Lord of the House

Vol 9 Chapter 79: Calculate

Hearing the news that Zhang Ximin died of serious injuries, Chen Xinbo was stunned for a while. The more he thought about it, the more difficult it became. Who would have thought that Zhang Association would be so cruel and kill his son without delaying for a moment. When the doubts are opened, the emperor will not believe it, but may pull himself into a shit.

Chen Xinbo and Wang Qishan first went to the Taihe Palace to answer the decree, and just about to go back to the palace to plan carefully, they walked in the aisle and listened to someone shouting from behind: "Chen Xiangye, Chen Xiangye..."

Chen Xinbo looked back, but it was Lu Huizong, the young supervisor of the inner servant and the steward of the Wanshou Palace. Judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had been waiting here for a long time.

Lu Huizong was from the Longevity Palace, so he must have been sent by the Queen Mother to find him. Chen Xinbo thought to himself: the Liang family was embarrassed by the Donghu people in the battle of Chentangyi, and the official Xu Liang family occupied Shandong. In the chaos of Huai, on the one hand, King Lining was able to use the Liang family to suppress the uncontrolled expansion of Jianghuai forces.

Since the Liang family failed to take over the chaos in Hehuai, the Donghu people came in, and the Liang family's troops were stunned in Pingyuan Mansion. The abacus at Jiangning was even more cruel. The palace has naturally become a stinky pit, and no one will pay attention to it anymore.

Chen Xinbo thought of Li Zhuo's words before his death: Jinhai must not go, there may be a chance of life going south... The south is the territory of the Liang family, and the Longevity Palace may not be useless.

Chen Xinbo couldn't figure out why Li Zhuo said Jinhai couldn't go, but his face softened, he stood there waiting for Lu Huizong to come over, and asked, "What is the matter with Mr. Lu calling me?"

"If Chen Xiangye has free time, the Queen Mother invites Chen Xiangye to the Wanshou Palace." Lu Huizong said.

Chen Xinbo hesitated for a moment, and said, "I have nothing else to do, I just want to go back to the mansion..." He followed Lu Huizong and the two little eunuchs to Wanshou Palace.

The passage between the palace walls is deep and long, and through the door is a white marble shadow wall with a height of more than two feet. In it is engraved with the word "shou" the size of which is more than ten feet in size, surrounded by small characters. Chen Xinbo had bad eyes, but he knew that the small characters he encountered this week were all engraved on the character "longevity" presented by the ministers during the empress dowager's sixtieth birthday.

Going around the shadow wall and seeing a sedan car parked in the atrium of the front yard, Chen Xinbo asked Lu Huizong in a low voice, "But King Lu is here?" The rules that should be said in the palace still have to be said, except for Chen Xinbo, an old official of the three dynasties, not anyone can go directly to the front yard of the Longevity Palace to drop off the sedan chair.

"Well," Lu Huizong said, "Lord Lu and Princess Yangxin have invited them over to talk to the Queen Mother to relieve their boredom. They haven't left yet..."

In the tenth year of Chongguan, Yuan Jianhai inherited the King of Lu and stayed in Beijing. Although he and Ning Wang Yuanjianwu are both Jinshang's nephews, but Ning Wang Yuanjianwu is the heir of the late emperor, and he has no heirs today.

Of course, if he can successfully break out of the siege and go to Jiangning to establish a new capital, Jiang Ning will definitely abolish King Ning just by watching Jiangning stand by. But even at that point, it may not be King Lu's turn to take the throne, and there are still several nephews to contend for.

Zhang Xie even gave up his son, probably because he made up his mind to stay in Yanjing and not leave. If Chen Dingbang or Lu Xiong, the dog boy, broke out of the city and leaked the news of Li Zhuo's death to Chen Zhihu's ears, he might not be able to survive. Count on Chen Zhihu to **** him to break through the siege with all his heart - to fight, to fight for the fart!

Chen Xinbo had a kind of indulgence in his heart, and he thought: If Zhang Xiyan's doubts are exposed in front of the queen mother, maybe he can beat Zhang Xie? But after thinking about it, he shook his head and denied it. In the end, it would be too risky for the emperor to believe it. There is no chance of one-hit hit or one-hit kill, and he can't directly tear his face.

Chen Xinbo was led by the little **** to drink tea in the side hall. Lu Huizong went in to report, and he would be back in a moment, please invite Chen Xinbo to go. Passing through the hall, Chen Xinbo and Lu Huizong walked into the yard where the Empress Dowager Liang lived. Princess Yuan Yan of Yangxin came from inside and bowed her body: "Chen Xiangye..."

"Little princess is polite." Chen Xinbo bowed in return and sent Princess Yangxin away first.

