Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 45: crossing Huai

At dawn, it was not yet bright, and only the faint shadow of the northern shoreline could be seen. Thousands of horses competed for the current, and none of them held the lights, as if the dark clouds slowly unfolded on the gray Huai River, heading for the north bank, their swords were drawn, and they went against the current and pointed directly at Feixiaji, which is ten miles west of Siyang Ferry.

Ge Cunxiong stood on the deck of the stern cabin, looking out at Feixiaji on the north bank. The lights were dim, like fireflies, outlining the shadows of Feixiaji and Jitou Camp in the dim morning light.

The coastline west of Huaisi stretches for more than 100 li, and nearly 10,000 refugee troops have assembled in Siyang in the past few days. However, there are only a few places suitable for large-scale landings. In these places, the refugee army has formed camps and established strongholds, stationed in elite troops, and focused on defense.

There are more than a thousand refugee troops stationed in Feixiaji camp, but the number is not large, but the ship and the north bank, after Feixiaji's intention of landing, the nearby refugee troops will swarm to help, and the scale of the beach landing will be rapid. expand.

If this side cannot gain a foothold in Feixiaji in one fell swoop and drive the refugee army into the water before nightfall, the loss will be unimaginable.

Although the Duhuai Army had more than 14,000 troops, there were only 4,000 or 5,000 soldiers capable of fighting. It was impossible to land in one fell swoop, and those who suffered heavy losses were driven down the river, and it was almost impossible to organize another battle across Huaihe River in a short period of time.

Lin Bie climbed the escalator to the aft deck, and Ge Cunxiong saluted him: "Sir..."

Lin Fu waved his hand and asked Ge Cunxiong not to be polite, and said with a smile, "It's inconvenient for me to show my face in public and let Liu Tingzhou know that I'm not good here..." He only came to Shanyang in secret yesterday, and even Zhang Yubo didn't know he was here. .

Lin Fu didn't wear armor, he was wearing a blue shirt, standing against the wind, holding the thick wooden parapet in his hands, silently watching the ferry fleet in the west, and didn't say anything.

Lin Bie didn't say anything, and Ge Cunxiong knew that he would not be satisfied with what he saw.

The first to launch was the defenders of Shanyang County. After all, they wanted to gain a foothold on the north bank in one fell swoop. Without the elites to go first, there was no chance of a successful landing at all.

The soldiers of Shanyang County were supported by Huaidong salt merchants such as horse uniforms. Compared with other township troops, they had sufficient food and salaries, and the soldiers and armor were good. The soldiers they recruited were also brave and brave.

Liu An'er revolted in Hongzepu, and the cities of Hao, Si and Shiliang on the west bank fell. When Chen Hansan rebelled, the situation in Huai'an was extremely bad, but under the leadership of Liu Tingzhou and others who were still in charge of the sentence at the time, Shanyang County just survived the catastrophe.

The soldiers of Shanyang County have fought against Huai bandits and lake bandits for a long time, and they are quite adaptable to water warfare. Before the Jiangdong Zuo Army came to Huai'an, it can be said to be the backbone of the Huaidong line of defense.

Liu Tingzhou also recruited veteran Huaihe boatmen who were familiar with the water conditions for this crossing of the Huaihe River. However, after only two or three days, the preparations were very inadequate, far from being able to compare with the familiar water camps.

At this time, the sky was dark, and as soon as I got out of Shanyangdu, I saw a boat collided with each other, and many armor-piercing soldiers fell into the water, and the left and right boats rushed to fetch people. Qin Chengzu frowned slightly when he saw it.

Liu Tingzhou was on another ship, a Jiyun-class warship borrowed from here.

Liu Tingzhou put on his armor, draped a crimson official robe, and hung a straight ridged knife around his waist. He personally on the bow deck of the ship, seemingly unmoved by the chaos around him, resolutely beat the drums of war, urging the ships to continue crossing the Huaihe River.

