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Lumian squatted there, holding the three metal vials, looked at Jenna, and said with a smile, "I have a way to confirm."

"What way..." Jenna was curious at first, and then a little nervous and flustered because of the other party's ambiguous smile.

Lumian smiled and replied, "Come and help me try which bottle is which."

"Are you kidding me?" Jenna would have cursed if she hadn't just been saved by the other party and her body was in a weaker state.

Lumian looked serious: "If it's the bottle of gas that can stun people, I won't do anything to you if I stun you again at most. I really want to do whatever you want, and you can't resist now. Besides, who are you sure? After knowing what the bottle is, I can still use that bottle of irritating gas to wake you up and get you back to normal.

"If you're lucky, you'll encounter that bottle of irritating gas right away, and you'll be able to regain some of your strength now."

It sounds reasonable, no matter how bad it is... Jenna was almost persuaded by Lumian.

She quickly recovered, gritted her teeth and said, "What if it's another bottle? We don't know what it does!"

If it is poisonous gas, there is no one who knows how to treat it!

Lumian laughed and said in a mocking tone, "Are you stupid? Most of the bottle is gas and part of it is liquid. There is a big difference in weight!"

"This bottle should be liquid!"

He lifted one of the three metal vials and shook it slightly.

He "clearly" heard the sound of liquid sloshing inside, and immediately put it in his pocket.

"That's it..." Although she was ridiculed, Jianna now focused all her attention on the "experiment", and was not angry because of it.

She hesitated for a few seconds, closed her eyes, raised her head slightly and said, "Try it!"

Lumian put the other metal vial in his pants pocket, leaving only one in his hand.

He then brought the remaining one to Jenna's nose in a calm manner.

The next second, he saw Jenna quietly opened her eyes.

Lumian laughed, and twisted the lid. Soon, the extremely irritating smell of fermented feces penetrated into Jianna's nose, choking her to sneeze several times, as if tears and snot were about to flow out.

And every "sneeze" helped her regain a lot of strength. After Lumian screwed on the bottle cap and changed from squatting to standing, she jumped up suddenly and moved her arms and legs instinctively.

"It seems that I'm lucky!" Jenna said happily to herself while arranging her clothes and skirts.

The bottle of gas with a pungent smell was drawn directly!

Then, when she saw Lumian's mocking expression, Jenna's heart skipped a beat, and she had a "bad" premonition.

She tentatively asked: "Actually, did you know which bottle the gas was from from the beginning?"

So can you get that metal vial with the irritating gas so accurately?

Lumian laughed, and handed the metal vial to Jenna: "Smell the cap yourself."

Jenna took it suspiciously, and sniffed the bottle. There was a vague smell left in it. It wasn't too irritating or effective, but it was bad enough.

"The other bottle has no taste." Lumian added with a smile.

Jian Na's already flushed face flushed red.

This made her feel like she acted like a fool just now: first she believed what the other person said, and then she gritted her teeth and participated in the so-called "experiment"!

The words of gratitude and various thoughts that she had already prepared were instantly pushed back into her stomach.

Lumian ignored the angry Jenna, and put away the metal vial with a scratch mark on the surface and the 8 Filkin banknotes at the same time...

Although the man's certain ability allowed him to sense where the lost items once belonged to him, he was already dead, and Lumian was not afraid to track him down.

As for the effect of the liquid in the remaining metal vial, he planned to find mice, stray dogs and other mammals to test.

After completing the corresponding tasks, Lumian pointed to the perverted corpse and said to Jana: "Look carefully at his appearance, remember his appearance, and find someone to find out who he is." He probably has accomplices . ""good. "

Jenna walked quickly to the corpse, remembering that face seriously.

After watching for a while, thinking of what happened just now, she was furious, raised her right leg, and kicked the corpse's crotch fiercely.

Click, click, and click!

"Shit, pervert, **** your mother, **** your whole family!" Jenna vented her inner emotions to her heart's content.

Lumian felt a little phantom pain, lowered his head, and cleaned up the traces left by the scene.

After Jianna calmed down, he walked over with the large off-white cloth bag, stuffed the body and clothes into it, and asked seemingly casually, "How did you get caught by him?"

Jian Na straightened her loose brown hair and simply tied it into a ponytail.

She gritted her teeth again: "I met him in an alley next to the Breeze Ballroom. He said that he liked my singing very much and hoped that I could sign his autograph. As soon as I finished signing, my whole body felt wrong and I lost part of my strength." Then, he attacked, controlled me, and put the bottle in front of my nose, and after that, I fell into a coma. ""Isn't it too vigilant? Lumian taunted. Jenna was not convinced: "I saw him several times when I sang, and I was very sure that he really liked my singing, otherwise, I would have ignored him at all. "Also, as a singer who has not yet become famous, it is an honor to have someone find an autograph...

