Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 121: Elf Chronicles (Monday Tickets Recommended)

This...The second generation of the gods is really a hidden dragon, and there is a "wisdom dragon" in front of Herabergen, followed by "the **** of the undead" Salinger, which is the ultimate figure who will eventually become a sequence 0. Of course, the "Dragon of Wisdom" is still not certain, just saying that it may not be small...

Well, there is the "Dawn of the Morning God" Bad Haier and the "Blood Goddess" Omega, not to rule that they all lived in the Fifth Age, and lived very well... I don't know "God of the Spirit" Thor Did Zenna and the "Goddess of God" Amanis escape the war of "retracting" authority of the Silver City Creator at the end of the Second Age? If they have escaped, what role do they play in the Tertiary and even the Quaternary? After Klein was amazed, he sighed a few words in his heart.

Reminiscent of the betrayal of the kings of the Third Age angels, he couldn’t help but swear:

Fire prevention and anti-theft from God!

At this time, the "justice" Audrey, who did not know much from the real names and authority of the gods, did not have emotional fluctuations. She played one female and one elf in the memory of Shatas, constantly talking with her and letting her She told the story of the Second Age that she experienced.

According to Shatas, in the Chronicles of the Elf, there is no concept of the First and Second Ages. At first, I don’t know how many years are chaotic, dark, crazy, lacking in the text, until the extraordinary races gradually I gained a certain level of reason, and with my own words, the creatures began to have a certain understanding of history.

At that time, the ancient gods were successively present, and the sky, the earth, the ocean, and the underground gradually transitioned from absolute disorder to a certain order, but apart from the ancient gods who were violent and crazy, no one could figure out what was used at this stage. For many years, I only know that it has been a long time, and it has been called the "emergence era" by all the extraordinary races.

After the "Sprouts" is the "early fire of the eight generations of ancient gods" camp, which is as long as the birth of Xiatasi, she can only understand through the intra-clanical chronicles that it was "pan-human" confrontation Human races resist the pollution and erosion of demons and devil wolves. Among them, human beings exist as giants, elves, blood vassals and even slaves.

The time of "the beginning of the fire" has been different in different records, but the commonality is less than a thousand years, because the essence of the ancient gods is crazy, tyrannical, cruel, cold, and often driven by instinct.

In the **** ancestor Lilith, the heterogeneous king Kwahitun, and the "destructive demon wolf" Fregra fell behind in a betrayal, "the beginning of the fire" ended, the war was frequent, the world was damaged, for hundreds of years Never stopped.

Because of the relative strength of the giants and dragons during this period, it was called the “double generation”.

By the time the five major races formed a new balance, the North Continent, the South Continent, the Eastern Continent, and the Five Oceans restored a certain level of peace. Xiatasi was born and grew up in this era until he entered the "Grossel Travels."

In the history she described, the most important information has two points. One is that there is the East Continent, the "Giant Wang Ting" is there, and the other is that after the "Bloody Age", the major extraordinary races have their own Civilization, unlike the suspicions of later generations, is irrational. Of course, the tendency of tyranny, cruelty, coldness, and killing is widespread. It seems that all are at least half out of control, until the "double generation", the new generation of elves, the new generation The giants are more rational and have emotions, such as Xiatasi and Grosser.

"The East Continent seems to be the land of God's abandonment... In the Cataclysm, was it abandoned?" Similar ideas were born in the minds of Klein, Leonard and Audrey.

They are very interested in this, but Xia Tasi has always lived in the court of the Elf King, and occasionally went out to cruise around the sea, never went to the East China, and lacked sufficient understanding.

Influenced by "Justice" Audrey, Xiatashi's dream began to reveal the customs and language origins of the elves.

In the legend that the queen's maid heard, the Elvish was created by the king in the "emergence era". The appearance of each word is accompanied by the birth of a first-generation elf, and how many elf-speaking words have many first-generation elves.

The elves' custom of life is not a thing that is too unified, and it depends heavily on the surrounding environment. The elves in the ocean and the elves in the forest are undoubtedly very different in various customs.

What they have in common is that the faith is the king of the ancient gods and the queen of him; they love to make food with the blood of the prey; there is a wide-spread cooking technique, even if the sea elves often come to the reef for a "bonfire party". "Be close to nature, good at applying various spices; advocating the strong, proud of acting faster than thinking...

Myths and reality are mixed together. It is difficult to tell which ones are true and which ones are fake... The habits of life have shattered some of my previous speculations... Klein’s expression seems to be listening without change, and the mind quickly analyzes Every sentence that Xia Tasi tells.

After figuring out the relevant things, Audrey revolved around the keyword "Western Continent" to change the dream of Xiatashi, reflecting some of the memories in the subconscious.

The Coral Palace returned to the eyes of Klein, who followed Chaucer, the "Queen of Natural Disasters," and walked over to a crystal window.

She glanced at the exquisite and long dress of the Queen, and sneaked at the "God" who was in charge of the natural disaster. She asked with a little curiosity:

"His Royal Highness, are you looking at the west?"

