Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 44: go hand in hand

(this is the second one)

On the 30th, Ge Cunxiong was ordered by Lin Fu to lead the Jinghai No. 3 Water Battalion to the west of Huai River to Shanyang County, to assist Liu Tingzhou in crossing the Huaihe River at the west entrance of Shanyang Bay, and to transfer Lin Fu to the defenders of Shanyang County to be controlled by Liu Tingzhou. The letter of order to cross the Huaihuai operation together is presented.

The inspector Deng Wei, who was sent to pass the decree from Beijing, saw Lin Fu's official letter and jumped in a hurry. Regardless of his manners, he pointed at Ge Cunxiong and scolded: "Lin Fu's child regards aid to Xu as a child's play, and it is also a small thief who harms the country and the people. , this old man will not let him go even if he dies in the city of Xuzhou, I will go back and report to him!"

Before leaving, he had Lin Fu give him a face-to-face instruction. Ge Cunxiong didn't think it was any surprise that Deng Wei and the others had such a big reaction. Assist Master Liu to lead his troops to cross the Huaihe River, and the powers and duties belong to each other. Your Excellencies go hand in hand to help Xuzhou together to relieve the danger of Governor Yue..."

Liu Tingzhou looked as usual, and said: "I already know the military order of the envoy, and the crossing of Huaihuai will have to work hard for Captain Ge..."

Ge Cunxiong said goodbye and left and returned to Dukou Water Camp. He came here to be in charge of water surface security and to ensure that more than 10,000 people recruited by Liu Tingzhou would not be attacked when they crossed Huaihe by civilian boat. It is none of his business to launch an offensive.

Ge Cunxiong left the hall, and Teng Xingyuan, the magistrate of Shanyang County, couldn't hold back, and he stood up and said sternly and pointed at Lin Fu: "The envoy is going to kill the Fu Zun! Once the Huai River is transferred to fight, once the battle is lost, there will be a big hole in the Huaidong line of defense in Shanyang, and the envoys can justifiably withdraw from the east road to fill up in Shanyang..."

Liu Tingzhou flipped through the letter sent by Lin Fu, sighed slightly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "If our march along Sishui goes smoothly, it will not be a big deal to leave a hole in Shanyang, is it because you don't have any support for Xu Duhuai? confidence?"

Teng Xingyuan couldn't refute Liu Tingzhou and gave Ma Fu a wink.

"I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case! I'm even more afraid that this is Lin Fu's trick!" Ma Fu said.

Because Ma Fu violated the curfew order, several loyal family members beheaded Lin Bie, and his couple were also imprisoned for half a night, and finally they were able to escape with 300,000 taels of silver.

Such a humiliation, Ma Fu will naturally not forget it. After hearing the news that Liu Tingzhou and Lin Fu had fallen out in aid of Xu, he immediately gave money to help Liu Tingzhou raise funds for crossing the Huai Army.

Therefore, Ma Fu was able to sit in front of the court with Liu Tingzhou, Deng Wei, Teng Xingyuan and others when discussing matters.

Ma Fu helped Liu Tingzhou. Besides wanting to use Liu Tingzhou to suppress Lin Tie's arrogance in Huai'an, he also didn't want Xuzhou to fall.

The Queen of Chu, the head of Yunyang County, still serves Mafu; Ma Jia can show off in Huai'an. In addition to the Ma family being a salt and iron **** for generations, Mafu also took advantage of the power of the Chu Wangfu in Xuzhou. If Xuzhou is captured by bandits, the Chu palace will be destroyed, and Mafu will have the pain of breaking his arm.

Originally, Lin Fu transferred the defenders of Shanyang County to Liu Tingzhou to cross the Huaihe River to relieve the siege of Xuzhou. The hastily recruited Minyong has a better chance of winning than the Huaihuai battle, but the Ma family's foundation is in Shanyang, and Mafu can't imagine what kind of monsters Lin Fu will play after the Shanyang County defenders are transferred away.

