Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 140: gauntlet

When Lin Xulu went to look for Zhang Yubo, he ate behind closed doors. He didn't even see anyone, so he rushed out the old officials outside the yamen and left in anger.

But the matter was not over. As the day dawned, more than a dozen major rice shops and rice shops in Jiangning City closed their doors behind closed doors in the name of inventory storage.

The remaining millet shops did not have the background of the Dongyang Township Party. In the situation where Gu Tianqiao was detained by the governor, they dared not stand up to the storm and closed their doors. However, they had limited food storage and no channels to purchase, so they could not support it. In half a day, all the food in stock was sold out.

There is grain in the rice bank, and no matter how high the price of rice is, the situation will not be chaotic. The only thing that can give people a little peace of mind is that the dozens of porridge shops in the city have not stopped, but when they will stop, no one can say - some people endure it silently, some people refuse to sit still and wait for death. Without rice and grain to be transported in, Jiangning would become a dead city - in the afternoon, crowds of people fleeing from the four cities and nine gates began to appear.

In order to avoid causing large-scale riots, as a last resort, as soon as the sun slanted, we started today's Jingjie ahead of schedule. The soldiers of the Huaidong Army and Horse Brigade filed out from the Sicheng military camp to control the main street intersection and restrict the random movement of citizens.

After the soldiers took to the streets, the riots that had just started in Jiangning City were temporarily brought under control, but it was all temporary, and the bigger riots were hidden in silence.

The situation was tense, Zhang Yubo, Fan Jiliang and others were in the mansion, and their hearts were not at ease. Not to mention the mentality of outsiders, even some old officials were afraid to follow Zhang Yubo to offend Huaidong. Ya, never show up again.

Zhang Yubo was angry and wanted to copy Lin Xulu's loan store directly with his hands. Those old officials who stayed, including Fan Jiliang, all dragged Zhang Yubo down together.

Gu Tianqiao is still a chicken scared of monkeys. As Lin Tingli's eldest son and Lin Fu's brother, Lin Xulu was a big man in Jiangning even before Huaidong soldiers and horses took control of Jiangning City.

When Lin Xulu came to hunt for people in the early morning, he almost asked Fan Jiliang to suspect that Zhao Shuhan had guessed Lin Bie's intention wrong, or Zhang Yubo had a tough temper, so he blocked Lin Xulu directly from the door and gave him a closed door, but he didn't think that Lin Xulu would die at dawn. Give them such a cruel hand.

If there is a large-scale riot in the city, Lin Fu can openly drive Zhang Yubo from the position of the prefect of the prefect.

"Would you like to go to Chen Yuan? If the situation drags on, it will not be good for Huaidong after all?" Fan Jiliang paced in front of the koan and asked Zhang Yubo, who was sitting behind the koan with a solemn face.

Zhang Yubo shook his head slowly and said, "The rice store is closed today, but it will be the same tomorrow, after today, the hoarding is obvious, and it should be governed by the country's laws..."

"Okay, there are national laws that should be followed, chaos should be eliminated, and Lord Zhang is here, Jiang Ning will be able to take care of it in the future!"

Fan Jiliang looked back suddenly, and saw that Shen Rong walked in with King Hailing, and Zhao Shuhan followed behind and winked at them.

King Hailing was asked to participate in politics by the Queen Mother, and he could enter and leave the yatang without permission.

No need for Zhao Shuhan's reminder, Fan Jiliang also knew that King Hailing and Shen Rong came here at this time, mostly because he was afraid that the trouble would not be big enough, but at the moment he could only come down to the hall with Zhang Yubo to welcome him: "Xiaguan has seen Wang Ye, Shen Rong. Your Excellency..." King Yinghailing came to the hall and sat down.

"The queen mother knew about this matter, and she specially ordered this king to come and ask," Yuan Jianhai said, sitting in the throne behind the koan. , but this king never believes that the Pengcheng guild will care about the country's laws and allow profiteers to be in trouble, so is it possible to invite Pengcheng guild to discuss this matter in order to find a proper solution?"

"Okay, according to the prince's order, the lower official will send someone to invite Duke Pengcheng to come over." Zhang Yubo agreed immediately.

Fan Jiliang was secretly anxious: King Hailing and Shen Rong came over, obviously uneasy and kind.

Lin Fu was hiding behind the scenes, and there was still room for easing; if Lin Fu came out in person, and the matter was too stiff, there would be no room for easing. If Lin Fu didn't show up, would they still be able to send yamen to force it?

