Lord of the House

Vol 10 Chapter 141: north wind

The boat sailed on the river, the wind blew and the waves broke, Liu Zhi stood against the wind, and the crown was scattered by the cold wind.

Liu Zhi left Jiangning on the 11th and headed up the river. The official ship had a deep draft and sailed to take advantage of the wind. The speed was very slow. On the 12th, he met Lin Xuwen at the quarry, and it was only at dusk on the 14th.

The soldiers and horses of the She family were eager to return to run Jiangzhou, and firmly established their roots in Jiangxi. From the sixth day of the first lunar month, they began to withdraw their troops from Chizhou to return to the west. With the westward advance of the water camp, the Huaidong Army's troops in Yijiang and Qingyang increased to 40,000, and Yue Lengqiu also had more than 30,000 troops in Qiupu and Shicheng, but due to the constraints of supplies and the turbulent situation in Jiangning, In a short period of time, he was unable to advance westward and regain Jiangzhou.

However, as the Huaidong Water Camp moved westward, the Dongting Lake bandits and the rebels were expelled from the Yangtze River from Qingyang. Most of the people were still in a state of panic and wait-and-see after the war, but there were also merchants with a sensitive sense of smell. At this time, merchant ships had been organized to purchase grain from the upstream places such as Luzhou and Juchao and transport them to Jiangning.

Although there were not many grain boats, they also encountered several along the way, making Liu Zhi feel that the Yangtze River had recovered a little bit of anger. This is really after the war...

Liu Zhi was slow on the Yangtze River. First, the official ship was not going fast. Second, Liu Zhi didn't want to arrive at Juchao too early.

Yue Lengqiu had already handed the petition to Jiangning. When Lin Xuwen left Qiupu, Zhang Yan also returned north in anger. When the emperor heard the news, he would most likely be furious. If he rushes to Juchao due to the emperor's anger, he might have his head cut off. Liu Zhi was slowing down on the Yangtze River, but he sent another person to sneak into Juchao County to inquire about the news, waiting for the opportunity to enter Juchao again. The holy face is more certain.

Besides, Lin Bie also had a lot of things in Jiangning City, and it was not a few days later.

At this time, two galley fast ships came from behind, hanging the flag of the company. In the past few days, I have been seeing supply ships or warships with the Huaidong military flag passing by. This is the first time I have seen a merchant and civilian ship coming from the direction of Jiangning. what new news.

Liu Zhi waited in the cabin for a while, and the accompanying **** Zhou Yuanqiao ran in and said, "After my grandfather left Jiangning, there has been a lot of excitement in the city of Jiangning..." To elaborate on the riots in Jiangning Mi City, " Mr. Zhang is really unselfish, and dares to take such a big face as Duke Pengcheng. Gu Tianqiao is the clan brother of Mrs. Pengcheng, and Dahan Ye was stunned for thirty whips, and the characters of Dongyang were forced to bow their heads. This grain merchant will be transported in the future When entering the city, 30% of the rice should be purchased to the official family at a fair price. Households in the city can buy a pound of cheap grain every three days with the registration book. As soon as the official announcement was posted, the price of rice in Jiangning city also fell. Down to six hundred dollars a bucket..."

"Six hundred dollars for a bucket of rice is also a huge profit. I hope it will return to normal in three to five months," Liu Zhi sighed slightly. As for the thirty whips that Gu Tianqiao received, he did not want to comment in front of Zhou Yuanqiao.

Zhou Yuanqiao was a small official who followed Liu Zhi in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When Jiangning was in chaos, he did not flee west with the emperor, but stayed in the imperial city to send Liu Zhi a prison meal, which was considered loyal. When Liu Zhi came out this time, he naturally regarded Zhou Yuan Qiaoyi as his confidant, but he might not understand when he said some things. If he talked too much outside, he would cause more trouble.

Gu Tianqiao received 30 whips. To put it bluntly, Lin Fu wanted to settle people's hearts, not only to calm the hearts of people in Jiangning City, but also to let everyone in Luzhou know that Jiangning City has not yet reached the point where Huaidong can cover the sky with one hand - Liu Zhi With a slight smile, he thought to himself: Duke Pengcheng can bear his temper, which is always a good thing. Thinking of being sent by Lin Fu to go to Shouzhou, Chen Huawen and Sun Jingxuan should also see Dong Yuan and Liu Tingzhou, right?


