Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 78: The "downside down" of the wool (the monthly ticket)

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Above the fog, Klein sat down and took out the "Black Emperor" card that melted into the spirit, and instantly changed back to its original appearance.

This is called a one-button dressup... He spits on himself and recalls what happened just now.

He is almost certain that the "giant" wearing the spire tower is the "King of the Five Seas" Nast, the 100-meter sailboat that can sail in the spiritual world is the ghost ship "Black Emperor" made by the ancient Solomon Empire!

"I always thought that the ghost ship simply means that you can sail on your own, not sinking, closer to a strange creature. I did not expect that the most powerful and top-notch ghost ship can also blur themselves and roam the spirit world...

"This is almost equivalent to a demigod? It is the most famous ‘Black Emperor’ on the five oceans, um... does not rule out the possibility of a traveller living in the manufacturing process...

"One of the most famous treasures, the ship's phantom empire that carries the final legacy of the Truncost Empire, has similar capabilities, so it can't be found?"

Klein’s thoughts drifted a little bit, and there was no reason to think about the sudden encounter with the “King of the Five Seas” Nast.

This is a very obvious thing: the extraordinary property aggregation law!

Although the "Black Emperor" brand itself does not contain extraordinary characteristics, Russell did not know what was added or inscribed during the production, which led to the holder's promotion of the sequence, you can use this card, and the extraordinary materials that you need. Produces subtle sensations.

Similar inductions are undoubtedly mutual. When they are touched by others, they are naturally sensed by others. Before the holder crosses the ladder of the gods, it is manifested as the unconsciously close fate.

At this point, Klein has a deep understanding. He always suspects that the existence of fog makes some extraordinary people or supernatural events gather around him.

"Roaming with the 'Black Emperor' brand is more likely to lead to similar situations than in reality. Because the real world has to abide by many rules, even if there is a fateful traction, it must be logical, a little bit unfolding, not that I am Beckland used the 'Black Emperor' card, and the 'King of the Five Seas' Nast was able to take the ghost ship immediately and appeared in front of me...

"Even if he can detect the kind of traction, he has to go through the process of determining the position and moving through the spiritual world. It has passed for hours or even days. If you can’t detect it, you will only naturally think about going to Sunia. Sailing in the sea is close to the border of the Kingdom of Ron, so that it may not be possible for months or years.

"In the spirit world, the 'things' is simple. There is no distinction between high and low, high and low, and the location and distance are very chaotic. The 'King of the Five Seas' is probably just thinking about going to the spiritual world. As soon as I entered, I saw that I was passing by. This did not need to follow the constraints and restrictions of the actual geographical location.” Klein thoughtfully tapped the edge of the mottled long table.

In addition, he is quite certain that he can't control the "Black Emperor" and cast it to the "King of the Five Seas". Nast is not because of the law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics. The effect in this aspect is reflected in fate, induction and craving. So exaggerated, otherwise there will be no high sequence strong, and all of them will be involuntarily absorbed by the "uniqueness" of this route.

Klein felt that it was an extraordinary force that distorted and strengthened his forward intentions and prevented him from stopping.

This is a very simple judgment. At that time, even if I throw out the "Black Emperor" card, I can't stop it... This is the "lawyer", that is, the extraordinary power of the "Black Emperor" approach? Klein leaned back against the back of the chair and decided not to use the "Black Emperor" card in the near future.

This means that he can't roam the spirit world and look for messengers.

——If he does not carry the “Black Emperor” card, holding the “Poseidon Scepter” in the form of the body, in the spiritual world where there is a variety of information and various revelations, will inevitably leave many clues, and will be divined at any time. It is possible to come out. On the anti-Divination anti-prophecy, the Aziz copper whistle is incomparable to the "Black Emperor" card.

I really want to do that. Maybe I go to the bar to buy a beer. I will meet ten people who know that I have taken the "Poseidon Scepter"... Of course, Klein Moretti, and I, German. What is the relationship with Paro? Klein ridiculed his head and decided to use a ritual method to get a messenger emergency and find a more suitable one in the future.

He covered the "Black Emperor" card and the figure disappeared into the mysterious space above the fog.


In the early morning, Baiam.

Alger is ready to take the carriage out of the city and detour to the private harbor behind the cliff - his "Blue Avenger" is docked there, waiting to sail.

As a disguised pirate captain, he could not park the boat directly to the main port of the "generous city", which would fully explain that he has close ties with the official. The same is true for other pirates. Come to Baiam to sell or enjoy. Before, you have to consider the location of the mooring in advance, either to the small port in the surrounding waters or to the private port controlled by the background or the rebel.

