Lord of the House

Vol 7 Chapter 46: grab the beach

(Second, ask for a red ticket)

In the clear morning light, when the fresh and tender morning sun like salted egg yolk jumped out of the trees on the south bank of the Huaihe River, the water camp fleet came upstream.

The arrows were as dense as rain, and after the beachhead defenders were suppressed back to the rudimentary chest-high wall, bed crossbows and scorpion crossbows were standard equipment for warships above Jiyun level. fly horizontally.

Looking from a distance, the wall was shaken by the giant arrows on the crossbow, and it was obvious that the refugee army had built the fort in Baitan in a hurry.

Compared with the rushing car that needs to go ashore to exert force, the rockfall power of the scorpion crossbow on the rear deck is not weak.

The Huai water flowed fast, the boat swayed and the crossbow trembled, and it was difficult to calibrate. In addition, the walls were only chest-high, so the striking surface for the scorpion crossbows to throw stones was very narrow. The heavy stone bullets also smashed six or seven gaps in this simple beachhead and chest base.

The military soldiers who broke into the Baitan camp in the early morning were still stubbornly resisting. In the camp, they restrained the refugee army several times their own, which relieved the pressure of the Jinghai camp to send the soldiers to land from the beach...

The number 100 people who raided the Baitan fort were not all the dead men who had sneaked in ahead of time. In addition, there were more than a hundred dead men led by Tao Chun, dressed as ordinary refugees, hiding in a corner that no one noticed. Waiting to help Liu Tingzhou grab Dengfei Xiaji at a critical moment.

These people were really dead, and the landing operation failed, their whereabouts were exposed, and it was difficult to escape the arrest of the refugee army.

When Lin Fu and Liu Tingzhou first met in Shukou, Liu Tingzhou's comments on Qu Shuai Sun Ganzi, the pioneer of the bandits, showed that Liu Tingzhou himself liked to choose sharp and tough soldiers to attack the fortress.

Compared with other civilian officials, Liu Tingzhou's military literacy is quite good.

Sending a small number of elite dead men to sneak across, and launching a surprise attack before a large-scale landing, disrupting the enemy's deployment and confusing the enemy's line of sight, is a pretty good idea for landing operations.

It is a pity that Liu Tingzhou has too few generals. Tao Chun was a brave general who could lead the army to fight and stand alone, but he had to personally lead the dead soldiers to sneak across to the north bank.


At that time, the fleet of the Huaihuai Army also arrived near Feixiaji, but compared with the orderly arrangement of the Jinghai Camp, the fleet of the Huaihuai Army was much more chaotic.

When the soldiers of the Jinghai Camp broke through the beachhead wall of Baitan and pushed on the shore, determined to take the entire Baitan fortress, Malantou, who was watching at Siyang Ferry Terminal, finally concluded that Baitan was the one the officers and soldiers really wanted to break through. mouth.

Even if the officers and soldiers crowded into Baitan and Feixiaji's ferry boats were the same size, and even if the officers and soldiers in front of Feixiaji began to rush to the beach to land, the officers and soldiers on the Baitan side were much stronger.

If the defense on the Baitan side is not strengthened, the entire coastline defense will open a big gap on the Baitan side, and the officers and soldiers will be able to drive straight in from Baitan and attack Siyang Village.

Baitan, Feixiaji and Siyang Ferry are located on the east-west line on the north bank of the Huai River, and form the Huaisi Corner with a circumference of more than 100 miles with Siyang Village on the west bank of Sishui.

The officers and soldiers have been cutting in from Baitan, and interspersed directly to the north to surround Siyang Village. The refugee army guarding Feixiaji and Siyang Ferry was actually trapped in the narrow area and could not get out.


When the refugee army entered the Huaisi area, although in the early stage it was quite restrained and focused on levying food from the big households and the powerful, there were no effective measures to appease the ordinary villagers and failed to prevent the occurrence of mass exodus.

After the war, there were ten rooms and nine empty houses in the entire Huaisi area. There were not a few smoking houses rising from the whole village until dinner time, and the fields were largely desolate.

After the summer, the weeds in the fields grew wildly, and no one was uprooting and ploughing. Tao Chun's cat lay between the weeds, watching a large group of soldiers and horses pull out from Siyang Village and ran to Baitan for help.

Tao Chun quietly retreated. There was a forest to the north. They sneaked over the night before, and he took hundreds of people to hide in this forest for a day and a night. Although the first group of reinforcements from Siyang Village was attracted to Baitan.

When Liu Tingzhou's offensive in Feixiaji became fierce, there would naturally be reinforcements heading for Feixiaji. Tao Chun's task was to lead more than a hundred dead soldiers and hold the reinforcements as long as possible between the two rivers.

Of course, in addition to the hundreds of dead soldiers, Liu Tingzhou did not have no other soldiers and horses available to Tao Chun in Huaisi.