Tao Chun was silent. At this time, he no longer expected Lin Fu to send troops, and it was a pleasant surprise for him to be able to take the defenders of Shanyang County across the Huai River.

Xiao Kuian didn't say anything. He really knew that this trip to the north would cost him his life. He was promoted by Liu Tingzhou, and it was his duty to lead the troops to the north on his behalf. If you can bring the defenders of Shanyang County, you will have more vitality, how can Xiao Kuian object?

Ma Rulong didn't say a word, and he didn't object to taking the defenders of Shanyang County across the Huaihe River. He was thinking, should he send someone to inform his family to live in Huai'an City for a while?

Deng Wei's bowels were all regretful. He was not against the defenders of Shanyang County crossing Huaihe River. He jumped out and wanted to join Liu Tingzhou to recruit people to cross Huaihuai to aid Xu. He just wanted to make a gesture to force Lin Fu to go north.

In fact, when Ge Cunxiong came with Lin Bing's order, Deng Wei didn't even think that he would really lead the Huai Army northward with Liu Tingzhou.

Deng Wei and Liu Tingzhou were the civil officials in charge of civil affairs, while Lin Fu was the commander of the army.

There has never been a reason for a civil servant to go on an expedition and a commander to defend the soil, so Deng Wei has never been very worried, thinking that Lin Fu will eventually surrender, but he never thought that Lin Fu would play the poisonous plan of "the east and the west go hand in hand".

Lin Fu crossed the Huai River to the north along the Shu River, and at the same time asked Liu Tingzhou to lead his troops to cross the Huai River to the north along the Si River. Even if Liu Tingzhou was defeated and died, others would only say that Liu Tingzhou had no ability to use soldiers, and no one would accuse Lin Fu of anything.

Just as Shanyang County Magistrate Teng Xingyuan said, Deng Wei also believed that once the defenders of Shanyang County failed to follow the west road northward and suffered heavy losses, those Huaian Qingliu, squires, and gentlemen who had previously surrounded the Green Willow Garden and scolded Lin Bie for not being saved. The son-general immediately changed his face, and begged his grandfather to tell his grandmother, asking Lin Fu to withdraw the army and return to fill the gap in the defense line of Shanyang - only then did Deng Wei realize that he was driving himself to a dead end.

Deng Wei stared at Liu Tingzhou's face, hoping that he would tear up Lin Bie's letter to shreds and ignore it.

Liu Tingzhou put the order letter on his desk and said slowly: "The envoys and military orders are like mountains, you must be clear, then you can only act according to the order - Teng Xingyuan, the magistrate of Shanyang," Muran raised her voice and stared at Teng Xingyuan, " You are the magistrate of Shanyang, and you are preparing the supervisor for the soldiers of Shanyang. You need to lead the defenders of Shanyang to prepare for crossing the Huaihuai within two days. If the deadline is violated, this officer will ask the court to put you on the black gauze. In addition, Shanyang City Defense, according to the order of the system, dispatched one or two thousand soldiers and horses from Huai'an City, and the county chief Liu Tao temporarily served as the county magistrate..."

Deng Wei's face was depressed, Liu Tingzhou went north, and he didn't have the face to say that he was sick and stayed. It was inevitable to travel north, and he also hoped to bring the defenders of Shanyang County with him. The more troops, the better.

Teng Xingyuan and Ma Fu looked at each other and sat in the hall. The two of them understood that they were now isolated.

Ma Fu violated the curfew order and gave Lin Fu a living skin. At this time, he jumped out and firmly opposed. Will Lin Fu put the charge of blocking Xuzhou on their heads?

Aid Xuzhou is to aid the king of Chu. Even if you don't think about Lin Fu's vicious methods, Mafu must never let others accuse him of preventing the rescue of Xuzhou, otherwise how will the people from the Chu king's mansion treat him after escaping?

Ma Fu sighed bitterly and said, "There are still more than 300 guards in my house, please take Mr. Liu Du Huai with him..."

The elite soldiers of the Liuying Shanyang County garrison were transferred away, and the Ma family only retained more than three or five hundred soldiers. There is no danger in the county. Maybe it’s better to take the family to Weiyang to avoid the limelight first, Ma Fu thought to himself.

