Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 164: Pass "spirit"

For a moment, the cold night became very hot, as if the invisible magma was surging.

However, all of this quickly returned to normal.

The "Red Angel" evil spirit looked up and down Klein and smiled as if nothing had happened:

"I repeat, you are very talented as a 'provocative'.

"When Charato digested the 诡 诡 ’ 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔 魔

He didn't have a bit of anger in his tone. He didn't say why Charat didn't dare. He could be swept away by his eyes. Klein was like falling into the depths of the glacier.

This is the feeling of his body, even though a layer of secret couple, his back neck and back are still standing.

No need to say anything more than Sauron Einhorne Medici, Klein already understood what he meant in his words:

Those who dare to scare him in this way will suffer the punishment of iron and blood on the spot!

Looking at the "red angel" evil spirit in front of the imposing manner but giving a very high sense of personality, Klein couldn't help but sigh in her heart:

If the "Magic Master" potion had a greater degree of digestion, I really thought that your will is like steel, and the strength has recovered to at least the level of sequence 1. Now, I can basically confirm that your calm performance is hidden. Strong fear of Amon, this also shows that your current personality is at most 2...

Moreover, I have already prepared myself for the loss of a secret mate. In order to digest the potion as soon as possible, this is a risk that I have to bear...

If Daniz is here, let him take the opportunity to scream two "cowards", then he will drink four or five bottles of "provocative" potions can quickly digest...

Klein didn't irritate the "red angel" evil spirits, smiled and took the monograph:

"In the Solomon Empire, Charato should have been an angel. How could it still digest the ‘诡师' potion?”

"I am talking about a small Charato." Sauron Einhorne Medici returned with a word.

This is consistent with the description of Leonard’s grandfather... Klein nodded invisibly and turned to the point:

"You have solved the ‘White Witch’?”

"What do you think?" "Red Angel" evil spirit laughed. "And, be polite when you are a man. Since Katrina claims to be a sacred woman, then don't call her a witch again."

Courtesy... A "hunter" emphasizes courtesy to me... In this moment, Klein wants to twitch his mouth and show his inner sense of absurdity, but eventually he endures himself.

It seems that "provocation" is not just a taunting and awkward two ways. Hey, the monk will only swear that Daniz is a shame of the hunter... Klein wants to say:

"I have fulfilled my promise, I think you should not mind giving me a small reward."

"Remuneration?" "Red Angel" evil spirit sneered and asked.

Klein didn't care about his attitude and said to himself:

"I want to psychic ‘white witch,’ ask her something from her.”

"On this request?" "Red Angel" evil spirit asked.

Klein nodded:


"No problem." Soren Einhorne Medici raised his right hand and grabbed his own eyebrows. From there, he dragged a slightly blurred illusion, which was the expression of white. Saint Virgin Catherine.

“Can we let us communicate privately?” Klein saw it and looked around.

"Red Angel" evil spirits laughed:

“Do you still need a separate room?

"Think with your brain. If you want to hide what you have asked, I can know the details through Katrina's spirit, unless you don't plan to return it to me? Or, you are a need. A little boy with a sense of ceremony?"

... Klein replied with a secret expression:

"I have a way to let her forget my problem."

This is both a truth and a lie. The truth is that Klein can indeed do this with the extraordinary characteristics of Hermione Rambis' "manipulator". It is relatively difficult, the failure rate is high, and the negative effect is not small. The place to lie is because Klein does not intend to do this at all. This will expose many important things. He said that there is only one purpose for this sentence. That is, it is not the real situation that the "red angel" evil spirit suspects to ask. There are also key hidden parts under the face, thus neglecting the value of the problem of the face, which has a miraculous effect on those who are suspicious.

Of course, Klein did not expect to succeed, after all, the opposite is the "red angel" who is in charge of "conspiracy."

"Not bad." After Sauron Einhorne Medici heard Klein's answer, his body suddenly disappeared and reflected on the glass window.

Klein glanced at the blood that had condensed into a gray stone. Slightly regretted, with a little awkward "White Witch" Katrina stayed away from the glass and came to a dark alley.

He immediately took out the candles, essential oils and herbal powders, arranged the altar, and prayed to the "night goddess", hoping to complete the "psychic" through ritual magic.

This is the skill he mastered when he was a "nighter."

As the ritual was completed, the power of the horrific secrets of the majesty came from an unspeakable height, making the surroundings extremely quiet.

Klein’s eyes were dark and dark, like a night of concentration.

He immediately saw more things around Katerina's spirit, and saw the shimmering shimmer and the sorrowful storm.

Easily through the obstacles, he faced the mental body of the "White Witch".

"Is the collaboration between the Witch Constitutes and George III over?" Klein didn't care, starting with less sensitive questions to observe Catalina's state.

