Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 326 Four-star City Lord, Weapon Immortal Han Xin, Fuze Summoning Sect

After the battle, the little milk babies went back to the villa to sleep.

Yi Tian was lucky that the blood was not contaminated on them, so they could be carefree!

After the territory members were greatly promoted, I thanked Yi Tian.

Three-dimensional +200, this requires a lot of natural materials and earthly treasures to accumulate.

"It has been detected that the construction of the soldier reinforcement platform is completed."

"It has been detected that the lord's territory has reached the upgrade conditions and is now the four-star city lord."

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian repeatedly.

This spiritual energy initiation allowed the Galaxy Agriculture Company, Galaxy Catering Company, and jailers in the territory to break through to A level.

The newly established Galaxy Mining Company has all entered Class B.

Coupled with the increase in territory buildings, Yitian was successfully upgraded.

Back to the villa...

Yi Tian takes Wu Ling Tea and practices the Demon Killing Sword.

After practicing, it was already 12:20 in the morning.

The gold list system has been updated!

His cultivation level increased sharply, and Yi Tian checked his combat level.

Ranked first on the combat power gold list, level 7413.

Yi Tian's cultivation has greatly improved, and he has entered the late S level. His spiritual power has reached 9115, his fighting proficiency is LV.16, and his sword proficiency is LV.16.

The combat level has increased by nearly two thousand.

This was expected by Yi Tian.

His Tai Chi Ice and Fire is so powerful, it integrates slamming, defense, and group attack.

Coupled with Yi Tian's many god-level talents, this leads to an increase in Yi Tian's spiritual power and a surge in combat effectiveness.

Other lords are far from achieving the effect of Yi Tian.

Yi Tian still has a lot of spiritual objects that have not been used. The abyss has passed. Tomorrow Yi Tian will use the first-level time and space stone to take all the spiritual objects and enlightenment pills. By the way, they will be stable in the time and space barrier for a period of time.

Ranked second on the combat power gold list, Zihuang Yuewu is at level 6818.

Although her secret of mutated fire is higher than Yi Tian's, her magical powers are not as powerful as Yi Tian's, and she has not yet reached Nirvana.

Physically, Zihuang Yuewu is far inferior to Yi Tian, ​​so although her spiritual power is close to Yi Tian's, her combat effectiveness is far behind.

As long as Zihuang Yuewu reaches nirvana, her magical power will undergo a qualitative change, and she will be able to shrink the distance from Yi Tian.

The same is true for other Prodigy Kings. Their bloodline is there, and only after reaching S level can they be qualified to transform.

Under the Purple Phoenix Moon Dance is the source of magic, with 6100 combat power.

His cultivation level improved quickly, but it was far inferior to the soul-purifying divine water and hundreds of S-level spiritual fruits.

Below is Shen Yun, level 5709.

The King of Prodigies is improving his cultivation under the influence of Yi Tian, ​​which does not mean anything.

It is foreseeable that before the end of the month, the Prodigy King may increase his three-dimensional and spiritual power to 9000+.

And will usher in the first transformation!

At that time, it will be the time for the Prodigy King to compete.

It is inevitable for the Prodigy Kings to purchase spiritual fruits and improve their cultivation.

Because they are also afraid that Yi Tian will suddenly attack their territory, or if important clan members are attacked by Yi Tian, ​​they must rescue them.

This year, their luck has given them powerful life-saving trump cards. But this kind of trump card must be based on strong spiritual power.

The gold list is refreshed, and the lords click on it immediately.

Many lords who didn't know why were shocked when they saw the battle levels between Yi Tian and Zihuang Yuewu!

Why did the combat strength gold list change so quickly in just one day?

Let’s not talk about being second best in the world, he is just a pervert.

Any surprising thing would not be so surprising if it happened to the second best person in the world.

Zihuang Yuewu, a member of the female class, reached second place and had the potential to overtake the second best player in the world, which shocked the lords.

No matter which planet it is, there is a legend of the Phoenix.

Although the phoenix may not necessarily be of the phoenix clan, this race is synonymous with the strong.

First there was Shen Yun, then there was Purple Phoenix Moon Dance, both of them were the kings of female geniuses, making the female lords very proud.

It even shocked the morale of the Phoenix clan.

Strong women are always more tolerant than strong men, and they will make strong men more daydreaming.

For example, Shen Yun, although not many lords have seen her, is the goddess in the dreams of countless lords.

