Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 17: fishing battle

From late July, the East Sea pirates who entered the Taihu Lake Basin continued to burn, kill, and loot the counties along the coast until mid-August. By this time, most of the pirate ships were filled with gold, silver, jewelry and women that had been plundered and evacuated from the Taihu Lake Basin one after another. out.

In the reeds on the southwest beach of Xisha Island, Lin Bian stood with a knife, his eyes fixed on the river at the southern end of the island, and two loach boats came from a distance, and in the distance, the clear water and the sky, a few faint shadows like It's a ship, but it's a long way from the two loach ships.

"Let the bait boat go out!" Lin Bie waved and ordered.

The guard behind him pulled the reins and got on his horse, and went north along a newly stepped dirt road to convey Lin Bie's order.

After a while, a large awning boat sailed from the river branch on the west side of the Southwest Beach and headed for the south bank.

No pirate would think that they had grabbed too much and let the big fish swim in front of them. The draught of the Wu Peng ship is very deep, whether it is a cargo ship or a passenger ferry, it is worth grabbing. After the two sea loach boats found the Wu Peng boat, they adjusted their sails and changed their course in the middle of the river, heading straight for the Wu Peng boat.

When the big awning boat saw that the sea loach boat came with bad intentions, it naturally turned the bow and fled back. Where can the loach boat easily let the fat sheep slip away under the nose? After chasing after him, he didn't stop when he saw the mouth of Hechazi, and rushed straight in.

Generally speaking, the draught of the loach boat is shallower than that of the big awning boat. The large awning boat full of goods can pass through the river. It was four or five miles away, and it was only when the oars and oars moved forward with extra effort that I realized that the bottom of the boat was touching the riverbed. This group of pirates wanted to turn the bow and leave, only to realize that there were five or six tall masts coming from the direction of the river branch that they had just entered. The Donghai pirates on the sea loach were fools who dared to know that they fell into the trap.

The rivers on Xisha Island are naturally formed, and the channels are shallow. The empty boat Dongyang travels very slowly in the shallow water channels.

Lin Fie, who was moved to the boat, was not anxious, standing on the deck with a knife, watching the loach boat in front of him getting closer, Fu Qinghe stood beside Lin Fu with a pale face, wearing a light armor shirt, his left arm Long sleeves empty nothing from under the elbow.

Fu Qinghe had a broken arm and multiple injuries on his body. He lost too much blood and was at stake. When Wu Yanqing thought he was powerless, Lin Bie could only risk a blood transfusion for him.

It is not that there is no blood transfusion in this world, but it is abnormally primitive and simple, and even has a great legend.

Donghu has a record of cutting open the flesh of the horse's belly and wrapping the wounded generals with severe blood loss into it to save life. Lin Fu speculated that this is the most primitive blood transfusion technique.

Of course, it is also a miracle that smoke from the ancestral grave can be saved in this way.

Lin Bing performed a blood transfusion operation for Fu Qinghe to be closer to future generations, but it was not difficult. The simplest blood transfusion operation could be performed by connecting the blood donor's artery with the injured person's vein with a clean goose feather tube.

The most important thing is that the blood type cannot be identified. Under the existing conditions, it is difficult to accurately observe whether the two blood types are compatible. In this case, blood transfusion is carried out, especially Fu Qinghe's injury is so serious. Accelerating death is not much different from gambling. But Lin Fu had no other choice. It was better than cutting open the horse's belly and wrapping people in. Fu Qinghe was lucky enough to survive.

Lin Bie was afraid that if the blood type could not be accurately identified, the spread of blood transfusion would be abused and misused by the Shilang, and only Wu Yanqing could see the process of his treatment of Fu Qinghe.

The current medical research on human anatomy is very incomprehensible, and the understanding of blood is even more rudimentary. When Lin Fu revealed this, Wu Yanqing was naturally amazed.

Based on Wu Yanqing's lifelong medical experience, it is hard to imagine that the seriously injured and dying can be treated like this.

