Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 6 Chapter 69: "I"

I sat in the chair of the police station and watched the two men in black-and-white checkered uniforms open and close their mouths as if talking.

The one on the left looked indifferent and seemed to have seen too much misfortune. The one on the right was still a little bit astringent, with some pity in his eyes.

I didn't feel pain, and I didn't regret that I stabbed that knife. At that moment, I even felt that I was getting rid of it, and the warm blood sprayed on me was like the salvation given by the gods.

I only regret why I was chasing money so passionately when I was young, at the expense of dignity, body and freedom.

In these days at the police station, I have found enough peace to be able to think deeply about this issue, more thoroughly than I had thought for many years:

The lack of determination and the maturity of the mind are the root cause of that mistake, but this does not mean that they are all.

From childhood to education, I have been taught that hard work and hard work are for large houses, floor-to-ceiling windows with sufficient lighting, more than three servants, their own garden lawns, silver or gold-plated tableware, and decorations A dinner full of food, a dance party with melodious music, and so on.

The newspapers and magazines I have read have told me over and over again that only when you get enough decent can you be called the middle class, is the pillar of this kingdom, is elegant, excellent, not vulgar, and has character People who have compassion and knowledge at the same time.

At the same time, they also tell me what is decent, decent is beautiful skirts, clothes that are matched according to different occasions, expensive skin care products, cosmetics, exquisite and fashionable ladies handbags, a concert, an afternoon tea , A party full of style.

And this switch counts as gold pounds, gold pounds, and gold pounds.

It must be acknowledged that the pursuit of a better life is everyone's instinct, but when a girl is exposed to everything in this way, when the mainstream of the whole society is decent, refined and elegant, her thoughts It's hard not to be affected.

I don't know what this phenomenon is called, I just know that if all this is not changed, tragedies like me will inevitably continue to occur, more and more.

At that time, someone will definitely scold:

"Look, these gold worshippers, they betrayed their souls!"

Subconsciously, I turned my head and looked out the window. I saw a beautiful and prosperous world, and saw the red blood flowing in this world.

"Ms. Tracy, are you listening to us?" A voice pulled back my thoughts, from the somewhat awkward policeman.

I smiled at him and didn't tell him I was thinking about some philosophical issues.

It's ridiculous that a gold worshiper who betrayed her soul would think about such a boring thing when asked by a police officer.

The policeman nodded and said to me:

"Miss Tracy, you are going to go to court next, and we will arrange a lawyer for you.

"I'm sorry, there is no witness left, only confession, which is very bad for you."

"It doesn't matter." I said to him calmly.

I will work hard to defend myself, and I will confess my crimes. I just hope that I can have a new life in the future.

I thought for a moment, raised my corners of the mouth, and said to the two police officers:

"While you are waiting in court, can you help me borrow some books from the library?

"Well," Social Thoughts and Educational Phenomenon "..."

At this moment, I saw the two police officers a little dazed, and a little, um, amazing.


I sat at the bottom of the mottled long table, and heard Miss Judgment tell about Utopia.

When she was finished, I looked around and said in a low voice:

"It's a ritual."

Unexpectedly, I saw a certain solidification in the eyes of Miss Judgment, and I felt that Mr. "Inverted" and Miss "Justice" all looked over, with a sense of speculation.

At this moment, I seem to be able to guess what they are thinking:

They will definitely doubt that this is the sequence 1 ritual of "world" German Spallo, and they have long used the internal communication of the Tarot Society to know that sequence 1 cannot exist in the case of sequence 0 true god.

I have prepared an explanation for this matter, that is, let them think about the ancient sun **** and the king of his eight angels.

Unfortunately, no one raised a question. They may have thought of the angel kings, or they may think that the ritual involved in utopia is mainly to help Mr. Fool recover further.


I looked at the quiet and beautiful beautiful girl and thought about it and asked:

"Miss Tracy, where do your parents live?"

"They are dead ..." the beautiful girl whose soul no longer belongs here replied slightly.

I looked down and recorded:

"Do you have any other relatives?"

The girl turned her head out the window and replied casually:


I looked at my colleague and raised the volume:

"Miss Trish, are you listening to us?"

The girl across looked back and smiled at me.

She didn't know what she was thinking, quiet like flowers blooming alone at night.

This metaphor comes from a collection of poems, and my brother told me that reading poetry can make me more attractive.

