Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 95 Qualifying Tournament

Amid the cheers of the audience today, the contestants participating in this knight competition entered the venue one by one.

Among the more than fifty people, there were only three iron cans, and the rest were in half plate armor and chain mail.

"Poor guy." Thearesia muttered in a low voice.

Frederick nodded and said, "Yes, why don't you eat some apricots?"

The purpose of this competition is to select knights, not a competition between knights, so those who come to participate are those who are eager to achieve class leaps by relying on their own force.

As the saying goes, "rich culture, rich martial arts, and magic", no matter what you study, hiring teachers and daily expenses are not low, and it is a big expense in a year.

Most people who practice martial arts among the people come from relatively well-off families such as declining nobles, small businessmen, hunters, veterans, or thieves who have made a lot of money. Families such as veterans and hunters can also save the expense of hiring teachers.

Children who have been trained since childhood will become knight servants, traveling merchants, blacksmiths, and poachers when they have martial arts skills at the age of fifteen or sixteen, honing their martial arts skills while supporting themselves.

In their early twenties, their desire for power and wealth led them to exchange their saved gold coins for weapons, and then joined the army, mercenaries, caravan bodyguards, World of Warcraft hunters, etc., and further learned while working on the tip of a knife. and hone martial arts.

Many people stop here, while some choose to cross class.

According to the current market price, an ordinary iron can costs around 20 florins, half-body plate armor and chain mail armor sold on the market cost 4 to 5 florins, a barrel helmet with pads inside costs a little more than 1 florin, and ordinary weapons cost around 1 florin. Two or three florins.

As for magic weapons, the price of ordinary enchanted weapons is several times that of the original weapons.

The most common flaming sword, the blade of the sword can emit flames at the level of wood burning. You can't buy it for less than a dozen florins.

Frederick's father's set of enchanted steel cans with rock armor were made in his own blacksmith shop. The enchantment was obtained from an acquaintance, and the cost price has exceeded 200 florins.

To be able to use magic equipment, you must first become a knight, and then save one yourself, or the boss may give you some.

Frederick looked carefully for a while. The weapons and equipment of these people were quite ordinary, but they all had round waists and thick necks.

The competition started soon, with the lance event being the first.

The content of the first game of the contestants was to ride horses and use lances to stab a wooden stake the size of a human face. The wooden stake was hung horizontally on a shelf at the height of the rider's heart.

This is a qualifying round for the next competition, and if someone can't hit the stake five times, they're done.

Although there are various weapons for knight-horse warfare, in the war the year before last, the knights of the Rhine League were defeated by the Lightning Ranger Knights of the Kingdom of Gaul with a gun charge, and now they are starting to follow suit.

However, Frederick was not optimistic about this reform. This unique tactic was highly targeted from horses and equipment to supporting magic and training. These were all improved by the Kingdom of Gaul based on its experience in exchange for human lives.

Not to mention anything else, the Kingdom of Gaul has a higher crop yield than the Rhine League, which makes the war horses eat better, which is enough to widen the gap, not to mention the various invisible details. Simple imitation will fail. Canine-like.

"No way." Theresa kept shaking her head, "The horse is so bad, and the human body is too stiff."

Frederick was a little surprised. He didn't expect this little girl to know so much. It seemed that she had received a good education.

Most of the horses on the field are cheap war horses that cost around 20 florins, which can only be said to be on the edge of the passing line. Only the three canned war horses cost 40 to 50 florins, which can be regarded as ordinary war horses.

Many people obviously did not receive the news of the version update. They are not very accustomed to fighting with a long gun of about 4 meters, and their bodies are very uncoordinated. There are many people holding guns with both hands.

The first day of the Cavaliers Tournament was spent with laughter.

Whenever those "knights" galloped on their horses and hit the air with a shot, the audience burst into laughter.

Only one tin can and less than ten people passed the test in the first round. The second and third rounds were better. After getting a feel for it, more than 20 people passed the test.

At the end of five rounds, almost ten people were eliminated.

The project carried out on the second day was to chop wood piles. There were high and low shelves on both sides of the horse path, about the same height as the vital points of the cavalry and infantry, with a piece of wood pile placed on the top.

Players need to ride horses and run quickly around the field while using their own weapons to knock the wooden piles off the shelves.

This tested the basic skills of horseback riding. Not only did the horse need to be fast and the weapon accurate, but it also had to have enough strength to drive away the old heavy wooden stake. Frederick felt that he was not yet able to do this.

It was just Theresa who said: "What's so difficult about this? Anyone in my hometown can do it."

Frederick asked her curiously: "Can you do it too?"

Theresia said proudly: "Of course you can. If you want me to teach you, you can just treat me to a Wesson bun."

Frederick just smiled.

Weisenberg's cultural exports began with Weisenbread and steam bread, which Frederick never thought of.

Now there are vendors selling Wesson buns and steam bread here in Ansbach. They follow the example of Wesson and make the buns and sell them in plastic bags.

Theresia tried one at noon yesterday, and it actually suited her taste.

Now Frederick even had a plan. In the future, the Wesson family's intelligence agency would use the shop selling steam bread and Wesson buns as a base, codenamed "Steamed Bun Bureau".

"That's right!" Theresa suddenly asked, "Can you ride a horse? If not, I can teach you. What can you treat me to?"

Frederick smiled and asked her: "What do you like to eat?"

"Meat!" A bright smile appeared on Theresia's face, "I like to eat meat the most!"

Frederick said: "Just eating meat is not enough..."

As a result, Theresa snorted and said unhappily: "Why are you so annoying like that old woman!"

After saying that, she turned to watch a player chopping wooden stakes and ignored Frederick.

Frederick smiled and shook his head, stopped talking to her, and continued to evaluate the strength of these future opponents.

The players performed well, and the atmosphere in the audience was much livelier than yesterday, with cheers ringing from time to time.

Frederick had been calculating the speed of the players on the field in his mind, and initially estimated that the pea gun could effectively kill them.

At the end of the day, several more people were eliminated due to poor performance.

On the third day, the long-awaited project of the audience was staged.

More than 30 players fight against each other to determine the final winner in a knockout round. The top 16 can directly become knights, and the remaining ones have a chance to resurrect. The size of the fiefdom is related to the ranking.

Psyche touched Frederick's head and said seriously: "The next part is what you need to be most concerned about. Watch how they fight."

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