Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 122: Unreasonable details (request for a monthly pass on Monday)

"This, which is Grosser?" Leonard looked blankly at the front.

There was a huge bonfire there, surrounded by more than a dozen gray-blue skin cuddly giants that seemed to him no differently.

Frankly speaking, I can't recognize it without relying on the ability of "no face". For me, if there is no difference in age, hairstyle, height, scar, clothing, maturity, the giants will all be the same... Klein groaned in his heart and looked very calmly at Miss "Justice" as if to say that you were "the audience". This should not be difficult for you.

Audrey raised her finger and pointed to a regular drink, and from time to time opened the scorpion and slammed two giants to praise:

"That is Grosse.

"It seems that in the custom of the giants, the affirmation and appreciation are not applause, but big, the louder the voice, the higher the degree of praise."

Miss "Justice" is now acting like a folklorist... Fortunately, it’s just a big fight, not a sing, or the noise will be more serious. Obviously, the giants here are not good at the rhythm. Klein gently beheaded, on the "justice" Audrey:

"Get started."

When Audrey came forward, Leonard retired and raised her right hand, rubbing her chin:

"You said that in the Second Age, which extraordinary races occupied the extraordinary characteristics of the 'night' route."

"Isn't it a demon wolf?" Klein glanced at Leonard and wondered if the poet's classmates had contracted the "night-time" traditional disease - bad memory.

"I know." Leonard kept the same posture, and his expression was a little weird. "How do they play the 'Midnight Poet'? Or, at that time, the name of the potion is called 'Midnight Night'?"

"At the beginning, there was no name for the potion..." Klein was accidentally led by Leonard, and his mind suddenly appeared on the ground, and he couldn’t help but whisper to the scene of the moon. One sentence, "This may be more suitable for you, no need to write poetry, very simple."

Leonard’s mouth twitched:

"The poets are also classified, I am a singer."

During the two people's chats, Audrey's guidance gradually advanced, and Grosell's dreams successively showed the "declining forest", "the ridiculous tunnel", the "giant Wang Ting" corner, Chenxi town, the country of gold and so on.

Since Grosell is not a servant of the "God" such as the Giant King, he can only occasionally see these high places when he turns "declining the forest" or some palaces and passages of Wang Ting, and he does not dare to look directly. He must bury himself on one knee. Low heads greet, so the image of the giant King Ormill, the giant Queen Emmabella, and the giant Wang’s "Dawn of the Morning" Bad Haier is not visually presented in the dream, only in the form of portraits.

Similarly, Grosell knows that there are few secrets, and the mastery of history and the world situation is completely inferior to that of the "elf singer" Shatas. However, one interesting point is that in the "Giant Wang Ting" and the Giants, The synonym of "betrayal" is Sunia Solem, who claimed to have abandoned the alliance and led the ancient ancestor Lilith to fall.

Klein was deeply suspicious of this because the violent Sunisia Solem was obviously not good at this kind of thing.

The "Queen of Natural Disasters" seems to have that ability, but the problem is that what he wants to plan, it is very difficult to marry his spouse, the real ancient god, Sunia Solem... in comparison, the giant king Ormill is more reasonable for the traitor... Klein's rough analysis, Audrey changed the direction of the guide, trying to make Grosell show off outside the "Giant Wang Ting".

It is a pity that the giant left Wang Ting, passing through Chenxi Town, and soon after arriving in the country of gold, he got a travel note and entered the book. He did not know much about the local customs of the corresponding regions.

"The most valuable piece of information at present is how to avoid the front from the 'afternoon town' in the area of ​​'Giant Wang Ting', from the 'declining forest', 'desolation tunnel' into the interior." Audrey ended the guide, Going back to Klein and Leonard, "This is very useful for their small exploration of the 'Sun'."

"Well, this can be told at the next party." Klein nodded.

He is waiting to propose that the dream of Grosell enters the collective subconscious sea of ​​the world in the book, and Audrey suddenly looks back, as if thinking:

"There is a detail that is not too reasonable."

"What details?" Leonard seriously recalled what he saw and heard, and found nothing to doubt.

"Justice" Audrey looked at the "world" and looked at it:

Of the things related to the ‘declining forest’ that buried the father and mother of the giant King Olmer, only the rule that the ancient gods could enter was very unreasonable.”

Klein didn't notice any problems with this detail. After being mentioned by Miss Justice, she immediately had some thoughts and said:

"The father and mother of the giant king are the ancestors of the giant family. Normally, it should be the object of worship and worship of the whole family..."