At last, there is no task, you can leave the port... first get a magical item, you can enhance the strength, and you can make a flat account, then go to the original island, hunt the blue shadow, as soon as possible to the sequence 6... Alger Just about to go to a rental carriage, but unexpectedly saw a familiar figure.

Former pirate trader Ralph faintly walked out of the carriage and looked at the Governor's Office not far away. The whole person was exposed to abnormality.

what happened to him? Alger was puzzled for a moment and took the initiative to say hello.

In his view, in a certain sense, Relf is also a member of the "fool".

Only one is a core member, one is a peripheral organization... Alger calmly determines the identity and location of the two.

“What happened to be happy?” After the cold weather, Alger took the initiative to ask.

Ralf Haha laughed and squeezed his eyes:

"I said that I felt the care of the gods, do you believe it?"

Believe... Alger did not hesitate to answer a sentence in his heart.

He suppressed curiosity and asked instead:

"What are you doing here?"

Ralph was about to answer, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked around and confirmed that there was no one around, and he was quiet.

"Don't you say that you also believe in God?"

In order to deal with him, Alger falsely claimed that he also had a certain belief in Poseidon. Anyway, this is quite normal between pirates and will not be suspected. Above the sea, the horrible weather is often more terrible than the enemy. Most pirates, adventurers, crews, and sailors have a great fear of controlling the gods in similar fields, and they will believe a little.

"Of course." Alger answered this time more than ever before.

Because he knows that the other god's belief in "Poseidon" is the embodiment of "Folly".

Ralf was nodded with a smile, whispered:

"I got a **** yesterday, and God asked me to help his young lambs.

"I intend to establish a charity fund for this purpose.

"This is the will of God. As a believer, I think you will be happy to provide some help."

He explored his right hand and waited for a donation.

Alger’s expression was stiff and he didn’t know how to respond.

Although his current wealth has reached 3,245 pounds, he is prepared to buy a magical item, and the overall situation is not at all plentiful.

Of course, the province can still donate a lot of money.

If "Poseidon" is still Cavia Tuva, Alger, who claims to be a believer, will certainly not hesitate to find a reason to find an excuse to evade, but now he must seriously think about the far-reaching intention of Mr. "fool".

Noticing Alger's reaction, Ralph's eyeballs turned slightly:

"What we want to help is those children who suffer from unnecessary discrimination in their own bloodlines, live a hard life, and have difficulty seeing hope. There are pure locals and mixed-race children."

Alger was silent for a few seconds, and he took out a stack of cash from his arms:

"There is 100 pounds here."

Ralf took the past and smiled slightly:

"Your goodness will be rewarded.

"God will bless you."


The door panel is tilted into the warehouse that covers the entrance.

Klein is ready to sing a ritual of spiritual creatures, surrounded by psychedelic scent of herbs and essential oils.

- He was worried that he would make a certain accident in the hotel, and he would harm other guests without risk, so he went to the abandoned warehouse that had previously sacrificed to Cavitewa.

As for Daniz, the bounty raised to 5,500 pounds, he was very active in asking the staying suite to monitor the radio ticker.

The next step is to ignite the candle that symbolizes itself, and use a validated mantra to summon the appropriate spiritual creatures to be messengers... Klein’s mind flows through Dairy Simone’s three-part description and Mr. Azick’s More mantras.

When summoning spiritual creatures, the first sentence must have descriptions such as "in the illusory" and "swimming in the upper bound". Only in this way can we point to the spiritual world, and the suffix must clearly indicate whether it is a spiritual body or a certain The flesh-and-blood creatures, the second and third sentences are more precise descriptions of the target, but they are limited by format and cannot be determined by more languages. Therefore, what will eventually be summoned is difficult for the ceremonial organizer to anticipate. And divination came out.

In this case, the risks are relatively small when using other mantras that have been verified by others.

After signing the contract and changing the description of the third sentence to the courier who owns who and who, and who and who is the contract partner, the three-stage description can accurately summon the corresponding messenger.

"Well, my messenger is going to run very fast, otherwise it may be killed by other malicious spiritual creatures, causing important letters to be lost..." Klein thought sharply and had a certain idea.

He took a step back and said in ancient Hermes:


"I summon in my name:

"The spirit that lingers in vain, the friendly creatures that can be driven, the rapids beyond imagination."


The wind swelled, the candle was stained with green, and it was surrounded by cold.

Klein found a vague figure rushing out and couldn't see the exact look.

Then he can't find the guy anymore.

PS: Calvin, I can't update in advance in the morning, tomorrow is still normal time, ask for a monthly ticket, and ask for a ticket on Monday~

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