"Liu Tingzhou is desperate!" Ge Cunxiong sighed slightly.

At this time, Lin Fu was looking at Feixiaji on the north shore, and after hearing what Ge Cunxiong said, he turned his gaze back to look at Liu Tingzhou, who was a dozen ships away.

The sky was dim, and only Liu Tingzhou was seen wearing a crimson official robe, like a ray of fire in the morning light.

Lin Fu also felt what Ge Cunxiong said, sighed and said with a smile: "This stubborn donkey is really hard to beat, scold, wish for, and complain about. For his own sake, he dragged tens of thousands of people to his death, and he could only do it. It's up to him. But if I want to seek Huai'an, I can only send this stubborn donkey and the soldiers from Shanyang County to the north bank, otherwise there will be no chance for us to occupy the magpie's nest?"

At this time, the lights on the north bank quickly increased, and it was obvious that they noticed the movement on the south bank and became alert. I saw that in the dim morning light, there were countless black shadows on the north bank with torches rushing out, rushing to the shore and beach, ready to go to the beach here.

Almost every place on the north bank that is easy to land on can be seen, and more troops have been sent.

Since the whereabouts are missed and the other side finds out, there is no need to turn off the lights to hide here.

Ge Cunxiong ordered the boats to light up their lights, and before the sky was bright, they started to use open flames to send messages, and then called the small school to send messages to Liu Tingzhou: "Go to Liu Tingzhou in a small boat and tell him that I will lead the boats with water. The team went upstream to help him spread the defense center of the North Shore Refugee Army..."

At this time, it was a southeasterly wind, and the sails were swaying and swaying against the current very quickly. In just a moment, the Shuiying fleet separated from the Duhuai fleet and went upstream.

As the boat passed the midstream, the battle on the north bank broke out in Baitan, ten miles west of Feixiaji.

Baitan is another place on the north shore that is suitable for large-scale landings. Compared with Feixiaji, the terrain is more open, which is conducive to rapid development after landing on the beach.

Two days ago, the refugee army had just built a beach guarding camp there, with six or seven hundred troops stationed there.

Time was short, and the fortresses guarding the beach were too rudimentary, mainly wooden fence walls, and no trenches were dug. The refugee army was staring at the ferry on the Huai River with all their attention. They did not expect that there would be military soldiers sneaking over the shore ahead of time and lurking, approaching from behind, and launching a surprise attack on them.

Although the number of soldiers who launched the raid was small, only a hundred and ten, they were all selected elites and dead soldiers. Using the dim sky, and when the refugee army went out of the camp to guard the beach, they launched a surprise attack and seized the northeast of the camp. Corner of the Walled Gate.

The refugee army was caught off guard, and in the chaos, it was unclear how many people came to attack the camp. The fire first started from the gate wall in the northeast corner, and the fire spread along the beach to the inside of the camp, and countless camps were set alight. Bright as day.

Lin Bie stood on the deck and could clearly see the raiding soldiers rushing in from the Zhaimen in the northeast corner, stirring up the Baitan camp of the refugee army into a pot of rotten porridge, boiling and chaotic.

"If there were more people, we might be able to grab the Baitan camp all at once." Ge Cunxiong said.

"The terrain of Baitan is too open," Lin Fu said. "The Huai-Huai Army is not capable of deploying quickly after landing, and without adjustment, Siyang Village cannot launch an offensive. For Liu Tingzhou, after landing, they won't be able to launch an offensive. It is more important to have a foothold. The terrain of Feixiaji is conducive to suppressing the counter-offensive of the refugee army after Liu Tingzhou landed. Even if Feixiaji fails to land, Baitan is not a good candidate..."

Ge Cunxiong raised his eyebrows slightly, and had to admit that Lin Fu was right. After all, the Duhuai Army was not the elite of the Jiangdong Zuo Army.

If it was the Jiangdong Zuo Army, the natural first priority should be to go ashore from Baitan. After landing, it will go east and north along the bank of Baitan, and defeat the refugee army who came to counterattack. Go straight to Siyang Village...

