Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 90 Military Reform



As the gunfire rang out, the steel breast target 100 meters away fell down and hit the grass thickly.

With a smile on his face, Frederick handed the "peas" in his hand to the recruits on the side.

Bobo took the gun, his hands shaking with excitement. Like everyone else, he looked at the master with admiration on his face.

The magic airgun currently in use has been initially finalized, and the Springfield Arsenal is still under construction. Currently, a batch of them are produced by the Lakeside Blacksmith for the army to try out and train.

The current semi-automatic magic airsoft gun has undergone some changes compared to the trial in the spring. In addition to the code name "Pea" printed on the receiver, a "maintenance" gear has been added to the safety. A matchhead-sized crystal at the end of the receiver can The color changes depending on whether there is a bullet in the chamber, the bayonet holder has been strengthened, a scale has been added to the sliding rear sight, a soft rubber pad has been added to the contact area between the butt and the shoulder, and maintenance tools are placed in the small hole in the butt. , the magic crystal that provides energy is installed in the butt of the gun, with a metal cover on the side.

The chest target used for shooting training is made of thicker steel plates and is hung on a shelf through a steel bar. It does not matter how many rings are hit, as long as the bullet hits the target. The target will shake when it is hit.

With the recruits' accuracy, the steel bar hanging the target took a lot of bullets. Frederick aimed at the middle of the chest target and gave it the final blow.

He found that others thought he was deliberately targeting the steel bar, so he stopped as soon as possible.

Frederick said loudly to little Franz: "Tomorrow we will organize a shooting competition for everyone. 10 rounds of bullets will be given. If you hit the target with 1 bullet, you will be rewarded with a sausage. If you hit the target with more than 4 rounds, you will be rewarded with a chicken drumstick. If you hit the target with more than 7 rounds, you will be rewarded with two drumsticks. If you hit the mark, add a pork knuckle!"

The company that was undergoing shooting training heard clearly and cheered happily instantly, saying various things such as "I wish you good health", "The God of Light will always love you", and even "I wish you a son soon".

Frederick said to them with a smile: "You train well, and you will be rewarded if you perform well!"

"By the way, those who didn't hit the target with a single bullet will go clean the toilet for me!"

The new recruits burst out laughing.

Frederick added: "Bullets cost money, and they have to be recycled after they are fired."

"Anyone who picked up bullets at the shooting range during their break and handed them in, exchanged one bullet for a hard candy."

"If any guy dares to secretly hide new bullets to cheat people out of candy, see if I don't kick his ass."

The recruits laughed again.

After Frederick finished speaking, he left the shooting range and walked around other companies. After announcing the shooting competition, he was heard asking little Franz to find the best pork knuckles in Wesson. award.

He walked through four companies to find Richard Nall and asked curiously: "Master, what are you studying recently?"

Richard Nall was sitting on a chair next to the shooting range, with his legs crossed and his arms folded across his chest. This appearance has not changed from the beginning to now.

"Well done." He was very satisfied with Frederick's performance just now.

Frederick just smiled slightly and said nothing more.

In addition to being top-down, military power must also be controlled from the bottom up. With enough prestige at the grassroots level, even if someone wants to rebel, they will only be tied up to receive the down payment in the end.

Richard Nall stopped talking about this matter and asked his apprentice seriously: "Do you know what it takes to win the war?"

There were so many answers in Frederick's mind that he didn't know which one to say.

Richard Nall took it for granted that he didn't know, and said: "To win the war, you must protect yourself and destroy the enemy as much as possible."

Frederick nodded, this is the basic principle on the battlefield.

Richard Nall continued: "In addition to martial arts and armor, there is another way to protect yourself, which is not to be discovered or hit."

"This kind of gun can not only be used while standing, but can also be used while lying on the ground. It can even be covered with grass so that the enemy cannot detect it from a distance."

"If it's in the woods, if you hide it and set up soundproof magic around it, you can eliminate the enemies one by one just like a roll call."

"If it is a defensive battle, you can dig trenches on the ground and connect several trenches in front and back. People can walk in them, which can reduce the losses caused by bows and arrows and magic bombardment."

"When the enemy is close, go to the next trench. The people in the second trench can also take advantage of the slowdown in their speed to eliminate them."

"If you still have enough money, you can equip them with fast horses."

"They don't need to attack the defense line. They only need to use their speed advantage to move to the enemy's weak points, and then use their distance advantage to attack the enemy."

Frederick kept a smile on his face and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was indeed a top figure in the field of killing and could think of so many things.

