Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 361 The Secret of Heaven, Earth, Ice and Fire LV.31, the sprint on the eve of the assessment

The Demon-Slaying Knife is complete!

goal achieved.

Now you can practice the Heaven-killing Style.

The Demon-Slaying Knife's Demon-Slaying Style is used for close combat and consumes very little spiritual energy.

Even the sky-killing style does not consume much.

The Heaven-killing Style can also be seen as the Yuxu Tongtian Sword that has been castrated several times.

The sky-killing style uses the mind to control the sword. Can unleash the full power of sword mastery.

Since he only wields one sword, the requirements for mental power are very low. There is no need to practice refined mystical skills, and he can only rely on the mental power brought by the breakthrough.

The biggest highlight of the Heaven Killing Style is that after it is perfected, it can derive the power of destruction.

"Practice, kill the sky style!"

Temporarily leaving the time and space barrier, Yi Tian placed the Heaven-Slaying Technique on the gold, scanned it with the Tiandao Stone, and gave an order.

The gold turned into golden light and swept across the sky-killing style, and then flew into Yi Tian's eyebrows...

In the consciousness, the long knife was released and slashed straight away, tearing the void, with the power of cutting the sky...

But the momentum only lasts for a moment.

"Congratulations to the lord for understanding the introduction to the Heaven Killing Style. The spiritual power has been increased by 70%."

After a while, Yi Tian learned a new sword skill.

"Learn, Yuxu Tongtian Sword!"

It costs 1.2 million units of gold to get started, which shows how powerful the Yuxu Tongtian Sword is.

The gold swept through the magical power of swordsmanship, allowing Yi Tian's consciousness to enter the understanding of Yuxu Tongtian Sword.

The real swords in the sky are flying in the void under the control of the spirit.

With just a thought, he can cut off any target.

Yuxu Tongtian Sword will increase the attack power of the sword.

Moreover, Yi Tian still has the power of the Heavenly Sword.

The Heavenly Sword, combined with the Yuxu Tongtian Sword, gives Yi Tian's attack the ability of the Ten Thousand Swords Sect.

Yi Tian's mental power, with the help of the rules of heaven and earth, his thoughts continue to evolve.

The movement of muscles and meridians in the body is natural. Yi Tian's sword, the Xuanyuan Sword, also trembled continuously when Yi Tian understood the Yuxu Tongtian Sword...

The figure can be on the sword, constantly changing, and the nine swords can attack in groups or merge into one.

Thousands of miles away, take the enemy's head...

"Congratulations, Lord, for getting started with Yuxu Tongtian Sword. You can control nine swords. Each sword is 200% of the spiritual power. The nine swords are combined into one, and the attack power is 300% of the spiritual power."

After the Yuxu Tongtian Sword was completed, Yi Tian immediately returned to the time and space barrier.

He used the essence of Tiandao Wuwu to comprehend the Yuxu Tongtian Sword.

A more serious change occurred in his consciousness, and his whole body was filled with sword intent.

Three hours later...

"Congratulations to the lord, Yuxu Tongtian Sword, which can control thirty-six swords. Each sword is 400% of the spiritual power. The thirty-six swords are combined into one, and the attack power is 600% of the spiritual power. "

Yi Tian opened his eyes, and there seemed to be sword light in his eyes.

Judging from the extent of my understanding of the Yuxu Tongtian Sword, I have only just completed it.

It is very far away from Dacheng.

His ten enlightenment pills were far from enough.

Yi Tian had no choice but to take the Enlightenment Pill to understand the Heaven-killing Style.

There are ten Enlightenment Pills in total, and Yi Tian uses them one by one.

After using the fifth one, the Heaven-killing Style is completed, and the spiritual power is increased by 140%.

The last five Enlightenment Pills were used by Yi Tian in the Sky Cloud Technique.

"Congratulations to Lord, for your breakthrough in the Sky Cloud Technique. Your flying speed in the air has been increased by 160% based on your spiritual power."

When I took the fifth Enlightenment Pill, I had a breakthrough.

The Sky Cloud Technique is a compulsory technique for Yi Tian, ​​and speed in the air is particularly important in many aspects.

If given the chance, Shukuchishin and Cangqiongyunjutsu will definitely move towards perfection and even higher.

The secret of space, shrinking the land into an inch is too cost-effective for Yi Tian.

When the comprehension of the Sky Cloud Technique was completed, Yi Tian began to absorb the Kongming Stone.

There are ten Kongming stones in total.

It takes about an hour to absorb each piece.

The mysterious power of space strengthens the mystery and sublimation.

The power of space in each one makes Yi Tian's space mysteries a big step forward.

After using the ten Kongming Stones, Yi Tian felt that he had already advanced two-fifths of the initial stage of Space Mystery.

Next, let’s look at the strange object, the heart of the space stone.

