Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 18: long pavilion

Lin Fu originally planned to go back to Jiangning. Since Gu Wuchen wants to go to Chongzhou, he is not worried about leaving Xisha Island during this time.

Gu Wuchen, who had just been appointed as the inspector of Jiangdong and the censor of Zuodu, arrived in Chongzhou on the 23rd to supervise local military preparations, management of officials, and food and other matters. In addition to the officials of the inspectorate, such as Xiao Xuanchou, who accompanied him, there were also other officials. Officials and military attaches of the Xuanfu Envoy and the Admiral's Mansion.

Lin Fu changed into a brand-new Tsing Yi regiment leader's robe. He was worried about the public security in Chongzhou. He took Ao Canghai and Jiyun Wuwei with dozens of people, boarded the boat and changed horses to greet him at the long pavilion outside the west gate of Chongzhou County. .

In the mid-autumn of the ninth year of Shiwei Chongyue, the sky was high and the air was fresh. The breeze from the southeast carried a slight smell of seaweed.

Lin Fu sat on the horse, resting and resting. Behind him, Ao Canghai and more than 40 people, all wearing armor and pressing swords, sat on the horse with their backs straight. Except for the occasional snort or two from the crotch, and a flick of the ponytail, there was almost no movement on their side, exuding an air of slaughter.

In addition to Lin Fu and his party, Chongzhou magistrate Chen Kun and county officials and representatives of the squires also stretched their necks at the long pavilion to wait for Gu Wuchen's car to drive over.

Chen Kun wiped the fine sweat oozing from his forehead with the large sleeves of his robe. He glanced at Lin Fu and saw that he was wearing an official robe with a wide belt decorated with sapphire around his waist. Nondescript, he tied another waist knife, which made people frown.

Li Shuyi, the office of the county house secretary, was among the team that was greeted by Chongzhou County, with his hands tucked into his sleeves, his body was hot from the sun, and he was drowsy. He thought that Gu Wuchen would hurry up and go back to the county early after they had dealt with errands. rest. His cousin, Li Shutang, the head of the *Li family, quietly moved to his side, put his elbow on his back, and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't Hu Zhiyong come over?"

"I didn't even take a good road on the island; Hu Zhiyong sprained his foot at night and used crutches to walk, so he didn't come here," Li Shuyi whispered back, "Do you have something to say to him?"

"I have nothing else to do, just ask," Li Shutang pursed his chapped lips and asked, "The inspection envoy Gu Wuchen came over, is Mr. Lin going back to Jiangning with him this time?"

"Master Lin is only temporarily assisting the disaster relief in Chongzhou in the name of a food raiser. After all, he has to return to Jiangning. I don't know if he will leave this time." Li Shuyi said.

"Alas," Li Shutang sighed softly, and said, "Master Lin has a bad reputation, but he is better than Chen Mazi. Before, everyone followed Chen Mazi to scold him. In the past two days, he has known the benefits of others. Chen Mazi pulls people this time. I sued him in front of Gu Wuchen, but few people answered Chen Mazi..."

The county magistrate Chen Kun had a few white pockmarks on his face. In private, everyone called him Chen Mazi. Li Shuyi smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Lin Fu's words and deeds are perverse, and he is arrogant and domineering. Before he came to Chongzhou, there were rumors of his evil deeds among the local squires.

Lin Fu did disaster relief on Xisha Island without passing the place, and settled the refugees, which exposed his unruly, arrogant and domineering temperament.

No matter how desolate and barren Xisha Island is, or how frequent and severe natural disasters are, local people are always reluctant to see Xisha Island occupied by outsiders.

Without Chen Kun's instigation, some local people, especially some big clans who had hoped to encroach on the land of Xisha Island, scolded Lin Bie behind their backs.

*The Li family originally thought of taking a piece of land on Xisha Island for reclamation, so they had a great opinion on Lin Fu. Li Shuyi was caught in the middle, and the two sides were not human. When the conflict was the most intense, Li Shutang, the head of the Li family, even sent someone to find him directly, asking him to leave Xisha Island with a bunch of picks.

