Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 2 Chapter 143: Line fee

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Mike Joseph pulled out his handkerchief, covered his mouth and coughed several times.

The fog in the factory area is thicker than other places. The yellowish ash in the middle of the sky is like dust floating on the ground. Occasionally, it smells of pungent and pungent, so that the reporter who has long been used to Beckland air is unbearable.

He turned his head to Klein, who also had a low cough:

"I have always supported the government to form the Kingdom's Air Pollution Investigation Committee to support the establishment of the alkali industry prosecutor, but I only know today that the problem is so serious."

"If you don't take effective measures, it may make a tragedy in the future." Klein tried to get through the blocked nose.

It may be that the entire Beckland is shrouded in a fog with a line of sight of no more than five meters, and the evil spirit is likely to come in such a scene, or to be born... He silently added.

Old Kohler did not understand their conversation, cleared the throat with a strong throat, led reporters and detectives to bypass the caretaker, and sneaked into a lead-white factory.

The women workers are mainly here, they are busy without protection measures, and there is obvious dust in the factory.

Looking at the "small particles" that floated and floated in the air, Klein seemed to see the poisonous gas. The young women without masks were like the lambs to be slaughtered.

At this moment, he was like returning to Tingen and returning to the process of helping Sir Deville deal with resentment.

He seems to have witnessed the future of a female worker here. Some of them have a headache in their heads, some people have blurred vision, some people have become hysterical, some have blue lines, and finally, or Become a scorpion, or die soon.

It's like a big **** sacrifice ceremony, but the goal is the flashing money symbol... If the Aurora, Rose School and other cult organizations can take advantage of similar things, as Llanus did, the problem is big. ... Klein covered his mouth and quietly stared.

Mike Joseph whispered in amazement and anger:

"How can this be?"

"How can they do this?"

"A few days ago, various newspapers and magazines have focused on lead poisoning. They are not prepared to do anything?"

"Are you even a mask?"

"These factory owners are murdering!"

It’s really a journalist with a sense of justice. Although he’s not too young, his style is rather awkward, his acting skills are quite good, but he still retains his initial heart... But how can he know about lead poisoning? Yes, I have forgotten it. I have let Sir Deville widely publicize the dangers of lead poisoning in various newspapers and magazines... It seems that he has done a good job, but for some people, the lower class people die two. What is it? Some are people waiting for a job! Klein thought with a heavy heart.

As a veteran reporter, Mike did not lose his mind, quietly observed and asked several workers who changed jobs, and left the lead-white factory.

Afterwards, they entered one factory after another, and they were confused by the dirty environment and people's high-intensity labor.

Near noon, Klein suddenly found a lot of people outside a factory in front of him, mainly women, who were excitedly shouting and trying to rush inside.

"What happened?" Mike questioned Old Kohler in confusion.

Old Kohler is also puzzled:

"I asked in the past."

He ran to the factory and mixed into the crowd. After a few minutes, he returned to Klein and Mike.

"They want to smash those new machines!" Old Kohler gasped, first talking about the key points.

"Why?" Mike was not responsible for similar news before, and he didn't know much about it. Klein vaguely guessed the reason.

Old Kohler pointed to the factory road:

"This is a textile factory. They have to switch to the latest textile machines. The number of people responsible for maneuvering will also decrease. It seems that it is said that one third of the workers will be fired!"

"Those women workers hope to get rid of the machine and get back to work. Otherwise, they will probably not survive, or they can only go to the street girl."

Mike's mouth was opened. From the point of view of the mouth, he vaguely wanted to say "stupid", but he didn't say anything at all, only looking at it silently, not even getting close.

"Go back, my interview interview is almost done." A long time later, Mike sighed.

The three immediately turned around and went to the factory area, silent all the way, no one spoke.

When it was time to separate, Mike looked at Klein and said:

"You said, if you turn off the unprotected lead-white factory or bring their boss to court, can the women workers find something else to do?"

Klein thought about it seriously:

"If there are only a few, the problem is not big, but some women workers may endure hunger and cold in the process of finding other jobs, and gradually lose their labor because they have no savings at all."

"If you shut it too much in a short period of time, and if you passively lose your job after applying the new textile machine, it will be a disaster."