Just entering the middle of December, Shouzhou also entered the cold days of March 9th.

These days, Dong Yuan sent sentries out west along the Huai River every day, just worried that the Huai River would freeze like last year.

On the north bank of the Huaihe River, the villages and bases in the surrounding counties and villages of Guoyang gradually completed the clearing of the fields after the winter, and the people avoided entering the villages. Therefore, it can only be implemented on the North Shore. If the South Bank is also cleared after the winter, at least 30% to 40% of the annual harvest will be lost. Given the current situation in Huaixi, how can it withstand such a loss?

If the wild is not clear, once Huaidong freezes, the Yanlu cavalry will easily penetrate in, and Huaixi lacks cavalry, and this civilian loss will be difficult to control.

After the Huaixi soldiers and horses entered the winter, the most tense thing was to prepare for Huai. As for the chaos in Jiangning, everyone in Huaixi felt it, but the feeling was very short, so it was not so profound.

Emperor Yongxing abandoned Jiangning on the 25th and marched westward. On the 27th, Jiangning was captured. On the fourth day of the first day, the Huaidong Army recaptured Jiangning. The whole Jiangning turmoil only took eight or nine days before and after, plus the letter was posted on Delays on the way - the news of Jiangning's fall was obstructed by Dongyang Prefecture, and did not reach Shouzhou until the second day of the first year. The time is only four or five days.

When he first learned that Jiangning had fallen, Shouzhou was also panic-stricken. Before the panic had passed, news of the Huaidong Army's frequent victories and the recovery of Jiangning came from the southern bank of the Yangtze River. Such three or five days were only enough for Dong Yuan to gather the soldiers on the outskirts of Shouzhou City, and there was no more time to make other responses.

Yu Xinyuan also rushed to Shouzhou on the sixth day of the first lunar month. His original intention was to persuade Dong Yuan to lead a group of troops to Luzhou to **** him, and join forces with the Jiangzhou army to push Jiangning from the west to divide Huaidong. It was expected that as soon as others arrived in Shouzhou, news of Huaidong's recovery of Jiangning came.

Yu Xinyuan was also beaten by a stick, and Dong Yuan happened to rush to Guoyang patrol before Yu Xinyuan arrived in Shouzhou City;

Although they could see Liu Tingzhou and Chu Wang Yuanhancheng, but Dong Yuan did not show up, and nothing could be discussed. The night before yesterday, the news that the Queen Mother returned to court, even Liu Tingzhou and Chu Wang Yuanhancheng's attitudes also became blurred.

It was not until Chen Huawen and Sun Jingxuan came to Shouzhou that news came from the north that Dong Yuan had returned to the Kipishi Mountain camp.


Beifeng Xiaoxiao, Dong Yuan is entangled in military affairs, please Yu Xinyuan and Chen Huawen to meet at the Xia Shishan camp.

Kip Stone Mountain is located on the bank of the Huai River, with the north and south mountains sandwiching the river, and it is the most dangerous place on the Huai River. The upstream seat of Kipishi Mountain is the best crossing point in the middle reaches, and the lower part is the entrance of Fei River into Huaikou—Shouzhou situation, nearly half of it falls on Kipishi Mountain.

Dong Yuan rectified Shouzhou's defense of Huaihuai, and most of his energy was also spent on the Kipishi Mountain camp.

Ding Zhiru accompanied Yu Xinyuan and Sun Jingxuan to travel by car; however, Chen Huawen was used to his military career, and the wind was cold, so he also rode on a horse, overlooking the Kipishi Mountain camp in the distance, the military fortress was fortified, and the flags were hunting.

From Shouzhou City to the north, all the way to the south bank of the Huaihe River, along the road for 20 to 30 miles, most of them are farmland. After a year of operation by Dongyuan, it has begun to form a scale. fold……

Yu Xinyuan felt sad: Dong Yuan's intention was to show his bargaining capital in front of Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen.

Yue Lengqiu handed Jiang Ning a confession in Chizhou, Yu Xinyuan's heart was almost completely cold, but there were still some unwillingness and luck, and this time it was even more cold...

Jinghu Lake and Xiangtan are too far away, and far water cannot save near fires. Yue Lengqiu and Dong Yuan are both bargaining with Huaidong. lost clean.

Who is Chen Huawen and who is Sun Jingxuan? One was just a general who raised his sons, and he was also Dong Yuan's former subordinate. Just like him, the Censor of Zuodu of the Imperial Court...