However, the Duhuai Army was not the Jiangdong Zuo Army. There were more than 14,000 people in the Duhuai Army, and only one third of the troops were able to fight. Even this one-third of the capable soldiers have no absolute advantage over the elites in the refugee army.

The practical approach is to seize Feixiaji, take advantage of the favorable terrain of Feixiaji to repel the counterattacking refugee army, and only after gaining a firm foothold on the north bank can you consider attacking Siyang Village or bypassing Siyang Village and going directly north. into the problem.

The force of the refugee army in Siyang area exceeded 10,000, and Su Yu had more than 20,000 soldiers and horses, and they rushed over quickly.

The terrain of Baitan is unfavorable for defense, and even if they successfully land on the shore, it will be difficult to gain a firm foothold in the next counterattack. If the counterattack is driven into the water, it cannot be considered a successful crossing of the Huaihe River.

Relatively speaking, the most dangerous part of landing operations is that they cannot withstand the counterattack and are driven into the water.

Tens of thousands of people rushed ashore in a hurry, and the crowd was from dense to scattered. The front line was unable to withstand the pressure of the counter-offensive, so it collapsed and retreated. There is definitely no chance to board the boat and escape calmly, and more people will be squeezed into the river and drowned.

This is also the reason that since ancient times, generals like to attack halfway, and there are often cases of drowning the enemy several times or even dozens of times.

Lin Bie stood on the deck to observe the situation on the north bank. The refugee army in Baitan also recovered at this time and began to organize a reactionary force to drive the sneak attacking soldiers out of the camp, and the soldiers and horses on the left and right banks also quickly returned. He frowned, and said with a frown, "I can't see any movement from Feixiaji. I think Ma Lantou is in charge of Siyang himself. We have to work harder to help Liu Tingzhou take down the Baitan fort..."

"Okay, I will personally lead the team ashore..." Ge Cunxiong said.

"Let someone else go~www.readwn.com~ Lin Fu said, "No one will command the water camp for you! "

Lin Fu and Ge Cunxiong led the Shuiying fleet to go straight to Baitan, just to confuse the refugee army at the key point, to attract attention to Baitan, and to cover up Liu Tingzhou's main force crossing Huaitan in Feixiajideng shore intentions.


Siyang Village was not built against the north bank of the Huai River. It was 11 or 2 miles away from Siyang Ferry, but it was next to the west bank of Sishui. The waterway from Sishui to Huaihe runs obliquely from northwest to southeast, and the orientation of Siyang Village should be due north of Feixiaji.

Siyang Ferry intercepted the main positions where officers and soldiers landed on the south bank. Since the refugee army took control of Huaisi, the fortifications and fortifications were the most complete here. In comparison, Feixiaji and Baitan were more worrying.

Ma Lantou did not stay in Siyang Village. He took his guards and rode to the bank of Siyang Ferry. He wore iron armor and bare his strong arms. The goggles shone with a cold sheen in the dim morning light. , with bright eyes watching the waves, boats and soldiers on the Huai River.

It seemed that the day was too slow. The officers and soldiers had already had a large fleet of ships going upstream through Feixiaji and heading straight for the white beach. There was still a dark shadow on the water, which made it unreal to see the reality of the ferry fleet.

Although there was already a fight on the Baitan side, how many soldiers and horses were still sent by the officers and soldiers to sneak over. As long as the Baitan guarding camp was not lost, Ma Lantou did not believe that the officers and soldiers would land from Baitan.

But it is hard to say that when Jiangdong Zuojun first came to Huai'an, he went straight to Shukou, and the chosen landing site was also unexpected. There was news from Huai'an that Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou were at odds. How could they know that this was not their trick to confuse them?

Ma Lantou was hesitant in his heart, but he was patient, and he was not in a hurry to send the elite soldiers left in Siyang Village to strengthen the direction of Baitan. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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