Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 142: Outsider

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This...in such a strange silence, the first thought of the returning Dairik. Berg flash is to save people.

However, the two guards who held him in the middle did not react. It seems that everything just happened is his auditory hallucination.

"There are people asking for help." Juvenile Dairik reminded the two Dawn Knights.

Walking on his left side, the tall knight wearing silver full body armor responded calmly and silently:

"Don't be fooled."

"That is just the normal performance of some extraordinary people who are on the verge of being out of control."

is it? Maybe he just didn't want to give up, and lost control became a monster, so he screamed for help... Dairiky thought sadly.

As his mood changed, the illusion of the ear was evident.

Silence and a few more steps, the Dawn Knight pointed to the left doorway:

"You live here during this time, we will deliver food and medicine on time."

While speaking, he took out an iron-black vial.

This kind of bottle is woven from the straw-like things left by the black-and-white staple food of Silver City. When it encounters liquid, it will produce a film to achieve the waterproof sealing effect.

Dairik took the bottle of medicine and drank it. I felt a cool gliding across the esophagus and into the stomach pocket.

His whole person quickly became calm, the scene shaking in front of him was returning to a steady state, and the auditory hallucinations in the ears gradually weakened.


In the sound of the iron gate closed and locked, Dairik entered the room of his own.

The first thing he saw was a candle swaying with dim light, and then he identified the bed, chair and square table.

In addition, there is nothing else, but the surrounding walls, including the door, are engraved with complex and mysterious symbols and logos that seem to form a complete seal.

Dairik’s emotions were also suppressed by the potion. He sat down without any curiosity and lay down on the bed.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly heard the screaming screams, but it was not from his room, but from the next door.

Dairik rolled over and listened carefully, and heard the sharp, sorrowful weeping in the sound of the collision.

His hair stood tall, and the whole man stood up fiercely, posing a very defensive posture.

At this moment, the sound of the cockroaches spread to the metal walls separating the two rooms, and one swelled one after another slowly.

Dairik is about to pray for the light, and suddenly his eyes are bright. His space seems to have all been moved to the outside world, and it is like lightning.

The sound of the wall next door disappeared and the bottom of the round tower was quiet.

This is not absolutely quiet, but the slight footsteps can sway far and far, and the quietness that lasts for a long time.

Dairik is guessing what happened to the extraordinary person next door, and the metal wall on the other side has been ringed.


It was as if someone had bent his fingers and tapped it.

"Who?" Dairik asked loudly and asked with a slight horror.

The knocking sound immediately stopped, and after a few seconds, a thick but rather old voice was vaguely passed:

"It turned out to be a young kid."

"You are?" Dairik saw that the other person could communicate sensibly, squatting close to the wall and covering the cold metal with his ears.

The old voice screamed and laughed:

"The one next to you was almost out of control. I finally couldn’t save it today."

Has he completely lost control? Dairik asked through a metal wall:

"So he is now a monster?"

"No, not a monster, a dead body. He has been sealed by the items here." The old voice sighed. "I have been here for forty-two years. Well, those guards told me that I have seen too much." Too many similar things."

Dairik was quite surprised to ask:

"Have you been here for forty-two years?"

Normally, out of control can be divided into three stages, one is the emergence of precursors, such as auditory hallucinations and illusions, the second is that the body and spirit have been somewhat uncontrolled, from time to time will show a state of terrible or strange, and the third is completely collapsed. , turned into a horrible monster.

Among them, from the second stage to the third stage is quite fast, perhaps just discovered, it will witness a seemingly normal extraordinary person into a monster in the dark.

That is to say, after the extraordinary person in the second stage is sent to the bottom of the round tower, it will be stabilized by the treatment of medicines, rituals, etc., and will leave here within a year and a half, or will soon enter. Out of control, cleared and purified, it is impossible for anyone to be locked up here for forty-two years.

The extraordinary person in the first stage may only need a few days, ten days, to eliminate the precursors and heal away.

The old voice suddenly laughed:

"Yeah, I didn't think I would stay here for forty-two years."

"I don't have any signs of getting out of control, but they think I'm quite dangerous and can become a monster at any time."

