Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 79: "Recruitment" (request for the recommended ticket)

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It’s too fast... Is it a few laps around the planet... or it’s always in place, but it’s too fast, my line of sight can’t keep up... Klein’s mouth twitches and decides to wait a few seconds Whether the "important fast" will still appear.

He is not worried that the spiritual creature summoned will harm the innocent, because one of the descriptions is a friendly creature, and as long as he forces the end of the summoning and the suspension of the ceremony, no matter where the "imaginary fast" goes, Will be sent back to the spirit world immediately.

After a few seconds, Klein, who had not waited for anything, took a breath and said in ancient Hermes:


"I ended this summoning in my name!"

The surrounding Sen Han disappeared instantly, the swirling smog gradually subsided, and the candle's fire returned to normal color.

Klein stepped forward and extinguished the candlelight, intending to modify the last sentence description and make a second attempt.

As for the words "the spirits that are in the falsehood, the friendly creatures that can be driven", he does not intend to change, the first sentence points to the spiritual world, can only be synonymously replaced, can be changed or not changed, the second sentence It is the premise that Klein guarantees its own safety, otherwise it will not be a funny accident, but a horror story.

Um... I don’t need to “beyond imagination” to modify the “rapid person”, but others may not meet my needs. Maybe... I can change my mind. The messenger doesn’t have to run so fast, it’s normal, it’s safe, there’s another The way, as long as the malicious guys always ignore it, don't pay attention to it... This time, try to have a spiritual creature that is not strong... Klein took two or three minutes to hold the ceremony again.

After finishing the pre-work, he missed a new mantra:


"I summon in my name:

"The spirit that lingers in vain, the friendly creatures that can be driven, the weak beings that are easily overlooked."

The warehouse suddenly became very quiet, there was no wind in the wall of the spirituality, no cold, and even the color of the candle did not change.

Klein waited patiently, watching, hoping to get a good messenger.

After ten seconds, he sighed and looked around:

"Nothing, this description doesn't work."

He no longer waits, ends the call according to the process, extinguishes the candle.

To his slight doubt, the flame of the candle finally swayed several times.

Did I ignore what... Klein frowned and immediately stretched and threw it behind her head.

He re-thought about how to modify the description of the problem, still for the third sentence.

If you change your mind, if the messenger is particularly capable and survivable, it is okay. Anyway, the letter that can send the letter to the target is a good messenger... Klein has been indulged for a while, the third time Summoning ceremony.

In the scent of herbs and essential oils, under the faint yellow candlelight, the shadows on his face float and his mouth is open and closed:


"I summon in my name:

"The spirit of vain, the friendly creatures that can be driven, the extraordinary survivors."

The flame of the candle was stretched and stretched, and the altar was bright and red.

In Kline's vision, a white bone was drilled from the ground and stacked together to form a safe-type creature.

Finally summoned what you can see, and it is the kind of survivability... It’s like a safe, it’s very good at first glance... Klein breathed a sigh of relief, using the ancient Hermes language:

"Would you like to be my messenger?"

The bone-like creature of the same box quickly gave a willingness to be willing.

Then, it creeped the white bone below and climbed over to Klein, slowly and slowly.

It climbed a centimeter in ten seconds.

...this is too slow... Kline’s smile is stiff on his face.

Although messengers accomplish mission by shuttle through the spirit world, it does not mean that they do not need speed.

In the spiritual world, distance and direction are chaotic, and the most important thing is positioning and finding positioning.

As long as accurate, clear, and immediate positioning is provided, such as the summoning ceremony just now, for example, a copper whistle that is equivalent to a simplified ritual, no matter where the messenger is in the spiritual world, it can appear in the altar immediately.

When positioning is not so immediate, only when the contract is linked or the previous anchor point, the messenger needs to spend time to distinguish the positioning, travel the spiritual world, and find the target, which must have a certain speed.

If it comes to send a letter, the recipient may not be able to wait until this time... Klein looked at the safe-type white bone creature that climbed slowly, and thought in his heart.

He let the smile just reappear on his face:

"After serious thinking, I think I still can't bother you.

"Thank you for your will."

The creature made up of the illusory white bones stopped, just like it was just before.

Klein quickly lifted the call and smashed the forehead.

He was a bit frustrated for a while, decided to give up on himself and use a less troublesome way to find a messenger, that is, "open recruitment, interview selection"!

Taking a breath, Klein calmed his mind and held a ceremony.

Looking at the burning candle, he stepped back:


"I summon in my name:

"The spirit of vain, the friendly creatures that can be driven, willing to be the unique existence of my messenger."


In the wall of spirituality, the wind was fierce, and Klein’s half-high silk hats almost vacated.

The candle swayed and swelled to the size of the human head, pale to the point of losing temperature.

A translucent head is as slowly as a breakthrough film. The hair is light and smooth, and the eyes are scarlet and bloody.

A bit familiar... Klein whispered silently.

The head was completely drilled, but the back was not the neck, but the imaginary palm holding her tail.