The slyness and confusion on Catalina’s face disappeared, and the smile was pure and nodded:


"Then why are you still staying at Beckland?" Klein asked further.

Katrina replied solemnly:

"Following Terry, she took an important seal."

"What seal is that?" Klein recalled the sapphire-embellished ring that the witch Terry had worn in her hand.

"White Witch" Katrina said with a sincere face:

"It is related to the original awakening. In addition to its high personality, it has a ‘0’ level and does not have any special ability.”

Sure enough, it was related to the "original witch"... You also renamed Teres to Terry Schik... Klein did not reveal his true name of the "original witch" and asked:

"Do you know where the other eight tombs of George III are?"

Catalina brows slightly and replies with enthusiasm:

“In the southwestern suburbs of Bekland, Ahowa County, East Chester...”

The "White Witch" first briefly talked about where the eight mausoleums are, and then details the specific location and situation:

"The eight tombs have been fixed and the ‘transfer’ channel has been temporarily closed. Even if there is a corresponding spell, there is no way to open it. It is almost impossible to find it directly from the outside world...

"With the exception of Prince Grove, the Duke of Georgina, the two angels of the royal family and George III himself, no one can enter again..."

Well, there are some places where Chunas Kerger often goes hunting, which is consistent with my guess. This shows that the "White Witch" didn't lie... Go back and go to the fog to make a confirmation...

If this is the case, it is quite troublesome... In the current situation, both Prince Grove and the Duke of Georgina must be in the sight of the angel...

The most difficult thing is how to enter the ruins. Once you can enter, the follow-up is not so dangerous. The war has already erupted. It needs to fight against the Foss, and the number of demigods is limited. George III is not likely to keep one of the ruins. The saints, and asked the angels to rescue the center... Klein thoughts turned around and threw a question first:

"Does the royal family have two angels?"

"In fact, not only, because George III himself is likely to be." "White Witch" Katrina replied honestly, "The two angels are the founders of the Kingdom of Lun, the 'protector of the Quaternary survived. 'William I, He is the sequence 1 'order hand' of the 'arbitrator' route, and the other is the former Duke of Nanwell, Dr. Augustus, He is the sequence of the 'arbitrator' route 2 'Balancer'... As for the royal family, there are several '0' seals, which I don't know."

The "founder" on the 10 pound banknote is still alive? There is another kind of history that has entered the reality... Klein ended his thoughts, nodded, and asked:

"Why are you working with George III?"

"For the extraordinary character of a 'conqueror', it is now in our hands." Katrina's look became a little more excited.

"Conqueror" is the name of the potion of the "Red Priest" route sequence 1!

"Will it be attributed to the 'original witch' or the top of your sect?" Klein asked thoughtfully, "What are the tops of your sect?"

"It will sacrifice to the original, but it must first retrieve the seal of the Terri ribbon. At present, it is kept by the 'Black Lady'... The high-level of our sects, all code-named..." Carter Linna replied truthfully.

After learning more details, Klein suspended "Psychic", handled the altar, and returned the spirit of "White Witch" to the front of the glass window.

And himself, the figure is suddenly transparent, with the help of "transfer", disappeared in this area, and the body and another secret couple.

After seeing Gelman Sparo leave, the slyness and confusion on Catalina's face suddenly disappeared, and the expression became extremely agile.

She immediately entered the glass window that had become dark again.

After a few seconds, Soren Einhorne Medici, wearing a black-red robes, walked out of the "mirror" with the "White Witch" Katrina, who was clear and full of flesh and blood. There is no sign of dying at all!

"You mean, he is asking about the other eight secret mausoleums of George III? The power of 'Psychic' comes from the night?" "Red Angel" evil spirit touched the chin and asked Catalina sideways.

The "White Witch" gently bowed:


"Oh." "Red Angel" evil spirits suddenly laughed, "This is not to let George III become the 'black emperor'."

Catalina’s eyes turned and she smiled a little:

"But it is impossible to succeed. Even if he improves faster, he can get a lot of help, and there is no way to fight against the combination of the royal family, the military and the organization. No, it is just the Augustus family, with his level. And the strength is not likely to move, unless the night is the end of the game."

Having said that, the "White Witch" looks like casually:

"I am very surprised. Why did you kill me directly after taking the absolute advantage?"

The "Red Angel" evil spirit glanced at her, and the corner of his mouth slowly cocked:

“Do you think you are qualified to be my real goal?”

PS: Recommend a book, the author is Jin Xun, the great **** of the enlightenment of the net text, the title of the book "The Sword of the Shuai Shuai", a sports leader who is loved by the **** of love, but fell in love with the sword, in a martial arts competition The new world is reborn and the story of the summit.

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