Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 327 Nine-leaf Ivy, Tao Seed

At the Fuze Summoning Gate, the lord drips blood and can resurrect the heroic spirits who have left Fuze in the history of the same race.

That is, someone who is famous in history in a certain field.

His reputation and will have been respected throughout the ages.

His knowledge and skills have been passed down for generations.

Only when reputation is integrated into the long river of history and the rules of heaven can it be resurrected.

After Yi Tian got this information, he calmed down.

I wonder if I am summoning all the schools of thought in history?

Or a great doctor and craftsman?

This time, there is not just one summoning gate of Fuze.

"Although he is not a combat-type general, he may be able to gain greater benefits."

After thinking for a while, Yi Tian felt relieved and looked forward to the difference in the Fuze Summoning Gate.

Supreme Stone +15, now there are 165 Supreme Stones.

Tiandao currency +15 million.

Five Elements Core +9, now there are 215 Five Elements Cores.

This time, four design drawings were obtained, and Yi Tian already had seven intermediate city building order design drawings.

There are now three small airship design drawings.

Lingze Tower design drawing. After the Lingze Tower is built, the Lingze Tower absorbs the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to generate Lingze Pearls.

Lingze beads are divided into power Lingze beads. After taking them, the strength will be +3.

Constitution Lingze Pearl, after taking it, constitution +3.

Agility Lingze Pearl, after taking it, agility +3.

Spiritual Power Lingze Bead, spiritual power +3 after taking it.

Only one of each type of Lingze Pearl can be taken per day.

The number of Lingze Pearls born depends on the intensity of the spiritual energy in the territory.

It is very similar to the sapphire spiritual energy vortex, but it is a little different from the sapphire spiritual energy vortex. It is more durable and can be taken indefinitely.

Lingze Building is considered a top-notch building!

White tiger statue design drawing!

There is a white tiger statue in the territory, and all ferocious beasts and spiritual beasts of the tiger bloodline will have their physical attack power and energy attack power increased by 30%.

In the territory there are the White Tiger of the Storm, the Five Tiger Generals, and the Twelve-Winged Tiger Star Beast.

If the energy attack power of the Twelve-Winged Tiger is increased by 30%, it will be a huge enhancement!

Like Lingze Tower, the White Tiger Statue must be built.

The Heavenly Soul Stone contains majestic spiritual power, and after absorption, the spiritual power is +1000.

It takes twenty-four hours to absorb the Heavenly Soul Stone.

Yi Tian has the lowest mental power, and the Heavenly Soul Stone is particularly important to Yi Tian.

The golden flame stone absorbs the golden flame stone, and the fire attribute secrets are upgraded by three levels, with the minimum being raised to level fifteen.

It is very similar to the True Meaning Stone, so put it away first.

There are currently two Dream Stones in total. Yi Tian has recently obtained four of them, and has already dreamed of the Demon-Slaying Knife twice.

The top spiritual tree has no roots.

This is a tree without roots, like a log stuck in the ground, but its branches and leaves are green and umbrella-shaped.

Provides 100% aura intensity to the territory, the rootless tree bears fruit, and limbs can be regenerated.

Only nine fruits can be produced at a time, and it takes tens of thousands of years to produce one fruit.

Yitian currently has a lot of Tiandao liquid, so there is no need to ripen the rootless tree.

After the rootless tree is planted on the floating island, the spiritual energy intensity of the territory will reach 2540%.

SSS grade dragon pattern iron, the main material for forging magical weapons.

SS-level light staff, the weapon of the light elemental master, Yi Tian has only seen in the auction house.

For example, the angels are light elemental masters.

Dragon Tendon and Tiger Bone Pill, Tianbao Chongxue Pill.

This is the fifth time that Yi Tian has drawn similar elixirs. The territory is in the development stage, and the more such elixirs, the better.

After taking the Ba Ling Immortal Liquid, the physical injury recovery ability is increased by 100%.

Yi Tian possesses the Aoki Resuscitation Technique, which is very cost-effective for Yi Tian.

He was seriously injured, and it would have taken him three breaths to recover, but with this thing, two Xiaoqiang who couldn't breathe, couldn't be beaten to death.