Mafu is the real local snake in Shanyang. Although Teng Xingyuan is the magistrate of the county and the military governor, how many subordinate officials in the county are not from the Ma family? How many military attaches in the Shanyang County garrison have nothing to do with the Ma family?

Seeing Mafu bowing his head and admitting softness, Teng Xingyuan took a stand and said, "According to the order of the government, I will prepare when I go to the government!"


With Ge Cunxiong leading the Jinghai No. 3 Water Battalion to guard the waterways for dozens of miles upstream and downstream of the west mouth of Shanyang Bay and the Sishui River branch, Shanyang County's preparations for crossing the Huaihe River were much easier.

Borrowing a warship from Ge Cunxiong, Liu Tingzhou went to the north bank to observe the terrain in person, and chose the address for crossing the Huai River.

With the Jinghai Third Water Battalion, you don't have to worry about attacks from the water when crossing the Huaihe River, but whether you can stand firm after crossing the Huaihe River and successfully launch an offensive against Siyang Village is the key.

In the setting sun, the Siyang Village standing on the north bank of the Huai River and the west bank of Sishui River was densely covered with flags and flags. Liu Tingzhou and the others stood on the deck and looked up at the past.

Xiao Kuian and Tao Chun squatted on the deck, discussing how to use the terrain on the north shore for landing operations.

Watching them gesture, Liu Tingzhou stood in the distance, leaning on the ship's bulwark, and said, "Shukou River Beach, with such unfavorable terrain, the commander can send five or six thousand elites to shore overnight—the commander Not here, but it's not that there is no one to ask for advice..."

Xiao Kuian heard what Liu Tingzhou said, and looked up at Ge Cunxiong who was standing on the aft deck.

Ge Cunxiong is the general of the water camp of the Jiangdong Left Army. He is naturally familiar with water battles and beach battles. If Ge Cunxiong is not allowed to ask for advice, it is difficult for laymen like them to think about it here.

Xiao Kuian stood up~www.readwn.com~ and walked to Liu Tingzhou's side, pressing his voice and asking, "Don't you hold grudges against the governor?"

"Why are you resentful?" Liu Tingzhou smiled bitterly, "Unlike Deng Wei, I am determined to cross Huaihuai in order to die. The envoy of the system sent Shuiying to help me cross Huaihe, and the defenders of Shanyang County accompany me to cross Huaihe to fight, no matter what. You and I have more hope of surviving by 20% or 30%. What excuse do I have to hate him? Even if you and I are loyal to the imperial court on the banks of the Sishui River, there are arrangements to retreat to fill the gap in Shanyang, so there is no need to worry about Huaian's loss. I won't leave any regrets, what excuse do I have to resent him? It's just that you are young and go north with me, which is a pity."

"Kui'an is a mustard. Your lord treats me like a mountain. Please don't say such things again!" Xiao Kuian said firmly.

Liu Tingzhou suddenly felt that he was a little powerless. What is the relationship between the defenders of Shanyang County and the Ma family? I believe Lin Fu will not be unaware.

Among the chaotic ministers and thieves, Liang Xi is one, Cao Yiqu is one, and Lin Fu is bound to be one.


Ge Cunxiong stood on the stern deck and could see the situation on the shore. A large group of soldiers and horses were pulling out from the north and entering the Siyang Village. It seemed that the refugee army had also detected the movement on the south bank and began to strengthen the defense of Siyang.

I don't know how Liu Tingzhou will attack Siyang, but compared to the 78,000 or 8,000 clansmen plus the two or three thousand government troops, the Duhuai Army is strengthened by the six battalions of the Shanyang County garrison, and it is no longer so ugly. It formed in Siyang. Confronting the situation may not be too difficult.

A wisp of dark cloud floated across the western sky, covering the setting sun, and the cloud edge was quickly dyed with gorgeous golden threads. The Huaisi War, which had been silent for more than a month, would pour out like a summer rainstorm. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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