Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 78: tiger poison

Lengcuiyuan is a corridor garden built around the lake. Trees are planted in the corner borders, and the garden is as cool as autumn in summer. The guards of Zhang's residence, armed with knives and armor, stood guard outside the garden, not to mention that a fly would not be able to fly in if anyone approached.

"You disloyal son, unfaithful and unfilial, you still have the face to come back alive! You are going to fall into the death of Zhang's family!" An old and hoarse voice came out faintly. Anyone who got close to the garden wall would be able to hear it. It is the voice of today's Quan Xiang Zhang Xie.

"The child is also struggling in the hands of the Donglu, and he doesn't immediately sacrifice his life to seek righteousness. I really feel unwilling," Zhang Ximin cried as he knelt on the hard brick floor, "Li Zhuo delayed the fighter and caused the defeat of Western Liaoning, and tens of thousands of generals The death of the bones is cold..."

"Bullshit! You bastard, you can't even act in front of me," Zhang Xie hated and beat the ground with a stick. Seeing his son's eyes were open and pretending to be innocent, he wanted to deceive himself. With the head of the stick, he poked him in the face and cursed. He said, "You beast, you are greedy for life and fear of death. Others don't understand you. I have been your father for more than 30 years, but I can't see you through? , Hao Zongcheng is still a little loyal to the emperor, but your injuries are all new injuries - at this moment everyone is staring at Hao Zongcheng, the emperor will only suspect Hao Zongcheng if he is suspicious at this time, even Hao Zongcheng is confused for a while, I lied to you. Do you think that after three or five days, no one will notice anything?"

Zhang Ximin's face was stabbed with blood, and the injuries were added to the wounds, but his father's words directly pierced his heart, which made him tremble and stunned. It seemed that there was no anger in his imagination, so he dared to ask: "Father knows, why did he speak for Hao Zongcheng in the palace and urge the emperor to kill Li Zhuo?"

"You are really stupid!" Zhang Xie saw that his son had not made any progress at all, and felt helpless and powerless in his heart, leaning on the chair and sitting down, pressing his voice, "You can hide this trick from others for three or five days. I can't hide Li Zhuo for a moment. If Li Zhuo confronts Hao Zongcheng about the defeat of the Western Liaoning army, your trick will be exposed in the court. For the Zhang family's more than 200 people, how dare I let Li Zhuo enter the palace to confront him Li Zhuo is not dead, the Zhang family is full of disasters, and it's not all because of you, this beast!"

"Let Chen Xinbo force Li Zhuo, what if Li Zhuo sees something and reminds Chen Xinbo?" Zhang Ximin asked boldly.

"Li Zhuo's mind will still be on Hao Zongcheng for a while, not to mention that Li Zhuo may not have such a quick wit, even if Li Zhuo reminded Chen Xinbo, do you think Chen Xinbo is loyal to the emperor? Overwhelmed by the father, and the father has a handle in his hands, he is too happy, how can he open it?" Zhang Xie calmed down and said, "Furthermore, Li Zhuo is the scapegoat, it is not Li Zhuo's fault, It's the emperor's fault. Who can make the emperor bow his head and admit his mistake? If Hao Zongcheng doesn't come back, the matter will be delayed. When Hao Zongcheng comes back, the responsibility for the defeat of Western Liaoning cannot be ignored, otherwise everyone will be uneasy and uneasy, how can they break through?" Speaking of this, Zhang Xie took a breath and said, "No one loves life? Unlike me, it's halfway to the ground, your life is still long, and it's normal if you don't want to die. It's already like this, and I don't blame it. You, sit up and talk, tell me in detail what you know about the situation, and see how to remedy it?"

Zhang Ximin explained in detail how Ye Jier, the king of Yanhu Khan, forced him to enter after the banquet in Jizhou, and said: "...the child will either die immediately, or he can only secretly help Hao Zongcheng escape from prison. There is no problem with the valiant soldiers - apart from this, there is no other thing about the captive king. If there are other conditions, the child will die in the Donghu people's prison, and it will never be a drag on his father. "

"The Donghu people have already seen you through. As long as you and Hao Zongcheng come back, their goal will be achieved. What conditions do they need you to agree to?" on the desk.

At this moment, the old steward Zhang Cheng is carrying a gui box, and the vegetables and meat are fragrant - Zhang Cheng put the gui box on the table, pulled out a drawer, and placed the dishes full of delicious food on the table. , said: "I can only make these things in the kitchen at the moment, and the second young master will fill his stomach..." He took out a pot of wine, and instead of putting it on the table, he stretched it out to hand it over. In Zhang Xie's hands, he said, "Second Young Master's injuries haven't healed yet, can you really drink?"

He has been under review since he came back last night. Although he was not embarrassed, Zhang Ximin hadn't eaten anything for two days, except for the two buns made of rough face. Seeing that there was still wine, Zhang Ximin pretended that his father's anger had subsided, and reached out to grab the wine pot from his old family Zhang Cheng, and said in his mouth, "I can drink it, I can drink it..."

Seeing that Master Xiang didn't stop him, Zhang Cheng let the second young master grab the jug from his hand, looking at the second young master with pity in his eyes.