Lin Fu can recommend Zhang Yubo, but if Zhang Yubo is really going to be ousted from power, can King Hailing and Shen Rong stop him?

Among the old officials in the yatang, there were also those who could not bear the arrogance of the Dongyang Township Party; after hearing Zhang Yubo's order, two of them stood up and rushed to Chenyuan to invite the Duke of Pengcheng to come forward.

Zhang Yubo sat in the hall and discussed the difficulty of governing the city with King Hailing, Shen Rong, and Zhao Shuhan. Fan Jiliang sat there uneasy, worried that Lin Fu walked in with a stinky face and might not show up at all.

After waiting here for a while, it was announced that Duke Pengcheng's car had arrived outside the yatang, and Fan Jiliang felt a little relaxed. Before he could get up to greet him, Lin Fu, Lin Mengde, and Gao Zongting walked in, looked at Yuan Jianhai, and said, "This matter alarms the queen mother and the prince, and it's too outrageous..."

"There are more than one million mouths in Jiangning City, one day's lack of food, and more than a thousand people died of starvation," Zhang Yubo asked Lin Bie to sit in the hall, and said neither humbly nor arrogant, "I was forced to ask Pengcheng Gong to come forward..."

"In troubled times, we should use heavy code, and in troubled times for merchants, how should the Pengcheng County commander handle it?" Yuan Jianhai looked at Lin Fu and said sharply.

"There are laws to follow, Jiangning city affairs, and Lord Zhang who is in charge, how can I talk nonsense?" Lin Fu gently brushed off Yuan Jianhai's pointing finger, and said, "Everything is up to Lord Zhang. The idea, I can only be a staff officer when I come here..." He also sat down with Yuan Jianhai at the main seat in front of the koan, but sat on the left side of the koan.

Yuan Jianhai slapped him down, and Lin Tie sat on the side of the case, so he couldn't sit behind the koan in a pretentious manner, stood up stiffly, and returned the master of the koan to Zhang Yubo.

"With Duke Pengcheng's remarks, everything is easy to handle," Zhang Yubo ignored Lin Fu and Yuan Jianhai's verbal confrontation. After sitting back at the koan, he took out a directory from the desk and said, "At this time, there is a prominent grain merchant in Jiangning. , I will call them to the yatang to ask questions..."

Duke Pengcheng and King Hailing had no objection, and the yamen below were more courageous and went to invite people separately.

One after another, Lin Xulu, Sun Wenbing, Ye Kai, Xiao Mi, Chen Qiao, son of Chen/Yuanliang, and others all invited them over, and even Gu Tianqiao also brought him from prison to the lobby.

Fan Jiliang went to Jiangning to serve as an adviser to Chen Xiyan. Although the time was not long, he had a very deep understanding of the Dongyang Township Party.

The Ye family and the Xiao family used to operate paper and **** shops in Jiangning, but after Hekou Town quickly became one of the four rice markets in Jiangning and the Dongyang family took control of the Jinhai Grain Road, they all followed suit. .

Sun Wenbing mainly ran the Jiyun Club for Huaidong, but after the Sun family was cleared of charges, the original Xihe Club and the Sun family also had some properties in Jiangning preserved. There are still some people in the Sun family and the original Xihe Society who are taking care of these industries.

Chen/Yuanliang had no news after the war in Qingzhou, and was basically determined to die in the turbulent times, but the Chen family's industry in Jiangning was not weak. Chen Qiao is the second son of Chen/Yuanliang, and the only one preserved in the Chen family. After the defeat of Qingzhou, Lin Gu's grievances were relieved, and the Chen family naturally regarded them as Dongyang's lineage.

Warehouses, shops, and clan partnerships are common in this world. Operating the rice industry, harvesting the grain and piling up the piles, the capital used is particularly huge, and only by gathering huge capital can we make enough profits. It is common for relatives to join shares or borrow goods from villagers. People like Chen Qiao, Lin Xulu, Gu Tianqiao and others stand in front of the court, but behind them are the forces connected by blood, in-laws, township parties and already formed commercial capital. Much bigger than imagined.

In the final analysis, these forces will be pushed to the head of Pengcheng County Gong Lin Fu - Lin Xulu is Lin Fu's clan brother, and Lin Tingli's eldest son, Gu Tianqiao is Lin Fu's main family, Gu Junxun's clan brother, Sun Wenbing himself belongs to Huaidong, and his sister It is also Lin Fu's concubine, Ye, Xiao, and Chen's three families, and they are close by marriage to the Gu and Lin families.