Of course, until now, the poems brought me more ridicule, and colleagues at the police department thought it was worthless.

After telling the girl opposite to the court, I saw a slight smile on her face, and asked us to help her to borrow a few books in the library that I found difficult to understand by name.

That smile combined with the title of the book has an inexplicable beauty.

After returning Miss Tracy to the temporary detention room, I gathered up the case materials and planned to visit a lawyer. This is a long-ahead appointment.


I leaned back and listened to the "Moon" Emlin as he described his dream.

After "authentication" by Father Utravsky, this dream was not inspired by the "God Mother".

This has to make people cast their skeptical eyes on the moon, the "fallen mother goddess", and then encounter pollution ... I was almost amused by my own ideas.

As a senior "fortune teller" and master of dream interpretation, I was not modest, and I spoke frankly:

"Three possibilities, one is that this dream is inducing you to seek, chase, and to some extent interfere with your destiny, and the second is that this dream wants you to interpret it deeply, understand it, and then take a little Earth, it is hard to perceive you, and the third is that you yourself are too worried about the "beauty god", so you dream of the most scary scene.

"The third one may go without saying. The first two possible coping methods are the same. Don't think about it, don't explore it. There is no need to leave Beckland."

After speaking, I saw Emlin nodded without hesitation.

I knew it was the way he liked it.


"A homicide?" I glanced at the case information in my hand and expressed my doubts with the changes in the ending. "You should go to a barrister."

I am just a solicitor, and strictly speaking, I am not qualified to go to court.

Of course, this is only the most stringent situation. It does not actually exist. As long as the case is small and the criminal court is not involved, solicitors can go to court to help.

The opposite policeman in black and white uniform smiled:

"Utopia is just a small town. There is no barrister. You have to go elsewhere.

"Furthermore, the case was prosecuted for over-defense, the sentence is short, and the amount involved is less than 400 pounds. It can be tried before the Magistrates' Court, and then transferred to the criminal court when the over-defense is judged to be untenable.

I understand. I want to switch to a lawyer? However, in general, homicides that have been prosecuted for defense have to be handed over to the criminal court. Oh, this is the advantage of the small town. Many things are not so strict ... I thought for a moment, "um" said:

"Then I will try to plead not guilty.

"Also, please arrange your time as soon as possible so that I can see that Miss Tracy."

After looking through the information just now, I have a lot of confidence in this case. The biggest question now is whether the image of Miss Tracy can cause sympathy.

Well, although my solicitor's license was forged in a foreign country, this does not negate my professionalism, it just happened that there was a mistake in that exam.


Bansi? Verdu wants to go to Bansi? I was sitting at the bottom of the mottled long table, watching the "upside down man" reporting to Mr. Fool, and I was a little confused about the development of the matter.

Obsessed with mystics, Verdu, who wanted to rescue Mr. Gate, did have some reason to explore the Banxi Abandoned Port. Moreover, he also lived in Bayam for almost half a year. It was normal for him to come into contact with Bancy's information ... The main problem is that the previous monitoring of the "upside down man" did not provide corresponding signs, making Verdu's behavior seem a bit abrupt ... This matter needs to be more concerned ... I nodded in my heart and heard Mr. "Fool" Commanded a sentence:

"Continue monitoring."


I played the lyre beside the fountain in the municipal square. I used a knife and fork to cut steak. I was in the church and told the believers the doctrine of the goddess. I stretched out my right hand and left with the kind help of a gentleman The carriage, I got the long-awaited new skirt, and I can't wait to change it. I was on four legs and chased by a child. I laughed aloud and stumbled with a dog ...

Suddenly, we were all shocked, looked up to the sky, and saw an imaginary thin line coming out of ourselves, extending to infinite heights, to a gray mist, to an ancient palace, It fell into the hands of a tall misty figure shrouded in mist.

Klein's state has been wonderful since this time, and seems to be completely divided into thousands of souls, each of which has its own will, ideas, cognition and destiny.

However, above these many consciousnesses, there is a dominant consciousness that occupies a dominant position. It is constantly receiving various shocks. It seems to be assimilated by the ocean of consciousness formed by itself at any time. Stayed a bit sober.

His body has been lying on the ground floor of the church of St. Ariana, and the consciousness has sometimes risen to the inside of the "source castle", sometimes sinking into the body.

The pictures of the spouse avatars constantly flashed in his mind, like a dream composed of a large number of fragments.

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