Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 24: Fulfill your wishes (please ask for a monthly ticket on the last day of February)

Folding the "Fool" card, Klein took out "Crawling Hunger" from the void, put it on his left hand, and turned on "Teleport".

After returning to the shrunken municipal library, he immediately said to Arianna, the "Hidden Servant":

"Thrown into the abandoned palace on the main peak of the Honakis Mountains."

That was an entrance to the misty town.

As for how to deal with "0-02" in the future, it is the problem of the night church.

"Okay." Arianna nodded and said nothing more. She went directly to the "hidden" state and disappeared into place, like a sketch drawn by an eraser.

He did not thank him, nor did he say remuneration, just as he never asked for every time he helped Kline.

Does Ms. Ariana know that I have been awarded the "Fool"? Klein looked around thoughtfully and sighed slowly in the darkening night.

Although this extraordinary incident was resolved in less than two hours, many people still lost their lives under the strict “rules”.

The citizens of Beldan have made more or less mistakes, but the punishment they have suffered has far exceeded the crimes they committed. The most innocent are tourists who come to or pass through Beldan. As a foreigner, you have to face nightmares.

Klein worked hard to protect a lot of outsiders, including Roy and others, but he was also restricted. He could do only a limited number of things, and there were not many holes that could be drilled. Happened the same.

The next step is to provide treatment for the survivors ... Klein looked back and prepared to "teleport" to Byers' home to deal with some hidden dangers.

At this moment, Renette Tinicole, wearing a gloomy complex dress, holding four blonde red eyes, walked out of the void, biting a black goat's horn.

"He ..." "Escaped ..." "Spiritual ..." The remaining three heads of the messenger said in turn.

"It's worthy of being the former Noble Chief." Klein, who had long noticed, was not surprised at all.

Then he pointed to the black goat's horn:

"Is this left by La Lyon?"

When Klein took the item, the head that Renette Tinicole hadn't been able to speak just now said:


After encountering the curse of transformation, I can stand out of the siege and escape from the spirit world. It is really amazing ... This is the sequence 2 angel who is best at frontal battle? When Klein's wrist was shaken, the black goat horns in the palm were shattered into countless small light spots, and a lot of residual spirits were released.

——The limbs of the extraordinary person after being “deformed” contain some extraordinary characteristics, and they cannot return.

After the light spots were reorganized into sequences 9 to 7, and the extraordinary characteristics of sequence 4, Klein picked out the "fighter" of sequence 8 and smiled and returned the rest to Miss Courier:

"This is your booty. I only charge for intelligence."

Renette Tinicole was not polite, raised one of her blonde, red-eyed heads, opened her mouth, and sucked out the extraordinary features of the "warrior" approach of sequences 9, 7, and 4.

Watching the messenger leave Belladen, Klein "teleported" back to Byers' home and smiled at Roy and others:

"The problem is solved, you are no longer hostile aliens."

The four extraordinary people just showed their heartfelt, relieved smiles and were ready to respond, and saw the magical "magician" invite a stranger out of the air.

It was an old man wearing a dark red bow tie, shirt, vest, formal wear and blue striped trousers. His hair was all white but still dense, gentle and elegant.

This is Klein's spouse Herwin Rambis, who planned to use this "manipulator" to seal the memory of Byers' "0-02".

It was not polluted by the source before, which does not mean that Byers will not encounter that terrible thing when he thinks about it later!

Because Byers ’corresponding memory is only that long, and he does not have a substantial understanding of the truth of the matter, Klein needs to do relatively simple operations, so he did not ask Miss Justice for help and planned to use the history of his spouse Pore ​​image to complete.

"You didn't tell them what you did in the municipal library just now?" Klein asked Herwin Rambis to walk beside him, looking at Byers.

Byers hurriedly shook his head:

"I remember your advice."

"Very well, I will give you a psychological treatment next to help you forget those things, otherwise you will be stared at '0-02' and you will never get peace until you die. Believe me, this level The seal can definitely do something similar, even if it has been taken away. "Klein said frankly his purpose.

Byers pursed his lips a few times:


He chose to obey and believe.

After inviting Roy, Pasha, and Phil out of the rental house, Klein manipulated Herwin Rambis to perform a series of spiritual realms, which successfully made Byers forget the brass book and the book he saw. The above.