The medical theory of the world attaches great importance to the essence and blood. Lin Fu explained the importance of blood to Wu Yanqing. Many serious diseases can be relieved or even cured by blood transfusion. Wu Yanqing can understand this, but the blood circulation system in the human body However, it was inconsistent with the current medical theory, so Lin Fu secretly brought a newly deceased pirate corpse to Wu Yanqing for autopsy, which was a forced anatomy lesson for the current medical science.

Dissecting a corpse was against the norm in this world. Even if an autopsy on an enemy's corpse was a more severe punishment than execution, Lin Bie could not escape the brutal accusation when the matter spread.

Afterwards, Lin Bie still asked people to secretly/dispose of the corpse; changing customs should be considered from the long-term.

Fu Qinghe has been awake for more than ten days. After regaining some strength, he can no longer lie in the tent to recover from his injuries. Although he is still unable to walk far, Lin Bie lures the pirates, and he comes out to breathe. At this time, he stands with Lin Bie. On the top deck of the aft cabin of the Dongyang, calmly watched the approaching sea loach boat.

Ao Canghai shouted loudly, and ordered the military guards on the deck to prepare for battle.

Qin Zitan led the lake to raid the island, causing the Jiyun Wuwei who stayed at Xisha Island to reduce the number of more than 50 people at one time. After the incident, Lin Fu selected fifty brave soldiers from the victims of Xisha Island and incorporated them into Jiyun Wuwei. A considerable part of the military guards on this ship were new soldiers. They had not experienced a few wars. , Ao Canghai naturally needs to spend more effort in teaching.

Zhao Hu led the military soldiers, and Ning Zechen led the village camps and civilians to line up on both sides of the strait, blocking the route of the shareholder pirates abandoning the ship and fleeing, waiting for the Dongyang to attack together.

This shareholder pirate has been wandering in the Taihu Lake Basin for more than half a month. Under their strong attack, the scattered defense forces in the local area have been smashed or completely destroyed, and they have hardly encountered a few resolute resistance. At this time, they were not very panicked when they were trapped in the encirclement. First, they used the bamboo penny to push out the shallow waters. In their opinion, they could only break through the blockade of the two ships Dongyang and Jiyunyi. , pirates are mostly armed with knives, but there are also a few people with hook guns, shields, bows and arrows, standing on the deck menacingly, waiting to fight on the side, but they are met by arrow feathers from three sides, close-range bed crossbows Cumulative shooting is a disaster.

Lin Fu and other more than a hundred pirates on the decks of the two sea loach boats were all maimed with bows and crossbows, and then they took the boat and sent Wu Wei to board the ship to fight, completely disappearing the pirates.

Ao Canghai was about to board the ship, and Lin Bie reached out to stop him and said, "You can command the ship for me..."

When the battle was difficult, Lin Fu even had to take the lead to boost morale and fight a new situation, but in daily battles, Ao Canghai and others could not continue to fight on the front line.

Lin Bie was afraid that Fu Qinghe's body would not be able to bear it, so he went back to the cabin with him to rest first. This battle could not be overturned, so there was no need to keep an eye on it.

After about half an hour, the sound of fighting outside completely ceased, and Ao Canghai walked in and said, "We have caught more than 20 survivors, and they are being interrogated. In addition to the goods, there are more than 20 young women on the two ships. , how to deal with it?"

"After a live interrogation, I sent them to the Chongzhou county government office. I didn't mention the lure and annihilation. I only said that pirates attacked the island. Those young women still settled down in the old way. After asking about the address, they quietly sent someone to bring them to their families. Believe it..." Lin Fu said.

Ao Canghai nodded and went out to deal with these matters.

After these young women were captured by pirates, they could not keep their innocence, and it was still important in this world. Once they were publicized, it would simply force these women to death.

However, even if they send someone to send letters to their family members, most of the family members do not recognize each other. In the past six or seven days, a total of eight pirate ships have been lured and destroyed by Xisha Island, and almost every ship has captured young women. The earliest group of 12 young women were picked up, and only four were picked up, and the rest of the family did not recognize each other.

Lin Fu chose some smart ones to send to Wu Yanqing as assistants to help take care of the seriously injured soldiers, and the other young women also stayed in the camp to do some easy chores.