"Yes, no matter which race, there is a certain ancestor worship, and the giants are no exception. From Grossel's dream, it can be seen that these caretakers often sacrifice their own ancestors outside the 'declining forest'. "Audrey agreed to nod. "If there is no other factor, Giant King should occasionally organize the key objects raised in the family to worship the ancestors, instead of stipulate that they can only enter."

"Perhaps the 'declining forest' contains great danger. Are the oldest giants not crazy, tyrannical, and irrational? After they die, the corpse pollutes the surrounding environment and affects the entire forest. It is not too difficult to understand. Things." Leonard gave his own guess.

Audrey and Klein shook their heads at the same time, denying this statement.

"If it is only dangerous or polluted, the giant Queen Omega, the **** of the morning, Bad Haier can obviously resist, and with the help of the giant king, there will be almost no problems, but they are still not allowed to enter. The decaying forest', even if it follows the ancient god, does not work." Klein simply said his own opinion and speculation, "Maybe there is not only the parents of the giant King Olmir, but also other secrets."

"This may be very big." Audrey nodded seriously.

Her face with a silver mask, the green eyes slightly turned, revealing some curiosity.

"If this is the case, what would be a secret that can't be made by the wife, the child, and the gods and the tribes? What a point?" Leonard smiled and let his thoughts spread.

After another discussion, the three men seized the time and went through the "ridiculous tunnel" to the "Giant Wang Ting" to try to enter the palaces that had solidified the twilight.

According to Klein's experience, this is actually the way to the edge of the Grosser dream.

This time, he does not need to falsely open the "squirming hunger", use the power of "living corpse" to open the giant gate of the giant guarding the residence, "justice" Audrey directly affects the dream, let the door more than ten meters high flutter The ground opened up on its own - due to the "no dark cross" rejection, Klein did not actually wear the leather gloves.

Outside the door is a gray world, the front is no longer the "Giant Wang Ting", turned into a cliff.

I exchanged a little bit about the various situations that might be encountered in the collective subconscious sea. With the corresponding plan, Audrey made a step on the edge of the cliff.

This step is winding and twisting, deep into the secluded, gray, silent, can not see the bottom of the soul world.

The three did not delay, stepped on the ladder and went down the steps.

In this environment of loneliness and quietness, people want to go crazy, "justice" Audrey will use "settlement" several times every time it goes down.

This is not only to appease Klein, Leonard and herself, but also to appease the grey-white cliffs - Grosell's subconscious mind, so as not to incite the other party to incite, pollute the three spirits or mental body.

The hands of Klein’s last countless rotten giants did not reappear, even the most unbearable loneliness, silence, invisible end, endless feelings in this spiritual world, and because of the squad’s actions, Being able to speak is not so terrible.

"This is the spiritual world, the field of consciousness. It is really different from anything else." "Stars" Leonard looked around and seemed to want to use a few poems to express his own touch, but eventually chose to give up.

Switching to other places for other tasks, Klein may keep the poet classmates quiet, but here, he feels that the other person is just saying anything is good.

"Justice" Audrey also does not exclude communication, very seriously said:

"The feeling we get intuitively is the essence of this environment. The cliffs, cliffs, and gray worlds that we see are a kind of mapping of our subconscious minds. It is not necessarily the case for other races."

"...I think psychology is very interesting now." After listening to Leonard, he said with great interest.

Klein glanced at him and resisted saying that your character and habits were not suitable for the "audience" approach.

In this exchange, the three did not know how long they went down, and finally stepped on a solid but fuzzy gray ground.

Looking up from here, you can see a glimpse of light and shadow, which are dense and overlapping, forming an illusory sea.

Klein, Leonard and Audrey are about to walk forward, and suddenly there is a "water flow" that flows through, and a relatively blurred light and shadow stands up.

It is a gray-blue giant with a height of six or seven meters. The leather with dragon scales is wrapped around the chest and abdomen. The exposed areas are covered with patterns, symbols and logos that cannot be described in language beyond the normal senses.

His straight one-eyed eyes were full of blood, unobtrusively violent, with a clear tendency to destroy, and a bit of **** human legs in his mouth.

This is a giant with a level of demigod!

He is a ghost in the collective subconscious sea, perhaps from a real encounter with human or other ethnic ancestors, or from the giants such as Grosser.

As soon as he appeared, the crazy emotion spread to Klein and others, like a plague that can be transmitted.

Here is the world of spiritual, conscious, and spiritual contact!

PS: I would like to recommend a ticket, a monthly ticket~

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