat him to death in public, it would be a lot of trouble.

If he doesn't regain his position, he will lose face this time and give away his money again... The second boss couldn't help but tremble when he thought of the angry look of the first boss.

The onlookers thought he was shaking because he lost again, so they didn't pay attention.

As a result, Frederick had more silver coins in front of him than on the opposite side.

He figured it was time to call it a day. After winning two, he lost three in a row, won another, and then lost two in a row.

He was very good at pretending to lose. He had learned it from Maria. If Philip hadn't restrained himself very well, he would have won Maria home.

The second boss saw that his "luck" was getting better. The gambler's thinking of "I will definitely win the next one" occupied his entire brain. He grabbed a handful of silver coins and threw them in the middle of the table. He roared: "This time I will definitely win." Win or lose, lose all, win all!”

There were boos all around because Frederick's side seemed to have a little more money.

Frederick pretended to be frightened, froze for a while, shrank his neck and said: "This... this is not good. How about we come here tonight and let's play again tomorrow."

How could the person on the other side let him just run away with the money? The red-faced Shuangfeng stared at him, clenched his fists and said viciously: "What kind of place do you think this is? You can come and leave whenever you want?!"

At this time, the translator advised, "It's almost done," but he was punched and two teeth were knocked out.

Frederick was so frightened that he huddled up on his chair. After listening to the translations of others, he shouted with a cry: "I'm sorry, His Excellency Count Ansbach, I didn't know it was you, I'm playing, I'll just keep playing. Come on, don’t hit me!”

The expressions of some people present who could understand Pulan suddenly became strange.

After speaking, Frederick stretched out his trembling hand and moved the 1 silver coin in the middle of the table to the edge of the table, leaving 21 silver coins. There was no time for others to translate his words to the other side.

A minute later, the second boss stood at the table in a daze, with cold sweat on his forehead.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth, turned around and walked towards the back door.

Like a happy monkey, Frederick jumped on the table and put the tickets and some silver coins into his pocket.

At this time, he looked across the crowd and saw the second boss grabbing a waiter by the neck and dragging him toward the back door.

Frederick immediately filled his pockets and stuffed a lot into his collar. Then he stood up straight on the table, put his hands on his hips and shouted triumphantly: "I'm treating you tonight. Let's drink the rest of the money." It’s over!!!”

The most expensive grape here is sold in a 5-liter keg for 1 kreuz, and the money on the table is enough for people here to drink for an entire night.

Sewage flows in the dark alley at the back door of the hotel. From time to time, you can see rats with dark green eyes and slimes as big as fists snatching food scraps on the ground.

Lina was hit hard against the wall, and the back of her head hit a hard stone. It took her several breaths to recover from the dizziness.

The second master held a thumb-sized clay bottle in his hand and said to the little girl: "Put this in the wine and give it to that family to drink."

Lina pressed her back tightly against the wall, as if she could escape through the stone, but her back was cold.

Her body was shaking like a sieve, and she answered tremblingly: "I...I...I won't...kill anyone..."

She is well-informed about working here, and she knew what was going on when she saw the bottle.

"8 florins, 6 Kreutzers, 8 coppers! Either do as I say, or pay back the money now!"

Lina's body trembled every time the second boss said a word.

Lina asked in a very low voice: "Didn't I say yesterday that I would have to pay it back if I still had 3 florins?"

The second boss raised his hand and wanted to slap him, but he thought it would be difficult to administer medicine if his face was swollen.

"Whatever I say is what I say!" He hit Lina in the stomach with an uppercut.

Lina fell to the ground, her body arched like a cooked shrimp, her trembling became more violent, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her head.

The second boss looked at his hand and felt as if he had just rubbed something serious. He had not noticed it before because of his loose clothes.

"Hehehehehe..." The second boss grabbed Lina's neck and lifted the little girl up, with an extremely lewd smile on his face.

"You have grown up." The second master put the medicine bottle back into his pocket and stretched out his other hand. "It's okay if you don't do it. Then do something else to repay the debt."

"By the way, you still have a sister, so we can pay off the debt faster together."

Lina's eyes were full of fear, but her throat was choked and she couldn't speak. Her hands and feet could only kick and hit in vain.

Suddenly, she no longer kicked and hit the second master, but pointed her finger behind him, and her body shook even more.

The second master thought someone was coming from behind, so he turned around and was about to yell back at the nosy guy, but the next second he was frightened and fell to the ground.

Any normal person would be frightened when they see a one-story-tall tentacle monster wriggling its weird tentacles in front of them in a dark alley.

At the critical moment of life and death, the second boss returned to his true self during the gang fight. He grabbed Lina's belt and threw her towards the tentacle monster, then turned around and ran away.

However, the tentacle monster had already laid a dragnet, and the surrounding alleys and walls were covered with vine-like green tentacles. The second master was tied up after running a few steps.

Two tentacles climbed up the back of his hands, then branched, and then branched again, and soon controlled both hands and five fingers.

The eyes of the second master were completely occupied by panic and despair, because the monster was manipulating his hands to take out the bottle of poison, opening the bottle cap, raising his head, pouring the poison into the pried open mouth, and then holding the bottle and the bottle tightly with both hands. bottle caps.

When daybreak, people will find that he committed suicide in fear of crime with the poison he carried.

"You didn't see anything..."

Frederick kept whispering beside Lina in the local dialect, sometimes left and now right, sometimes far and now near.

The little girl was mummified by the "entangling waterweed" magic that Psyche gave to Frederick, and she couldn't even nod her head.

"Leave here and go to the east..."

Frederick continued to whisper in her ear.

Lina didn't know when she fainted or for how long. When she woke up, she found a body lying not far away. She was so frightened that she rushed home immediately, not even noticing that her pocket was full of silver coins. .

Before dawn the next day, as soon as the city gate of Ansbach opened, the carriage transporting meat, vegetables and other food to the city passed by the caravan carriage rushing to Wesson to pick up the goods.

In one of the caravans, Lina was holding a little girl three or four years younger than herself, huddled under a pile of tarps, not daring to breathe.

When the carriage stopped, Lina heard the driver unloading the harness and taking the horse to the stable to feed fodder. She immediately opened the tarpaulin and got out, and saw a pair of eyes staring at her beside the carriage.

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