The turn of events is also simple.

Now the East China Sea pirates are gradually withdrawing from the Taihu Lake Basin, and the Yangtze River is one of the main evacuation waterways for the East China Sea pirates.

For those pirates who have little harvest in the prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake or whose greed is not satisfied, the defenseless counties on the north bank of the Yangtze River are good places for these pirates to continue hunting. The situation in the area along the river in the mausoleum mansion suddenly became critical, and Chongzhou County was the first to bear the brunt.

The night before yesterday, a group of pirates landed and raided from Jiulongxu. After receiving the report, the county closed the city gates, and Junshanshuizhai also did not send a single soldier. The person who sent Li Shutang to ask for help thought that his nephew, Li Shuyi, was in Xisha Island, and he bravely went to Xisha Island to ask for help. In the end, Xisha Island sent troops to fight back the pirates before the Li family mansion was captured.

At this time, the people of Chongzhou County and the squires knew that in the past ten days, more than 400 pirates had been killed by Lin Bie and captured and sent to the Chongzhou County Prison, not counting those who were repelled or routed.

It is hard to imagine how much harm it will cause to the place if all these pirates infiltrate Chongzhou County.

The various prefectures and counties along the Taihu Lake were devastated this time; by this time, except for the stubborn ones who still insisted on their own opinions, everyone else should start to read Lin Bing's.

Although it is very reluctant to occupy Xisha Island for refugees, but from another perspective, Xisha Island and the refugees on Xisha Island actually form a barrier to the south of Chongzhou.

In order to welcome Gu Wuchen, Li Shuyi went back to his hometown yesterday.

Li Shutang invited him over to speak, discussing how to repay the kindness of Lin Fu's entire clan, and he also heard a lot of information about Lin Fu's group raising food in Taihu Lake from his mouth.

Due to previous prejudice and hostility, Lin Bie defeated a main force of pirates at Meixi Lake and attacked Shujiazhai, where the pirates had been collaborating, and recovered Anji County. Finally, he said: "Domineering is a bit domineering, but in this world, only such powerful officials are the blessings of the place!"

Everyone knew very well that these East Sea bandits were only temporarily retreating, and when they squandered all the looted goods, they would soon gather and attack again. Li Shuyi was also very worried, worried that after Lin Fu left, could the safety of Chongzhou County still depend on officials like Chen Kun?

Li Shuyi glanced at Lin Fu, who was sitting on horseback not far away. The more than 40 guards and soldiers behind Lin Fu were all brave and strong, showing a killing spirit, making people afraid to approach; When they arrived, more than 100 sword archers were deployed in front of and behind the pavilion, but the sword archers in the county and the guards and soldiers behind Lin Fu were really different. These knife archers kill shit.

Li Shuyi turned his head to look at the back of the county magistrate Chen Kun's head again, thinking that he was doing everything possible to drive Lin Fu out of Chongzhou as soon as possible, and the county squires continued to agree with him.

In the distance, the flying dust rose, and everyone cheered up, knowing that Gu Wuchen's car was coming.

Although Li Shuyi knew that he didn't have a chance to talk to Gu Wuchen, he still tidied up his clothes seriously.

"The situation is not right, look at Lord Lin!" Li Shutang hurriedly took Li Shuyi's hand and asked him to look at Lin Fu.

Lin Fu and Chen Kun belonged to the kind of discord that ripped apart their faces. After they came over, they didn't even have a simple greeting, so they took their subordinates directly to the field under the long pavilion and waited for Gu Wuchen to drive. Li Shuyi looked sideways, and saw that the guards and soldiers behind Lin Fu turned their horses' heads together, rode on the official road, spread out to protect Lin Fu at the core, and several horses ran up against the flying dust.

"Li Shuyi!"

Li Shuyi saw Lin Fuche coming towards him and shouting loudly for him. He squeezed out of the crowd and responded, "Lord Lin, what happened ahead?"

