Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 33: blurred

What Han Li said is also true. Qimen and Yijiang are separated by mountains and mountains, and the road is impassable. Although it is close to Nanling County of Yijiang, it has always been placed under the jurisdiction of Fuliang. However, the road was blocked, which made it difficult for Huaidong's troops in the east of Yishan to cross the mountains and mountains to enter Qimen, but it did not mean that a small group of troops could not pass through the deep ravines at the northern foot of Yishan.

Deng Yu was defeated in southern Zhejiang, and he was still able to lead more than a thousand remnants to cross Yishan and Huaiyu Mountains to the west of Jiangzhou to defect to Yue Lengqiu. Today, more than a thousand soldiers and horses occupying Qimen, known as the advance army of eastern Jiangxi, are naturally Huaidong scattered and lurking from the Yishan Mountains.

Now that more than 1,000 people have occupied Qimen, Huaidong has crossed Yishan to gain a foothold at the western foot of the mountain. If he hadn’t taken Qimen back with lightning speed, Huaidong would have been able to pass through the mountain trails. Continue to import more materials and people to Qimen.

Su Tingzhan knew very well what the current state of the luxury family's rule in Jiangxi was.

Don't say that the local gentry are unwilling and unwilling, and the overwhelmed people are also dry wood after exposure, just a little bit. During the ten-year war in East Fujian, nearly 100,000 children from Jiangxi lost their lives in East Fujian, and the families behind these children have hatred for the luxury family.

Last year, Gannan gave She Feixiong a cruel ploughing, and the head cut off piled up like a small hill, but after the spring, as soon as the troops stationed in Gannan decreased, the civil chaos was like an inexhaustible weed, and the spring breeze came quickly. The recovery has made the counties such as Longnan in southern Gansu escape from the control of the luxury family.

It has only been three days since the Jiangdong advance army occupied Qimen, and the news has already spread, and many people in Pengze, Duchang, Fuliang, and Yongshan counties are ready to move, as if a volcano is about to erupt.

Even though Su Tingzhan was in Fuliang and Tian Chang was in Pengze, the main pass to Qimen was blocked, but there were still a steady stream of people going over the mountains and mountains to surrender. Hundreds of people are all people who want to join Qimen and resist the rule of the extravagant family.

As long as the Jiangdong advance army can obtain enough weapons, armor, swords and weapons from Yijiang, they can organize more tenant farmers and mountain people in Qimen. Two days ago, there might have been only a thousand people in the advance army in eastern Gansu on the bright side, but it won't take long for the advance army in eastern Gansu to quickly become 3,000, 5,000, 10,000 people...

A single spark can start a prairie fire. If you want to put out this fire, you must move quickly and fiercely, but the more than 1,000 troops gathered in Qi Bing are really all the ambush soldiers in Huaidong lurking into Gandong?

In front of Su Tingzhan, there was a dilemma: to attack Qimen quickly, but it might be ambushed by more latent soldiers and horses in Huaidong; if you delay, you can only watch the advance army of Jiangdong occupy Qimen, and the strength will be one day. Stronger than a day.

Seeing Su Tingzhan's frown, Han Li said, "Even if Huaidong sends people to lurk there, there will only be three or five hundred people, and then he will lure some unscrupulous mountain men from the local area, and reluctantly make up Gui Laozi to lead the way. Army. Even if there is a desire to show weakness and tempt me, there will not be many ambush soldiers who can resist and hide. If he doubles his strength, it will only be 2,000 soldiers who can fight. Can't it be the bait in the bait of the Great Governor, can they easily see through it?"

Tian Weiye had the frustration of using deception as a bait in his heart, and he no longer had the excitement of being promoted to the city, so he could only secretly save his life, watching Han Li and Su Tingzhan quarrel about not sending troops, He couldn't help but said, "Maybe it won't be too late to fight Qimen when Jiangzhou sends more reinforcements!"

Su Tingzhan can be quite sympathetic to the field, and if others are used as bait to lure the enemy, he will not feel good. It is difficult for him to open up his plans at this time, but there is no way to rescue Jiangzhou or Shangrao.

The troops and horses of the luxury family in Jiangxi are concentrated in Shangrao and Jiangzhou, but the military pressure in Shangrao and Jiangzhou is so great, and in such important places as Ganzhou and Yuzhang, they can only maintain the most basic defense troops and horses. Where is the ability to draw more troops into eastern Gansu to quell the chaos? If the purpose of the Jiangxi advance army is to attract more troops and draw troops from Jiangzhou and Shangrao, wouldn't it be a success of Huaidong's strategy?

"The Gandong advance army has more than 1,000 troops at Qimen. If you really want to send tens of thousands of troops to attack, how can these more than 1,000 troops hide between Yishan?" Han Li shook his head. He said to Su Tingzhan, "How good is this? You are sitting in Fuliang, and I will lead my troops in to test the truth. If this army of Qimen is really Huaidong's bait, I will retreat to the vicinity of Huangtian and wait for Su. General come to save me! If Huaidong sneaks in and eats our troops whole in one bite, then we'll just admit it, General Su, just stick to Fuliang, and I don't blame you!"

Han Li's 2,000 men and horses were all well-equipped, and they fought in Jiangxi. Unless the soldiers and horses that sneaked in were all elite soldiers from Huaidong, and their strength exceeded a large portion, otherwise they would not think about it. It is absolutely impossible to eat the two thousand elites under Han Li's guard who are on guard.

Su Tingzhan thought for a moment and said, "Lieutenant General Han, you can lead your troops in and keep an eye on Qimen City from the periphery. You mustn't attack it easily..."

