Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 5 Chapter 165: "Poker Master"

Hearing the answer of the "Red Angel" evil spirit, the expression of "White Witch" Catalina instantly solidified and was difficult to contain.

Soren Einhorne Medici laughed and continued:

"You should be the demigod of the end of the Quaternary. It has been more than a thousand years now. If you haven't become an angel yet, can you not feel inferior?"

"And the guy just now, I had to rely on Azike. Iggs to face you. The weak is like a bird that has just hatched. Now, after a year, he has already promoted the sequence 4 and gained divinity. There is enough to counter your strength. Do you have any idea about this? Didn’t you waste it for more than a thousand years before? Even if it’s a dog, it’s been a thousand years, maybe it’s already pushed away. The door became an angel.

"I know what you are thinking, you are very embarrassed, and you have a distorted desire. You want to prove yourself by sleeping. Your witch is really ridiculous. On the one hand, you must insist on being male in your heart and avoid self-lost. To bring out of control, on the other hand, to show the charm of women, to try the ultimate joy and strong love, like our hunters have no such problem, no matter what gender is originally, anyway, what needs to be done is war, war, war !

"The original is really a twisted guy. The pure female walking witch route will be much better. You have passed the damage from generation to generation. The main purpose is to revenge the fate?"

Every word of the "Red Angel" evil spirit is like a sharp arrow, stabbed in the heart of the "White Witch" Katrina, so that her pure and delicate face looms faintly, and the long, smooth, long hair seems to be a little thicker.

Soren Einhorne Medici glanced at Catalina and suddenly smiled:

"You won't be directly motivated by me to get out of control?

"It’s a feeling of nostalgia."

This "red angel" was awkward and said:

"You can leave. If there is anything, remember to mourn my name. Of course, I need to come directly to you."

"White Witch" Katrina has returned to normal, slightly frowning, unimaginably asked:

"Just let me leave?"

"Red Angel" evil spirit laughed:

"How? Want to sleep? The timing is right, it is not impossible, but there are still important things to do.

"Reassure, since you have already mourned my name and gave me a drop of blood, then you will be under my watch and may be influenced by me at any time.

“Did you forget that the angel is different from the person of the saint? Is it unclear how powerful the real high person is?

"Oh, unless you pray directly to the original and get a response, you will never be able to get rid of my gaze. Well, in normal terms, angels can do this kind of thing, but that is limited to the case of only reading the name. If you don't believe it, I will allow you to seek the help of an angel."

"White Witch" Katrina showed a slightly gloomy expression, and finally smiled:

"Follow your teachings, Master Medici."

Soren Einhorne Medici’s eyebrows moved:

"You don't seem to be so secure. I can even imagine the state you were facing when you faced German Sparrow. But I don't care.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you, you'd better confirm the state of your **** descendants right away. Gilman Sparo can find you so easily. Don't you think there is any problem?"

Katrina’s face was slightly whiter, and she became serious and dignified, slowly nodding her head:

"I understand."

After she finished, she immediately retreated and re-entered the glass window, and the world did not know where to go through the mirror of the illusory cascading.

Watching the "White Witch" disappear, the "Red Angel" evil spirit suddenly cracked a **** mouth on the cheek and made a sound:

"It's a good drama actor, so that he doesn't seem to be good at controlling expressions. It's a bit restless but not smart enough. It's easy to be discovered."

"Yeah, this way, we may not be too small to despise her, relax her guard." "Red Angel" evil spirits on the right cheek also cracked the **** gap of the Tao.

"Oh, the witch is really embarrassed, but I never miss every prey." "Red Angel" evil spirit said with a normal mouth, "She wants to paralyze me, let me despise her, no possibility."

The **** mouth on the cheek on the left side responded with a message:

"Why did you get caught by Arista Tutu at the beginning?"

"That is because there are two of you." The personality belonging to Medici snorted. "It has nothing to do with ignoring paralysis."

The **** gap on his right side slammed a channel:

“What is the feeling of being a prey to others, the great **** of war, the ‘red angel’ beside the Creator?”

"Not bad." Medici's face was a bit gloomy, but the words he said seemed to be comfortable.

The personality belonging to Sauron uses the crack on the left cheek:

"You like to use bluffs to achieve your goals. At the beginning, Arista, who saw your bluff, seized the opportunity.

