Lord of the House

Vol 11 Chapter 34: patience

On the eighth day of the third month, three thousand reinforcements from Jiangzhou with Su Tingzhan entered Fuliang City. Han immediately led his troops eastward, approaching Qimen.

The spring in Jiangnan is early, and March is already fragrant. From Fuliang to Qimen, the mountains are vertical and horizontal, and the Changshui River Valley winds like a snake between the mountains. After the spring, the river gradually becomes rich and beautiful. The large river beaches on both sides are covered with gravel, which are polished without edges and corners, and are crystal clear and white.

Under the trampling of people and horses, the wild grass stubbornly grew new green, and the dirt road on the north bank also extended to the distance along the winding river bank.

A team of cavalry stood in the middle of the road, all wearing armor and bows, with ebony sheathed sabres and quivers tied to both sides of the saddle, and figures dancing on the ridges in the distance, blowing the bamboo whistle in their mouths, as if passing through the mountains. The birdsong of the wind sweeping the clouds.

Not needing to be reminded by the guards on the ridge, this team of horse riders has also noticed the smoke rising from the road coming from Fuliang.

Seeing the Zhejiang and Fujian troops coming out of Fuliang City coming here, the cavalry quickly dispersed to the Linglin on the north side. Calm quickly returned between the valleys, save for the fresh creases of the weeds trampled by the horses on the side of the road.

Soon, the scouts of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops who were in charge of exploring the enemy outside appeared between the river valleys, in groups of 15, all wearing armor on horses. Jiangxi is full of mountains and there are many mules and horses. Some horses with good endurance and strong feet were selected from the walking horses as war horses, and they were barely usable. The outpost scouts of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army looked at the flock of birds flying between the treetops, restrained their horses, and were in doubt. The men and horses raised their vigilance, and a few others dismounted, holding their shields and groping carefully into the woods.

"Whoosh, whoosh" three sharp arrows shot, all of which hit the shield of the scout's hand approaching the woods. The bowstring of the archery was so powerful that the arrow almost penetrated the shield, and the tail was still shaking violently, making a buzzing sound. sound.

When the people in the forest saw that the arrows failed to hurt the enemy, they took their big bows and fled across the forest path to the ridge.

Two of the scouts who stopped in the middle of the dirt road couldn't bear their temper. They kept harassing them all the way, and their patience had been pushed to the extreme. .

The leader of the team didn't have time to stop them, and saw the two men approaching the woods when dozens of arrows shot out of the woods. The two roared angrily, wielding knives and drawing arrows, but how could they stop so many arrows?

The arrows sank, the edges were sharp, and the two of them hit the body with three or five arrows each, and the leather armor they wore was difficult to cover. One fell off his horse immediately, his body twitching on the grass beside the forest with fresh grass; the other had an arrow hanging from his shoulder, rib, and abdomen.

At this time, dozens of knives and archers rushed out from the forest, and there were dozens of cavalry on both flanks. The scouts of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops saw that the other party was strong, and they didn't have time to **** the man who fell from the horse in the grass beside the forest. To protect the wounded, they hit the horse and fled back; , too late to rescue.

When Han Li and his 200 soldiers arrived to respond, the attacking troops had already withdrawn from the mountain to the north.

"Fuck, motherfucker!" Han Li tightened the reins and took off his horse to vent his anger. After walking out of Fuliang City, only 50 miles away, and this kind of constant harassment devoured nearly ten good players. However, the mountain people and hunters in the surrounding counties of Fuliang all turned to Huaidong and called Gandong Advance. The army's small-scale sentry elites acted like a duck in water in the mountains around Qimen and Fuliang, while Han Li and his troops did not dare to leave the road at all, rushing into the mountains, and the loss was even greater.

Not to mention the mountain hunters, the local gentry had no sense of identity with the She family. They were coerced by the She family’s soldiers and horses and did not dare to resist and struggle. Now Yu Wencheng has occupied Qimen and officially displayed the banner of the advance army. Goofy and move. The local people who were originally appointed by the She family to serve as county officials also left one after another because of illness, unwilling to be driven by the She family; Some people can see that Yan Hu is in a rut in Guanshan, and the current predicament of the She family is clear at a glance. Who would like to leave a stain on the She family's drive at this time and liquidate it after the war?

The balance of the situation in eastern Jiangxi has been completely tilted in the direction of the unfavorable luxury family, making it difficult for the Zhejiang and Fujian troops to leave the center of gravity.

The harassment continued, and people in the Changshui River kept throwing broken wood from the upper reaches to prevent the navy warships from going up the river. There were many damages along the road along the river. The villages and farmers along the road were also quite uncooperative. If they can't spread out too far, it will be difficult to effectively detect and grasp the situation of Lingshan, which is more than ten miles away, and the entire marching speed will be delayed. The marching speed was better, but the soldiers who were always in high tension were very tired—Han Li was used to fighting hard battles, but he was very uncomfortable with this kind of harassment and guerrilla attack. But Han Li also knew in his heart that the Changshui River Valley stretched eastward, like an open beast's mouth. He really couldn't take it lightly.

No matter how slow you go, there is only less than a hundred miles left outside Qimen City, and you can always walk there!


Zhuqi Stream is a side stream of Changshui River in the southwest of Qimen County. Ma'anling is located between Xicheng and is the key point for entering Qimen City. Now it is the fortress of the Eastern Jiangxi advance army on the periphery of Qimen.

The sentries kept galloping back, bringing news that Han Li's division of the Zhejiang-Fujian Army was constantly approaching.

Hu Qiaozhong stood on the ridge and looked into the distance. The Changhe River within his vision was still very calm, and he could not see the traces of the enemy soldiers advancing eastward.