The number of refugee troops is very large, and they are spreading everywhere in Huaibei, but there are nearly ten counties in the entire Huaisi area, including Haozhou prefecture controlled by the refugee army and the prefectures and counties on both sides of the Bian River. The local private army survived.

Private soldiers raised by large local households and wealthy families are naturally opposed to the refugee army. Since the refugee army moved east to Huaisi, many villages have been breached, and a small number of local armed forces have also been destroyed, but there are also some strong villages that have stood firm and have always hoped that the officers and soldiers would be able to cross the north to help each other.

Since Liu Tingzhou guarded Huaihe River, he has also sent spies to the north bank to secretly communicate with these private soldiers, asking them to do everything possible to stick to the village and contain the refugee army. Liu Tingzhou, who crossed Huai and aided Xu, naturally would not miss the contact with the private armed forces trapped in Huaisi. They were also the biggest help after Tao Chun led the dead to sneak into the north bank.


Lin Bie stood on the deck and saw the brigade of the refugee army going to aid Baitan, so he asked Ge Cunxiong to send an order to make the more than 600 soldiers who landed on the shore to evacuate from the Baitan camp of the refugee army.

The soldiers of the brigade all boarded the ship calmly. More than 40 of the dead soldiers of the Tantan Army who raided the enemy base in the early morning survived. They also boarded the ship for repairs, leaving only 200 soldiers on the beachhead, using the broken beachhead. Walls, build beachheads, and use crossbows and shield vehicles to contain all the refugee troops in the area of ​​Baitan here, so that they can't support Feixiaji.

The sun was getting higher and higher, the sun was blazing in the sky, and when we were on the river, there was a cool breeze blowing, and I felt better, but those refugee troops who came from Siyang Village to help them had their throats burning with dryness.

The body is a little weaker, armed with armor piercing, wearing heavy military uniforms, and running small steps for more than ten miles in the scorching sun, I am afraid that he will faint and faint on the spot.

Running over is already half dead, and if you continue to use weapons to kill without stopping, it will really kill you.

The Jiangdong Zuo Army took the initiative to retreat to the beach, but the refugee army who rushed to help was relieved, and they were not in a hurry to attack. They thought that when the sun went down in the afternoon and the weather was a little cooler, it would not be too late to drive the officers and soldiers down the Huai River. .

When Ma Lanlong thought that Baitan was the key point for the officers and soldiers to break through, and dispatched a brigade to help, the battle in Feixiaji suddenly became fierce. Feixiaji is a small rocky mountain on the north bank of the Huai River. It is less than 20 feet high and about two miles around. The high cliff at Jitou stretches into the water for 17 or 80 feet. An important spot on the shore.

The camp of the refugee army is built on the back of Feixiaji. There are beaches to climb, but it is also dangerous.

Liu Tingzhou wants to fight for a foothold on the north shore. There is no more suitable place than Feixiaji for hundreds of miles around, but it is more difficult to attack Baitan. .

More than a dozen high boats braved the falling rocks and arrows from the high cliffs of Jitou, blocked them with high shields, forcibly landed on the beach, and attacked Jitou.

Liu Tingzhou made a boat in front of him, sweating profusely, and still beating drums with high spirits to encourage his soldiers to rush to the shore and kill them.

Liu Tingzhou's boat was too far ahead, and the refugee army also had simple catapults on the high cliffs of Jitou. They also saw that Liu Tingzhou was the main general.

Both left and right persuaded Liu Tingzhou to step back, but Liu Tingzhou just refused. With his physique, he has been beating drums and commanding battles in person since crossing Huai, and his physical strength is exhausted, but nearly two hours have passed, and he took a break while crossing Huai, and it is time to hold a breath and hold it like a mountain. Do not move.

The first to be dispatched were soldiers from Shanyang County.

When Liu Tingzhou was appointed to pass the sentence in Huai'an, he had been instructing the city defense in Shanyang County for a long time. When Chen Hansan betrayed, he directly served as the defender of Shanyang County. Liu Tingzhou's prestige in the soldiers of Shanyang County is very high. He is not afraid of falling arrows and falling rocks to supervise the battle. The morale of the soldiers in Shanyang County is also high. Onslaught.

Liu Tingzhou also likes to use sharp and fierce generals. In Huai'an, he has promoted many generals from poor backgrounds. Before that, Xiao Kuian, who had served as the captain of Huai'an Youying, was a representative.

When the battle was in full swing, seeing that the Yatou defenders were exhausted a lot, and the reinforcements from Siyang Village were also coming here. Not sure how long Tao Chun could delay, Xiao Kuian put on the lining, armor, and goggles. Raising a shield, the straight-ridged sword that is three points longer than usual, salutes Liu Tingzhou: "Kui'an has gone ashore!"

