Lord of the House

Vol 4 Chapter 19: sound east and west

(Update two chapters, there is one more chapter ahead, pay attention to reading and do not make mistakes, ask for red tickets)

Soon, Lin Bie led his soldiers to disperse in the fields on the south side of the official road, and went to meet the enemy, and soon they faced the enemy.

There were more than a hundred cavalry, all of them strong and brave. The leader, Lin Fu, looked familiar. He remembered that this person stood by Du Rong during the robbery in Baisha County.

These more than 100 knights were the elite combat power directly sent by the She family, and Lin Fu was not surprised at all.

In order to welcome Gu Wuchen, Chongzhou County deployed troops along the river to guard it, and also notified the township camps to the west of the county to strengthen their defenses. The county also dispatched some yamen and swordsmen to check whether there were any suspicious persons in the townships. Today, the police network in Chongzhou has been able to It's pretty dense.

These more than a hundred cavalry can sneak through the security net to approach, and their anti-reconnaissance ability is extraordinary. Naturally, they will not be ordinary East China Sea bandits. Besides, ordinary East China Sea bandits can't take such a big risk to sneak in and conduct raids.

Lin Fu didn't fight against the enemy either. More than 40 cavalrymen scattered along the south side of the official road, shot at them with bows and crossbows, and quickly circled to the enemy's side before entering the official road. The enemy was chasing after them, and Lin Fu and the others rode their horses to flee westward along the official road. Once the enemy wanted to go all out to hunt down the Chongzhou officials who had escaped into the farmyard, Lin Fu would turn around and bite their tails.

After such repeated entanglement, it was not until Yang Pu and Ma Chao escorted Gu Wuchen's chariots that the enemy cavalry headed for the encirclement before the encirclement was formed.

Chen Kun and other Chongzhou county squires were disheartened by the sudden enemy attack, and they did not look as glamorous as before noon. Watching the enemy cavalry flee, Ninghai Town's garrison in Chongzhou also sent troops and horses to chase, and they came out of the earthen courtyard. Greeting Gu Wuchen, he was embarrassed.

Gu Wuchen got out of the car and came to chat with Chongzhou officials and gentlemen, comforting them with kind words and giving them peace of mind.

The other day when someone from Jiangning reported that Zhao Qinmin would accompany him to Chongzhou, Lin Fu was quite surprised to see Zhao Qinmin and Gu Siyuan getting out of a carriage at the same time. Has the decision been made?

When Zhao Qinmin saw Lin Fu, he greeted him very politely and enthusiastically. He was very aware of Lin Fu's role in Gu Wuchen at this time.

Lin Fu rushed to raise a lot of money for Dongyang to train the villagers before the large-scale influx of Donghai bandits into the Taihu Lake Basin. This is not something anyone can do casually. Zhao Qinmin still has some self-knowledge, so he can come up with ideas behind the scenes. This kind of charge is far less agile than Lin Fu; besides, there are not a few high-ranking people who want to win Lin Fu in the past. Where would Gu Wuchen let go?

Gu Siyuan is more mature than the last time we met, at least seeing that Lin Fu is no longer stern, and there are still not many words with Lin Fu. Because he is the son of Gu Wuchen, while Chongzhou officials surrounded Gu Wuchen, they naturally put more attention on him, and Gu Siyuan quickly mingled with Chongzhou officials and left Lin Bie aside.

Gu Siyuan completely gave up the path of taking the imperial examination to become an official. After Gu Wuchen was promoted to the third-rank official inspector, he took the door and got the rank of a Seiji-shilang, and lived with Lin Fu. In order to get a real job, Gu Wuchen kept him by his side as a book office to increase his experience.

Lin Fu envoy Ao Canghai led the soldiers to spread out along the official road to guard, and he and Yang Pu stayed behind. Yang Pu told him about the rush all the way: "We started from Hailing City in the early morning, and we encountered harassment along the way. Several sections of the road were dug up at night, and people were sent to deliver letters. Anyone who wanted to deliver the letter would give it to him on the way. Intercepted. The adults were worried that Chongzhou would be attacked. We did not dare to delay on the road, but we did not expect that this side was attacked." Yang Pu asked Lin Fu again, "You are in Chongzhou, and you have been to Anji, Huzhou. The situation in the south how?"

"I have already explained it in detail in my letter to the lord, and Uncle Yang should have seen it. The situation will only be worse than what I wrote in my letter, not better. A few days ago, I intercepted several pirate ships on the river, you Guess what they robbed and went to sea?"

"What?" Yang Pu shook his head and asked.