Lin Mengde looked at the people standing in front of the hall. They were all familiar faces.

Sun Wenbing is to make up for Lalai, not to mention that Lin Xulu himself is the core figure of the Lin family. In the past, Huaidong maintained the Jinhai grain route and operated the Huaidong Bank. Ye, Xiao, Chen and other families all contributed. Bian really couldn't cross the river and demolish the bridge, and he really wanted people like Zhang Yubo to stand up and sing Huaidong's face.

Lin Fu and King Hailing were here, and Lin Xulu and others had to come forward, but they also had something to say in the face of Zhang Yubo's questioning.

"As your lord said, a certain class of grass-roots people dare not refuse to obey. Today they are stocking up their warehouses, and tomorrow they will resume the sale of grain at the pre-war price. Until they are sold out, a certain class will no longer do this troublesome and block-busting business..." Xiao Mi said.

At present, Jiangning City is evacuating the displaced people. There are more than 600,000 people in the urban households alone. To ensure basic survival, at least 200,000 stone grains must be imported every month. To maintain basic operations, it is even more necessary. multiples of this number.

Before the war, the grains of Gu Chen, Yexiao and other families were plundered and burned by the rebels even if they had not been able to transfer them out of the city. At this time, the grains sold by Mihang were all brought in after the war.

Even if all the grain stores in the rice shops in the city were confiscated, there would not be tens of thousands of stone.

Zhang Yubo was so angry that blue veins burst out on his forehead.

"You don't want to serve the imperial court, but instead threatens the imperial court with everything," Shen Rong snapped and snarled, "Just use your previous crimes and rule them according to the country's laws, and they will all be executed without pardon..."

"If I'm guilty, please rule with the country's law!" Gu Tianqiao had just taken off the shackles, with bloodstains all over his wrists and neck. Hearing Shen Rong's stern rebuke, he immediately retorted and sat in jail for a day. Give in, but with a harder scalp.

"Presumptuous!" Lin Fie stood up, stared at Gu Tianqiao, and scolded, "The law of the state is just a matter of arrogance." After drinking Gu Tianqiao back, Lin Fu sat down with a livid face, and asked Zhang Yubo, "Master Zhang , you are familiar with the legal system, what kind of punishment should be used, and don’t care about my face!”

On the bright side, he reprimanded Gu Tianqiao for arguing about the country's laws, but Shen Rong's face was hot, and Lin Fu's words were almost slapped directly on his face.

Zhao Shuhan, who was really familiar with the legal system, replied on behalf of Zhang Yubo: "Those who collude to raise the market price will be punished with a cane: for the first offense, thirty sticks are allowed to be redeemed with bronze; if the first commandment is not changed, fifty sticks cannot be redeemed; Repeated teachings but not changing, consider the crime of theft, relocate!" He also rushed to say that if Zhang Yubo had a bad temper and said, "In troubled times, use the heavy code", this scene will be difficult to control.

Shen Rong's face was ugly, and if someone else said, "In troubled times, use a heavy code, and you will be cut off", but it can't be used on the head of the Dongyang Township Party. If you really follow the rules, let alone three or five catties of copper to atone for your sins, and change it to the same weight of gold, these people in the hall will not blink.

"I have been admonished without remorse, I have no words, I have no words, I am not allowed to redeem!" Zhang Yubo wanted to kill chickens and monkeys, and immediately sat down on the verdict of the public case and sealed it. Ten whips, as an example..."

Several people from the left and right yamen robbed him and dragged Gu Tianqiao out for execution.

Thirty whips saw blood, and Gu Tianqiao was dragged in with many scars. Lin Ficai said with a livid face: "The punishment has also been used. Can I ask my family to extend the use of medicine instead of dying?"

After the gauntlet, the Xu family members took it back, Zhang Yubo really couldn't take Gu Tianqiao's life, it would only be useless.

"It's not over yet, Tianqiao can still hold on." Gu Tianqiao insisted on staying despite the whiplash on his back.

"I haven't seen you in these years, but your temper has become stinky and hard. What kind of decency is it to stay in the hall with blood?" Lin Bie reprimanded, and then ordered the accompanying guards to mix Gu Tianqiao with medicine, not to mention his back. The whip wound, Dahantian will freeze and get sick after being naked in the hall for a long time.