He said: "I think ambush is a good tactic. Compared with setting up a formation, the enemy on the march is easier to destroy."

"The enemy treats us the same way." Richard Nall said seriously. "Our advantage lies in killing the enemy from a distance. If we are attacked by the enemy at close range, especially if we are excellent warriors, the advantage will turn into a disadvantage."

Frederick nodded seriously, thinking about this question himself.

The existence of extraordinary power makes the power difference between individuals huge. On the battlefield, "Shang Si and the other Zhong Si" and "Middle Si and the lower Si" rarely overturn, but "the lower Si and the other upper Si" are Trade life for time, and how long it takes depends on how fast the opponent swings his sword and casts magic.

The enemy is not a fool. He also knows how to exploit his strengths and avoid his weaknesses. He also understands that "you fight yours and I fight mine." The principle of both sides in the battle is to maximize their own strengths and attack the enemy's weaknesses.

"We need to make up for our shortcomings." Frederick said thoughtfully, "Melee combat ability can be made up for through weapon matching, fighting techniques and other methods."

Richard Nall nodded and said: "My first suggestion is to train soldiers to become masters."

"With the current level of diet and training, plus the training plan I have formulated, I can become an excellent fighter in two and a half years. Any higher level will depend on talent."

"My second opinion is to change the organization according to the weapon combination."

"Firing square formations like archers and multi-layered shooting like crossbowmen are not advisable. I want to try multi-layered shooting lines."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and drew a "◇" in the air in front of him, and then said: "The smallest group consists of four people, and the people at the top three apexes are equipped with this kind of pea gun, responsible for attacking targets between 150 meters and 50 meters. The enemy, the one at the top below is the team leader, equipped with a purple mushroom gun, responsible for the enemies within 50 meters."

The so-called purple mushroom gun is a revolver shotgun. Its name comes from a purple mushroom that explodes into a spore when it matures. People think that the shotgun explodes like this kind of mushroom.

Richard Nall continued: "Three such groups form a squad, and the leader of one of the groups is the squad leader. Such a squad is the most basic combat unit."

"Three squads form a platoon, and three platoons form a company."

"The grenadiers have the same organization, replacing the pea guns with cherry cannons. They deal with enemies at a distance of 300 to 150 meters. They also have a team leader with a purple mushroom gun who is responsible for approaching enemies."

"In addition to grenades, they can also be equipped with shotguns to deal with difficult enemies at close range."

"A battalion consists of four companies of peas and two companies of cherries, and a regiment has two such battalions, plus two companies of chasseurs for reconnaissance."

"During the battle, the three platoons of the Pea Company are 20 meters apart from the front and back, and the Cherry Company is 20 meters behind. The Chasseurs defend the rear. The enemy has people responsible from far to near."

"The organization of soldiers is basically like this. Officers and non-commissioned officers, as well as doctors and clerks, etc., can be added depending on the situation."

Frederick calculated in his mind that such a regiment had more than 1,500 combatants. If commanders and support personnel were included, the number would be close to 2,000.

The limit of recruitment in his mind was 4,000 men, which was exactly two regiments.

This requires a lot of money, but you can still persevere if you grit your teeth.

But Richard Nall continued: "Mage and cavalry each need two companies."

Frederick raised his head and looked silently at the clouds covering the sun in the blue sky, pretending not to hear.

More than two hundred light cavalry can grind their teeth to get it out, but with so many magicians, the monthly salary of at least 6 florins per person is enough to make him cry "Wow".

Richard Nall must have understood how much money it would cost to build such an army, and he was not the kind of person to talk nonsense about big things, so there must be a point in saying so.

The latest news is that the neighbors have begun to prepare for war. Their combined land area is six times that of Wesson Territory. If the newly moved people last year are not included, their total population is eight times that of Wesson Territory.

Frederick sighed inwardly.

Jet cannons cannot keep up with this war. The cost of gun barrels is too high, and it is impossible to obtain sufficient data in a short time through experiments with a large number of barrels like gun barrels.

There was also a problem with the rocket. The black powder used as the propellant was not strong enough. During flight, it would break apart due to the impact of combustion, and then explode.

In the end, he could only say: "Then please draft a plan with little Franz. When I come back, I will take a look. If there is no problem, I will approve it."

There is naturally no problem with Richard Nall.

Early the next morning, Frederick took a carriage to Lohr. The next day, while out hunting with Baron Philipp von Erthal and his family, he was accidentally stung by a wasp and bitten the head of a pig. He decided to stay there to recuperate for a few days.

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