"The bronze Buddha is roughly estimated to be 25,600 kilograms," Lin Fu said. "The pirates can calmly load such a heavy bronze Buddha onto the ship. You can see how bad the situation in the south is?"

"..." Yang Pu frowned. If this is the case, the local defense system in Pingjiang Prefecture and other places is almost destroyed.

Lin Fu said: "It seems calm in Dongyang now, but I am worried that they are playing tricks on the east and the west. I will go into the city and sit down later, and I will talk to the adults and you in detail..."

Gu Wuchen and his party, the accompanying escorts, and the **** team of Hailing House were all placed in the post house in the city and the houses requisitioned around the post house.

The conditions were relatively simple, and Chongzhou County was actually indifferent to Gu Wuchen's arrival, but after all, Gu Wuchen was the chief of the county department, and the local officials couldn't help showing great enthusiasm on the surface.

Gu Wuchen went into the city to inspect the city's defense first, and then went directly to the post house to convene civil and military officials such as the county magistrate, the chief clerk, the county captain, and Ninghai Town's garrison in Chongzhou and other civil and military officials to question the county's bandits, official management, military preparations, and grain supplies. It wasn't until late at night that these people were released.


By the end of August, the weather started to get cold, and wearing a single-layer cloth shirt in the courtyard at night could not hold back the chill. Lin Bie, wearing a jacket, was sitting in the small courtyard of the inn with Gu Wuchen and Zhao Qinmin, and Yang Pu and Gu Siyuan were talking. Stand by the side.

Talking about the poor performance of Ninghai Town Navy and the town army in Pingjiang Mansion and other places this time, Gu Wuchen also shook his head and said: "The town army is not enough, but there are no troops to be adjusted at this time. Admiral Zuo Shangrong thought that the western front Already stable, Liu An'er, who is huddled in small cities such as Sizhou and Shiliang, claims to have a crowd of 200,000, but it is difficult for the rabble to do anything. The East China Sea bandits are so rampant, and the eastern prefectures are especially important to the imperial court, and the salt tax is not allowed. If we lose, we should strengthen the preparedness for the Eastern Front."

"No," Lin Fu shook his head and said, "I told Uncle Yang on the way that this might be the sheer family's strategy."

"Oh," Gu Wuchen asked, "how do you judge this?"

"I observed on Xisha Island for more than ten days, and captured some prisoners..." Lin Fu said.

"Which one just caught some?" Gu Wuchen laughed, "Ninghai Town has so many generals leading the Donghai bandits by the nose, exhausted and running for their lives, and they have not seen any single team kill the enemy and capture more than 400 people."

"It's also a coincidence. It is from these prisoners that I judge that the East Sea bandits directly controlled by the She family are still very limited. I originally wanted to go back to Jiangning to tell the adults about this matter," Lin Fu said, "Before the storm season, There are only thirteen East Sea pirates in the Shengsi Islands, about 4,000 people. This is also the backbone of the East Sea pirates who attacked Taihu this time. Among them, there are only more than 1,000 people directly controlled by the luxury family. The six battalions had enough officers and soldiers, but the main reason for this disaster and the success of the East China Sea bandits was that the coastal prefectures such as Pingjiang and Jiahang did not form a complete external defense system. In the middle, the garrisoned troops of the Jiahang, Huzhou, Pingjiang and other peripheral prefectures were all mobilized to the inner line, so that the originally scattered defense lines were completely opened; Nearly half of the time, very few East China Sea bandits were annihilated, which made the East China Sea bandits become more and more rampant, so that in the later period, the powerful men of Mingzhou, Jiahang, Pingjiang and other coastal prefectures also disguised as East Sea bandits and entered Taihu Lake to wash and loot..."

"..." Gu Wuchen nodded and said, "You see it very clearly, you don't agree with strengthening the military equipment on the Eastern Front, but the Eastern Front has become a mess, what do you think should be done?"

"In a short period of time, the coastal prefectures should concentrate their superior forces and unite with the townships to guard the main waterways entered by the East China Sea bandits within their borders. With precautions, especially when the Ninghai Town Naval Division still maintains a complete organization, the territory of Pingjiang Prefecture and Jiahang Prefecture The Dongjiang and other waterways are narrow and easy to block. The key is the gap between the Yangtze River and Zhejiang (Qiantang River). This is not a problem that can be solved by dispatching the town army. To the court, a force should be dispatched from the Jiangning water camp to strengthen the naval division of Ninghai town. If you can adjust Xiao Taoyuan, the commander of the sixth battalion of the Naval Division in Ninghai Town, and replace him with a general who knows the water battle, the Eastern Front will be worry-free in the short term..." Lin Fu said.

