Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 68: Moon night

MI9's office building is located on Belotto Street in the Western District. It is a small three-story building that looks inconspicuous.

Its doorway does not have any identification that can identify itself, but simply hangs a house number:


The core part of this office building is underground, with civilian personnel above. Of course, most of the extraordinary people belonging to MI9 will not go underground if there is nothing, where the environment is bad, the atmosphere is depressed, and the seal may be caused at any time Accidents caused by improper care of property.

Hugh is currently the Deputy Leader of the "Internal Security and Anti-espionage Unit" and directly manages a small team of extraordinary people responsible for handling Intis-related espionage cases in the Bakerland Region.

"Here is a task." Lieutenant General Pantec, her immediate supervisor, Deputy Chief of MI9 and leader of the "Internal Security and Anti-Spy Team" picked up a document and handed it across the desk.

"Is it urgent?" Hugh reached out and asked cautiously.

Lieutenant General Pantec was a typical old Ruen man with a receding hairline. He held up a white-glazed porcelain coffee cup and sipped gently:

"Not urgent, low risk.

"In fact, this task will be issued to all members, hoping that someone can complete it with luck."

This description was somewhat unexpected, but she did not open the document bag on the spot, but responded directly:

"I will tell my team members."

Out of Lieutenant General Pantec's office, Hugh returned to his room.

When she threw her body into the seat, the whole person seemed to hide.

After a quick glance at the documents in hand, Hugh roughly understood why Mr. Deputy Chief said:

The Utopia to be investigated does not appear to be anywhere on the north or south continent, nor on the islands known to the Five Seas.

In the past two weeks, many people have entered the so-called utopia, but the methods and locations of their entry are quite different: some arrived in a violent storm in the Sunya Sea region, some in Di The middle section of the railway from West Bay to Bakerland stopped the city by accident due to heavy rain.

So far, no one has been harmed or left behind by entering the utopia ... No wonder Deputy Director Pantec said that the danger is very low ... In addition, the current case cannot summarize the law, and it is difficult to find the true utopia Position, it is impossible to send someone to enter specifically to launch an investigation, um ... it is really only possible to inform all members of the specific situation of the matter, I hope that some of them can carefully and conceal some intelligence after accidentally arriving in Utopia ... Hugh put down the papers in his hands and stood up with regret, ready to inform the subordinates of the extraordinary people.

She regrets that because of the difficulty of completing this task, she could hardly see hope, which prevented her from further accumulating her merits.

In the past six months, in order to deal with the end of the notice, Hugh was very busy every day, while handling the affairs of MI9, while completing various tasks given by Mr. Fool, in order to accumulate contributions on both sides and exchange for The "Mage of Law" potion formula and extraordinary features prepare for the desire to become a demigod.

Up to now, Hugh is still a little bit worse in both aspects, especially inside MI9. If there is no great contribution, Hugh cannot see any hope at all.

Had he not been able to receive a generous salary at MI9, enjoy benefits in all aspects, and rely on status and identity to occupy a large amount of intelligence to help him complete the tasks given by Mr. Fool, Hugh would like to resign directly. Redo the bounty hunter so that time will be more free.

You can ask about this case at the next Tarot meeting, maybe Mr. "World" they will have some clues ... Hugh thinking and pushed the door of the room where the team members are.

After explaining the utopian mission, Hugh specifically urged:

"If things aren't right, even if you have the opportunity to enter the utopia, you can give up directly. The town that doesn't know the truth is not showing harm, maybe just because it has not been stimulated."

After another busy day, Hugh finally ended his day of exhaustion, returned home before 7:30, and had dinner with his mother, brother, and Furth, enjoying limited relaxation.

In the early morning, after washing, she walked to the bedroom window, pinched the curtain, and was ready to draw.

During this process, Hugh naturally cast his gaze outwards, and found that the crimson moon at high altitude did not know when it had become rounded and enlarged, and the color was obviously deepened, like flowing blood.

"Blood Moon" ... Hugh suddenly turned his head and looked anxiously next door, some worried about the status of his friends.

However, she soon remembered that Firth was already a demigod of Sequence 4, and was no longer afraid of the effects of the "full moon slang".


In the next room, Firth was lying on the bed, admiring the "blood moon" outside the window, enduring the pain of his head being stuck with a needle, listening to Mr. "Door":

"Although sequence 3 to sequence 2, incomplete mythological creatures to real mythological creatures are indeed a qualitative change, but I think that sequence 4 to sequence 3 also have a certain degree of qualitative change. It can even be said that sequence 3 is extraordinary The best level in the path.