In the future, Purple Phoenix Moon Dance will also have a large number of fans, and they will also be a top race.

Unlike Yi Tian, ​​because of his status as a human race, there are not many supporters of the top race.

S-class mercenary gold list, ranked 2569th.

Rank up after completing some S-level tasks.

This is not safe for the selection of the mercenary king.

There is time to continue completing the mercenary mission.

"Your Majesty, the loot and battle losses have been tallied!"

At this time, Gu Qianqiu came to report to Yi Tian.

"How are the casualties?"

Yi Tian asked what he was most concerned about first.

"A total of 720 territorial soldiers were killed and 386 injured this time. Now all the minor and serious injuries have been controlled, but two members lost their arms."

"Ten territory's five elements warriors were lost, thirty-five hegemonic warriors were lost, thirty-three streamer warriors were lost, and thirty-two giant spirit warriors were lost. The cores of the warriors have all been recovered."

Gu Qianqiu reported this number sadly.

Underneath the seemingly overwhelming victory was a shocking number of casualties.

The ratio of casualties to serious injuries was so high because ordinary members of the territory would not be injured when encountering gold or purple-gold undead skeletons, but would only be killed.

The elemental warriors were always at the rear, and there were territorial soldiers in front who resisted to the death. The undead skeletons without wisdom could not come into contact with the elemental warriors, so they were not destroyed.

Yi Tian felt very sad for the death of so many Five Elements warriors and three-dimensional warriors.

Although the reconstructed soldiers have the same strength as the original soldiers as long as the core of the soldiers is not destroyed, they have lost the power of the soldiers and have to learn it again in the King of Soldiers Pavilion.

"Falled soldiers will be buried in Heroes Mountain. After the founding of the country in the future, they will enjoy the will of the country!"

"These are two drops of Tiandao original liquid. After taking it, the broken arm will be reborn. Give it to the territory members who have lost their arm!"

After Yi Tian solemnly gave Gu Qianqiu instructions, he took out two transparent bottles from the storage ring.

Inside each bottle, there is a drop of cyan liquid.

There are currently thirty-eight drops of Tiandao original solution. Just use it. You can buy horse bones for a thousand gold. The morale of the territory is very important.

He fights without any scruples and can turn a group of territory members into die-hard loyalists.

"You are wise and mighty. The soldiers must work hard with all their heart and mind!"

Gu Qianqiu took the original liquid of Tiandao with both hands, and he admired Yi Tian in his heart.

From a down-and-out nobleman, to a bandit leader, and now.

Gu Qianqiu reached a state that he could not even imagine.

Even if he only spends an hour a day training, he now has 1800+ three dimensions.

The former Maple Kingdom was already vulnerable to its territory.

Gu Qianqiu's admiration value for Yi Tian is now one hundred, and he always firmly believes that glory has just begun.

During this time, he has been studying with Zhuge Liang. He can see that the Lord is very fond of Zhuge Liang.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang is an all-rounder, he seems to know everything, and Gu Qianqiu admires him very much.

Gu Qianqiu corrects his position and always does what the lord wants. He also firmly believed that the lord would not treat him badly.

"How about the spoils?" Yi Tian motioned to Gu Qianqiu to continue reporting.

"This time, a total of 8 late-level S-level demonic dragons, 48 ​​mid-level S-level demonic dragons, 252 early-stage S-level demonic people, more than 2,100 late-A-level demonic people, and more than 5,200 mid-A-level demonic people were captured. There are more than 22,000 A-level early-stage demonic dragons."

Next, Gu Qianqiu reported the number of prisoners to Yi Tian.

Yi Tian had reacted quickly, but more than 10,000 demonic dragons still escaped, especially some powerful demonic dragons.

Fortunately, the harvest is not bad!

"This time I received 44 SS-level magic weapons, 780 S-level magic weapons, and 38,000 A-level magic weapons."

"Get a thousand siege towers!"

"All the damaged magic weapons have been transported to the special metal decomposition plant."

Here's all the loot from this run.

Abyssal invaders can enter the territory without carrying a beast core.

So I didn’t get the beast core this time.

This time, two junior storage rings were obtained, which were taken away by Yi Tian in advance.

A storage ring was vomited out of the stomach by the tengu. It swallowed the dragon Echigo and could not digest it.

There is also a storage ring belonging to the third prince of the magic dragon. Yi Tian hasn't had time to check the items in the storage ring.

Yi Tian is not very optimistic about the storage ring of the Abyss Demon Cultivator.