Zhao Qinmin felt ashamed sitting at the table. He also had some insights into military strategy, but in front of Lin Fu, he couldn't find a chance to interject at all.

"You're right, but it's not that easy to do. It's hard for outsiders to intervene in the military system," Gu Wuchen sighed. "So, are you still worried about the Western Front?"

"Yes," Lin Fu nodded and said, "No matter Liu An'er's group is a mob, there are also 200,000 members. Besides, Liu An'er is sitting on a 200,000 mob, and he will not be willing to be trapped in Sizhou, Shiliang and other narrow places. Once the initially stabilized defense line on the Western Front is weakened, it is quite possible that Liu An'er will move or even organize a major battle."

"I also think the Hongzepu rioters are too quiet," Gu Wuchen said. "The Changhuai Town Army is the main force in the battle on the Western Front. Admiral Zuo Shangrong's success in Haozhou has been reported frequently, but there has been no decisive victory. Neither does the Dongyang Township Army. I know how long it will take to train, and I don’t know if Hong Zepu’s rogue can give us this time…”

There are two major chaos in Jiangdong, and the existing troops are stretched. Gu Wuchen is very much looking forward to the results of the training of rural bravery, which will not only stabilize the situation in Jiangdong, but also add a glorious touch to his political achievements.

"If you want to gain more time, Dongyang Township Yong can enter Shiliang County to actively contain the Hongzepu rebels and delay the possibility of the Hongzepu rebels organizing a battle in the direction of Haozhou," Lin Fu said. Fang out of the elite..."

Gu Wuchen didn't ask Lin Fu why he judged that the direction of Liu An'er's battle was in Haozhou.

Although Admiral Zuo Shangrong had more than 15,000 officers and soldiers in Changhuai Town, where Haozhou was concentrated, the troops far exceeded those of Dongyang, Weiyang, and Huai'an, but Liu An'er could only conquer Haozhou and get through to Huaishang and Zhongzhou. Only through the passage, Hong Zepu's chess game can survive.

Of course, Liu An'er conquered the Weiyang and Hailing houses, opened up the passage to the sea, and gained the support of the luxury family from the sea to move the chess game alive. But don’t say that when Liu An’er takes down Hailing Mansion, as long as Weiyang Mansion is seriously threatened and there is a fear of cutting off the grain supply, the Chu Party will also be forced to use Li Zhuo~www.readwn.com~ Hongzepu Cao Road will be cut off and Weiyang Mansion will be cut off. The Cao Road is extra important. Even if you know that Dong Yuan, the prefect of Weiyang Mansion, is a former official under Li Zhuo’s family, the Chu Party, who controls the center, still gives Weiyang Mansion 3,000 staff training places for rural bravery, and there are nearly 5,000 officers and soldiers stationed in Ninghai Town. in Viyan House.

The situation is also quite obvious. If troops are deployed in Jiangdong County to strengthen the eastern front, the most likely option is to deploy Changhuai Town troops in the direction of Haozhou, which is really dangerous.

"Training soldiers in battle..." Gu Wuchen tapped his fingers on the table and pondered, and then asked Lin Fu, "Lin Jiyuan and Chen Shouyan, who do you think is responsible?"

"None of them have ever experienced a war, so it's hard to say who can bear the responsibility and who can't bear the responsibility," Lin Fu said. "Let them alternately lead troops to harass Shiliang County, and make Lin Tingli sit in Dongyang. This arrangement is a little more secure..."

Gu Wuchen only hated that the Gu family had been in decline for ten years, and that there was no one available among the younger generation of children. He thought that Lin Tingxun had been a powerful blessing in Dongyang for these years, and it was not without reason that the other families in Dongyang were overwhelmed. The Lin family can call out just one person to stand alone. Fortunately, Shanglinli was captured and the Lin family suffered an unprecedented setback. Both Lin Tingli and Lin Xuwen, the elder son of Lin, both depend on him politically, and they are both members of the Dongyang Township Party, so Gu Wuchen can also use the Lin family members with confidence. This time, Gu Wuchen has included many Gu family and Hutang children in the newly trained 4,000 Dongyang Township Yongli. Even if training and training elite soldiers comes at the cost of a high casualty rate, in order to enable the Gu family and Hutang children to grow up quickly. , cruelty must also be done.

"I'm afraid that's the only way," Gu Wuchen nodded, "I'll write to Lin Tingli and ask him to take the initiative to harass the rebels in Shiliang in Dongyang. If you don't train your troops, you can't be good at fighting. This is not bad at all." I The QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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