Liu Tingzhou was also so tired that his throat was sweet, and blood dripped from his mouth. At this time, he drank a cup of warm tea and said proudly, "Listen to me playing the drums for you!"

Xiao Kuian got off the boat and went to the shoal, wading in the shallow water, and walked to the narrow starting position. There are more than 100 dead soldiers gathered here. He wants to take these people to occupy the high cliff of Jitou in one fell swoop, otherwise the soldiers and horses of Shanyang County behind him will continue. Can't do much.

Ma Fu was also on the boat, staring at the beach nervously, feeling very conflicted.

By capturing Feixiaji, we can take the most critical step of crossing Huaihuai to aid Xu, and solve the danger of Xuzhou. The Ma family can still rely on the power of the Chu palace to get it back from the pig herd Lin Fu; Feixiaji, there is no need to worry that Shanyang County soldiers will be consumed on the way north.

Ma Fu was dumbfounded, thinking that Xiao Kuian had led the dead man to attack the cliff. The knife he used was longer, thicker, heavier, and much sharper than ordinary straight-ridged knives.

Huaisi produces coal and iron. Not only is Xuzhou famous for its iron smelting, but also the knives produced in Huai’an are also famous all over the world. The knife used by Xiao Kuian was given by Liu Tingzhou. In a few moments.

Xiao Kuian held this heavy weapon in his hands like a duck to water. With the combination of swords and shields, more than a hundred dead soldiers, he took the lead, and he just cut a **** road from the beach to the steep **** between the high cliffs and rushed to Jitou...

Although there is still a wall on the back of Feixia Rock, and behind the wall is the refugee army guarding the rock camp, but Xiao Kuian occupied the high cliff and led his elite soldiers to guard it. Liu Tingzhou can direct the ferry to stick directly to the bottom of the high cliff. , use a rope ladder to send people up.

When a rushing chariot was hoisted onto the high cliff, there were already more than 400 elite soldiers forming a fish-scale formation in Jitou, which was only a few dozen feet deep.

The fish-scale formation is that after the generals are in the formation, the main troops are assembled in the center, divided into several small square formations in the shape of fish-scales.

Although the speed of the fish scale formation is slightly slower, it is more conducive to assault than the cone formation, and has the disadvantage of being extremely weak in defense. Water, you don't have to worry about the stomach and back at all.

Xiao Kuian rested for a while, intending to break through the front wall and open a gap in front of the refugee army's garrison camp. Once the front wall turns into a fortification for them to fight against the camp, they will be able to receive more people to come immediately.

At this time, there was movement on the rope ladder behind him~www.readwn.com~ Xiao Kuian also wanted to tell the surface that the rock head was too crowded at this time, so he couldn't deploy too many troops. Seeing Liu Tingzhou climb up from behind the rope ladder, his eyes were full of tears...


Knowing that the reinforcements had attacked the high cliff in Feixiaji, Lin Fu asked Ge Cunxiong to withdraw his troops from Baitan.

There are only two hundred soldiers on the beach, and there are bed crossbows and scorpion crossbows on board to help suppress the entangled refugee army. It is very easy for these two hundred soldiers to withdraw.

Only some of the warships were left on guard in the upper reaches of the Huai River. Lin Fu and Ge Cunxiong led the main force of the Jinghai Third Water Battalion to join Liu Tingzhou.

Seeing Liu Tingzhou borrow a rope ladder from the boat to climb the high cliff from a distance, Lin Bie sighed and shook his head.

Although Liu Tingzhou is increasingly wary of him, and has been fighting against him everywhere during this time, Lin Fu has to admit that in this world, Liu Tingzhou's character is really incomparable to those mediocre officials.

Although there are three or four hundred elite soldiers on the high cliff, the place is very cramped. Once the counterattack of the refugee army cannot be stopped, it will be extremely difficult for Liu Tingzhou to save his life. If the soldiers of Shanyang County can be led by Liu Tingzhou, they can also be regarded as a strong army. .

Lin Fu didn't wait for the result of Feixiaji's battle, so he headed east in a lonely boat and rushed to Shukou.

Liu Tingzhou was really desperate.

If he could not conquer Feixiaji in one fell swoop, Liu Tingzhou who kissed the cliff head would probably be defeated and killed.

Naturally, the remnants of the Huaihuai Army were bound by Teng Xingyuan, Ma Rucong, Ma Fu and others to return to Shanyang. Du Huai's aid to Xu has become a futile, no one will mention it, and Lin Fu will not go deep alone, overwhelm Chongzhou's net worth, and go to rescue Yue Lengqiu, the archenemy.

If the Duhuai Army can stand in Siyang, Lin Fu thought that he should also make some noise about Chen Hansan's camp in Zhaiqiao, and Liu Tingzhou could not be in the limelight, and the Jiangdong Zuo Army did nothing. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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