Here, Gu Tianqiao was dragged down to take medicine. Lin Fu asked Zhang Yubo and said, "No matter who violates the law from now on, I will ask Mr. Zhang to be selfless and punish him with the law. However, the punishment has been used, and it seems that this matter cannot be solved. , Wang Ye, Lord Zhang, Lord Shen, what good plan do you have?"

Shen Rong and Yuan Jianhai were uncertain. Although Gu Tianqiao received 30 whips, it didn't help. Xiao Mi put all the words there, and the Dongyang Township Party will open up the city's rice shop tomorrow to supply it, but if it is opened, it will only be tens of thousands of stone grains, and it will not be able to solve the hunger of the more than one million people in the city.

The traditional legal system has been unable to restrain the Dongyang Township Party. They do not drive up prices or hoard, but just quit the business. What can they do? They can't be forced to oppress them in the name of the government and the imperial court.

"There are more than a million mouthfuls of food in the city, and we cannot fail to maintain the old system. If the old system fails, a new system should be established..." Zhang Yubo said.

"How should this new system be established?" Lin Fu responded and asked, "I'm also a little tired. Maybe the prince will go back to the palace and ask the queen mother to draw up a decree for the new system..."

The law is the rule, and the emperor's decree can be the rule. The empress dowager's decree should be counted as family law, but the family law of the current royal family is not separated from the national law, and the empress dowager's decree can barely be counted as a rule. However, the Dongyang Township Party is closed today, and it can take back the notice that the government has allowed it to do business, and there is no reason to force others to do business.

Yuan Jianhai was frozen there. Although he was the King of Hailing, he had no experience in dealing with this specific practice. In front of the Dongyang Township Party, he couldn't show the prestige of the prince.

"The city's food is related to the livelihood of millions of people. We and everyone in the hall are responsible for it." Lin Mengde sat on the side of Lin Fu and was silent for a long time. At this time, he interjected, "According to my humble opinion, the new system is set up temporarily in Jiang Ning, everyone in Xutang can discuss together. The so-called new system is also a measure of power and friendship. When we discuss together, we can always find a consensus. After the new system is established, everyone also follows. People, you really don't care about the life and death of more than a million people in the city?"

Shen Rong frowned and didn't say anything, always feeling that things were inappropriate.

If everyone gathers to discuss countermeasures, there is nothing wrong. If they discuss the new system and then ask for an edict, the nature will be a little different. Lin Xulu, Sun Wenbing and others have close relations with Huaidong, and Lin Fu may be able to easily recommend them. Officials, but they are merchants at this time. Although merchants are not pariahs, they are always limited in their ability to engage in government, not to mention that discussion is the foundation of state politics. How can merchants be allowed to join in?

"What do you think, Lord?" Lin Fu asked.

Yuan Jianhai didn't feel anything wrong, and said, "Lin Mengde's words are in line with the king's wishes." Looking at Zhang Yubo, he said, "Master Zhang, I think this is the way to go. Within two days, you guys will After agreeing on a new system, the book will be brought to the palace..." He was just enjoying the thrill of issuing orders, and he didn't think about the difference.

Zhang Yubo thought about what Lin Fu said about "great publicity" and "big selfishness", and knew that it was very unlawful to do so, but he could only solve this problem properly and solve the food and beverage of millions of people, and he could not care about whether it was in compliance with the rules.

Lin Fu looked at Lin Xulu and the others and asked, "What do you think?"

Although Lin Xulu's status is of great importance, in the past, he could not directly stand up and interfere in political affairs. He could only help Lin Fu and his father plan with others behind the scenes. As soon as this opening was opened, he had the name of "direct participation in politics". Furthermore, when Lin Mengde spoke at this time, it must be Lin Fu's intention, how could he not allow it?

"That's it, I also don't want to see Jiangning full of life." Lin Xulu said.

Lin Bie nodded and said, "Two days are too long, and the people's hearts are uneasy. I think you will stay here tonight." He stood up, looked at Zhang Yubo, and said, "Also, what will the government have to do in the future? You can follow this example, don’t make such a big noise at every turn!”

"Indecision, ask the village elders for policy" is nothing new, but it is not a necessary procedure.

When the authority of the Shifu county magistrate is extremely heavy, even when there is no control and old rules to follow, he can still arbitrarily decide. If you really want to follow Lin Fu's words, the prefect of the prefecture will not be able to be dictatorial.