Zhang Ximin didn't take the cup, but put his mouth to the mouth of the pot, and took a big gulp. He couldn't wait to pick up the bamboo chopsticks and stuffed the vegetables into his mouth, as if he was reincarnated by a starving ghost. He knew that Zhang Cheng, his old family, followed his father for dozens of times Nian's confidant, don't hide any secrets from him, his mouth is full of vegetables and meat, and he said vaguely: "Father said that others may see the flaws in three or five days, and it is not a case of Chen Xinbo using this to threaten our Zhang family. It's a good thing, how can we cover it up now? Or the child should just stay at home and recuperate. If he doesn't show his face, there should be no problem. I can see it clearly. The 100,000 elites of the Jizhen army are vulnerable, and there are three or four in the south. It is useless to save 100,000 soldiers and horses. The general trend of the world is in the hands of the Donghu people, but the Donghu people still need us to rule the world. When the situation dragged down the Yanjing, Daddy led a group of ministers to join the righteousness, and the Donghu people would still be able to do it. Reuse our Zhang family..." Speaking of which, his heart throbbed inexplicably, and then his heart twitched sharply, colic like a knife, his whole body was paralyzed and unable to move, he looked at his father in panic...

"Don't blame Daddy for being cruel," Zhang Xie said bleakly and ruthlessly, "If you don't die, more than 200 members of Zhang's family will hang under the sword; if you don't die, Chen Zhihu will not forgive Zhang if he sees something wrong. Jia; if you don’t die, the emperor will also be suspicious. How can Daddy compete with Chen Xinbo for the position of staying behind in Yanjing? Without the seat of staying behind in Yanjing, what value will the Zhang family have in the eyes of Donghu people in the future? Donghu people let you come back, no What conditions are not false, but you have lived for more than 30 years, and I will teach you with all my heart. At this time, you can't understand that you are a chess piece that will be abolished when you use it. Who can you blame? I can't even keep your eldest brother. Now, it's all fate..." Zhang Xie's tone became sharper the more he spoke, his voice was fierce, and he looked like a vicious tiger...

"Master Xiang, the young master died of serious injuries, you have to mourn!" Zhang Cheng, an old family member, said in a low voice.

Zhang Ximin was so angry on the seat that he never thought that his father would poison him with his own hands!

Zhang Xie stood up and said to Zhang Cheng: "You send someone to the palace to report the letter, and you say that the old man is very sad and sick, and he is already bedridden - the emperor is very suspicious, maybe he will send a royal doctor to check, you have to arrange carefully , you can't fail!" After speaking, he stumbled out, leaving the mess to Zhang Cheng to clean up...


Chen Xinbo and Wang Qishan returned to the palace to resume the decree, and they were still worried about the escape of Chen Dingbang and Lu Xiong, the dog. —Chen Xinbo was stunned there...

When Hao Zongcheng came back, it was really a broken body that dragged on for half a breath, and it was impossible for anyone to doubt it. The imperial doctor's injury examination was mainly to examine Hao Zongcheng, and the examination was mainly to examine the Jizhen soldier who rescued people from Jizhou prison.

Compared with Hao Zongcheng, who had served as the military supervisor of Jizhen for a long time and had a profound influence on the Jizhen army, and took charge of the Jizhen army at the last moment, which directly led to the collapse of western Liaoning, Zhang Ximin was just the unlucky ghost who finally came to western Liaoning to pass the decree. As far as the role he played at that time, Zhang Ximin was far inferior to Yang Wenchang, who went out with a secret order and then openly voted nonsense and surrendered to Changli.

Besides, the emperor still trusts Zhang Xie~www.readwn.com~ Who would embarrass Zhang Ximin at this juncture? Zhang Ximin just slipped out of the way.

At the beginning, Chen Xinbo's thoughts were only on Hao Zongcheng, but with Hao Zongcheng's appearance at this time, even if he let him go, it was a question whether he could survive or not, and he would never come out to power again in a short period of time.

Even if the blame for the defeat of the Western Liaoning army is attributed to Hao Zongcheng, in fact, it is nothing more than forcing the emperor to bow his head and admit his mistake. The final result is likely to be re-appointed Li Zhuo to come out to clean up the mess, but the situation has reached this point, who will Li Zhuo be used again for? What's the benefit?

Based on Chen Xinbo's understanding of Li Zhuo, if Li Zhuo was able to use it, he would probably suggest that Zhou Zongfan and Chen Zhihu lead the West Road Qin Wang division to support the emperor's refuge in the south.

Maybe Chen Xinbo, Zhang Xie and other civil and military officials can follow him south, but there are tens of thousands of civil and military officials in the whole family. The danger of breaking through the encirclement in the south is to be able to escape. He is in his 70s and 80s, and it is not a pity to die.

No matter how suspicious Hao Zongcheng was, let alone Zhang Xie, if the situation dragged on to this point, even Chen Xinbo would not let Li Zhuo have another chance to use him.

Chen Xinbo did not have any doubts about Zhang Ximin at the beginning, but when he heard the news that Zhang Ximin died of serious injuries, he had been immersed in the political/political struggle for half his life, and he suddenly realized that Hao Zongcheng's doubts about returning home were related to The problem was not on Hao Zongcheng, but on Zhang Ximin's head--Chen Xinbo stomped his feet in hatred, thinking to himself: Everyone said that the tiger's poison does not eat its children, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would still be better than Zhang Xie! My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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