However, the strength of the Demonic Dragon Abyss is indeed powerful.

The demonic dragon warriors who came to attack each had an A-level magic weapon.

This is a batch of precious wealth!

There is still a market for A-level magical weapons.

These siege towers were very practical and the nemesis of high walls, so Yi Tian planned to keep them.

After Yi Tian's Climbing Talisman Array is set up, it will be difficult to jump onto the city wall.

He and Gu Qianqiu came outside the city once.

Bodies were piled together, along with broken limbs and arms.

Yi Tian was afraid that Zhu Biao would fall asleep, so he had contacted Zhu Biao a long time ago and had a batch of goods to process.

Zhu Biao only has a sixth-level territory, and he has no intention of upgrading it to a seventh-level territory.


Yi Tian gave Zhu some green ice springs as payment for his hard work.

There are more than 10,000 demonic dragon corpses, and the crematorium's load at this time can be fully withstood by Zhu Biao.

There are also piles of bones outside the city, which really seem to make Yi Tian a "demon lord".

Yi Tian asked the members of the territory to transport these bones to the city and next to the Tianlao, and let the prisoners of the Tianlao crush these bones into bone-hardening powder.

The Bloody Undead Skeleton Bone Tempering Powder is the highest level and can be added with SS-level magical weapons to improve its toughness.

Even the lowest-level black undead skeleton bone-tempering powder can be used as an A-level magic weapon or an additive for high-level cities.

As for these large numbers of prisoners, Yi Tian was ready to sell them on the spot! The SSS-level heavenly prison can be forced into place, but it is difficult to manage and wastes food.

Yi Tian did not expect to be redeemed by the Demonic Abyss.

The third prince of the devil dragon can be kept. Although the devil wolf abyss ignores life, the third prince of the devil dragon has god-level talents.

Even if the Demonic Dragon Abyss is a high-level abyss, this kind of qualification is rare.

Yi Tian divided all the A-level magic dragons into twenty-eight price levels and put them on the auction house.

Body refiners are at the same price, Qi refiners are at the same price, weapons proficiency levels are at the same price, body refiners with talents are at the same price, and different levels also have different prices.

On the auction house, after reaching level A, different levels have different prices. Often a hundred more three dimensions means a different price.

The minimum cultivation level of a demon dragon man is 1200+.

This kind of cultivation is worth about 3 million Tiandao coins on the auction house.

The average A-level demonic dragon captured by Yi Tian is worth 5 million Tiandao coins.

Although the Demonic Flood Dragons are creatures of the abyss, their bloodline is several levels higher than that of the Demonic Werewolves, which means they have more potential.

Therefore, it has been auctioned at the original price. The demon cultivator lord prefers the abyss creatures.

Yi Tian plans to exchange the other late S-level magic dragons, mid-S level magic dragons, and early S-level magic dragons for human Qi refiners and talented body refiners.

Yi Tian would rather suffer a little loss if he could add strong men to his territory.

This time there were not enough strong men in the territory, which taught Yi Tian a profound lesson.

After all the information about the A-level demonic dragons was drafted in the auction house, the information about the S-level demonic dragons began to be drafted.

Eight late-stage S-level demonic dragons would definitely not be able to replace late-stage S-level humans.

Because those aborigines who have cultivated their abilities are all in the hands of the unparalleled geniuses.

Yi Tian settled for the next best thing, mainly exchanging mid-level S-level and mid-level S-level demonic dragons.

Eight late-stage S-level demonic dragons were escorted to the SSS-level prison, accompanied by His Highness the Third Prince!

Yi Tian knew that there must be some lords like Yi Tian who were imprisoning a group of "stubborn" or disliked creatures. There must be humans among these creatures.

They have not sold it in the auction house because they want to wait for a price or blackmail the indigenous people.

Yi Tian put the S-class magic dragon on the shelves at a "loss" price, and there must be some lords interested.

Yitian plans to sell a large part of the magic weapon!

Now that there is a market for the magic weapon, if it is sold too late, the price of the magic weapon will definitely drop.

Last month, the A-level magic weapons were worth 6 million Tiandao coins, but this month they were only worth 5 million Tiandao coins.

The same goes for Aboriginal people!

This is the impact of the resources in the universe on the resources of the Tiandao world after entering the Tiandao world.

Magic weapons, Yi Tian only left eight thousand magic weapons to recruit new soldiers, led by Wei Qing!