SSS-level treasure of heaven and earth, nine-leaf ivy, this is not a spiritual grass, let alone a spiritual flower. It is a kind of rattan tree, a natural and earthly treasure.

Yi Tian visually inspected that each nine-leaf ivy was tens or hundreds of meters long.

In a house surrounded by nine-leaf ivy, you can understand the secret of wood by yourself while sleeping.

Yes, Yi Tian has the secret meaning of wood and the green heart lotus lantern.

If the secret of wood is high in the future, Yi Tian can learn a wood attribute offensive martial skill.

Catalog of body refiner skills, wait until you enter the space-time stone in the next two days, and then make your selection.

Light as a Swallow LV.5 Practice Crystal Ball.

Currently, there are three crystal balls similar to Yi Tian's, namely, Heng Lian's muscles and bones, Proficient in swordsmanship, and His body is as light as a swallow.

In crystal ball cultivation, they are relatively valuable.

SSS level clear water origin pill, spiritual power +120, spiritual power +120.

Yi Tian had a headache when he saw the elixir. His combat power was far from reaching level 10,000 now, so it was impossible to take the elixir to improve his cultivation level.

Tomorrow I have to take the Enlightenment Pill, which is a medicine with three parts of poison, and there is also erysipelas in it.

SSS-level elixirs are the top elixirs. They should be collected and used when breaking through SS.

Skill Master upgrade scroll, this time there are two scrolls.

Yitian currently has five skill master upgrade scrolls.

Learn a skill tomorrow and upgrade it to level fifteen.

SSS grade spiritual fruit wine, fragrant for thousands of miles. One can is almost two kilograms. After taking one cup, your spiritual power will be +50, your strength will be +50, your constitution will be +50, and your agility will be +50.

It's spiritual fruit wine, not intoxicating. You can try this.

Yitian has a spiritual wine gourd, but he never wants to waste his natural resources and treasures to brew spiritual wine.

There are now two first-level space-time stones.

It can be used twice this month.

Wu Lingyuan, after taking it, enters the unity of Tao and self for one hour, and the speed of martial arts comprehension is increased by 100%.

A weakened version of the essence of Tiandao Wuwu, but for Yi Tian, ​​this is a very powerful treasure.

The primary teleportation talisman can carry five thousand soldiers out of the territory for twenty-four hours and teleport a certain distance. Disposable consumables.

Even more powerful than the territory teleportation talisman!

With this treasure, who would dare to disobey the aborigines of the Dagu region?

The SSS level martial arts skill Divine Shadow Step, Yi Tian couldn't learn, so he put it in the Sutra Pavilion.

There are five SSS-level spiritual flowers, Blue Moon Flower, in total. The flowers are blue, like a crescent moon.

Taking a blue moon flower, SSS level Qi master and elemental master will recover 50% of spiritual power.

Yitian has ten-color chrysanthemum to restore the spiritual power of S-level and below Qi-refiners; there is seven-color Begonia to restore the spiritual power of SS-level Qi-refiners.

Now there is Qingyuehua again, so we are prepared for any trouble. With the blessing of Liyue's Seven Core Flower Language, even if the spiritual power is exhausted, it will be restored instantly.

Yi Tian's ultimate move consumes a lot of money, and the heavenly materials and earthly treasures that restore spiritual power have become a necessity for Yi Tian.

If the ten-color chrysanthemum is picked, Yitian will definitely use wood spirit liquid to make it bloom again.

Tiandao original solution +1, now 37 drops.

SS-level magic weapon, blood-killing knife, with +50% evil spirit and +30% sharpness.

This is the second time Yi Tian has seen an SS-level sword with special effects.

It is also an SS-level magic weapon, with or without special effects, the price difference is at least double.

Yitian is quite satisfied with the result of unboxing.

Plant the rootless tree at the foot of Qingxia Lingshan Mountain.

Five nine-leaf green vines were temporarily allowed to climb onto the walls of the villa, waiting for him to build the ancient buildings to the floating island in the past two days, and then transplant them there.

In the future, all S-level and above spiritual fruit trees, natural materials and earth treasures will be transplanted to Qingxia Lingshan to maximize their medicinal effect.

