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The man with only Jenna in his eyes didn't realize that someone had broken into the cave until Lumian jumped out of the shadows, trying to ruin his good deed.

Clap, clap, Lumian bullied into the vicinity, and made continuous attacks with hands, elbows, knees, and feet, setting off a violent storm.

The man was in a bit of a hurry and didn't bother to pull up his pants, but his strength seemed to be strong, and his body's ability to resist blows was not weak. He relied on the serial blocking of his two forearms, the continuous small steps of his feet back, and his chest. The stubborn resistance of the front body and calves and thighs to the missed attack was not defeated by Lumian~ When he came back to his senses, the brown eyes were quickly stained with a little green, emitting a strange brilliance, reflecting Lumian With Ann's figure, Lumian instantly had an abnormal strong desire, only to feel that the flamboyant girl Jianna, who was lying beside her and staring at the two with difficulty, was incomparably alluring, her whole body was full of charm~

That kind of desire filled Lumian's body like a detonated bomb. He gave up the attack, turned his body sideways with red eyes and thickened breathing, and rushed towards Jenna~.

Your **** soberness, Jenna noticed the abnormality, and shouted angrily and in fear~ Then, Lumian pressed her on her body~ At the same time, Lumian felt something **** the right waist He touched it~ He instinctively touched it, and touched the ritual silver dagger that he deliberately placed in a posture of stabbing himself~

He immediately regained his sanity, and vaguely remembered the purpose of doing this before~ The next second, Lumian, who was washed away by desire for most of his sanity, grabbed the handle of the ritual silver dagger, and stabbed it at the It touched his body~ the silver-white tip immediately penetrated his clothes, and sank into the skin and flesh~ The tingling feeling penetrated into Lumian's mind, helping him regain part of his sanity from the strong desire and regain his certainty. sober.

He pretended that nothing had changed and still pressed on Jenna, carelessly rubbing her body~

Are you **** useful? Even this pervert can't handle it. See Jenna trying to wake up the only helper with scolding~

Seeing that the enemy had been controlled by desire, the man hurriedly picked up the dagger in his clothes, threw himself behind Lumian, and stabbed him in the vest.

At this time, Lumian slipped his hands and supported the cold ground on both sides of Jenna's body~ He flicked his lower waist vigorously and pushed his right foot back violently~ It hit hard like a soft whip In the broken sound of the man's crotch ~ Kacha, the man's face turned pale and his expression was extremely distorted.

when! His dagger fell to the ground, and he fell down, clutching the injured part, rolling around there, unable to break free from the extreme pain~

Lumian didn't waste this opportunity, he jumped over, stretched out his arms, and wrapped around the opponent's body, his right arm moved up accordingly, grabbed the man's head and twisted it hard~ Kacha, the man Seeing his back, he no longer has to worry about the pain in his lower body~ After confirming that he was completely dead, Lumian retracted his arms, drew out the ritual silver dagger, and simply treated the lower wound with the medium-colored bandage that he carried on the camouflage ~.

He wasn't afraid of getting infected at all. With the provocateur's physique, even if he was really infected, he could survive until six o'clock tomorrow morning. The main purpose of his bandaging the wound was to prevent blood from staying in the cave.

Jianna, who was lying on the ground, managed to prop herself up, just in time to see Lumian withdraw her hands, and the man fell to the ground, which killed Jianna. The desire has dissipated quite a bit.

She is not an ignorant person, she can see what kind of strength and magic that pervert possesses, but the other party didn't even last ten seconds before being killed by that handsome country boy! . From the contact between the two sides to the corpse falling to the ground, it only took eight or nine seconds!

After Lumian bandaged the wound, picked up the man and took off his coat and shirt and walked towards Jiana, she came back to her senses and asked curiously, "Why did you appear here?" She added habitually Joke: You can't fall in love with me, Yizhen is following me!

Lumian chuckled, squatted down, and put Jenna's hands behind her back.

What are you doing? Jana panicked. She tried her best to struggle and resist, but she still had no strength. Lumian **** her wrists easily with the man's shirt, and then Lumian put a darker jacket on Jane. On Na's head, tightly covering her eyes~

Shit, bastard, pervert, what do you want? Jenna was angry, anxious and panicked. Lumian ignored her at all, tore off the rest of the shirt, crumpled it into cloth, and stuffed it into Jenna's ears and mouth Li~

Umm, Janna is speechless~

She gave up on herself and thought: Forget it, just treat it as being bitten by a dog, as long as he doesn't kill me, but she didn't feel anything after that, Lumian stood up directly, left her side, and walked towards the corpse After cleaning the ritual silver dagger and consecrating it, Lumian walked around the small cave, creating a spiritual wall~ Then, he danced the dance of ingestion, and he This is intended to use this channeling! Although the corresponding effect is definitely not as good as the psychic art of impermanence, after all, the purpose of the dance of recruiting is not for psychic, but it is better than nothing~

His spirituality was combined with some kind of natural force, and spread out to the surroundings, but was blocked in Dingyan Cave by the wall of spirituality~ In this way, no other weird creatures would be attracted~

In the sometimes crazy and sometimes distorted dance, Lumian saw the spirit of the man just now~

He immediately stretched out the ritual silver dagger, pierced a drop of blood, and ordered the other party to attach himself to him.