Fu Qinghe shook his head and smiled bitterly. He also sympathized with the fate of these young girls, and said, "How can a poor man who can't get enough to eat and can't get a wife care about this? Most of the military guards are bachelors, why don't you make a rule? , How many years have you died, or how many achievements you have made, Xu quit Jiyun Wuwei, here to help them settle down and get married, so that Wuwei can look forward to more."

Brothers sharing wives and even marrying wives often happen among the poor people in the world. The poor really don't care about this. Besides, these young women are indeed pitiful.

"It should be the same," Lin Fu nodded and said, "At the mouth of Jiangning River, we can't find a place where we can take root, but we can do it on Xisha Island. In the future, I will choose more people from Xisha Island for Jiyun Wuwei, and even try to do my best. It is possible to replace the original forest hometown Yong, and the replaced people should stay on Xisha Island as much as possible. Only in this way can the roots become deeper and deeper on Xisha Island. …”

Fu Qinghe nodded. He knew that Lin Fu's thinking was very clear. The area of ​​Xisha Island was twenty or thirty times larger than that of Changshan Island. To cultivate his own power, Xisha Island was more suitable than Changshan Island.

Xisha Island are all refugees with newly established households. Even if there was a large-scale power group, they were completely dispersed in several disasters. The more they were excluded from Chongzhou, the more closely they would gather in the forest. bound side.

When ruling the world, the rich and powerful regarded the common people as lowly as dogs; in troubled times, is there any more solid support than this?

What Lin Fu has to do now is to tie the deep roots on the Xisha Island, so that the blood is closely connected to the Xisha Island.

Who knows how many times there will be a fierce battle like Guanyintan in the future? Lin Bie wants to make Jiyun Wuwei a real elite, and the casualty rate will be difficult to reduce for a long time.

In the battle of Guanyintan, Jiyun Wuwei killed 27 people, and more than 50 people were seriously injured.

For the dead, Lin Fu can only compensate their families.

Due to the limited treatment conditions in the world, it is very difficult for the severely disabled to survive. People like Fu Qinghe who can survive with a broken arm are already extremely lucky. The wounded who can survive can recover and return to Jiyun Wuwei to take up arms and fight.

However, Lin Fu did not hesitate to temporarily reduce the combat power of Jiyun's military force. He also decided to keep all the seriously injured military guards on Xisha Island after arriving in Chongzhou. Courage was incorporated into Jiyun Wuwei to supplement the deficiency.

This can not only quickly improve the training level and combat power of the Xisha Island township camp, but also an important way to quickly root the roots in Xisha Island. Just relying on the Hu family will be too thin.

At this time, Ao Canghai, Zhao Hu, Ning Zechen and the others dealt with the pirate affairs and came to see Lin Fu together on the boat.

"This group of people are all from Mingzhou Prefecture. Seeing that the East China Sea bandits are turning upside down in Taihu Lake, and the officers and soldiers are unable to clean them up, they came in and fished in troubled waters," Ao Canghai said, "These dogs/mothers are more than real pirates. It must be hateful, and there must be quite a few of these people..."

Lin Bie frowned, tapped his fingers on the table to consider the problem, turned his head and said to Fu Qinghe: "There were more than 1,000 Donghai pirates and 12 ships who attacked Anji County at first, and they should be the Donghai pirates directly controlled by the She family. The power, but the flag has not been raised, I don't know if the Prince of Jin'an is among them?"

"In the ten-year war in East Fujian, She Feixiong will take the lead in the battle. It can be called a combination of wisdom and courage," Fu Qinghe said. "They want to make such a big noise in Taihu Lake, and She Feixiong will probably not hide on which island to remotely control the war. …”

"It is now clear that there are thirteen East China Sea bandits in the Shengsi Islands," Lin Fu said thoughtfully, "The leader of the thirteen alliances, Yuan Tingdong, the East Sea Harrier, is naturally a subordinate of the extravagant family, even if Yuan Tingdong is She Feixiong himself will not be surprising..."

Zhao Hu smiled slightly, who could outsiders know that Donghai Fox Tan Zong was Lin Fu who was sitting here?