Yuan Yan, Princess of Yangxin, is the daughter of Yuan Jiancheng, the former King of Lu, and the grandniece of the Empress Dowager Liang. Jinan City is broken. Except for a few people such as the former General Zhenguo, the current King of Lu Yuan Jianhai, and his niece Yuan Yan, the majority of Lu Wangfu escaped during the chaos. Some died or were sent to the north as slaves and maids.

Empress Dowager Liang took pity on Yuanyan, and kept her in the palace for adoption and named her a princess. In a blink of an eye, more than three years have passed, and the little girl three years ago is now a fifteen-year-old girl with bright eyes.

Chen Xinbo thought to himself: When withdrawing to the south, the Queen Mother should bring King Lu and Princess Yangxin with her, right?

Walking into the inner room where the incense was lit, and seeing that King Lu Yuan Jianhai was also present, Chen Xinbo bowed to the Empress Dowager and King Lu, and asked, "The Empress Dowager has summoned the old minister, what is the important thing to instruct?"

The Empress Dowager Liang was the queen of Emperor Qingyu. When she got married, she was even three years older than Emperor Qingyu and had no children. Sixteen years ago, Emperor Qingyu was assassinated in Qiuyejian and died without leaving a decree. With the support of the Liang family, the Liang family negotiated with the ministers to establish the first emperor, that is, the then king of Jin as the emperor, and he became a powerful court for a while. woman. As a minister of support, Chen Xinbo served as the left servant of the Ministry of Personnel at that time, and then he gradually assumed the power of the prime minister.

It was also based on this as a wedge, the Western Qin Party was able to control the government, the Liang family was able to control the frontier army, and together with the Liang family who controlled the inner court, they supported the Da Yue Dynasty.

Thinking of the scenery of that year, Chen Xinbo felt a little sad: how good would it be if there was no defeat of Chen Tangyi?

"I heard that you were the one who sent Li Zhuo on the last trip," Liang Shi said, with white hair and a face like a crane's skin. He asked Lu Huizong to bring a stool to Chen Xinbo to sit down and talk. "Ai's family also knows Li Zhuo's grievances, but they can't let the emperor take this responsibility. Hao Zongcheng's Ai's family also went to see him - although Hao Zongcheng is a person, Ai's family doesn't like it, but he will not sell the emperor - he is like this. Son, it would be too pitiful to ask him to bear the responsibility for the defeat of Western Liaoning. But the responsibility for the defeat of Western Liaoning is uncertain, and the army's heart is not stable. This move of the capital cannot be done, and Li Zhuo can only be wronged. The emperor is angry. Ao, he won't say these words, but after a few years, it may not be that he can't come up with reconsideration."

Chen Xinbo knew that the queen mother was just talking, to comfort him and Li Zhuo's teacher-student friendship, silently not speaking to show her heavy heart, and secretly trying to figure out the queen mother's intention to call him over.

"What does Li Zhuoke want you to leave to the emperor?" Liang Shi asked.

"Li Zhuo left a message that Yanjing broke through the siege, so that behind Chen Zhihu's palace, there is still a chance to go south, and he must not listen to Hao Zongcheng's words and go east to Jinhai! Yuan Lishan will still be brave, his relatives are all in Beijing, and it is impossible not to fight. Surrender! Please give generous rewards to the generals and their relatives in Jizhen, so as to secure the hearts of the generals who were forced to surrender to Donglu... In addition, Li Zhuo also left a suicide note to Chen Zhihu. Don't send it to Chen Zhihu, let the emperor make up his mind." Chen Xinbo said, in addition to adjusting the words and expressing the meaning more completely and accurately, but did not distort Li Zhuo's meaning, after all, Wang Qishan was there to listen.

"What was the emperor's reaction?" Liang asked.

Chen Xinbo hesitated for a moment, and said, "The emperor was furious and wanted to drag Li Zhuo's body to the Meridian Gate for execution. After being persuaded by the old minister, he forced to rest!"

"What a nonsense," Mr. Liang sighed lightly and asked again, "In your opinion, Hao Zongcheng lied about Yuan Lishan?"

"Li Zhuo is only speculating. Although he has no last resort, he is not as good as Hao Zongcheng's personal experience, but Li Zhuo's speculation is wrong, and he suspects his motives," Chen Xinbo said. Shan's family was caught in the Heavenly Prison, and Lord Hao didn't advise the emperor to break out of Jinhai..." At this time, I thought that the Donghu people would let Zhang Ximin and Hao Zongcheng come back, probably because Hao Zongcheng would be loyal to the emperor, and he would take the west of Liaoning. The responsibility for the defeat was put on others, so Li Zhuo's death and Yuan Lishan's family would be held accountable, and the situation in Yanjing would be even more chaotic.

