Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 92 Let’s play a game

In the evening, Frederick came to the tavern downstairs. The tavern was quite lively, but there was a mixture of dragons and snakes. Except for waiters and proprietresses, serious women would not appear here, and neither should children.

He found an empty table and imitated an adult and asked the waiter for a glass of wine without water.

As a result, the young waitress remained motionless.

At this time, the customer at the table next to him touched the gluteus maximus of the waiter on his side, which elicited a scream, followed by a burst of laughter.

Frederick looked at the waiter next to him and the waiter on his side. The one next to him had a flower tied to his ear, but the one here didn't.

He stretched out his hand with a puzzled look on his face and said, "Do I have to touch you before you bring me a drink?"

The young lady burst out laughing. She could understand some daily Pulan language, and she held back her laughter and said, "Sir, it's too early for you to drink. Do you want some milk? We have some here." The sweet milk imported from Weisen is very delicious, and you can become smarter after drinking it."

At this time, the guest at the table next to him said obscenely: "Oh, Weisen's milk is not as delicious as Wei's milk."

The waitress immediately turned back with a frosty look on her face and said coldly: "This guest, please respect yourself."

The guest was stunned for a moment, a little angry, and the waiter he had just touched immediately came over and sat on his lap, said a few words in his ear, and then the two of them went upstairs.

Frederick was stunned and understood what was going on.

He said to the waiter: "Just milk, give me a glass."

Then the waitress smiled and asked him for 30 copper coins.

Frederick twitched the corner of his mouth and meowed. Manuela's bottled milk with maltose was actually sold here, and the boss actually dared to increase the price by 6 times.

He took a few sips of milk, looked around curiously, and found that someone was indeed using the admission ticket as a bargaining chip.

This person's rules are very simple. You have to beat him 10 Kreuz first and then win again to get the ticket.

When Frederick was thinking about how to get close to the man who was sitting in the village, a gadget seller came over and sold a rough wooden dragonfly to Frederick.

Frederick spoke a few words to him in Pulan. Fortunately, this businessman had traveled extensively and could speak Pulan.

This rough wooden dragonfly cost less than a glass of milk. Frederick bought it and then curiously asked the man who was betting the ticket if he was playing a game.

Two minutes later, another person left helplessly after losing a lot of money. Frederick sat on the vacant chair with a curious look on his face.

The man sitting at the table is a middle-aged man with a beard and a strong build. He looks very untouchable.

"Let's play." The dealer waved his hand like a fly to drive Frederick away.

The businessman recognized the banker and accepted Frederick's money to serve as an interpreter, so he said: "Oh, this young gentleman wants to play with you, so just play with him."

The dealer gave him a roll of his eyes and said angrily: "Asshole, you can comfort him when he cries."

The businessman's face immediately showed a lewd expression, and he whispered in the dealer's ear: "This child came with his mother and a little girl bodyguard. He lives upstairs. If he cries, you can send him upstairs. "

The dealer glared at the businessman fiercely and said angrily in a low voice: "[Ansbach swears]! If you didn't still owe me money, I would slap you to death right now!"

"Is it easy to mess with people who dare to travel far by themselves these days?"

The businessman said aggrievedly: "Oh, I didn't ask you to do it forcefully. You have a few tickets. You don't necessarily need money to buy them."

A kind smile gradually appeared on the banker's face, and he looked at Frederick carefully, thinking that his mother must be good with such a handsome son, and the rings on his hands looked quite valuable, they should be from other places. The businessman would not lose money no matter what, so he immediately asked: "What do you call this gentleman?"

After the merchant translated, Frederick replied: "My name is Charles."

He heard the conversation between the two people just now, but he didn't care anymore.

The dealer asked again: "Did you come here by yourself?"

Frederick replied obediently: "No, I came with my mother and sister."

When the dealer heard that there was no one else, the smile on his face became even brighter. He pushed the dice and poker cards to the middle of the table and asked, "What do you want to play?"

He has dice and poker here. The dice are processed. When playing poker, someone will look at the cards from behind and make hints, specifically to deceive outsiders.

Frederick pointed to the pile of silver coins on the table and said: "Let's play fetching coins. You grab a handful of coins and put them on the table. You and I take turns to take the coins to the side. You can take one to three at a time. Who can If you get the last one, you lose, and the loser will give the winner a silver coin, what do you think?"

The dealer's face twitched obviously, but he thought to himself, this child's game is so simple, there is no reason for him to lose.

Frederick took out 6 silver coins from his pocket and lined them up in front of him, including two Kreuz silver coins, and the others were silver coins from Caledonia, obtained in the Principality of Mainz.

After placing the coins, he rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let's get started."

The dealer imitated him and rolled up his sleeves, grabbed a handful of silver coins and spread them in the middle of the table, and then said, "You take it first."

Frederick counted the silver coins on the table. There were 19 silver coins, so he put two coins aside.

The dealer wanted to end it quickly, so he put 3 silver coins aside, leaving 14 silver coins on the table.

Frederick pretended to think about it for a long time and took away 1 silver coin, leaving 13 coins.

The dealer thought for a moment and took away two coins, leaving 11 coins.

Then Frederick also took away two coins, leaving 9 coins.

The dealer took away 3 more coins, leaving 6 coins.

Then Frederick took away 1 coin, leaving 5 coins.

At this time, the dealer's outstretched hand paused in mid-air, and he suddenly realized that no matter how many coins he took away, he would be the loser.

He finally took away three coins, and Frederick took away one, leaving one silver coin alone in the middle of the table.

The banker was a veteran at the casino. He smiled and pushed a silver coin in front of Frederick, then put all the silver coins back in the basket, grabbed another handful and put them on the table.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door of Frederick's room.

Psyche opened the door and saw a waitress in the corridor. In the voice of some great harmony of life coming from the next room, she asked: "What's the matter?"

The waitress who just sold milk to Frederick said anxiously: "Dear Madam, your son is gambling with others downstairs."

Psyche's expression did not change, she just asked: "Who are you betting with?"

The waitress was a little nervous and whispered: "He is the second in command of the Scorpion Gang in the city."

Psyche said "Oh" and said before closing the door: "It's okay, he came back after losing all his money."

The waitress was stunned for a moment and knocked on the door again.

"What's the matter?" Psyche opened the door and asked.

The waitress said anxiously: "Madam, that Scorpion Gang is not a good person. They will cheat you out of your money through gambling, owe you a lot of money, and then use a knife to force you to pay back the money!"

A smile appeared on Psyche's face and asked: "What is your name? How old are you this year?"

The waitress was stunned and replied: "My name is Lina, I am fifteen years old."

"Lena from Ansbach City." Psyche nodded, "I will remember you. Good people will be rewarded."

After saying that, she closed the door.

Lina was stunned for a moment, stood there for a long time, turned her head to look at the room next to her that made some kind of noise, and finally sighed deeply, turned around and went downstairs.

When she returned downstairs, she found that the place had become very lively, with many people surrounding the table where the second boss of the Scorpion Gang was gambling.

Amid a burst of cheers, the second master let out an angry roar and punched the table hatefully.

Frederick took the silver coins he had won with a bright smile on his face.

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