It is easy for the Jiangxi advance army to obtain soldiers, armor, swords and bows from Yijiang and other places through Yishan, but it is difficult to transport a large amount of grain and grass across Yishan in a short period of time. The grain storage in Qimen City is limited. As long as Han Li leads his troops to approach Qimen City, it can restrict the advance army of eastern Jiangxi from collecting grain and grass from outside the city, and it can also restrict the people of the countryside from entering Qimen City to join the annexation and strengthen the advance army of eastern Jiangxi. 's army.

As long as Han Li can stabilize his position outside Qimen City, it is possible to force out the other ambush soldiers in Huaidong lurking in the mountains of eastern Jiangxi!


In order to confuse the extravagant family, only the banner of Yu Wencheng was erected in Qimen, while Hu Qiaozhong was in the Daishan Mountain in the north of Fuliang City, together with Yu Wenbei, monitoring every move in Fuliang City at any time.

The crescent moon shines between the mountains, and the vegetation on the left and right seems to be floating in the clear stream.

Yu Wenbei was squatting on the ridge with Hu Qiaozhong, overlooking Fuliang City. The Fuliang City in the distance can only vaguely see a faint outline under the moon, lying quietly among the hills.

Wu Jingze climbed up with both hands and feet, habitually holding a piece of grass in his mouth, chewing the sweet taste.

Yu Wenbei turned around and saw that Wu Jingze climbed up from behind, and asked, "Has the news from Fuliang City been confirmed?"

"Su Tingzhan was in charge of Fuliang City, and he sent someone to force Han Li to stop advancing. According to insider information, Han Li returned to Fuliang City and had no good feelings for Su Tingzhan..." Wu Jingze said.

"It's a pity," Yu Wenbei sighed, "Su Tingzhan is not simple!"

They hid their soldiers in ambush at the pass where Huangtian entered Qimen, and waited for the reinforcements from the She family to rush to attack Qimen, and they were caught off guard. Just dragging them down and calling their ambushes ineffective.

Hu Qiaozhong sat on the ridge, touched his chin that had not been shaved for a few days and was full of stubble, and said, "There are countless generals who lost their lives to the Huaidong Army on the Eastern Front, and the more Su Tingzhan lives, the more enjoyable it is , Your Excellency and those in the Privy Council attach great importance to Su Tingzhan, so how can they be a simple opponent?"

"If you take down Fuliang City in one step, there will be no such trouble!" Wu Jingze said.

Hu Qiaozhong shook his head and said: "Fuliang is about the center of Gandong. Unless the She family is really negligent, they will not ignore Fuliang. The troops deployed by the She family in Fuliang are all new soldiers, which is very problematic. We can hide in the east of Gansu. Under the ambush, the She family may not be able to show weakness and lure the enemy - the Privy Council wants us to be cautious, and it is reasonable to emphasize that we cannot force Fuliang City without complete certainty..."

Yu Wenbei nodded and said, "We are in the belly of the enemy, we must act daringly, and we must be cautious..."

According to the original plan, Uncle Pan Wen's troops will also secretly enter Fuliang. Together, there are nearly 4,000 troops. Maybe they will attack Fuliang City by force after Chengziling has destroyed most of the enemy troops in eastern Jiangxi; or Hu Qiaozhong will come over. , changed the plan, continued to hide the main ambush, and only exposed Yu Wencheng.

Otherwise, they would really run into the 600 elite veterans deployed by the She family in Fuliang City. The lesser of the Gandong advance army said that they would have to knock their teeth out before they could escape. But thinking about it again, after the Battle of Chengziling, the She family's garrison in Pengze responded quickly, which is also surprising.

Even if the She family had no other deployments in Fuliang City, Yu Wenbei had no confidence that they would be able to capture Fuliang City before the enemy general Han Li led his troops to arrive~www.readwn.com~ Although they gathered more troops than The enemy assisted, but the four thousand soldiers and horses that Yu Wencheng, Yu Wenbei, and Pan Wenshu finally gathered were scattered among the mountains in eastern Gansu to hide on weekdays. Even if the backbone of the advance army is mostly Huaidong veterans, it is difficult to predict the outcome of a head-to-head battle with the 2,000 elite soldiers of the She family under Fuliang City.

Wu Jingze was also anxious and confused, and said: "After today, the three thousand reinforcements led by Su Tingzhan will also enter Fuliang City from Changhe, and it will be even more difficult to bite down Fuliang..."

Su Tingzhan was already one of the few generals in the luxury family, and the 3,000 reinforcements he led were naturally elite.

Now in Fuliang City, Su Tingzhan's troops, Han Li's troops, and the remnants of the previous defenders add up to more than 6,000 troops. The troops already have an advantage. Wu Jingze is worried that he will lose every opportunity to defeat them.

Hu Qiaozhong frowned and said, "We are in a hurry, the She family should be even more anxious, can they watch us stand firm in Qimen?"

There are military passages from Qimen to Fuliang, Pengze, and Yongshan. Although it is in Yishan, it is not allowed to fail for luxury families.

"Yes, Su Tingzhan will pull Han Li back, but sooner or later he will be called out again," Yu Wenbei said, "Although there is no longer the possibility of suddenly eating Han Li's troops and horses by surprise attack, from Qi From the gate to Fuliang, there is a mountain road of more than 100 li, which is sandwiched by the mountains. Han Li leads his troops to enter Qimen. We will mobilize the people and cut off their food! Let them know that the Jiangning area is Jiangning, not Jiangning. They are luxurious!"


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