Yi Tian plans to recruit 3,000 soldiers as Wei Qing first, and keep the remaining 5,000 A-level magic weapons to see who will be summoned by the White Tiger Bloodline Summoning Gate. The newly obtained Supreme Treasure Box may also open the Bloodline Summoning Gate.

Thirty thousand A-level magical weapons are on the shelves, priced at 500 Heavenly Dao coins each.

SS-level magic weapons and S-level magic weapons are not for sale and will be placed in the boutique warehouse.

In the current territory, excluding the S-class magic weapon given to the soldier captain, there are more than 3,500 weapons worth 150 billion Tiandao coins.

In addition to the SS-level magical weapons given to generals, there are more than 400 weapons worth 150 billion Tiandao coins.

These are must-have items and Yitian will not sell them for the time being.

If the absolute number one on the resource gold list cannot be determined at the end of the month, Yi Tiantian will sell these magical weapons and even various spiritual-level rare treasures!

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.


After hearing the cry of Xiaoyue Silver Wolf, Yi Tian immediately returned to the war manor.

The summoning gate of the White Tiger bloodline has finally been summoned. Yi Tian wants to see who is the master!

A young man in civilian clothes appeared in Yi Tian's sight.

He has an extraordinary appearance, a firm look in his eyes, and a majestic temperament.

Name: Han Xin.

Race: Human race.

Loyalty: 98.

Strength: 9200.

Constitution: 9200.

Agility: 9200.

Spiritual power: 9200.

Mental strength: 4000.

Talent: Last Stand [White Tiger Bloodline], SSS level. Start a last-ditch battle, and the three dimensions will be improved by 80%. Features: Remove the flag and change the flag, increase own attack power by 20%, and increase the attack power of the soldiers under your command by 20%.

Special talent: Soldier Immortal. During combat, the attack power is increased by 60%, the attack power of the soldiers under his command is increased by 20%, the morale is increased by 50%, and the courage is increased by 50%.

Special talent: Point troops. Han Xin led an army of ten thousand chariots, wielding it like an arm. If you have more than 5,000 soldiers under your command, your attack power will increase by 10%, your defense power will increase by 10%, your speed will increase by 10%, your reaction power will increase by 10%, and your weapon proficiency will increase by one level; if you have more than 10,000 soldiers under your command, your attack power will increase by 20% and your defense power will increase 20%, speed increased by 20%, reaction power increased by 20%, weapon proficiency increased by two levels; with more than 50,000 soldiers under his command, attack power increased by 30%, defense power increased by 30%, speed increased by 30%, reaction power increased by 30%, weapons Mastery is increased by three levels; there are more than 500,000 soldiers under his command, attack power is increased by 40%, defense power is increased by 40%, speed is increased by 40%, reaction power is increased by 40%, weapon proficiency is increased by four levels; there are more than five million soldiers under his command, and attack power is increased by 40%. Improved by 50%, defense increased by 50%, speed increased by 50%, reaction ability increased by 50%, weapon proficiency increased by five levels; with more than 100 million soldiers under his command, attack power increased by 60%, defense increased by 60%, speed increased by 60%, Reaction power is increased by 60%, and weapon proficiency is increased by six levels.

Special talent: Unparalleled national warrior, the fortune of territory and country is increased by 50%. When commanding soldiers to resist any energy attack, the attack power is increased by 30%.

Skills: Swordsmanship proficiency LV.16, fighting proficiency LV.14, strength training LV.14, body as light as a swallow LV.14, mastery of swordsmanship.

big cow!

A man full of stories, a well-known general in Chinese history.

Big downs, big ups, big ups and big downs.

Almost everyone in China knows his deeds.

Winning or losing does not matter.

There is a confidant in life and death, and there are two wives in life and death.

Han Xin is not perfect in history, he has many shortcomings.

But his achievements are a highlight in history, and he is a model for future generations of military strategists to admire and learn from.

The Last Stand and the Soldier Immortal, a life story and a title for future generations.

It is a standard talent for famous generals.

This special talent of commanding troops is so interesting.

Even primary school students know an idiom, Han Xin orders troops, the more the better.

Attack power, speed, defense power, reaction power, these are understandable.

But it temporarily improves the weapon proficiency of the soldiers under his command.

Among the current famous generals, Han Xin is the only one.

With this superposition, if Han Xin could command five million people, everyone would be able to fight with SSS-level talents.

No wonder Wujiang, the overlord of Western Chu, was forced to commit suicide.