Blue moon flowers are also planted on the floating island.

Other items are either stored in storage rings or placed in boutique warehouses.

Yi Tian also had the storage rings of the Third Prince of the Demon Wolf and Jiao Yue, and Yi Tian took the opportunity to see what was inside.

Jiao Yue is dead, no matter how strong the spiritual imprint is, it will disappear with him.

Yi Tian is stronger than the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon, and its spiritual imprint cannot stop Yi Tian.

Jiao Yue's storage ring contained some formation flags, some magical elixirs, and hundreds of things called magic crystals.

There are no spiritual objects and no rare treasures.

Is life in the abyss so simple?

In the storage ring of the third prince of the magic dragon, more than a thousand magic crystals were found.

Yi Tian knows that this magic crystal is a very precious item. Absorbing one can increase the magic power a little.

It seems low, but the key is that as long as you have time, you can absorb it infinitely.

The total number of magic crystals in the two storage rings is two thousand.

"SSS level Lingbao Tongyou Demon Jade, wearing the Tongyou Demon Jade, the speed of demon cultivation will be increased by 200%, and the speed of understanding the secrets of demons will be increased by 100%."

It can be used as a treasure in exchange for items that are beneficial to him.

Several magical weapons and some pills taken by demon cultivators.

There is nothing particularly unusual in the storage ring of the Third Prince of the Demonic Dragon.

Master Jin Snake is still awesome!

Finally, after pouring out all the items in the storage ring, Yi Tian saw a jade bottle that didn't seem to be a pill.

After digging it out, I found that it was a seed, like jade, but now it was full of cracks.

"The Tao seed that is about to break. After the cultivator takes the Tao seed, the Tao seed will enter the Dantian. After seven or forty-nine days, the Tao seed will sprout, the Dantian will double in size, and the spiritual power storage will double in size. As time goes by , as the Tao seed grows in the body, the Dantian will expand and grow..."

"One hundred thousand wood spirit fluids and ten million heavenly units of gold can repair the dao seeds."

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian how to repair the Tao seed.

Great treasure!

Although the information given by Tiandao Stone is not very detailed, it is enough.

Yi Tian could only release the Ice and Fire Heavenly Palm five times originally, but as long as the Tao Seed sprouts, he can release it ten times.

This is a huge improvement for Yi Tian, ​​and the combat power gold list will also be improved a lot.

The time-space stone of Yitian does not necessarily require seven or forty-nine days.

Although the third prince Mojiao was very poor, it was just his broken Taoism that made Yi Tian decide to add chicken drumsticks to his breakfast tomorrow.

As a demon cultivator, being able to find and store Tao seeds is worthy of reward.

Yi Tian originally wanted to buy some A-level humans from Xuan Qingyun, but this guy's store was closed.

It's already past one o'clock in the evening. I'll contact him tomorrow.


This night, Yi Tian did not take the Dream Stone, it was a bit late, and the Dream Stone would take at least six hours.

Light the drunken soul wood and enter the spiritual ocean under the purple ghost lamp.

Vaguely, you are in a world full of vitality, understanding the growth of all things.

This is where the Nine-leaf Ivy comes into play…

At six o'clock in the morning, Yi Tian woke up from his sleep.

Mental power +45.

The soul-nourishing tree has a spiritual power +5.

Drunk Soul Wood can still burn for eighty-four hours.

This time, Yi Tian sat on the quasi-god level spiritual treasure spiritual stone platform, practicing spiritual power, and his cultivation speed increased by 300%.

After one hour, spiritual power +20.

The speed of taking off is the same as that of the little milk babies, but this is a breakthrough for Yi Tian.

Practice the Celestial Body Refining Technique.

Strength +15, Constitution +15, Agility +14.

The light of the gods is as small as the ground. After practicing it, it is still a beginner, so Yi Tian is not in a hurry.

You should just accumulate the foundation and start taking spiritual objects and elixirs from today to achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Qingbing Lingquan has a three-dimensional power of +3, and Silver Wood and Golden Tea has a three-dimensional power of +15.

Strength 8833, Constitution 8841, Agility 8596, Spiritual Strength 9150, Mental Strength 7519.

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