Lord of the Mysteries

Vol 3 Chapter 80: Yilian (recommended ticket for the monthly ticket)

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Extraordinary party? When Klein thought about it, he nodded and responded:


The collection of auxiliary materials for the "Master of Secrets" potion should also be put on the agenda, and you can see if you can meet the craftsman... He subconsciously plans the arrangement in his heart.

Seeing that Greman Sparo promised, Daniz quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and it was difficult to contain the smile.

In the past few days, the bounty has improved a lot and he has not been out of the heavy duty of monitoring. He has been very honestly staying in the hotel suite, and he is so flustered that he can’t wait to come at night.

The extraordinary people mentioned by Daniz are gathered at the Fragrant Leaf Bar, where many pirates, informants and adventurers are active. It is the first choice for inquiring about intelligence and purchasing supplies.

Klein was wearing a black coat and a silk hat. He followed Daniz through the crowded bar hall and entered a card room. Under the watchful eyes of several guards, he gave the agreed secret code along the hidden ladder. Down, come to a wide underground area.

Here, like the “Dragon Bar” in Tingen, there is an underground trading market selling herbs, essential oils, ancient books, spells and various common occult materials, but the difference is that there are various guns and ammunition here. For sale, Klein even discovered fire and lead bombs belonging to antiques.

Oh, there are fake identity documents, fake seals... It’s an overseas colony, and similar industries are much more developed than Tingen... I will buy a batch of materials to be used as a spell in the field of “Poseidon”. There will always be some concessions in the big... Klein turns his head around with a small amount, and counts the situation in the underground area.

Deniz, who is next to him, has doubts about his makeup and dressing technique. He deliberately put on a cap and pressed the front down very low to cover the half of his face. At this time, he is very skilled in directing Klein to go underground. At the other end of the trading market, the closed door was opened with a two-short percussion.

There was only one candle behind the door. It swayed on the side wall of the lamp stand, and it was dimly lit, barely illuminating the small room.

Daniels pointed at or hanged or placed on the table in a robe mask, etc., to Klein:

"It’s up to you to decide what to do with camouflage, or you can’t do it.”

Klein looked around and looked at the guards in the room:

"I do not need."

I am now an informant of the kingdom's military. The Storm Church also knows this identity. There is nothing to be afraid of... If pirates and adventurers have made a fuss because I have not done camouflage, I am trying to attack, oh... Klein’s mind is horrible. A scene where the bounty is the same as the one that comes to fly.

Daniz snorted and covered his black iron mask and put it on his face.

Then, he and Klein, led by the guards, entered another room through a dim corridor.

It is quite luxuriously furnished. The floor is covered with thick carpets from the South China. There are flashing gold lanterns on the walls, and the fresh candles are filled with light.

Klein swept his eyes and didn't need Daniz to help. He found a brown leather sofa and sat down, leaning back and picking up his right leg.

There have been more than twenty people gathered here, there are men, women, and hooded robes, and they have a natural appearance. According to Deniz’s morning description, not all of them are extraordinary. There are also spokesmen of certain forces and adventurers, pirates and occult enthusiasts who want to be extraordinary.

In a quiet atmosphere, time passed quite slowly. After about seven or eight minutes, the old man sitting in the easy chair straightened his back and clasped his hands. Hehe smiled:

"Everyone starts."

Because of his age, his white hair is already sparse, leaving only a thin layer, but the light brown eyes are not cloudy, bright and sharp.

"The convenor of the party, ‘Gi Lishi’ Ozil, the former well-known pirate, now the owner behind the fragrant leaf bar.” Daniz micro-body, depressed voice to introduce Klein.

He actually said it in the morning, but he was afraid that German Sparo could not be on the top and angered himself afterwards.

It’s a sad thing to be secretly mastered... Daniz sighed in his heart.

Klein did not see the dagger, quietly watching the other people's transactions.

Here, there are the potions recipes such as “Warrior”, “Sailor” and “Speek of the Secret”, but they have never been purchased, and the sellers who are looking forward to it are disappointed to stop again and again.

Daniz took a look at the face of German. Sparo, who had no expression, and turned sideways, whispered:

"There is no notary at this party. There is no strong fortuneteller. The authenticity of the potion formula cannot be guaranteed. This kind of thing is too easy to falsify, and even if it is recognized that the formula is forged, it cannot punish the seller because he may also It is a victim."

I know... this is one of the reasons why the potion formula can't be widely spread... Klein puts down his right leg and leans forward slightly, and the voice is not high and low:

"I need the spirituality of the remnants of ancient grievances."