The most important thing is that this is just a special talent for troops. If it adds a last-ditch battle, then it adds a soldier.

can not imagine!

Also, the national warrior is unparalleled!

Having the talent of Unparalleled National Scholars means that Han Xin can lead an army of body refiners and be able to crush an army of Qi refiners, an army of elemental masters, an army of magicians, etc.

In addition, Guoshi Wushuang increases the fortune of the territory by 50%.

Current territory fortune: 480%.

The fortune is only 20% away from paradise on earth.

Yi Tian only needs to upgrade the primary climbing platform to reach it.

It's just that what troubles you about getting the title of Fairyland on Earth is not luck, nor the intensity of spiritual energy, architectural rating, planning rating, etc., but the intensity of heavenly spiritual energy.

10% of the density of heavenly spiritual energy is so rare!

Han Xin practiced spiritual power, but he did not major in spiritual power. The purpose of spiritual power was to better mobilize the army. After all, he commanded thousands of troops.

Resurrected by the White Tiger Bloodline Summoning Gate, Han Xin directly possesses level 16 swordsmanship proficiency, is more powerful in fighting proficiency than Wei Qing, can train his muscles and bones horizontally, and is as light as a swallow.

Master of swordsmanship, attack power increased by 120%.

Cultivate your military will to break through and advance.

It's a pity that there is no secret of spirit.

"Han Xin meets the lord!"

Han Xin was in great pain when he thought about the outcome of his previous life. After resurrecting his life, he knew that even though he was responsible, the woman with an extremely inflated desire for power was the culprit of his death.

His great achievements shocked the emperor, and he also hindered Empress Lu from intervening in government affairs. In order to consolidate his power, Lu Hou joined forces with Xiao He to trap him and kill him.

He once had the intention to rebel, but he had no choice but to fight in the north and south and made great contributions.

However, he was deprived of his throne and became the Marquis of Huaiyin. Liu Bang had made a personal promise to him.

Will telling the truth to Liu Bang lead to suspicion?

He still has a question about what role Liu Bang plays behind this.

However, after living another life, those people have become a thing of the past.

For Han Xin, a favor must be repaid with a meal, and he will live a heavy life and fight for his lord.

He felt his own blood and the origins in his body, and knew his transformation.

He must reach the top of the stage of the world of heaven and let all races in the universe know the name of Han Xin, another race.

"The name of Han Xin is as loud as thunder in my ears. It is a great blessing in life that the military immortal and commander I admire can appear in front of me." Yi Tian quickly helped Han Xin up and said sincerely.

Han Xin was jealous of Liu Bang because of his low emotional intelligence.

Once, Han Xin and Liu Bang were drinking together, and Liu Bang asked Han Xin how many troops he could command.

Han Xin told Liu Bang that you can only lead 100,000 troops, and you will not be able to lead more than 100,000 troops.

Liu Bang asked Han Xin again, if you were asked to lead troops, how many troops and horses could you bring? Han Xin said, "The more, the better."

This was also the trigger for Liu Bang to get rid of Han Xin.

Yi Tian had a plan in mind. He would first recruit 10,000 soldiers and horses for Han Xin, and then gradually expand it to 50,000.

Let Han Xin's bonus to soldiers be increased to 30%.

If it's half a million, Yi Tian doesn't have the ability to get it at the moment. It would be too strenuous and he has to do it step by step.

Yi Tian regretted putting the Thirty Thousand Divine Weapon on the shelves.

However, it is impossible to take it off the shelves. A 5% handling fee will be deducted, which Yitian cannot afford to suffer.

Use the five thousand A-level magic weapons first.

Ten thousand soldiers must be A-level, with a three-dimensional strength of 1,400+ or ​​more. They cannot be raised in a short while.

A-level slaves are already rare, and now there are none in the auction house, let alone humans.

When the abyss invades, all the abyssal creatures come, but there are no human beings.

Yi Tian exchanged the magic dragon people for the humans who were captured by the lords due to the bad luck of heaven last time.

Just like the Danu orcs and Jin tribesmen imprisoned in Yi Tian's SS-level prison.

If there is no talent and misfortune comes, Yi Tian can only find Xuan Qingyun's human trafficking company.

He is going to look for winter beasts and snow beasts soon, and there will be a wave of three-dimensional rewards when the time comes. Yi Tian can't wait until next month.

"People who fail don't dare to have any famous names. I don't know if my name is above the painting." Han Xin is still brooding about the events of his previous life. After all, it was too painful to die.