After doing this, Klein carefully took out the "Magic Mirror and looked at it:

"Arodes, are there other hidden dangers in this matter?"

On the surface of the ancient silver mirror, the light and water floated faintly, reflecting the silver words line by line:

"The great master, Beltan has no hidden dangers. As for Rune and Fossack, I cannot see clearly because it involves‘ 0-02 ’itself.

"Maybe, you can confirm it yourself?"

"Um." Klein nodded gently, took out a gold coin, and whispered the corresponding divination.

With a bang, the gold coin bounced and rolled into the air.

In this process, scenes naturally emerged in Klein's mind, which were chimneys, streets, cities, very general, lacking specific directions.

With a slight frown on his brow, he calmed down his thoughts, and his hand caught the gold coin that had just fallen.

Then he asked Pasha and others to return to Byers' home and smiled at Roy:

"Aren't you hoping for the next potion? You can make a wish now."

Roy was surprised and asked a little stupidly:

"Can you wish again?"

"This is a giveaway," Klein responded with a smile.

Roy moved in his heart, stopped asking questions, seized the opportunity, and made a wish to get the next potion.

Klein immediately threw at him the extraordinary characteristics of the Fighter Path Sequence 8 Fighter:

"This is essentially a potion, but for safety, I suggest you look for the appropriate formula and collect the correct auxiliary materials."

"Praise your magic," Roy thanked with excitement.

His first potion was an extraordinary feature of a "warrior" that was "swallowed" in a certain sense, because he was near the end, had a low level and had good luck. He did not get out of control on the spot and did not even have a serious psychological problem.

After that, he gradually came into contact with other extraordinary people, real mystery, and knew how dangerous his previous behavior was, and never dared to make a second similar attempt.

Facing Roy's praise, Klein looked around and smiled:

"Next, follow me to leave Beldan. This is not to say that there is danger here, but that I must hurry up to fulfill your wishes."

One is Roy's wish that Klein can help them leave Beldan, and the other is Pasha asking Klein to protect them and keep them alive to leave Beldan.

Although in the current situation, these two things have no meaning, but for Klein, there is no meaning to do it, because it is related to the completion of the desire.

I'm just a ruthless "wishing machine" ... Klein said to himself, smiling at Byers and others.

Pasha looked at each other and did not dare to raise any objections. As before, they held each other's hands.

Klein then took them to "teleport" to the outside of Beltan.

"Wish magic is done, it's time to say goodbye." Klein immediately took off his hat and saluted, trying to make himself like a real wandering magician.

This is his playing habit.

Seeing this, Passa asked blurtly:

"Can we know your name?"

Klein said with a smile:

"I have too many names. Different people have different names for me. You can call me 'Miracle Magician' Merlin Hermes."

"Mr. Hermes, are you a believer in 'Night Goddess'?" Roy asked hesitantly.

... Klein didn't know what to answer for a moment, because he wanted to say that he was once, but not now.

After thinking about it, he decided to play the "stealth waiter" in advance.

He immediately closed his smile and said solemnly:

"I serve‘ the foolish, the mysterious master, the great master over the spiritual world ’.

"If you want to believe in this great being, or if you want to learn more, you can go to Sunyarros, the Lord's missionary Daniz is preaching there."

Moreover, Silver City must have all the potion recipes before Sequence 2 of the "Warrior" route ... Klein silently added a sentence in his heart, but did not say it.

Roy nodded slightly:

"I knew for the first time that there is still such a great existence in this world, and your magic shows his glory."

He did not respond directly to Mr. Merlin Hermes because he was still hesitant.

The same is true of Pasha, Byers, and Phil.

Klein didn't say much, turned around and left the four extraordinary people, and went back to Beldan in the other direction.

He didn't forget his purpose of getting off in this small town, and planned to find a room immediately to study the "Fool" card in the fog.


Jianhai County, another city, in a library.

A young law researcher took a book from the bookshelf, walked to the table by the floor-to-ceiling window, and sat down.

As he carefully read the books, he found that there was a page of tan paper inside.

"What's this?" The young law researcher whispered in confusion, and the detective pulled out the paper.

After identification, he determined that the ancient Vrsak language was written on the paper, and the content was quite rare:

"... In the Quaternary period, there was a book called" Tronsoust Brass "..."

PS: Ask for a monthly ticket on the last day of February ~

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