In the Beckland factory area alone, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of unemployed workers who have no food and clothing, wandering on the streets like living corpses, or lowering their salary requirements, vying for the jobs of other workers... The entire Eastern District does not know How many people will die or become more difficult. It will be a scene like hell. Even if there is no extraordinary power in the world, it will bring great disasters. Now, all evil spirits are secretly waiting, waiting... ... Klein swallowed a lot of words back into his stomach.

Mike became silent again, paid 10 pounds and 6 sul. After taking the carriage, he left the factory area where the smoke was everywhere.

Klein looked at the carriage and went away. He hadn't spoken for a long time.

When he was a night lover, he had an understanding and exposure to the lives of the poor, but he was not as impressed as this one.

All-round, three-dimensional observation, a human abyss is completely presented in front of his eyes.

The Eastern District is really dangerous everywhere, hiding the fire, and it may be ignited by a cult organization if you accidentally... Klein has been indulging for a few seconds:

"Köhler, I want to ask you to help me pay attention to all aspects of the Eastern District, um, in your spare time."

"I will pay you, so that you have the money to establish friendship with other workers. Every week, we have a fixed time to meet in the previous cafe."

Old Kohler’s eyes suddenly brightened:

"no problem!"

He did not mention the price and fully believed the kindly detective Mr.

Klein discretion:

"Every time I meet, I will give you 15 Sule's funds. If the information you provide makes me satisfied, there will be an extra 5 Sule rewards."

"1 pound?" Old Kohler suddenly blurted.

The warmest and happiest period of his life, the weekly salary is only 21 Sule, which is 1 pound 1 Sule.

"Yes." Klein nodded. "You should pay attention to your words and deeds. Don't be too anxious to collect intelligence and keep the state of asking less. Otherwise, you will be in danger."

This kind of informant fee, in theory, can be reimbursed. However, I am now a five-penny party with self-contained dry food... Klein is half-baked and laughs at himself.


Queens, the luxury villa of Earl Hall, is exclusively in the study of Miss Audrey.

The blond girl is listening to the lecture of the psychology teacher, Miss Esplan, and occasionally touches the big dog Su Shi who is next to her.

Isilante Ossileka, who had a black-haired back, found that the dog seemed to be listening too seriously. She couldn’t help but smile and pause for two seconds.

Then she continued to introduce:

"There is no absolute orthodox theory in the field of psychology. There are several schools of thought, such as the psychoanalytic school, the personality analysis school, and the behavioral psychology school."

"Of course, the study of the mind and spirit is not just for psychologists and psychologists. Many professionals in the field of occultism are doing similar work. The most famous one is, oh, sorry, I deviate. Textbook, let's go back to the topic just now, first talk about the psychoanalytic school."

Audrey clearly heard the other party’s intention to seduce, so she asked ignorantly and curiously:

“Teacher, I want to know more about the psychological aspects of occultism.”

"You know, I am very interested in this."

Islant snorted and frowned, saying:

"But it involves some vows of confidentiality. I mean, these theories, these researches, belong to the secrets of some occult circles, and only spread inside."

"So... then, can I join?" Audrey asked with anticipation. "They shouldn't involve evil things?"

"Hah, how is it possible? It's just a seminar organized by fans." After Isilant said something, he took the initiative to open the subject. "This thing, let's talk later, let's continue the course."

Knowing how to stop, step by step, if this is the general quality of the members of the psychological alchemy, then I don't have to worry too much about the madness and metamorphosis of Mr. A... Audrey deliberately reveals the topic that is not willing to just Look, but still educated to listen to the theoretical basis of the psychoanalytic school.

By the end of the course, Izlant was sent away. She returned to the study and carefully closed the thick wooden door to the Golden Retriever:

"Su Shi, what do you think of her?"

"She is not sincere!" Su Shi replied straight away.

Then, it smashed the road:

"However, she said something very interesting, I think it is more interesting than meat and snack biscuits!"

Su Shi, do you want to be a psychiatrist in the future? Specially treat animals with mental illness? For example, the Glylin's family may have depression. Audrey suddenly fell into meditation, considering whether to prepare a special white coat and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses for Su Shi to make it look more professional. a little.

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