The Heart of Space Stone is bred in the space stone mine, and the probability of it being bred is extremely low.

Put your hand on the heart of the space stone, triggering the mystery of space and touching the core of the heart of the space stone.

In the heart of the space stone, the majestic energy is guided into Yi Tian's body.

Yi Tian's understanding of the mystery of space continues to deepen.

When the understanding reached a critical point, Yi Tian's mind felt empty.

A great trend is coming.

"Congratulations to the lord for the breakthrough of Space Mystery, the current Space Mystery is in the middle stage."

Following the tips from the Tiandao Stone, Yi Tian felt that he could easily arrange a space confinement that could confine a radius of hundreds of miles.

Prevent the enemy from using various means to escape during the battle.

Of course, the current confinement of a hundred miles radius does not mean that it will be possible to confine farther until the later stage of Space Mystery.

But as the mystery of space deepens, the confinement range can be strengthened without having to go to the later stage.

At the same time, Yi Tian felt that he could create small magical powers in space and use the power of space to attack.

Of course, Yi Tian's current space mysteries are far from enough. Creating small magical powers in space is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the power may not be satisfactory.

Yi Tian doesn't plan to play at the moment.

The existence of spatial confinement and the breaking of spatial confinement are of great significance to Yi Tian.

In the later stage of Space Mystery, you can perform short-term space travel.

The heart of the space stone can be encountered but not sought. To get to that point, there is a long way to go.

"Heavenly Heart Stone."

As planned, Yi Tian planned to use the Tianxin Stone for the secret of ice and fire in heaven and earth.

In this way, the upper limit of Yi Tian's magical power will be increased.

Yi Tian's continuous attack is already very good, and his explosive power is his foundation.

"Congratulations, Lord, the Secret of Ice and Fire of Heaven and Earth has been upgraded. The current Secret of Ice and Fire of Heaven and Earth is LV.22."

Two newly obtained three-star divine fruit mirage fruits.

For Yi Tian, ​​this was an unexpected gain before the assessment.

With the improvement of Mirage Fruit and Whale Drop Pearl, Yi Tian is even more invincible among the same level.

First swallow a mirage, it tastes salty, like the sea.

After taking all the mirage fruits, Yi Tian felt dizzy.

It was as if someone was carrying Yi Tian and spinning him in circles.

Yi Tian tried to shirk, but couldn't help himself.

I don't know how long it took, but Yi Tian's consciousness entered an inexplicable space.

This space is filled with rippling ripples and slowly rotating vortices.

The space is huge and has no boundaries.

Yi Tian seemed to feel like he was stepping on seaweed and coral, and seemed to be trapped by kelp.


Colorful sea fish passed through the ripples and swam past Yi Tian as if there was no one around.

Their eyes are so clear.

There are some fish on earth that Yi Tian has seen.

The moment they opened their mouths to spit bubbles was captured by Yi Tian.

There are countless plans.

Tens of thousands more krill swarms changed formations around Yi Tian.


The sound came from ancient times, and many giant ocean beasts appeared in those whirlpools.

Yi Tian also saw the figure of the sea-swallowing whale.

They collided with Yitian and passed through like transparent objects.

Those sea snakes rolled their bodies.

There was even a king crocodile that had been killed somewhere before.

There are more giant ocean beasts that Yi Tian has never seen before.

In reality, there is also untruth.

Yi Tian saw that there seemed to be a trace of energy, which was hot and cold.


There was another thunderous explosion in the water, but everything was unaffected...

Flowers bloom under the ocean, and the trees are green.

There is very light and there is very dark.

The appearance of yin and yang is again very obvious.

The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire and earth are clearly identifiable.

Mirage Secret Realm.

Everything inside is related to the secret.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, ice, spirit, wind and thunder.

Yi Tian knew that the time to enter the mirage secret realm was limited.

He no longer struggled with the boundless secret realm of mirage, but was completely immersed in consciousness, completely forgetting himself, and only had the mystery of heaven and earth, ice and fire in his heart.

In the mirage secret realm, all the energy secrets of ice and fire are concentrated around Yi Tian.

At that moment, Yi Tianzhen truly made rapid progress.

The secrets of heaven and earth, ice and fire, surged and broke through after being involved in the secret realm of mirage.

Level 23 of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire.

Level 24 of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire.

Level 25 of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire.

Level 26 of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire.

Level 27 of the Mysteries of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire...

Yi Tian felt more and more that the Mirage Secret Realm seemed like a real place.

It is as magical as a mirage tree.

The mirage fruit is just a medium that brings the consciousness of living beings into the secret realm of mirage.

Three hours later...

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through the Mystery of Ice and Fire. The current Mystery of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire is LV.27..."

Yi Tian opened his eyes, and the majestic secrets were restrained in his body.

