Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 91 Entering the enemy camp

The Ansbach Territory is the most powerful among the neighbors of the Wesson Territory. Its land area is more than double that of the Wesson Territory, far exceeding the territories of other nobles.

Recently, many guests have come to the city of Ansbach, including sturdy warriors, seemingly enigmatic magicians, and businessmen from all over the place who came to watch the knightly competition after doing business in Wesenland.

Even Frederick dyed his hair and eyebrows burgundy and appeared in the city of Ansbach with Psyche wearing a little makeup.

Today Psyche is wearing a long red dress, a tall red conical hat on her head, a thick white veil under the conical hat, and a blue short-sleeved jacket with fluffy and puffy shoulders. , the hem of the jacket is diverged to reveal the skirt inside.

Frederick's dress attracted attention. He wore ordinary dark blue clothes on the upper body and a red and black plaid skirt on the lower body.

The locals find it very novel, and only well-informed businessmen know that this is the traditional clothing of the Caledonia region in the north of Anglian Island.

The current identity of the two people is that they are the children of a wealthy family from Caledonia who went to Constantbulo to study via Wesenland and his mother. After hearing that the city of Ansbach was going to hold a knight's competition, they were like everyone else. Come and watch the fun.

Behind the two of them followed a girl swordsman, who was created by Psyche using shaping magic.

The city of Ansbach is very lively now, and the streets are lined with stalls selling various small commodities.

Frederick pointed to a stall selling dried fruits and said to Psyche in Plan: "Mother, I want to eat that."

With a smile on her face, Psyche took Frederick to the dried fruit stall and gave the vendor a few coins to choose.

Frederick selected some dried apples, apricots and raisins that were dehydrated and asked the vendor to pack them separately in plastic bags imported by Wesson. He actually took away the money for the bags.

When he handed the things to the magic swordsman behind him, he found Psyche asking how to sell hangers made of slime at a stall nearby.

"Mother... mother..." Frederick became nervous subconsciously, "What... did you... buy this... for?"

He has a psychological shadow on this thing.

Psyche waved the clothes hanger in the air twice, and the clothes hanger caused a gust of wind. She said with satisfaction: "It feels good."

The vendor selling clothes hangers whispered: "Madam, this is for hanging clothes, not a weapon."

Psyche smiled and said to the vendor in Rhineland: "You can try to use it to beat the child. It hurts but doesn't hurt."

"Is that so?" Another witch aunt next to her who was studying the hanger also picked up the hanger and gestured, and finally said in surprise: "It's really good, it's strong, elastic, and very light."

"Old...teacher..." A cute little girl about the same age as Frederick who was next to the Witch immediately became nervous, "You don't want to buy it, do you?"

The clothes hanger vendor happily sold two bundles of clothes hangers.

Frederick and the little girl looked at each other, and both of them saw the despair in the other's eyes.

"Would you like some raisins?" Frederick asked in Plan, passing the raisins in his hand.

This little girl is wearing the traditional folk clothing of the Osmaga Empire, similar to the one here, a yellow long-sleeved skirt, a black vest on the upper body, a blue apron front, and a dark gold long skirt. Her hair was tied with a fiery red scarf.

The girl was either rich or noble, because she replied in Pulan: "Thank you, no need."

The two groups of people separated and went their own ways.

Frederick and Psyche walked around the streets and returned to their hotel.

This hotel is above average and has three floors. The first floor is a restaurant, and the second and third floors are occupied by people. It is quite clean and suitable for people like them who are traveling far away and don't have much money.

Frederick walked to the window and opened the curtains, and found that someone in the hotel room across the alley from the back door of the hotel also just opened the curtains, it was the little girl just now.

The two nodded politely and then pulled back the curtains in unison.

"What's wrong?" Psyche sat on the bed and leaned against the wall, eating dried apples leisurely.

"Nothing." Frederick sat down on the bed on the other side of the room. "It seems that Ansbach is very lively recently."

Psyche glared at him fiercely, snapped her fingers, and a transparent soundproof barrier enveloped the room, and then said: "Be careful what you say when you go out."

A clothes hanger flew into the air and hit Frederick on the head several times.

Frederick shrank his neck, now that he was "deep behind enemy lines", he was a little careless.

The Wesson family's foundation is still insufficient and they do not have their own professional spy system. Now the entire Wesson Territory is busy, and some news needs to be confirmed by Frederick himself.

Frederick's head was hit by a clothes hanger a few times. Although it didn't hurt, he still covered his head and said, "Did your mother often beat you with a clothes hanger when you were a child?"

Psyche's hand holding the dried apple paused slightly, then shook her head slightly and said, "I have never seen my mother."

Frederick was startled and said, "Sorry, my condolences."

Psyche suddenly sneered and said, "It's okay, she won't die so easily."

Frederick blinked, frowned, and asked her cautiously: "Could it be that...you have been looking for your mother?"

Psyche didn't confirm or deny, she just ate the dried apple quietly.

Frederick saw that she seemed not to be very secretive about this topic today, and thought it was a breakthrough, and asked curiously: "What kind of person is your mother?"

Psyche looked at Frederick quietly, and then said after a moment: "I don't know, she ran away after giving birth to me."

"Alas..." Frederick sighed, remembering some past events, and couldn't help but said: "I... knew a person before. The fat man picked up a beautiful woman on the roadside who helped him move steel bars. Later, he didn't get married and had children. I have a daughter, and after a hundred days of drinking, the woman ran away the next day.”

"The fat man worked hard to raise his daughter all by himself. He had to take his daughter to the construction site during the holidays, otherwise no one would take care of him."

"That little girl is a bit clumsy. One day I used a Coke bottle to fill soy sauce, and she asked me for a Coke. I said it was salty Coke, and you can only take one sip at a time... Uh... Why are you looking at me like this?"

The murderous aura in Psyche's body disappeared in an instant, and she chewed two handfuls of dried apples with an expressionless face before saying, "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Seeing her saying this, Frederick didn't say anything more and got back to business: "Well, the Knights Athletic Conference will start tomorrow. How can we get tickets?"

There are many types of tickets for the Knights Athletic Conference, the cheap one is 1 Kreuz, the expensive one is 1 florin, but they have been sold out, and there is no way to find scalpers.

Psyche looked familiar with this kind of thing and said, "Go sit in the tavern downstairs tonight. Maybe there will be a crook who will use the ticket to bet."

Frederick immediately shook his head and said: "I don't gamble, and I don't even touch it."

Psyche ate the last piece of dried apple and said without raising her head: "Then you can figure it out yourself."

Frederick could only lie lazily on his bed, thinking about how to get the tickets.

In previous years, Count Ansbach had a dozen knights and four or five powerful magicians, but half of them were lost in the previous war.

This year Count Ansbach held a knight's competition after the summer harvest to gather thirty knights and ten magicians.

The area of ​​the Ansbach Territory has not expanded in recent years, but now the number of vassals has suddenly increased. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a preparation for war.

Not just here, the neighbors around Wesenland have chosen to hold the knight competition after this year's summer or autumn harvest, as if they had made an appointment.

Count Ansbach was the biggest enemy Wesen was about to face, so Frederick personally sneaked into the knight competition here to see how strong the enemy's backbone was.

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