Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 23: "Fool" (Look for monthly tickets on the last two days of February)

After returning to Byers' home, before waiting for Roy and others to ask, Klein pulled a chair, sat down, and made a pious wish to himself:

"I hope my spirituality is restored."

As soon as the voice fell, he raised his right hand, and snapped his fingers, letting this wish come true and returning his spirituality to the level he had when he was intact.

Immediately afterwards, he reached out his left palm and prepared to end the maintenance of the historical projection of the "curtain", and then summoned a block to continue to block the spiritual area corresponding to Beltan, so that the chief priest of the Church of Ares, Larion, could not escape. opportunity.

"No need, miss this time, and the next time." At this time, Arianna slowly shook her head, motioning to Klein not to summon the "curtain" that originated from the dark black wolf.

One limitation of the "wish" ability is that the "miracle teacher" cannot satisfy multiple similar desires of the same supplicant within a short period of time, that is, in the next one or two hours, Klein can no longer pass this self Wish the way to restore spirituality.

Of course, for a qualified "fortune teller" angel, there are certain ways to circumvent this restriction. For example, he can let Pasha, Roy, Phil, Byers, and Arianna make turns in turn. Let Kline Moretti revive spiritual desires, and then fulfill them as "miracle masters."

But the problem is that even if he can restore his spirituality so many times, he ca n’t maintain the “curtain” with the sequence of 1 bit for more than an hour, and “0—02” erases the rules and rewrites, waiting One hour.

Klein thought about it, nodding his head slightly, and responded with a smile:

"Try it first. Anyway, I'm free now. I won't give up until the last time I restore my spirituality. Well, it depends on the luck of the chief priest. Maybe in the process, he lost control because of anxiety, irritability, and tension. What about? "

During the conversation, Klein lifted the maintenance of the original "curtain", and his left hand was closely linked forward, dragging out a new "curtain" to make it appear in the spiritual world corresponding to Beltan City.

In the place where the color blocks are densely overlapped, wearing a white robe with black background and a square hat, Larian had just felt that the restriction had disappeared, and was about to leave when he saw the new "curtain" falling, isolating the area again.

The slight smile on his face suddenly solidified.

Huh ... A few seconds later, Larion exhaled slowly, adjusted his mental state, and continued to wait calmly.

In the next few minutes, the Patriarch of the God of War Church experienced the frustration and pain of hope that had just appeared and was extinguished several times.

He tried to find the law, tried to figure out the corresponding time interval, seized the fleeting opportunity, and broke out of the barrier when the old "curtain" disappeared and the new "curtain" had not yet occurred.

However, he eventually discovered that the regularity of the time interval is that there is no regularity, and the blocker is not to recover from spiritual exhaustion. Sometimes, the other party will be much earlier.

Had it not been for the people in Versack to force the people to replace the God of War faith, and Lalyon's order to declare apostasy had not been widely disseminated, the angel on the ground might have lost control on the spot.

As time passed by minutes, Larion once again felt the disintegration of the old "curtain."

However, this time no new "curtain" was created.

He was finally at the limit ... A delight in Lallion's heart, he couldn't help thinking about other issues, and he rushed out of the embryonic kingdom of God that was collapsing without hesitation.

The next moment, he saw four headless women with blond red eyes, wearing a gloomy complex dress, saw an unknown existence wrapped in bandages, and flowing yellow-brown liquid, and saw many strange but extremely powerful spirit creatures. ...

The "curtains" summoned by Klein a few times before are the images of the historical pores that infect the atmosphere of "Yuanbao". Naturally, they can attract sensitive things. Even if Amon appeared in this team, he would not strange!

The smile on Larion's face was frozen again.


Inside a rental house in Beldan City, Byers.

Klein suddenly lifted his head, stared up into the air, and whispered to himself:

"Still amazing ..."

He then became silent again, until the "Magic Mirror" exudes a mist of water, reflecting the current state of the notice board.

The above rules and regulations are disappearing from back to front according to the order in which they appear.

This means that "0-02" started to erase the rules made before and is ready to start again.

When the curfew was abolished, Kline, who was highly concentrated, immediately took Ms. Arianna, and appeared outside the shrinking Beldan City Library through the "Flame Jump".

He glanced at it and found that the rules of erasing the rules on the brass pages of "0-02" had become extremely fast. It was just a blink of an eye, and only the clause "The following rules were invalid" remained in the second half.

Immediately after, this clause disappeared, and a new rule emerged quickly without any interval:

"The Tronsoust Brass Book" is the most precious thing. No creature can touch it without permission ...

