Lord of Industrialization

Chapter 96 Fighting Competition

The fighting competition on the third day was a foot battle. The first one pitted a tin can against a young man who couldn't even afford a bucket helmet.

Magical equipment cannot be used in battle. The tin can uses a long sword and the young man uses a warhammer, but he can use magic.

"Who do you think will win?" Theresia asked Frederick.

Frederick replied without thinking: "It must be the tin can."

Theresia was stunned for a moment before she realized that he was talking about the man wearing full plate armor. She smiled and said, "Hahahaha, what you say is so interesting."

"Well, it does look like a person in a tin can."

"I also think he can win."

At the beginning, Tie Can held the sword in both hands and raised it high, leaning back, as if he was going to make a vertical chop. At the same time, the sword was surrounded by a layer of white mist.

When he does this, it looks like he has no defense below. If the opponent is fast, he can hit him on the waist.

But fighting with armor is different from fighting without armor. The defense brought by armor can eliminate many defensive actions, allowing people to focus more on offense.

If the iron can's waist is hit with a hammer at this time, the armor and the padding inside will absorb a large amount of energy and will not cause much harm to the body.

There is no need to worry about the head. The bucket helmet also has thick cushioning to prevent shock. The limited gap between it and the armor limits its range of movement, and also prevents the head from breaking the neck due to large-scale deflection.

Frederick had seen magic disguise before, and for a moment he was not sure what the white mist on the tin can sword was for. It might be decoration, or it might be a forbidden spell. Only experienced people would know.

"An improved 'freezing mist'." Pontigan began to give Theresia on-site teaching, and did not avoid Frederick. "This type of magic mainly allows the icy cold air to get into the gaps in the armor and freeze people. Zombies slow down a person's ability to move."

"This is a magic that a full-armor warrior must learn. In addition to dealing with enemies, you will get very hot after wearing full-body armor and padding. You can apply this magic to yourself to cool down."

Thearesia kept nodding her head.

Psyche added: "This magic has been greatly improved and belongs to the second stage of magic."

"There are some larger ice nuclei in the ice mist. After getting into the armor, they will quickly absorb the ice elements and form thorn balls or awls."

This time it was Frederick's turn to keep nodding, thinking that this was really insidious and he liked it very much.

Those who can use the second level of magic are those who are talented and have received good magic education. It seems that this tin can is from a good background. He is rich, educated, talented and capable. How could he lose?


The tin can's sword did not strike down, but suddenly flew backwards and hit the wooden wall heavily, causing the auditorium on that side to shake.

Amid the enthusiastic cheers from the surrounding audience, the two children, Frederick and Theresia, were so surprised that their mouths opened. Theresia asked anxiously: "What happened just now?"

"Battering ram?!" Frederick replied in surprise, "The tin can was suddenly kicked to the chest by the person on the opposite side. The speed was very fast and it was kicked away!"

He heard from Richard Nall that there were many magics commonly used among the people, and the battering ram was one of them.

The battering ram belongs to the wind magic. It is mostly used with long weapons such as spears and thrusts. Once the strength is developed, it can blast through wooden doors. It is also excellent for dealing with tin can cavalry.

However, this is the first time I have heard of using my own legs to perform this move.

I saw the tin can standing up unsteadily, looking around, and then wandering around, as if looking for something.

Theresia asked strangely: "What happened to that man?"

The corners of Frederick's mouth twitched and he replied: "I think he is looking for his sword."

Thearesia was even more surprised, and said with questions on her face: "But his sword is in his hand."

Frederick laughed and observed carefully before saying: "I'm afraid he is still fainting and his brain is not working properly."

Theresia said "Oh".

The other audience members also reacted and burst into laughter.

In the end, the young man on the court couldn't stand it any longer and ended the game with a hammer.

This result was beyond most people's expectations, and there was a burst of curses in the audience.

As soon as you hear it, you will understand that these people are dog gamblers.

Frederick looked confused and turned to ask Psyche: "Is this the end?"

Psyche replied: "Otherwise, how about beating people to death?"

"Don't underestimate the winner, his strength is more than that."

Frederick asked curiously: "How can you tell?"

Psyche smiled slightly and replied: "He uses magic from another system, otherwise his body would bear the siege ram just now."

Frederick thought thoughtfully. According to what he said, that person mainly used magic to strengthen his body, supplemented by various attack magic.

The second game started, but the audience yawned.

Two players, one specializing in ice armor and the other specializing in rock armor, competed with each other on the field to see who could destroy the other's defense first.

Frederick had a headache. To deal with this kind of enemy, he would have to arrange half a platoon to concentrate fire.

Suddenly, Pontigan turned to Psyche and asked: "Ms. Elizabeth, is the winner of the first game your descendant?"

Psyche replied calmly: "I have only taught the magic of the peach blossom stone to the sisters in the sorority. After so many years, I may be the descendant of one of the sisters."

Frederick was startled and immediately asked: "Is that the magic of the peach blossom stone?"

Psyche nodded slightly.

"Have you ever been to Peach Blossom Stone?" Theresia instantly became excited, "Can you tell me what it's like there?"

"Someone once sold me golden beans from peach blossom stones, and each one cost 5 florins. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough money at that time, so I only bought one. Otherwise... hmm? Why are you looking at me like this? ?”

The eyes of Frederick and Psyche showed concern for the Zerg players at the same time.

"It's nothing." Frederick said, "Drink more milk on weekdays."

Thearesia's delicate brows furrowed, feeling that there was something in this guy's words.

Frederick continued to watch the game while assessing their strength in his mind. He would talk about the magic of the peach blossom stone later.

Some of the subsequent games were exciting, some were dull, and one even resulted in a fatality.

The young man who won the first game performed extremely well, with strong physical fitness, superb martial arts skills, and a flexible mind. Until he won the final, he was not hit by the enemy's weapons once.

Frederick remembered this young man named Tony, and would focus his fire first when he appeared on the battlefield.

Other people who specialize in defense should also pay attention. Maybe they can resist and break through the fire blockade.

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