For the elves, as long as they do not feel the oppression of violence, there are questions to ask on the spot.

“Why do you think so?” Gao Shinham did not look back and asked indifferently.

"I just learned a legend that our elves originated in the western continent." Shatas responded, "His Royal Highness, is there really the Western Continent? Is it really the birthplace of the first generation?"

Gao Shinam’s mouth twitched slightly, and the voice was slightly ethereal:

"The western continent may or may not exist. Every race needs to give itself a prominent origin, a hometown of the soul.

"Xiatas, where is your hometown?"

"My hometown?" Xia Tashi repeated this question, and some replied slyly. "It is the place where the king and His Royal Highness are. This is the palace, the forest where my parents can live... ”

When I said this, Xiatashi’s emotions gradually became low, lost, and embarrassing.

Obviously, she was infected with the corresponding memory in her own subconscious.

She entered the travel notes and stayed away from her hometown for two or three thousand years.

"So, for you, the Western continent does not exist, but for some elves, that is absolutely true." "The Queen of Natural Disasters" Gao Shinam calmly made the final answer.

Shatas did not ask again, because she suddenly remembered that the queen was not the first generation.

This kind of answer makes Klein more and more confused and puzzled. Fortunately, from the Second Age to the Fifth Age, the Western Continent has no sense of existence at all. It does not involve any important secrets related to him. He just stopped by, no. Hold too much expectation.

Ending the guidance of Xia Sisi's subconscious mind, due to the near noon, no other dreams can jump nearby, Audrey and Klein, Leonard left directly, appeared in the bedroom of Mobette and Shatas.

After seeing the eyes entangled in the elves, pressed on the hands and feet, curled up in the corner of the asymmetrical bed, the Quaternary Viscount, Audrey looked suddenly soft, the words with a smile said:

"They seem to be good now..."

"No, no, there is such a violent, direct, imaginative, and daring wife. It is terrible! Only people like Mobate will like and enjoy it..." There is no poetry, but there is a poet's free inclination. Leonard's hands were inserted into his trouser pockets and he shook his head seriously.

Having said that, he whispered thoughtfully:

"On the other hand, a senior ‘thief’ does need women of this type, Xiatashi, to manage, um... I don’t know what kind of opposite **** people in the old family would like...

"Oh, they don't need us to envy or oppose. This is how they get along. Russell had a poem that life is precious and love is higher..." (Note 1)

Klein listened to the two men discussing, opened their mouths, and closed them again. They didn't say that Xiatashis and Mobett were actually dead. They didn't really feel each other's love until the moment of death. The only thing that lived here is the book. A replica created by the world.

After leaving the couple's home, a group of three went to the blacksmith's shop in Grosse.

On the way, when passing a street, Klein saw Longzel, known as the "philosopher". "Justice" Audrey also recognized the other side as a Lun.

"That was the soldier more than a hundred years ago?" Audrey slowed down and asked.

Klein remembered Longzel’s thoughts on his hometown, remembered the ashes he had placed in the Beckland cemetery, silenced for two seconds, and nodded lightly:


Mr. "World" has some feelings... He is like a river with a calm surface. There are many turbulences and whirlpools underneath... Audrey is invisible and has a lower head:

“Can you enter his dreams? I want to get the potion recipe of ‘Judge’ and ‘Discipline Knight’.”

"No problem." Klein replied, aiming at Leonard.

Leonard still had his hands in his pockets, but his eyes were quiet.

Longzel, who was sitting on the street chair, fell into a deep sleep.

Then, the three appeared in his dreams.

It is a bustling city with many wooden houses. The pedestrians coming and going are almost all Lun.

The dark-eyed blue-eyed Longzel stood outside a house and didn't dare to look up close to it until a woman wearing a long dress came out, and he excitedly greeted him, unfolding his hands and trying to hug.

His hug passed through the woman, and the two did not have any intersection.

Longzel stood in the same place and shouted:


Audrey, who wanted to direct the dream directly, watched the scene quietly, then looked around and found the iconic big clock.

"Beckland..." Audrey licked her lower lip and leaned over her head, and the light converges and looks at Klein. "Can they not leave the world of books?"

"Time has passed too long. If they leave, they will age, die, and even weather." Klein's tone is like a quiet river. "I have sent a piece of Longzel back to Beckland. ”

This... As a "audience," Audrey was keenly aware of the cruel reality hidden behind these words, and couldn't help but raise her head and look out of the dream, looking to the place where Mobette and Shatas are.

Leonard wanted to ask what it was, but after watching it, he kept silent.

Next, Audrey carefully guided the dream, and after getting two potions recipes, let Longzeer return home and live happily with his parents, brothers and sisters.

This is a sweet dream.

After leaving Longzel's position, Klein, Leonard and Audrey quickly saw Grossel's home.

This is the last stop of their exploration. After they get the information from the giant Grosell's subconscious, they will enter the collective subconscious sea of ​​the world in this book, and find the secrets that this book can exist.

Note 1: Quoted from the Hungarian poet Dodofei's "Freedom and Love"

PS: Monday's monthly ticket recommendation ticket~

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