Compared to Yu Xinyuan who came empty-handed, behind Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen were dozens of ships full of grain and glutinous rice to Huaixi.

Jiangning couldn't collect the taxes for a while, but the Huaixi army could not stop for a day. Before Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen came over, the will of the Queen Mother Liang came out. East advance.

But it was obvious that if Sun Jingxuan and Chen Huawen came to talk unpleasantly, dozens of boats of grain would stop at Dongyang Mansion at any time.

What are chips? This is the chip!


Before Chen Huawen, Sun Jingxuan, Yu Xinyuan, and Ding Zhiru, Liu Tingzhou and Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng entered the Kip Mountain camp to meet Dong Yuan first.

Dong Yuan's tent is rather crude, the chairs and tables are unpainted, planed, revealing the rough log growth rings, and the stove is blazing brightly, shining with red-hot fire. Liu Tingzhou and Yuan Han sat with solemn expressions on their faces. Dong Yuan, who had returned from the camp, pushed open the door, took off his shirt, and approached the fire. He saluted the king of Chu and Liu Tingzhou who stood up: "I've been waiting for you, Lord and Lord Liu. …”

"Not busy..." Yuan Hancheng asked Dong Yuan to sit down and discuss matters, and said, "Master Yu and the people from Huaidong are on their way to the camp, what is Master Dong thinking?"

"Your Highness and Lord Liu, what are you thinking?" Dong Yuan calmly kicked the ball back to Yuan Hancheng and Liu Tingzhou.

Liu Tingzhou sighed softly and said, "The situation is like this, Jianghuai cannot be in chaos, otherwise it will only be taken advantage of by the Yan prisoners..."

Jiangning recovered from its fall. In just seven or eight days, Huaixi could not react in time, and the Yanlu troops between Hehuai and Huaihe could not react in time, but if Jianghuai fell into a long-term split, the Yanluo would never be too late. reaction.

Huaixi is broken and cannot be completely restored in just one year; without the support of Jiangning's grain and fodder, it is impossible for Huaixi to stand alone against the Yanlu army!

Now that Huaidong has invited the Queen Mother out and asked the emperor to return to the dynasty, Liu Tingzhou, even if he is loyal to the imperial family~www.readwn.com~, knows that the situation at hand cannot help them make more choices. Besides, Liu Tingzhou was loyal to the imperial family, and loyal to the imperial court.

"What if the emperor doesn't want to go back to Jiangning?" Dong Yuan asked.

Now Emperor Yongxing is parked in Juchao County in the south of Luzhou City. He has not even entered Luzhou City. Although there are not many Imperial Navy troops accompanying him, and their combat power is not strong, it is also called Emperor Yongxing who is a little bit daring to stay. The confidence of not returning to Jiangning in Juchao.

Chu Wang Yuan Hancheng also sighed helplessly and said, "With the Queen Mother's family law, the emperor will not be able to return to Jiangning."

The empress dowager represents the family law of the imperial family, but when this family is special, the empress dowager can overwhelm the emperor in name. Emperor Yongxing lost his virtue before, and he was forced to stay in Luzhou and did not return.

The emperor loses his virtue first and abolishes the emperor, but it does not violate the way of loyalty and filial piety enshrined by Liu Tingzhou.

Dong Yuan nodded. Under the circumstances, Emperor Yongxing made an edict to return to the court, which is the best choice at the moment, and the second is to abolish the emperor and establish himself. The Jiangzhou Army, the Huaixi Army, and the Huaidong Army set up the King of Lu, and the 20,000 imperial army and water camps in Juchao County would not be able to achieve a climate at all.

After reaching such a consensus, the next thing to discuss is to limit Huaidong's power or gain more benefits for Huaixi...

Huaidong gave up information control, and Jiangning's news in the past few days quickly came to Shouzhou. However, these tricks by Huaidong are to stabilize the hearts of the people below, and Dong Yuan, Liu Tingzhou and Yuan Hancheng will naturally not be confused.

However, these tricks of Huaidong are not useless. After Huaidong recaptured Jiangning, he was not good at power and took the Yuan clan as Zhengshuo. If the Huaixi and Jiangzhou troops wanted to fight against Huaidong, they would lose their righteousness and would lose their righteousness. Call yourself to be centrifuged first. After all, most people still don't want to break up. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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