"And just now, you are bluffing Katrina, obviously can only show some momentum, relying on traps and surprises to bring certain damage, there is no way to solve her quickly, but to pretend to have returned to the sequence 1, deceive She mourns your name and surrenders his blood."

Medici snorted again:

"The bluff is also the normal way of playing poker, the effect is not bad, isn't it?"

Having said that, "Red Angel" chuckled a bit:

"And, it's not purely a bluff. My favorite is to have one or two realities in a few bluffs, waiting for the guy who thinks I've seen my disguise to take the initiative to step into the trap, just like the two idiots of the year. The mistakes made are the same."

"But the first thing that died is you!" "Red Angel" wicked face responded with two cracks.

Medici said without hesitation:

"That shows that I am the strongest and most valued!"

After that, the three personalities of the "Red Angel" evil spirits were silent at the same time. After a few seconds, the **** gap representing Einhorn was put together:

"German Sparo's connection with the night is closer than I thought. The true state of Catherine should have been noticed by him."

Medici smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, it was originally his acquiescence.

"Before Beckland's smog, the direct action disappeared, leaving only the witch named Terry to be alive. Isn't that a good illustration of some problems?"

Sauron and Einhorn did not open their mouths again, letting the **** lips on their cheeks recover.

This "red angel" evil spirit then shines on the glass window and disappears into the area around the "clock of order."


Above the gray mist, the interior of the ancient palace.

Klein looked at the citrine pendant in his clockwise rotation, and he couldn't see the bottom.

He has passed the "spiritual spelling method", confirming Katrina's answer one by one, and came to a conclusion that is sufficiently true.

Then, relying on the eight secret tombs that he had learned, he began to do “dream divination” and saw the corresponding areas and vague states.

This made Klein understand that the normal approach is really inaccessible, and even the snooping that excludes interference is difficult to locate.

This is very troublesome... Also, the state of the "White Witch" psychic is not the same as the previous Chunas Kerger and Herwin Rambis, with too many expressions and more active answers. Sex... Is this the speciality of the witch itself, or is there another factor? Klein thought about it and waved it to the paper with the blood of the "disease of the disease", wrote the corresponding sentence, and made a "dream divination" to find the target.

In the gray world, Klein saw Trey who had got rid of his own shackles and saw the witch staring out the window.

There was a dark and illusory storm there, and I don’t know where it belongs.

Trey is out of trouble... The expression is not sad, there is only some anger and confusion... Is her parent-child relationship with the "White Witch" so bad? Perhaps... Klein had just had doubts, and he saw the black flame suddenly burning, letting his dreams melt and melt quickly.

He opened his eyes and confirmed that he was no longer able to divination through the blood in his hands. "The disease will be" Trey, this is the semi-god-level powerhouse cut off the connection between the two with mystery.

"Don't the White Witch' Katrina not dead yet? This... yes, when the 'Red Angel' evil spirit answered me, it used a rhetorical question, and did not recognize it at all... I was a living person. Ling!” Klein was a bit stunned, and he made a divination again, finally confirming that the “White Witch” is still alive.

"Sure enough, the real goal of the 'Red Angel' evil spirit is not the 'White Witch'... And, combined with the feedback on the progress of the potion digestion, can you think that the 'Red Angel' evil spirit is weaker than I thought, even Even the sequence 2 has not been restored, and the 'White Witch' cannot be solved quickly. Can it be subdued by other means?” Klein pondered for a while, but could not reach a certain conclusion.

He quickly converges on his thoughts and no longer considers this issue, because he has got the information he wants from the "White Witch" Katrina.

Klein put down the paper that was contaminated with the "sickness of the disease" and suddenly smiled:

"I have cut off some connection between blood and the body, so that divination and prophecy cannot be used as a medium."

"I don't know if it will be effective to smear it on the surface of Grosse Travels?"

After reading the paper for a few seconds, Klein temporarily gave up the idea of ​​the trial because there is no need at the moment.

His focus quickly shifted to the way to enter the other eight tombs of George III:

"The normal thinking should not work. I can think of it. George III, these angels and saints, can certainly think of...

"If the gods have already acquiesced, print this matter as a leaflet and let it go. Maybe it will have a certain effect...

"Well, the point is transmitted... the ruins of the map... this..."

Thinking about it, Klein suddenly felt a move and had some guess.

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