Breaking through the twenty-seventh level, to Yi Tian's surprise, he thought it was at most twenty-five.

After all, his secret of ice and fire is not an ordinary secret.

Looking at it this way, after reaching level 20 of ordinary mysteries, taking mirage will definitely break through to level eight or above.

If you are at level 5 or 6 of mysteries, just take mirage fruit, and I am afraid you can easily reach level 20.

Many SSS level experts are just level 20 ordinary mysteries.

As for Yi Tiancai's S-level, he already has the twenty-seventh level of the Mysteries of Ice and Fire of Heaven and Earth.

Now Yi Tian can defeat most of the supreme beings.

It should be noted that this is not over yet, Yi Tian still has a mirage fruit.

Yi Tian sat on the stone platform of Heaven's Will, comprehended the secrets of ice and fire in heaven and earth for another three hours, and then fell asleep.

After waking up, Yi Tian sat on the stone platform of Providence again, comprehending the secrets of ice and fire in heaven and earth for three hours before taking the second mirage fruit.

Yi Tian naturally chose the secret of heaven and earth, ice and fire.

At this point, as long as it's not a stick, one's strength will be used to the extreme.

Understanding the secrets of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth is of course balanced.

But Yi Tian's enemies are many and strong, and only by taking the wrong side of the sword can he completely frighten the enemies.

The same secret realm, this time Yi Tian didn't waste time.

Three hours later, Yi Tian woke up from the mirage secret realm.

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through the Mystery of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire. The current Mystery of Heaven and Earth, Ice and Fire is LV.31. Using ice and fire attacks, the attack power increases by 930%."

"Twenty-first level of the true meaning of ice and fire, Tian Yuan +210%, Heart Destroying +210%, Soul Devouring +210%, Body Devouring +210%."

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian of the effect of the second mirage.

There is not as much improvement as the first one, which is inevitable.

No matter what mysterious power it is, the further you go, the harder it becomes to understand.

Especially the mysteries of ice and fire like Yi Tian.

He is already at Level 31. Even if he practices continuously on the Heavenly Will Platform for ten years in the future, he may not be able to achieve a breakthrough.

At this time, Yi Tian activates the Five Elements Reciprocity Technique again, and the attack power is:


Who else has this attack power?

Tomorrow's combat power gold list will probably be a surprise again.

The key is that at this time, the lords cannot break through to SS level.

The gold list requires at least 10,000 people to appear before it can be generated.

In other words, at least 10,000 lords have broken through the SS level, and the SS level combat power gold list will be announced the next day.

I have to receive the award next month. Even if I am dominated, I have to grit my teeth and endure it.

Finally, what Yi Tian wants to use is Whale Luozhu.

Among Yi Tian's magical powers are shrinking the earth into an inch, the Five Elements Mutual Reduction Technique, the Heaven-Conquering Sword, and Tai Chi Ice and Fire.

Which one is the most cost-effective to perfect?

Shrinking the ground into an inch will not be considered at all.

There is no doubt that it is the perfected Tai Chi Ice and Fire.

Other small successes and big successes are almost meaningless.

Yi Tian has considered the Five Elements Co-generation Dafa, but he always feels that even if it is perfect, this thing will not improve much.

Perfect Tai Chi Ice and Fire, which combines single attack, group attack, and the strongest defense.

Moreover, the secret of heaven, earth, ice and fire has broken through to the thirty-level level, allowing Tai Chi ice and fire to bring stronger attack and defense power.

"Whale Drops Pearl, use it."

After confirming his choice, Yi Tian held the whale falling bead in both hands and his consciousness was immersed in the whale falling bead.

At the same time, the Tai Chi ice and fire diagram flew out from the center of Yi Tian's eyebrows and circled above the whale falling bead.

That ice and that fire are more complicated.

The yin and yang fish are vivid, and the Tao of Tai Chi is long.

In consciousness, it seems like the process is repeating itself.

When a whale falls, all things come into being.

Only this time, the Ice and Fire Taichi Diagram has always been with Whale Luo.

Tai Chi melts ice and fire into nothingness.

Tai Chi ice and fire reborn.

Tai Chi unites ice and fire.

All this changes with the whale falling.

The muscles and veins in Yi Tian's body are also constantly changing.

Corresponding to the re-evolution of Tai Chi Ice and Fire in consciousness.

It lasts a full eight hours.

"The perfect re-evolution of Lord Tai Chi Ice and Fire has been detected."

"Tai Chi ice and fire defense, spiritual defense increased by 880%."

"Tai Chi ice and fire attack, spiritual attack power increased by 800%."

"Tai Chi Ice Fire Ice Flame, the spiritual power is increased by 720%."

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian of the power of Tai Chi Ice and Fire after its re-evolution.

The original ice and fire defense is 680%, the attack is 600%, and the group attack is 520%.