He did not mention the auxiliary materials such as the eyes of the six-winged gargoyle and the spring water of the Golden Spring of Sunia. He was worried that others would guess that he was a "faceless person" and was preparing to promote the "Master of Secrets."

- In the city of Tingen, Klein relied on the matching of auxiliary materials to doubt that Dust Guderian was a quasi-"audience", thus clarifying the identity of his members of the psychological alchemists.

The spiritual remnant of the individual ancient grievances cannot be inferred more, because many rituals in the field of the dead are used.

Although Klein did not disguise, he should be cautious and he still has it.

The room was quiet for two seconds, with a slightly dull humming sound:

"How much do you need?"

really have? Klein controlled his expression and did not let the joy reveal.

He looked at the person who was talking to him and found that he was a 30-year-old man with obvious local ancestry.

The other person's skin color bronze, but there is a kind of long-term malnutrition or lack of light, the face is thin, the cheekbone is protruding, the eyes are sunken, white is more than black.

"A small bottle." Kline pulled out a metal vial as an example.

The thin, dull man was silent for a while:

"500 pounds."

It’s reasonable... Klein wanted to counter-offer, but the corner of his eye was aimed at Daniz sitting next to him.

I am German Sparrow, a cold and crazy adventurer... Klein repeated this sentence three times in his heart, quietly took a breath and calmly nodded:

"it is good."

He took out the pile of thick cash prepared in advance and counted a huge sum of 500 pounds.

The man with a white eye and a sultry man took a glass test tube from his pocket and threw it at his hand and threw it at Klein:

"For more than a year, spirituality will be completely lost."

He is not afraid that the other party can't stand it, because even if it breaks, it doesn't affect the material itself, just change the container.

Klein lifted his right hand and took the glass test tube accurately. He saw a phosphorescent light spot floating inside, and when they touched the inner wall of the glass, they would swell and become a vaguely blurred face. Open your mouth, silently shouting.

It’s true... Klein nodded secretly and handed the thick 500 pounds of cash to the waiter who came close, and he transferred it to the seller.

The transaction continued, most of the abortions, a small amount of success.

Near the end, the party convener, "Gi Lishi" Ozer smiled:

"I have a commission."

He said while taking a photo from the inside pocket of the garment:

"Find the person above, the reward is 1,000 pounds, or the common extraordinary material of the equivalent, remember, can't hurt her."

1,000 pounds? This can make most adventurers crazy... I don't know who I am looking for, I have given such a high reward... Klein did not accidentally see everyone present and expressed willingness to give it a try.

The photos began to be delivered in a counterclockwise order and arrived in Klein's hand in a few minutes.

He glanced at him casually, and suddenly there was a little surprise in his heart.

The woman on the photo looks quite beautiful, with a bright red hair and a pair of green eyes like gems. The skin color is not white, but it gives a healthy feeling.

When taking pictures, she wore a long skirt of lake color, and the waist was tightened with a ribbon of flowers. It looked very slender and her face seemed to be laughing, but the whole was not pleasant, it was awkward.

A girl with a good family... Who will spend 1000 pounds to find her, and the premise is that she can't hurt her... Well, the photo that barely smiles... Klein’s mind flashed a lot of love and hateful romance stories. .

What overbearing pirates fell in love with the daughter of the rich merchants, robbed her to her own boat, and finally escaped by her. What broke the aristocratic lady into a pirate, and she was arrested, and she was staged with the "Calculator" and the military middle and upper class men. The love of sin, and to get rid of the predicament, left the cage, what the freshly baked witch was in a pleasant mood, accidentally provoked the emotional debt... Similar ideas surging, Klein almost lifted the palm , cover your face.

The novels of the previous generation have seen more... In this world, because of the psychological shadow of the witch... He sighed and raised his head, to the party convener Ozl:

"what is her name?"

"Irian," Ozl replied succinctly. "But it must have been replaced with a pseudonym."

Elaine, the typical Intis female name... Klein asked again:

“Is there something she wears often?

"The hair is OK too."

This is the medium used for divination.

Klein didn't mention that the clothes that had not been washed recently had met the requirements. I was afraid that the employer behind the scenes would give me a woman's underwear, which would be awkward.

Ozl shook his head:


“She has a strong anti-tracking ability.”

“How is her strength?” asked another party participant.

Ozl solemnly said:

"The employer did not describe it in detail, but said that it was not too powerful, but stronger than the sequence 9.

"You don't need to catch her, just make sure that her whereabouts will be paid."

PS: In the last few hours of 2018, I would like to ask for a monthly ticket recommendation~ Well, the vote of the annual popular character is still a few hours away. No matter what the last time, we have kept the first for so long, it is all worthy of being happy. I will add one more in the morning, thank you.

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