Zhao Shuhan thought to himself: Could it be that Lin Bie wants to move the national body?

Zhao Shuhan's thoughts were hidden in his heart, Lin Fu issued the commander, and his power was greater than that of King Hailing. Zhang Yubo, Fan Jiliang and others also promised.

Lin Fu asked Lin Mengde to stay, and he and Gao Zongting went back first.

When he came out on this cold night, he was also afraid of worrying the people, so Lin Fu didn't ride a horse and returned in a carriage with Gao Zongting.

On the carriage, Gao Zongting Xiaoyi asked, "Your Excellency wants to reform the foundation?"

Looking at Gao Zongting's cautious appearance, Lin Bie thought that he had to say "yes", maybe Gao Zongting would give 10,000 reasons to dissuade him, shook his head and said, "The mountains and rivers are so broken, how can they withstand the big turmoil? Xu Lu may not be willing to leave Jiangning, but recommending him to be an official in Jiangning is too ugly, so he has to find an excuse to give him a chance to participate in politics, which can be regarded as comfort..."

The power of tradition is so huge, Lin Bie still doesn't want to meet his own blood and blood, and some things have to be opened up now, rather than completely closed - that way, when all the conditions are mature, there can be less. More resistance, less **** change.

Gao Zongting sometimes couldn't guess what Lin Fu was thinking, but at this point, it could only strengthen the Huaidong and Dongyang Township Party's control over Jiangning, which is not bad. Of course, the Dongyang Township Party must give up some interests in order to achieve balance.

Thinking of this, Gao Zongting smiled and said, "The news of Zhang Yubo's plan to take care of Gu Tianqiao will probably spread around tomorrow..."

"This little trick can't be concealed from those old foxes, but as long as it can be a little reassuring, it's fine." Lin Bie said with a smile.

The window of the car was opened so that we could see the situation on the street. Passing by the Xiubai Building, the lights were sparse, but there were three or five people walking around the window. Gao Zongting looked at it and said, "I don't know when Jiangning City will recover. Prosperous old times?"

"Why did you feel such a feeling?" Lin Fu asked with a smile, "When Zong Ting was trapped in the imperial city, I heard that Chen Qingqing from Xiubailou also took refuge there. Now her husband has passed away, but Chen Qingqing has not been with Yuan Jinqiu... …”

"Sir, this is disrespectful to the predecessors!" Gao Zongting laughed.

Lin Bie shook his head and smiled, and said, "Grandpa Zeng was unrestrained and unrestrained before his death, so I won't blame me for being disrespectful. Grandpa Zeng and Chen Qingqing knew each other from the world, so I wouldn't expect her to continue to become a worldly world. Zong Ting has no shame to ask himself, Su Mae will come to Jiangning in a few days. The country is easy to change, and the beauty is easy to die, but don't let it go..."

Gao Zongting kept his mouth shut, but he could hear another level of spirit in Lin Fu's words, thinking that Lin Fu must take the last step in order to implement his incomprehensible ideas.


Lin Fu returned to Chen Yuan and rushed Song Jia to meet him from the Longevity Palace. He worked hard all night and slept until the next day.

There were rumors of Gu Tianqiao being flogged in Jiangning City, and Lin Mengde was able to rush over at the end of the day. He hadn't slept all night, and his face was exhausted. The new system of the city is actually the old method of buying from the city. For the grain that enters the city, the government has set up a special department to redeem it at the official price in proportion to the grain that is brought into the government warehouse for the relief..."

"Where did the Jiangning government have to raise money for redemption? Could it be that they are trying to fight the Huaidong Bank again?" Song Fu asked aside.

"Apart from this strategy, is there any other way?" Lin Mengde said with a smile, "Using Jiangning City Li as an example, the Qianzhuang side will first take out one million taels of silver for emergency use. Take Zhang Yubo to the aftermath hall..."

Yuan Jianhai, Shen Rong, Huang Jinnian and others discussed many measures to deal with the aftermath in the political affairs hall, and Lin Fu called the political affairs hall the "rehabilitation hall".

During the reign of Emperor Yongxing, the lijin city tax was included in the collection and management of the inner government, and the income of the lijin city tax was no less than that of the Tianfu Ding tax. Cutting this piece out, Zhang Yubo won't feel heartbroken, because it wasn't under the jurisdiction of Jiangning Mansion. But compared to the ordinary land tax, what Lin Fu wanted to control was the lijin city tax, which was similar in nature to the industrial and commercial tax.