Lu Huizong stood beside him, glanced at Chen Xinbo, and sneered in his heart: Hao Zongcheng escaped yesterday, if you hadn't said, "The Huaidong Army agreed to come to King Qin, but it happened that Gao Zongting and Geng Quanshan went to Jinhai. Now, the emperor may not have the intention to kill... To be honest, Lu Huizong couldn't understand at this time, why did Chen Xinbo kill Li Zhuo?

Mr. Liang closed his cloudy eyes, but he opened them again and asked, "Can't Jinhai really go?"

"The old minister is also in a panic," Chen Xinbo said. "How to go, when to go, who to leave and who to stay, these are all up to the emperor's decision. The old minister only has this old bone left, and he just wants to be loyal. Even if I go to see the late emperor at this time, I have no regrets."

"The loyalty of the old Qing family is obvious to all, but it is a pity that the emperor believes in Zhang Xie," Liang sighed softly. "The Aijia knows Li Zhuo's last words. Go and work for the emperor."

Chen Xinbo bowed his head and left. Just after leaving the Longevity Palace, he sat in the carriage waiting outside the palace gate, when he heard the family waiting outside the palace gate saying that the emperor had just driven to Zhang's house to offer condolences.

Zhang Ximin died of serious injuries, and Zhang Xie was sad and sick and was bedridden.

Chen Xinbo rolled his eyes. If there was a chance to fish in troubled waters in the past, he might be able to pierce Zhang Ximin's huge handle in front of the emperor. Zhang Xie couldn't defend himself. Even if the emperor didn't hold him accountable, Yanjing stayed behind. He and other officials of the Chu Party could not get the seat.

Arriving at Zhang Mansion, Chen Xinbo handed in the famous post, saying that he was here to express his condolences.

After waiting in the hall for a while, Zhang Xie's old retainer, Zhang Cheng, led him in. As soon as he entered the yard where Zhang Xie lived, he heard Zhang Xie crying inside: "...Although Ximin is disdainful, the old minister regards him as a treasure in the palm of his hand. I begged the emperor to let Ximin go to western Liaoning to pass the decree. The old minister was also hiding his selfishness. He hoped that Ximin would be appreciated for his service to the emperor and have a good career path. When Liaoxi was defeated, Ximin was captured, and he would rather die than yield, but he was tortured like this. , I hate it in my heart! I wish I could eat the meat and drink the blood of the Eastern captives. Although the old minister hated at the time, he did not dare to harm justice for personal hatred. The matter has come to this point, it seems that the emperor will not go south, The reinforcements from the south will never be sent. Please make a decisive decision and go to the Taihu Army immediately, leave Chen Zhihu behind the Taihu Hall, and Zhou Zongxian will protect the emperor and go south, and the old minister will fight to his death to guard the Yanjing City for the emperor."

Zhang Xie's hoarse, mournful cry made Chen Xinbo no longer have the heart to doubt him.

"For several years, Aiqing has tried his best to plan everything for me. If I go to Jiang and Aiqing is not by my side, how can I do it?"

"Although Xitong is not talented, he has a small plan. Besides, as long as the emperor goes to Jiangning to sit in town, he will definitely be able to send reinforcements to relieve the siege of Yanjing..." Zhang Xie said again.

Hearing Zhang Xie propose his eldest son Zhang Xitong, Chen Xinbo reaffirmed that Zhang Xie died in a strange way. Zhang Xie was really ruthless. When he proposed the eldest son at this time, he was undoubtedly hinting to the emperor that several people in the court were at this time. Among the ministers, only Zhang Xie can be reassured to keep him in Beijing: the eldest son is in the hands of Jiangning, and the second son died in the hands of the Donghu people. Thinking of this, Chen Xinbo, who has been calculating for half his life, feels chills in his heart.

Thinking about Zhang Xie's words, he didn't directly say that he wanted to break out of Jinhai, and from the literal meaning of his words, it could even be understood that he suggested to break out directly south. Chen Xinbo was surprised again: Did Li Zhuo's last words come from Wang Qishan's mouth? Did you let Zhang Xie know? He never knew that Wang Qishan was actually from Zhang Xie.

The emperor was suspicious by nature, and Li Zhuo’s words were either believed or not, which made it difficult to understand, but Zhang Xie’s remonstrance hid the meaning of Li Zhuo’s words in it. Completely dispel the emperor's doubts about him.

In the past six or seven years, Zhang Xie has actually held the prime minister's power, and Chen Xinbo didn't know how many people in the temple and the inner court were his minions, either explicitly or secretly, so he gave up the plan to confront Zhang Xie head-on. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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