After sublimation, each level of ice and fire defense is 220%, each level of ice and fire attack is 200%, and each level of ice flame is 180%.

Now, Yi Tian's defense power is stronger than his attack power.

In terms of attack power, Ice and Fire Heavenly Palm is the most powerful.

After this upgrade, it will be more difficult for the enemy to kill Yi Tian.

There are four skill master upgrade scrolls. There is nothing to upgrade, so keep them for now.

Even upgrading to archery proficiency won't work, Yi Tian only has a skill master upgrade stone.

If you have not upgraded your Archery Mastery to level ten, you will not be able to use the Skill Master Upgrade Scroll.

Three bottles of Vientiane Body Tempering Liquid.

It cannot be used. Once Yitian is used, it will be almost SS level.

At the end of the month, I will add some more three-dimensional skills to the assessment, and I will be at the SS level.

Yi Tian's agility is 9300+, and he doesn't take spirit fruit to make his physique and strength the same.

This is to prevent Yi Tian from being unable to stop because of too many three-dimensional rewards in the end-of-month assessment.

Dawa and Sanwa also stopped taking it. Their current three-dimensional level is 11,000+, and the highest cultivation level of territorial members is 11,200+. They will not upgrade it now and will use it after the assessment.

During this period of time, Yi Tian does not need to improve his cultivation, he just needs to quietly comprehend the secrets.

Yi Tian mainly uses the artifact Five Elements Pearl to understand the secrets of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth.

Take a rest when you feel sleepy and automatically realize your spiritual power.

The seventeenth day when Yi Tian's time and space barrier flows.

In the outside world, it was exactly midnight on the 31st.

This was the most anxious day for the lords.

Because tomorrow will decide whether they live or die.

There is a "monster-level lord" in the special auction house who speculates that this end-of-month assessment is unusual.

It is more difficult than summer and autumn.

The mortality rate is even greater!

The lords prepared everything they could.

Now, the strength of the lords is at least C level. Traps and the like in the past will not work. They can only defend with real swords and guns.

During this time, armor, strong bows, etc. are all hot-selling products.

If there are elixirs and other spiritual objects that enhance cultivation, they will be bought at double the price.

In a certain top region, a group of top races were chatting.

Although the survival rate of top-level races is more than ten times that of ordinary races and intermediate races, when there is death, there will be anxiety.

"Damn it, my combat power has reached level five, what the hell!"

At 0:00 a.m., a message popped up on the district channel of this district.

"Wo Ri, me too. When I saw it, my combat power has reached the fifth level. I still had more than a hundred levels of combat power yesterday. I have also become a fifth level scumbag. It makes no sense." Another S-class lord was shocked. call.

"My combat effectiveness was at level 247 yesterday, and now it's at level 5."

"Listening to what you said, my mind is balanced. I just broke through S level. My combat power was level 49 yesterday, and it is level 5 now."

"The second best fighter in the world has ten thousand levels of combat power, but he has greatly improved again, so our combat power has dropped significantly."

"The fifth-level combat power has bottomed out, and there is no room for further decline..."

"I am fifth level, and the second in the world in terms of combat strength is 10,000 levels. Do you need two thousand of me to defeat the second in the world?" A lord asked innocently.

"I have to tell you upstairs that with two thousand you may not be the second best opponent in the world. Unless the second best opponent in the world has exhausted his spiritual power and physical strength." A god clan lord reminded upstairs.

"This is a sad story..."

"Fortunately, I have learned from the past, otherwise I feel like I will collapse. We will all be dominated by the second best in the world."

"Tomorrow is the test. Can my fifth-level combat power be able to stop the aborigines?"

"Cheer up, we are the top race, how can we not beat the natives? We are the second best in the world. If we are five, then the natives are one." A lord comforted.

All this is happening in all major areas of the Tiandao world.

A large group of lords, their combat effectiveness increased to five.

Among the Prodigy Kings, except for Shen Yun who had an inexplicable increase in strength, the others all fell below the 8,000 mark.

The improvement of Shen Yun is far inferior to that of Yi Tian. Her combat power is 8086, which is barely able to hold this line.

Yi Tian improved not only the secrets of heaven and earth, ice and fire, Tai Chi, ice and fire, but also the secrets of space.

In the middle stage of Space Mystery, Yi Tian has improved a lot of combat effectiveness.

Yi Tian also learned the Yuxu Tongtian Sword and the Demon-Slaying Sword to kill the sky. The demon-slaying style is also perfect.

Mastery of swordsmanship, mastery of swordsmanship, horizontal training of muscles and bones, body as light as a swallow, secrets of sky ice, and sky cloud skills have all been improved.

Shen Yun is far inferior.

It can be said that without Yi Tian, ​​Shen Yun would have been at level 9,000. Even Moyuan, Long Xuanming, Tian Zhihen and others should have been above level 9,000.

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