Lin Mengde sat down again and explained in detail the agreement reached by the two parties overnight: the so-called official price is the cost price, and the redemption ratio of Jiangning government office at the cost price is 30% of the total entry. Half of the purchased grain was used for porridge relief, and half of the grain was put on the market at a fair price to raise the grain price, but the Jiangning government no longer limited the price of rice.

Gao Zongting nodded and said, "As long as we can survive the spring drought, there shouldn't be any major problems!"

One hundred taels of silver can buy one million stone grains at a par, and the Huaidong side lifts the grain ban, which can meet the life-saving gap of the small households in Jiangning. Tax collection is always only a part, especially in Huaidong, the proportion of tax collection has actually continued to decline over the years, and the surplus grain in the hands of farmers is relatively sufficient. In the past, Huaidong strictly controlled the export of rice grains, which made the stock of grains in Huaidong more than the outside world imagined. Right now, Huaidong wants to integrate all the land in the south of the Yangtze River into its own territory, and there is no grain ban on Jiangning and other places.

The area that Huaidong controlled in the past was still relatively small, and the area that Huaidong wanted to control actually more than doubled. Including Jiangning, the eight prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River are short of food, but the most difficult thing is the spring drought.

East Fujian can grow two crops of rice every year. East Fujian has just experienced war, and it will take some time for production to recover. After the spring drought, the rice grain input from Huaidong to East Fujian will drop greatly. The turmoil in East Zhejiang and East Zhejiang will both Once settled down, some production can be resumed in the periphery of Jiangning, as well as in Chizhou and Huizhou.

Lin Bie frowned and said: "There are too many dingkou in the city. You can use the method of raising farms to evacuate some of them and relieve the pressure. You can't invest money in Jiangning all the time without profit... "

There are many factors for the emergence of this super city in Jiangning. The development of the commodity economy, the increase in the number of workshop workers in various workshops and workshops is secondary, and the more important factor is the high concentration of officials and wealthy gentry in the surrounding areas. in Jiangning City.

The number of family members of the official gentry is relatively small, and the number of servants and attendants attached to and serving the official gentry is extra large.

Qin Chengbo resigned from Jiangning back then, and the servants temporarily hired from Jiangning were not counted. The number of slaves, soldiers and family members who moved north with Qincheng was as many as several thousand.

After Emperor Yongxing ascended the throne in Jiangning ~www.readwn.com~, the number of palace servants and maids in the imperial city increased rapidly to nearly 4,000 people, and together with their family members, they were already worthy of a big city.

It was also Emperor Yongxing who ascended the throne in Jiangning, and the number of officials swelled again, and the demand for servants also digested the problem of refugees that had been a headache for Jiangning for a long time.

By dredging these people out, the supply to the bureaucratic group can be reduced in the future; conversely, if the supply to the bureaucratic group is reduced, this part must also be evacuated, so as not to form a new hidden danger in Jiangning City. Stability factor - can also save a lot of resources for war.

The war in Eastern Mindong ended, but due to the war and the relocation of luxury families, the population of Eastern Mindong was seriously lost. Quanzhou Prefecture, which is in the best situation, has only half of the pre-war Dingkou.

"The Huaidong Army has been expanded again and again, and the size of the labor camp has been drastically reduced, and a large-scale expansion is also needed immediately..." Lin Fu explained his thoughts.

Lin Mengde had no doubts, Song Fu said: "There are hundreds of thousands of refugees in Jiangning city, most of them are tenants and small farmers who escaped to Jiangning due to the ravages of the surrounding counties. Go to East Fujian and other places to form army villages to live in; when the surrounding counties resume farming and there are vacancies for tenants, you can guide the poor in the city to fill in - if you recruit urban households as soldiers, the battle will be impossible."

Lin Fu recruited soldiers from Jiangning City, and wanted to use it as a farming corps. He did not plan to make large-scale replacements as soldiers in the future. He also wanted to quickly relieve the pressure on Jiangning's population, but according to Lin's dream, there was nothing wrong with it. That's right, after all, hundreds of thousands of refugees will be repatriated immediately, and a considerable number of them will also face livelihood problems.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Fu said, "Sun Jingtang can't get away and come to Jiangning for a while. Let's sum it up, how many households can we afford to move?" My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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