Lumian quickly felt a chill, and an abnormally excited flame burned in his body, which made him full of strong desire for women, and it still had this effect. An forcibly controlled herself, not looking at Jenna, who was blindfolded and had her hands tied, and sensed her extra brain~ because the man had just died not long ago, so in addition to desire, pain, anger, Emotions such as hatred and the instinct to use one's own characteristics, as well as some obsessions and the most impressive memories.

Lumian made a little distinction, and found that this pervert had many more abilities and traits than the monster with mouth parts. It induced the greed of others, and he became greedy and stingy. appetite, the body becomes healthy and powerful, always in a state of hunger and thirst, and always burns one's own energy to improve strength, reaction, speed, agility and shock resistance; use eyes, language and movements to secretly induce the target to produce a certain degree Lust, relying on direct touch and casting spells, can make the target produce different degrees of lust, prepare drugs and other things, and distinguish the hormonal breath of different people.

The first one is that this pervert used by Mr. Eve is indeed related to Mr. Eve Suzanne Matisse. Always in a state of hunger and thirst, no wonder he targeted Jenna and took the risk of kidnapping her. Is this a negative effect? ​​Well, Jenna is probably not the first victim. Analysis of the general content of the sensed, unable to understand more specific abilities, he tried to enlarge the most profound memory of the man, and then he saw a stage, on which stood a young man in a white holy dress Woman, her facial features are profound, her eyes are lake-colored, with slight ripples in the clearness, she looks innocent and charming~Charlotte. Calvino.

Lumian recognized this woman. She was the most popular actress in the Old Pigeon Cage Theater. At the same time, Lumian could feel that the man became excited, and his already **** state became more and more obvious. But because there were many audiences around, he didn't do any inappropriate behavior, but he hurried to the bathroom after the drama ended-this memory ends here.

Lumian finished the dance of trapping and let the man's spirit open his body. Immediately afterwards, he danced the dance of trapping again, letting the other person return to him again. This is because every time he possessed , he could only choose a trait, a piece of memory or a little obsession, and could not change his path. Lumian chose one of the most impressive memories of the other party this time.

The next second, he saw Jane, who was performing flamboyantly on the stage. Lumian probably understood what was going on, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth and cursed, "You can't think about other things and your mind is full of it." woman, woman! He gave up the psychic, regretting that he has not yet reached the recipient of the contract, and cannot sign a contract with the other party to borrow a certain ability for a long time~

Lumian is very envious of such a man's part of the traits. He feels that he can play a great role in the battle. It would be great if he could raise this spirit. Lumian sighed and admitted that his own ability could not do it Regarding this matter, he immediately dismantled the spiritual wall, put away the ritual silver dagger, walked back to Jenna, and removed the jacket that blocked her eyes and the shirt that bound her hands.

Jenna frowned, and took off the cloth that was stuffed in her mouth and ears~

She rubbed her red wrist, looked suspiciously at Lumian, who was rummaging through the abnormal clothes and trouser pockets, and asked tentatively: Why did you blindfold me and plug my ears just now? It's protecting you, you can't see what you shouldn't see, and you can't hear what you shouldn't hear. While Lumian responded half-jokingly, he found a total of 8 Feer gold knife coins and three relatively old metal vials.

Jian Na found that the other party had no intention of hurting her, so she sneered and said, "Is there anything here that you shouldn't see or listen to? Are you doing that kind of thing to the corpse!" "

Her voice became lower and lower, she remembered some knowledge, and probably guessed that the other party was using some kind of ability to obtain information from the corpse. Seeing that Lumian was looking at the three metal vials, Jenna took the opportunity to change the topic and recalled. : There is a gas in a bottle that can make a person unconscious and lose all strength, that’s how I was caught by him~ There is also a gas in a bottle that is very irritating and smells bad, but it wakes me up, **** that should be caught Ass **** **** pervert! I don't know what's in the remaining bottle, and I'm not sure which of the other two is which~

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