"That gas has no smell," how can one be prepared?

Lumian sneered, "That's not what I'm talking about."

"It can be clearly seen that that kind of gas will dissipate quickly when it is put on paper, and it must be used in a short period of time to have a certain effect. That is to say, that pervert has been tracking for a long time, and I have basically figured out your body. Act regularly, otherwise he would not be able to accurately block you in an alley with no one there, and infect the paper with that bottle of gas ten or twenty seconds earlier."

"Have been followed for so long, and didn't notice?" Jianna fell silent for a moment, sometimes gritted her teeth, and sometimes felt annoyed.

Lumian withdrew his gaze and chuckled secretly: It's normal if he didn't notice it, that guy can distinguish the hormonal information of different people.

If Mr. Eve hadn't been obviously weaker than the pervert just now, and probably didn't have the ability to master lust, Lumian would have thought that he had exposed his identity as a "robber".

He re-tied the off-white cloth bag, and used it to destroy various traces of the scene with the body on it. Seeing this, Jianna cooperated and started the corresponding work.

There is a lot of peace in dealing with traces... Lumian glanced at Jianna, put the cloth bag on his back suspiciously, and walked out of the cave.

Based on this incident and the fact that Jenna deliberately didn't mention her abnormal behavior under the influence of that pervert, he believed that this "flashy girl" had a certain understanding of the extraordinary world, and even herself.

And her source of information or power is probably the "Red Boots" Franke of the Savoyard Party.

After lighting the calcium carbide lamp at the place where he was hiding and holding it in his hand, Lumian looked back at the depth of the road.

It was going down, there was no light at all in the distance, nothing could be seen.

The darkness is like a huge mouth waiting for the prey to pass and devour them.

"What are you looking at?" Jenna asked curiously.

She felt that this man named Shire was acting mysteriously.

Lumian stopped staring and said with a smile: "I was thinking, where do I go all the way down, the Trier of the Fourth Epoch?"

What he really thinks is: the ability of that pervert just now is very similar to that of Mr. Eve. If the two are accomplices, will he habitually and subconsciously approach places he is familiar with when choosing crime places in the underground world? Is that the destination Mr. Eve went underground that night?

If this is the case, explore along this road, maybe you can find something.

Jian Na was rather disappointed and said, "That's not a good place."

Lumian didn't say anything more, and walked to the ground along the road when he came. Jenna was thinking about her own thoughts, holding the calcium carbide lamp left by the pervert, and silently followed behind.

When approaching the floor where the layout of the ground was roughly reproduced, Lumian stopped and smiled in a disgusting tone: "Do you need me to help you send it to the ground?"

"Aren't you going back?" Jenna was quite surprised.

Lumian moved his shoulders: "I have to find a place to dispose of this corpse."

Jenna nodded without asking further questions: "I can go by myself, I have been underground before."

Meaning, have the ability to protect yourself? Lumian watched Jianna leave lightly, and said a few words in his heart: Is Trier a human or a dog with extraordinary abilities?

Is there something wrong with Trier, or am I just having issues myself and always running into people like this?

He shook his head, carried the corpse on his back, and while processing the footprints, he walked towards the empty quarry where he prayed for the "gift".

On the way, he performed anti-tracking twice to confirm that no one was following him.

After arriving at the quarry hole hidden in the ground, Lumian threw the off-white cloth bag containing the corpse aside and set up an altar.

He originally planned to go to the morgue of the nearest hospital at night to look for fresh corpses, but now he has a better choice!

After finishing the altar, lighting the candles, and making the "spiritual wall", Lumian took out the imitation parchment with the corresponding symbols drawn in advance. "The main body of those figures is a circle of thorns, scattered around it are eyes, curves, self-winding rivers of symbols, etc.

In room 207, just sketching them, Lumian consumed a lot of spirituality.

After laying out the imitation parchment, Lumian took two steps back, looked at the two lit candles, and began to contemplate the spell to be used next.

In this ritual, the prayer to self cannot be in the format of "I! In my name", but a three-paragraph description of yourself, pretending that it is a creature from the spirit world.

This can be done in any sentence, and it is not required to include authority, as long as it can be accurately positioned within the scope of the “spiritual wall”. "Lumian opened his mouth and read in a low voice in Hermes: "The prank king of Kordu Village, Auror. Li's younger brother, named Lumian. Li's presence..."

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