Dairik slightly frowned, curiously asked:

"What happened 40 or 22 years ago?"

At that time, his parents were still not born.

The old voice silently said:

"I used to be a captain of the exploration team."

“We found a destroyed city half a month away from Silver City, oh, this is calculated at our speed.”

"The city is similar to our silver city, and there are obviously traces of the rule of the giants, and believe in the God who created everything, the omnipotent God."

"Unfortunately, they were destroyed and destroyed. I don’t know how many years ago."

Similar things, Dairik is no stranger, immediately guessed:

"You have encountered some weird things there, so you are considered to be out of control at any time?"

"Almost." The old voice snorted. "After we explored the core area, we found that the city was trying to change its faith and shaped some of the gods they could save in their imagination. However, this is not useful. Even the statues of the gods were destroyed and sprinkled on the ground."

Having said that, his tone suddenly became condensed:

"However, however, we met someone there."

"This is the first living we have met in Silver City for more than two thousand years that does not belong to our city-state!"

"Beyond Silver City, in the depths of the endless darkness, there are still people alive!"

Dairik asked subconsciously:

"You brought him back to Silver City?"

The old voice was separated by two seconds:

"Do you not feel the vibration?"

“Our Silver City is trying to explore the surroundings just to find the same human beings as we did. It was finally discovered 42 years ago!”

This is indeed quite shocking news, but I often see Miss "Justice" and "Down Man". They often hear about the Kingdom of Lun and the seven gods. There are people outside the Silver City. There are also city-states and countries, isn’t it a very obvious fact? Dairik scratched his head and pretended to have a shocked tone without any experience:

"I, I didn't notice this just now."

“It’s really incredible, except for the residents of Silver City, there are still other people!”

"..." The old voice was silent for a while. "Is the education in Silver City so bad?"

Waiting for Dairik to speak, he sighed and said to himself:

"We are very alert to invite that person to visit the Silver City. After he considered it, he agreed."

"We monitored and escorted him back along the road, but when he arrived in Silver City, he suddenly disappeared..."

"We searched around and couldn't find him. After returning to Silver City, my team members went crazy one by one, out of control, all! All!"

"The six-member council suspected that we were all polluted by something. We suspect that the person is not a human being at all, but an evil spirit, a monster. So, shut me up here and confirm my status at regular intervals. But never tell me where the problem is, and don't let me go."

Dairik sighed heavily:

"Do you still remember that person?"

"...he looks very ordinary, has no features, and wears like us. Besides remembering that he is a male, I can't think of his appearance... but the elders should be able to use my extraordinary means to directly forget from my vagueness. I saw him in my memory." The old voice recalled for a few tens of seconds, a little bit painful.

Dairik casually asked:

"Then he said what he called? Have you exchanged his origins with you?"

The old voice "hmm" gave a cry:

"He told us that he called..."

He paused:



Sunday morning, factory area.

In the previous two days, Klein and Mike, under the guidance of Old Kohler, "visited" many places in the Eastern District.

Mike therefore saw five or six people crammed into a room, and this is not the worst case.

The poorest places in the Eastern District, an ordinary bedroom can even sleep ten people, and the accurate division of ownership such as ground floor, daytime use rights, and night use rights surprised reporters.

Moreover, poverty does not distinguish between men and women. Those places and people of different genders are hard to avoid. Some things that are enough to go to court are everywhere. Men’s and women’s are always threatened by violence. .

"...dirty, crowded, stinking, this is the most intuitive impression... I suspect that each of them has serious parasites... in the most dilapidated neighborhood, because the house was built a long time ago, there is no special access Sewers, manure, urine, and vomit are all over the place. There is a public washroom in one house, or a public toilet in a street..."

"They are busy every day to extreme exhaustion, but they can barely fill their stomachs and have no savings. As long as they are unemployed for a few days, they will fall into the abyss that are difficult to save themselves... I think that they will not even be afraid if they give them some hope. Death...” Mike wrote on his investigation manuscript.

In addition, in the middle of the night, the tramp, the vagrant wandering on the street, the girl standing on the street or in the bar, and the alcoholic people who indulged in alcoholism, did not want to think about the future, gave The reporter left a very deep impression.

He is getting more and more silent.

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