"It's impossible for the convoy to move slowly to raise such a large amount of dust. I sent a scout to check it out!" Lin Fati slipped on the reins and shouted to Li Shuyi, "You guys are ready for an enemy attack!"

Junshanshuizhai usually prepares passively for war, but when the police sent Gu Wuchen to the place to monitor the military preparation, Junshanshuizhai did not dare to slack off. The official and gentleman dared to go out of the city to the long pavilion to meet Gu Wuchen. How could he have thought that strong thieves would attack in this space?

Lin Fu ignored the panic of the officials in the pavilion. He sat on the horse and frowned and looked away.

If the Donghai bandits who harassed the various counties along the Taihu Lake were scattered and unorganized, it would be impossible for them to bypass the warnings of Junshan Shuizhai and land to attack the Chongzhou officials and gentry who greeted Gu Wuchen at the long pavilion. It is profitable, but there are extravagant families behind it, and the situation is completely different.

"Lord Lin, is it really the enemy's attack?" Chen Kun was also blushing with horror.

"I'm afraid that's the case," Lin Fu said, holding his horse and looking at the surrounding terrain. The area around the pavilion was empty except for some farmyards, and there were no other shelters. From a courtyard a hundred steps away, he said, "The enemy is fierce and the number of people will not be too small. I will buy you a stick of incense time. You and Chen Zhixian will lead the officials and knights and archers to retreat to the courtyard for defense. Get ready," he said again, moving his horse's head toward Li Shuyi, "I will send two people to **** you back to the city to report a letter, and tell the city to close the city gate to prevent pirates from breaking the city..."

As soon as Li Shuyi said yes, Lin Fu galloped out two horses behind him. One of them bent over and hugged Li Shuyi onto the horse's back. He let go of the horse's hooves and rushed towards the county town to warn him.

Chen Kun wanted Lin Fu to send someone to **** him back to the city. When the words came into his mouth, he saw Lin Fu's stern gaze, but he didn't say it. Seeing Lin Fu's calmness and majesty, he was both inferior and jealous.

Hong Changji was transferred to Chongzhou Dan County Captain after the Chongzhou boy robbery last year. He was a bit daring. Seeing the county magistrate Chen Kun panicked, at this critical moment, he couldn't wait for him to calm down and make up his mind. All the officials of the regiment fled to the farmyard in the south, UU reading www.uukanshu. com only made two sword archers help Chen Kun to flee south together.

At this moment, the several sentries sent to Lin Fu just now blew their whistle and sent out a warning signal. One of them ran back to report the enemy's situation. The others took out their bows and arrows and went to the fields on both sides of the official road. spread.

Lin Fu turned his horse's head to join Ao Canghai and the others on both sides of the scattered official road, and said, "The police convoy will not be too far away, and there are garrisoned troops along the river. This group of strong thieves sneaked into Chongzhou to attack the time difference. We only need to delay them for half an hour..."

"Chongzhou officials and gentry are all here. If the She family assaulted and slaughtered cleanly, the face will be ugly..." Ao Canghai said, he can also use a strong step bow on horseback, take off the bow and hold it in hand Inside, Le Ma closely followed Lin Fu's side, and the military soldiers surrounded him and Lin Fu scattered to the fields outside the official road.

Fortunately, by the end of August, the rice in the fields had already started heading, and there was no stagnant water. Otherwise, they would have to forcibly intercept and attack the enemy bandits on the official road.

"The She family wants to lead the troops of Jiangdong County to the east, and the East Sea bandits are also aiming to stir up Taihu Lake," Lin Tie said loudly on the horse's back, "This is also the strategy of attacking the east and the west. I think the most dangerous one will be in the future. Or the direction of Haozhou! Once Liu An'er makes a big breakthrough in Haozhou, the situation from Haozhou to the west to Huaishang, north to Zhongzhou and other places will collapse. Going to the west, we are exhausted. If the military town under the jurisdiction of the Admiral's House in Jiangdong County is disabled, even if the tiger Li Zhuo is released, it will not be able to do much! Everything is a ruthless character!"


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