"Apart from Donghai Harrier, the shareholder pirate, there are probably other Donghai pirates that are directly controlled by the luxury family," Fu Qinghe said, "but not too many. Abandoning the land and going to sea is a new strategy adopted by the luxury family. When the land war was tight before, the financial resources of the She family were also at stake. I think there were only two or three East China Sea bandits under the direct control of the He family. To identify these families, only by attacking these forces first can the She family be less vulnerable to the East China Sea bandits. The influence of this can at least delay the time when the luxury family integrates the East China Sea bandits to the greatest extent."

"To do this, it is impossible to rely on Xisha Island's strength at this stage," Lin Fu said helplessly, "Even if there is enough combat power to mobilize, it will be difficult for the East China Sea bandits to withdraw from the sea like a low tide. fighters..."

East China Sea bandits invaded Taihu Lake to the later stage, and there were no less than 20,000 East China Sea bandits and hundreds of ships who successively poured into Xilifu County. If these East China Sea bandits were all under the direct control of the She family, the She family would have opened up a second front in addition to confronting Li Zhuo.

In fact, Lin Bie set bait on Xisha Island to lure and annihilate a small number of transit pirates, and also further understood the internal situation of some East Sea pirates. This time, the number of thirteen East Sea pirates who came to the Shengsi Islands to join the alliance was also limited. There are only 4,000 people in total.

However, those who can lure and destroy Xisha Island are also the peripheral East China Sea pirates who do not know the situation of Xisha Island, or they are simply this group of fishermen in troubled waters, and the situation of taking out from their mouths is also limited; It is very likely that the family controlled the first batch of more than 1,000 elites who raided Anji County.

Even if there are more than a thousand people, Lin Fu has no ability to fight against them.

What's more, the East China Sea bandits have been tossing the world upside down in Taihu Lake. During this process, the thirteen East China Sea bandit forces in the alliance have also become more closely connected, and the luxury family's control over the East China Sea bandits has been further strengthened. If there is no effective Containment, and even the outer East Sea bandit forces are under the control of the She family, and the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for Jiangdong County.

"In the past two days, I will go back to Jiangning to meet Gu Wuchen and see how he handles it," Lin Fu said. "This is the matter, let's go back to Guanyin Beach first."

In addition to more than 20 living ports, more than 20 young women were rescued~www.readwn.com~ more than 20 living ports will be handed over to Chongzhou County for disposal. The wealth looted by the prefecture and county was naturally retained by Lin Fu for the construction of Xisha Island.

In the past few days, Lin Bie used this bait-fishing method of rust warfare to cut down eight pirate ships that returned home.

The thirteen East Sea bandits of the Huimeng fought against the naval division of Ninghai Town, with the main purpose of attacking the garrisoned troops along the coast, but the extent of local looting and destruction was not as good as that of the peripheral East Sea bandit forces and other plunderers in troubled waters.

The eight pirate ships that Lin Fu and the others intercepted were full of looted goods, mostly gold, silver and bronze, and even a bronze Buddha that weighed more than 20,000 catties. I don't know how these loose bandits Youyong loaded the bronze Buddha onto the boat. Even if the copper Buddha was melted down, it was worth more than 4,000 taels of silver.

The wealth of the eight pirate ships can be converted into almost 80,000 to 90,000 taels of silver, which is evident from the wealth of the four prefectures around the Taihu Lake.

The prefectures and counties around the Taihu Lake suffered this catastrophe, not counting casualties, and the loss of property and goods reached at least millions of taels of silver.

In addition to strengthening the East Sea pirates directly controlled by the She family, the She family provides various support to other pirates behind the scenes, and the wealth looted by these pirates will naturally be vented through consumption, purchase of ships, weapons, and combat gear. Or sell stolen goods and other channels into the hands of luxury families.

This rises and the other disappears, the luxury family secretly accumulates strength, but the counties in the southeast are severely weakened.

If there is a choice, how many local forces in Jiangdong and Zhejiang would be willing to take refuge in a luxury family?

Lin Fu returned to Guanyin Beach, and Jiang Ning sent a letter, saying that Gu Wuchen would go directly to Chongzhou to inspect in the next two days, or he might cross the river to Pingjiangfu to inspect the pirates. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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