"At this level, you don't need to rely on external forces to fight the tendency of madness and runaway, you don't have to endure suffering every moment, and you have extraordinary abilities beyond ordinary people. They are more like God than people, and you can also Harvest anchors and further stabilize your mental state.

"If most of the life in Sequence 3 is not long enough and it is difficult to live above 500 years old, I don't think there are many saints who have the motivation to be promoted to angels ..."

"Uh-huh." Furth nodded again and again, saying he was clear.

At the same time, she slightly twitched her forehead and yawned quite covertly.

She has adapted to the pain of a direct conversation with Mr. Door.

Mr. Gate continued:

"Sequence 3 of the 'Apprentice' path is called 'Wanderer', which means that the spiritual world can no longer trap you. You can enter the starry sky, travel around the planetary world, go to different planets, and see the true silence, the real barrenness, the real Magnificence, and a civilization completely different from the local.

"Only by experiencing these personally, can you know how small the world you live in ..."

Mr. Gate simply talked about his own experience, in order to show the majesty and magnificence of the starry sky, and the thickness and charm of different civilizations.

This made Firth listen a little, and if it wasn't for the tingling in her head that reminded her, she would even forget that the narrator was a dangerous angel king.

"As long as you help me get out of trouble, I will give you the potion formula and extraordinary characteristics of the" Wanderer "and help you complete the ceremony. Of course, this can be prepaid." The end of the "full moon slang", "Mr. Door" again Commitments were given once.

"It really makes people yearn for it," Furth sighed.

When Mr. Door's voice faded and disappeared, Firth yanked the back cushion and lay down.

Within three minutes, she fell asleep peacefully.

For her, the vast starry sky is indeed full of charm, but there is also the danger that it will be contaminated only by understanding, and she has no motivation to explore at all.

"Wait for all places in the north and south continents and the five oceans to be considered after the tour ..." Frost murmured to himself almost silently in his sleep.

At this point, the blood-red moon outside the window had already faded, returned to a lighter crimson, and became incomplete.


A huge **** full moon hangs on the edge of the cliff, illuminating the swamp below.

The swamp was dark red, bubbling constantly, and there seemed to be magma at the bottom cooking everything.

At a glance, this swamp has no boundaries at all, like the ocean.


A stone fell from the edge of the cliff and crashed into the swamp.

The next second, a bubble popped up and broke silently, giving birth to a blood-stained baby.

The baby wobbled, approached the cliff, and tried to climb up.


The stones at Emlin White's feet shattered, and the whole man fell off a cliff and crashed into the swamp.

The **** count suddenly awakened from his dream, and looked around in fright and at a loss.

When it was confirmed that this was his room, surrounded by many small and large puppets that were extremely familiar, Emlin exhaled slowly, with a rather solemn expression to himself:

"The dream was not easy."

As a "Witch King", he knows enough about the field of dreams.

Is this the so-called "Divine Enlightenment"? But I didn't get any enlightenment ... Emlin thought for dozens of seconds, didn't find the answer, and then decided not to care about this question anymore, and was prepared to ask Father Fr. Utravsky.


The blood red faded, and the moon was no longer full, and the garden of the Wave Church was hazy.

Alger reached out to catch the note "sent" by the wind, and opened it with a glance:

"Verdu is looking for a pirate ship or smuggling ship to Bancy."

——Banxi Port has not been rebuilt, and there are no passenger liners leading to it. Verdu, who cherishes the opportunity of "transmission", can only rely on unconventional methods.

Going to Bansi? Alger frowned suddenly.

He knew exactly what Bansi meant, but he did not understand why Verdu wanted to go to Bansi.

There should be nothing there!

No, even if the church leveled Bancy, there were still some abnormalities there. Moreover, the church did not find out what was hidden in Bancy ... As a cardinal, Alger was qualified to read some confidential documents. , Including the original record of the storm church's actions against Bancy.

In addition, he knows more from Mr. Fool and from the world Gullman Spallo.

After thinking about it, Alger quickly made a decision to prepare his shadow guard to arrange a pirate ship for Verdu.

In this regard, Alger knows that many key people do not need to come forward on their own or in their own name.

Of course, in the Rhodes Islands, smuggling ships are often equivalent to pirate ships.

PS: I found no update, it turned out to be the wrong time. .

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