Behind the palm is a cuff that is complex in pattern but dark in color.

The summoned spiritual creatures are getting faster and faster, and they are quickly presented in the eyes of Klein.

This is really a familiar "person", the headless woman who stood on the top of the castle when Klein went to the bottom of the Kavitua.

She is no longer as big as before, comparable to the castle, she is now just a tall, "ordinary" lady.

Of course, her neck still has only an incision, and her hands are carrying four identical heads.

"Yes..." "You..." "Summoning..." "I?" The headless woman in a dark and complex black dress stood there quietly, and the four heads hanging down were opened in turn, using Gufusa. Ke language.

You can communicate directly in language... The level of this spiritual creature is not low... I remember that you have a castle... There are industries, how come you can "apply" the messenger? Klein first felt, then spit, and then looked at the candlelight behind the headless woman, disappointed to find that no other souls came out.

He originally thought that there would be a lot of spiritual creatures who would like to be their messengers, flocking in rows, waiting for an interview. As a result, there was only one respondent.

It should be the problem of the ceremony itself. This is a simpler and junior summoning ceremony. It is impossible to summon multiple targets at once... Klein looked at the headless lady, and Zheng focused on it:


Without waiting for the other party to open, he added two more questions:

"Can you swim in the spirit world faster? How is your ability to survive?"

The head of the headless woman’s hand replied in turn:

"Yes." "Alright..." "Not bad."

As she spoke, she floated up and quickly fell down and showed it.

Calling... Klein decided not to try to know what the outcome would be, and asked seriously:

"Would you like to sign a contract and become my messenger?"

The headless woman's skirt is fretting, and the four heads of blonde red eyes nod at the same time:

"Yes." "Every time..." "One..." "Gold coins."

what? Send a letter to a gold coin? Mr. Azke did not say that there are such hobbies in the spiritual world... Yes, he mentioned that when signing a contract, try to persuade and communicate as much as possible. Is this a form of persuasion and communication? Klein was surprised to want to lift the call immediately.

Wait, not necessarily by me... who summoned the messenger who paid the money... Hey, maybe after the communication is better, there is still the option to pay this... The thoughts are transferred, and Klein agrees with the other party’s request:

"it is good.

"We will sign the contract."

He picked up the dark red round pen and the yellow-brown parchment that had been prepared for a long time, and quickly wrote the contract with the ancient Hermes that could shake the natural forces.

The format and terms are all described in detail in Azke's letter. They are concise and powerful, including the fact that the messenger cannot peek at the letter, discard the letter, and endanger the life of the contractor. Of course, if the letter of the contractor involves a messenger, Must explain to the other party in advance.

In addition to these contents, Klein also added a clause to send a letter of gold coins, and clearly stated that it can be borne by the contractor or by the other party.

In order to ensure the validity of the contract, the last part is the name of the gods in the field.

This is a necrotic contract. Normally, the name of the **** of death must be used. But this **** of death has been degraded for a long time, and there is no longer any response. Therefore, Azke mentioned that it can be described by the high-ranking body of the dead spirit or the description of the underworld itself. Instead, the binding force is not so strong.

Klein undoubtedly chose the underworld that is closely related to Daxie:

"The fate of all deaths, the **** of the spiritual world, the testimony of all things, the kingdom of death."

After the description of these four sentences, the ancient Hermes on the yellow-brown parchment ignited the green flame one by one, and the surrounding haze was stunned.

With the text in hand, Klein took out the Azick copper whistle, pressed it on the parchment, and wrote his current name:

"German Sparo."

This does not necessarily require a real name, because the breath of its own will enter the contract, the purpose of the name is only used to summon, that is, with the "German Sparo's messenger" can be summoned, "Klein Moretti's Contract creatures can't.

When Klein signed it, the parchment floated up, with Azick copper whistle and dark red pen, flew to the headless woman.

A blonde red-eyed head carrying a headless woman bites the round pen and drops her name:

"Renette. Nicole."

The green flame quickly merged into a piece, wrapped in Azick copper whistle and yellow-brown parchment.

After a few seconds, the parchment turned into ashes, and the copper whistle fell to Klein's palm.

The four heads of the headless woman, Renee, rubbed their eyes at the same time, and the figure quickly became illusory, retracting into the pale candlelight.

- After the contract is reached, Klein no longer needs to use the spell of de-calling, which can be done by his own will.

Huh, there is finally a messenger, "the spirit that lingers in vain, the friendly creature that can be driven, the messenger of German Sparo"... Well, there is a chance to find a craftsman to make a copper-like whistle. Items, so as not to call the messenger every time, but also to hold a ceremony... Klein is in a good mood to clean up the mess.

In the next few days, Bayam gradually returned to normal, but Daniz still did not listen to the telegram of the "Blood Top" pirate group.

On Sunday morning, he flipped through the newspaper and suddenly lowered his voice to Klein:

"I have an extraordinary party tonight, do you want to participate?"

PS: At the end of Monday, ask for a monthly ticket~

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