This rule is not yet complete. Arianna's figure has appeared at the rectangular table, and she touched the pages of brass with her fingers.

With a click, the neck of the friar of the Night Church tightened suddenly, as if suspended by an invisible rope.

As an angel, he even had broken bones and difficulty breathing.


However, with Arianna's fingers sliding slightly harder, the first rule of the freshman was wiped off by the "rubber" before it was fully displayed, and entered a "hidden" state.

And all the rules formulated by "0-02" must be publicized or informed before they can really take effect!

With a splash, Ariana grabbed the "Tron Soest Brass Book" and threw it to Klein outside the French window.

Klein had anticipated the possible developments in the next hour and had a corresponding discussion with Arianna. At this time, he was not nervous and flustered at all. While "0-02" was still in the air, In the void dragged himself in human leather gloves.

Then, he grabbed the "Tron Soest Brass Book" and used his historical projection to "teleport" directly.

When his figure disappeared, Ariana slammed back to the ground, leaving a deep scratch on his neck.

In just a few seconds, Klein, holding "0-02", appeared on top of the main peak of the Hornakis Mountains, and used angelic "spiritual vision" to see the wall collapse, dilapidated and shrouded. Misty ancient palace.

Without hesitation, Klein let his historical projection take over the "Tron Soest Brass Book" and "flashed" to the main entrance of the palace, reaching out and pushing it away.

Emerging in front of him was a hall with many corpses hanging on it. Each corpse was different, with different genders, male and female, clothing or ornate, or simple, delicate, or casual.

Behind these suspenders, there is a transparent and creamy tentacle with hidden complex patterns. They all come from deep in the hall and from an ancient stone chair there.

On the huge stone chair, the transparent and twisted worms clumped together and grew wantonly, and one strange tentacle extended to the surrounding.

This is the half "Fool" of the Antigonus family, the half "Fool" who has lost control and gone crazy!

Perceived the opening of the door and the approach of Klein's historical projection, the worm group left the stone chair and waved the greasy tentacles fiercely, causing them to flood the door crazy, as if affected by some invisible suction .

Similarly, at the bottom of the stone seat, the tarot card with the image of Russell's fool and written with Xinghui also flew to the door.

Just just seeing this scene, Klein ’s historical projection has a tendency to collapse and disintegrate. Fortunately, he has no psyche himself, but is manipulated by Klein's ontology hiding in the distance. Negative situations of spiritual change have not stood still and cannot do anything.

Grabbing before it dissipated, this historical projection threw the "Tron Soest Brass Book" in his hand to the horrible worm pile.

The transparent tentacles felt the danger, and instinctively responded: they entangled at the same time, binding the seal "0-02".

In such interference, the invisible "Furious Wind", the "Fool" card arrived at the door ahead of the strange tentacles.

Klein's historical projection was mostly collapsed, and he saw his right hand mechanically, grabbed the "Blasphemy Card", and threw it to the rear.

The next moment, the re-divided and slippery tentacles extended to the door, but were blocked by the fog, unable to drill out, and they could only furiously lift the barrier.

The open door was then closed slightly, hiding such a scene.

Klein, who was hiding somewhere in the mountain, frowned slightly, with joy and relaxation in her heart, and inevitably strong doubts.

"That is to say, I traded the 'Fool' card for '0-02'? The goddess doesn't need me to go to Calderon for clues about the River of Eternal Darkness?" Klein said to himself silently, walking out of hiding Place, not far from the ancient palace, bent over and picked up the "Blasphemy Card".

The surface of the card was Russell Gustav, wearing a gorgeous headdress, colorful clothing, and a cane and luggage. His eyes were full of longing for the future, with a puppy behind him.

In the upper left corner of the card, the bright starlight outlines a few words:

"Sequence 0: The Fool!"


Inside the ancient palace, the "Tronsoust Brass Book" fell to the ground, spreading out to the first page of the second half.

New rules are starting to build:

"..." The Tronsoust Brass Book "is the most precious thing. No creature or anything can touch it without its permission. The offender is sentenced to death!

"... You can't change the state of the 'Tronsoust Brass Book' in any way, the offender is sentenced to death!"

These two rules have just emerged, and the host here has not yet been "informed". A line of words suddenly appeared between the first half and the second half:

"The following rules are invalid."

An hour later, those two rules were erased, and the new rules were written, but after just two, there was another "invalid rule" clause in front of them-"0-02" seemed to be From the status quo of the basic blank, it jumps directly to the state where the pages have been filled.

Time and time again, the "Tron Soest Brass Book" fell into an endless loop.

PS: Ask for monthly tickets on the last two days of February ~

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