Han Li once again led his troops out of Fuliang City to Qimen. He was very cautious all the way, and it was difficult to ambush—

"At this point, it's not hard to guess the intentions of Su Tingzhan and Han Li. They are not in a hurry to attack, but they will definitely approach Qimen City step by step." Yu Wencheng came over, Yu Wenbei and the original Ganzhou Army Generals Pan Wenshu and Chen Yuqin followed. He came over and said, "The enemy army will not dare to suddenly attack Qimen City. Our intention to use Qimen as a bait is empty. Once we ask Han Li to stand at the source of Changshui and control the source of Changshui, Its navy and warships can continuously bring supplies in, if we strictly guard Qimen City, it is very likely that the connection between Qimen City and the periphery will be cut off..."

"I think fighting against the enemy in Ma'anling, Ganzhou children don't have a soft egg!" Chen Yuqin said.

Yu Wencheng raised his flag at Qimen, and recruited Jianyong from the mountain people and hunters in the surrounding counties. In just three or five days, the number of his troops nearly doubled from just over a thousand people. Pan Wenshu led the troops to sneak in, and the Gandong advance army could gather 5,000 soldiers and horses at the periphery of Qimen - Han Licai led 2,000 soldiers to come, from Yu Wencheng, Yu Wenbei brothers to Pan Wenshu, Chen Yuqin and other former Ganzhou army old troops, all advocated Fight with the enemy outside Qimen City.

However, Yu Wencheng and Yu Wenbei themselves were sent by the Jiangning Privy Council. Pan Wenshu, Chen Yuqin and other former Ganzhou Army troops also agreed to be incorporated into the Gandong Advance Army and accepted the jurisdiction of the Privy Council - whether to decide whether to fight or avoid it, or Hu Qiaozhong, a special dispatch from the Privy Council. on the envoy.

Nowadays, there is not much shortage of weapons, armor, swords and weapons in Qimen City, but food and grass.

There is simply no way to transport much grain from the path between Yishan Mountains - a transport team with a size of 100 people can carry 10,000 catties of supplies on their backs in one trip across the mountains. If it is salt and iron, tens of thousands of catties are enough to support the short-term consumption of an army; but 10,000 catties of grain are nothing compared to the consumption of thousands of people.

For the supply of the advance army in eastern Jiangxi, we can only rely mainly on requisitions from the surrounding countryside, and exchange salt, iron, gold and silver with the surrounding cottages, or even pay IOUs first. However, after the luxury family entered Jiangxi, they levied heavy taxes on the shores of Poyang Lake to support their army, and the people in the countryside around Qimen had limited food reserves.

The people and local forces have cooperated very well with the advance army in eastern Jiangxi, but the purchase of food and grass requires a lot of manpower and mules and horses, and the speed cannot be fast. In just three or five days, the food that Yu Wencheng stored in Qimen City was less than ten. Ten thousand pounds.

To purchase grain from Duchang, Yongshan and other places farther away, it will take more time and manpower, and under the eyes of the Zhejiang and Fujian troops, the danger is also greater.

Once Han Li's troops are called to approach Qimen City, the recruitment of grain and grass will inevitably stop - if more than 5,000 people from the advance army of eastern Jiangxi are gathered in Qimen City at this time, they can only support ten and a half days at most. moon.

Even if only Yu Wencheng's department guards the city ~www.readwn.com~, it can only support more than a month. In case the Zhejiang and Fujian troops ruthlessly drive a large number of people into the city to take refuge, the food will be even more tense - in this case, the Zhejiang and Fujian troops cannot be asked to cut off the connection between Qimen City and the periphery and become an isolated city.

"If you want to fight, you must first defend Maanling, lure Han Li into a strong attack, to exhaust his army, and then two troops and horses, waiting for the opportunity, all the way from the west bank of Zhuqi River, all the way from Qimen City, to attack Han Li's troops. Behind him," Hu Qiaozhong said to Yu Wencheng and the others, "In this way, I will guard Jianzhai in Ma'anshan, and Yu Wenbei will be responsible for dragging the reinforcements that Su Tingzhan may have sent from Fuliang from the direction of Daishan, while Yu Wencheng and Pan Wenshu's troops lie dormant first. …”

"You can control the army in Qimen City, and I will guard Maanling!" Yu Wencheng said.

Ma'anling is not very dangerous. It faces a stream on one side and gentle slopes on three sides. In just three or five days, there is no way to build a strong fortress. After all, more materials must first ensure the defense of Qimen City.

In comparison, Qimen City stands on the mountain, and there are more than a thousand soldiers and horses guarding it, which is enough to make the elites of Zhejiang and Fujian dare not attack.

Hu Qiaozhong shook his head and said, "If you want to fight, you have to listen to my arrangements!"

Generals such as Yu Wencheng, Yu Wenbei, Pan Wenshu, and Chen Yuqin were all young men, but Hu Qiao, who was only 24 years old at the time, was the youngest. Although Hu Qiaozhong was appointed by the Privy Council to temporarily lead the Jiangdong advance army, but if he didn't have the courage to defend the ground and fight tough battles, and only knew how to hide in a safe place, how could he be convinced by the generals - Yu Wencheng, Pan Wenshu, they are all new to Huai Dong's generals have their own arrogance and will not say anything in their mouths, but they will not easily admit Hu Qiaozhong's previous position in the Huaidong Army; on the contrary, they will even think that Hu Qiaozhong is just a member of the Chongzhou Boys. Cheaper, and more trusted and reused by the Privy Council. My QT room is open! More vulgar official QT room number [9167] Click to enter

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