"Thousands of years ago, your fame will never be extinguished and your reputation will last forever. Our Chinese family will know your name from generation to generation. We have gone through many hardships and always forged ahead. I will not be suspicious of you like Liu Bang, and the more you say, the better. Just be here In the world of cultivators, everything puts the elite first, and it will take a lot of time for you to command an army of millions."

In Yi Tian's heart, Han Xin is one of the most outstanding generals in China, even the first.

Han Xin did not need to pay too much attention to the quality of his soldiers. He could train a group of stragglers into an elite division.

"Han Xin doesn't dare to look any further. He will be loyal to you until death."

Han Xin bowed again.

Just because Yi Tian resurrected him and allowed him to see the magnificent world of heaven, he died without any regrets.

"Han Xin, our world is named Earth. Although we have a splendid civilization, it is only a very small planet in the universe. When you see this world of heaven, you will know how vast the world is. In our legend Dragons and phoenixes are not uncommon here, the so-called gods and demons really exist. This great time is the direction we pursue." Yi Tian lifted Han Xin up and said to Han Xin emotionally.

Just the Daku region where Yi Tian is located is much larger than the earth.

Yi Tian saw Han Xin's loyalty, and he said this because he wanted Han Xin not to be too persistent.

"Han Xin, understand!"


Compared with some information in my mind, everything in the past life should be forgotten!

"Let us set aside the clouds and mist and look at the sun, moon and stars of this world again. Why do they use their blood to determine the fate of our human race? It has just begun. It is not too late for you to come here, and we will encourage you together!"

The three great military geniuses of the early Han Dynasty, Han Xin, Wei Qing, and Huo Qubing, were all at their disposal.

Yi Tian's heart is also full of pride.

"No fear of anything, no fear of anything, thank you Lord!"

Han Xin's blood boiled when he heard Yi Tian's words. Loyalty soared directly to one hundred.

After chatting with Han Xin for a while, Yi Tian called Huo Qubing and Wei Qing, who were closer in age to Han Xin.

Let them arrange accommodation for Han Xin, communicate with each other, and discuss.

Wei Qing and Huo Qubing led the cavalry and galloped across the desert.

Han Xin mainly used infantry.

The past life is the past life, in this life, they should be able to become friends!

There are three supreme treasure chests. Yi Tian does not have the habit of keeping the treasure chests overnight.

If it is not turned on, Yi Tian cannot sleep.

"Open the Supreme Treasure Box!"

Yi Tian used the Tiandao Stone to scan the three supreme treasure boxes.

Swish, swish, swish!

The purple-gold light flashed, the Supreme Treasure Box decomposed into Supreme Stones, and a pile of items appeared next to it.

"Supreme Stone*5, Tiandao Coin*5 million, Fuze Summoning Gate*1, Heavenly Soul Stone*1, Golden Flame Stone*1, Dream Stone*1, Intermediate City Building Order Design Drawing*1, Small Airship Design Drawing *1, Top Spiritual Tree Rootless Tree*1, SSS Level Dragon Pattern Iron*1, SS Level Elemental Staff Light Staff*1, Heavenly Leopard Blood Boosting Pill*100, Dragon Tendon Tiger Bone Pill*10, Five Elements Core* 3."

"Supreme Stone*5, Tiandao Coin*5 million, White Tiger Statue Design Drawing*1, Fuze Summoning Gate*1, Overlord Immortal Liquid*1, SSS Level Nine-leaf Ivy*5, Body Refiner Skill Catalog*1, Light as a Swallow LV.5 Cultivation Crystal Ball, SSS Level Spiritual Pill Blue Water Origin Pill*1, SSS Level Spiritual Fruit Wine Fragrant for Ten Thousand Miles*1, Skill Master Upgrade Scroll*1, Five Elements Core*3."

"Supreme Stone*5, Tiandao Coin*5 million, first-level space-time stone*1, Wuwu Spiritual Source*1, elementary teleportation talisman*1, SSS-level movement and martial arts divine shadow step, Lingze Tower design drawing*1, SSS-level Spirit flower Blue Moon Flower*5, Skill Master Upgrade Scroll*1, SS-level weapon Blood Killing Knife*1, Heavenly Dao Original Liquid*1, Five Elements Warrior Design Drawing*10, Five Elements Core*3.”

There is something new, a summoning door that seems different.

Yi Tian immediately detected the function of Fuze's summoning gate.

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